videogeniX uSwitch, uSwitchPro Installation And Operating Manual

uSwit ch™ and uSwi tchPr o™ Installa tio n
and Operating Manual
uS witch and uSwitchPro Inst allation and O perating Manual Page 1
Table of Content s
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................3
uS witch and uSwitchPro Features................................................................................................................................4
Installation Guideli nes (Read before Instal ling) .............................................................................................................6
uSwitch and uSwitchPr o Quick St art Guide..............................................................................................................6
About uSwitch ..........................................................................................................................................................8
P ower Supply Connection ...........................................................................................................................................9
Relay Connec tion .......................................................................................................................................................9
Network Connec tion....................................................................................................................................................9
Control Center – Home Page ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Menu Navigat ion....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Cont rol Center (Relay 1- Momentary Mode) ............................................................................................................ 12
Control Center (Relay 1 Watchdog Mode, Startup Del ay phas e) ................................................................................... 13
Control Center (Relay 1 Watchdog Mode, Ping Delay phase) ....................................................................................... 15
................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Control Center (Relay 1 Watchdog Mode, pi nging phase)............................................................................................. 16
Control Center (Relay 1 Watchdog Mode, auto reboot c ountdown ph ase) ..................................................................... 17
Control Center (GPIO1 with counter enabl ed) ............................................................................................................. 18
Network Configurati on Page ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Relay Configurat ion Page.......................................................................................................................................... 22
Force Watc hdog Reboot ........................................................................................................................................... 24
GP IO C onfi guration Page (uSwitchP ro onl y) ............................................................................................................... 26
W atchdog Configuration Page ................................................................................................................................ 27
Virt ual Rel ay Configuration Page ............................................................................................................................ 29
A uthoriz ation Confi guration Page............................................................................................................................... 31
S ecurity N otes .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
uS witch/uSw itchPro Board Schematic ........................................................................................................................ 32
Access Cont rol to Electronic D oor Strik e .................................................................................................................... 33
Driving multiple uSw itch Relays fr om a single uSwit ch GPIO or Virt ual But ton ..................................................... 33
Connec ting t o H igh Power devices (such as Motors, etc )............................................................................................. 34
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Hard Wired Netw ork Connec tion ................................................................................................................................ 35
Wireless Network Connection .................................................................................................................................... 36
Troubleshooting: ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
A ppendix A: Fact ory Default Sett ings ........................................................................................................................ 38
Appendix B: Specifications ....................................................................................................................................... 39
P roduct Safet y: FC C Statement ................................................................................................................................. 41
Warranty .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Tradem ark and Copyright In formation ........................................................................................................................ 42
VideogeniX specializes in practical solutions for your network allowing you to Stay Connected and Take Control. All our industrial rated solutions keep you connected to the internet of thngs (IOT).
uSwitch™ allows you to control any dev ice ov er the web including gates, doors, lights, sirens, doors, modems and cam eras whether you are next door or halfway across the world. uSwi tch can also restart any network device automatically when it locks up or stops communicating, sav ing you costly site v isits, dissa tisf ied cu stomers and t ime consumi ng manual reboot s. uSwi tch is the perfect solution for industrial, security and personal applications.
Simple to use and with no programming required, uSwitch automatically builds a control web page, provi des mul tipl e levels of password protected and can operate stand alone or user di rected via the Internet or a local intranet.
uSwitch comes with removable terminal connectors for the sim plest wi ring to two electromechanical relays that can be used as a dry contacts or power switches for remot e c ontrol via the buil t in web server.
Once connected anywhere, users can monitor, control and reboot any devi ce over the web or over a netw ork whether under a desk on top of a pol e, at a remote construc tion site, sum m er homes or business. In addition to c omputers and iPads, uSwitch is compatible with Android, iPhone, Blackberry and many other s mart devic es providi ng t rue remote control anywhere and anytime.
uSwitchPro™ adds several high end features to the standard uSwitch™ including General Purpos e Inputs (GPIOs ), and soft Virtual Relays.
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This manual covers both uSwitch™ and uSwit chPro™. A ll exclusive features t o the uS witchPro will be, as this text is, on a light blue background, di fferentiat ing i ts advanc ed features.
Additionally, this manual covers the mos t popular adapt ers to the uSw itch including the A-plug™ a uni versal 110V AC uSwitch adapter.
uSwitch and uSwitchPro Features
Two dry contact relays (5A@120Vac, 3A@250VAC), (5A@120VDC, 3A@ 250VDC) for direct connection to load.
(Not designed for devices with large i nrush current)
No programming required
A uto Disc overy mode us er configurable
Connect from comput ers, smart phones, iPads and other web and network devi ces
May be used as a standalone device
Built-in web pages provide s impl e us er interfac e for configurat ion and c ont rol.
Customizable user interface (customize controls, colors, text and buttons).
Removable terminal connectors (included) simplify wiring and service
Custom applications can control uSwitch with standard CGI interface.
Mult ipl e l evel s of pass word protect ion
Supports fixed IP, DHCP, and Dynam ic IP w ith port forwarding and virt ual port addressing.
S electable TCP ports for proxy server and NAT applic ations
10/100 Ethernet connectivity.
Built-in automatic watchdog mode on each relay; with three independent user assignable ping-able U R L options
Watchdog Cloak™ mode for ultra-s ecure appli cations
Watc hdog mode t imers and counters user configurable
Latched, Momentary and Pulse timing modes for relay s
Relay power up state user configurable (Closed, Open, Previous)
Minimal footprint
Low power consum ption
Manual relay control mode
All inputs and outputs have user customizable state colors and state text
All inputs and outputs have user customizable displayed names
On board relays can be linked directly to onboard GPIOs
GP IO(s) and virtual buttons can drive relays on other uSwitch devices (Each Pro can drive up to 8 uSwitches and
16 relays which can be daisy chained to unlimited number of relays)
Input Count ers for track i ng event s
Univ ersal Voltage input 12-16VDC
Great documentation, Great support
Manufact ured and all S oft ware from USA
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Single Source Documentation av ailable upon request
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Installation Guidelines (Read before Installing)
Opening the uSw itch enclos ure or tampering wil l void t he warrant y.
1. Not weatherproof (do not inst all outdoors wit hout proper environm ental enc los ure).
2. Must be installed by qualified personnel.
3. Not designed to run in a radioac tive envi ronment
4. Mus t not be used for m edical, lifesaving purposes, or for any purpose where its failure could cause serious injury, loss of life, or create significant financial losses.
5. Mus t be correct ly wired. Incorrect w iring c ould result in damage t o uSwi tch or the device to which it is partnered.
uS witch and uSwitchPr o Quick Star t Guide
1. uSwitch can be connected to a DC power source in the range of 12-16Vdc . Connec t an appropriat e DC power supply to the + and - Terminal s in F igure 1 (regulated power suppl y is rec ommended). The power supply s houl d be rated to meet t he operating current of the uSwitch™ (s ee s pec ifi cat i ons for power requirement s i n appendi x C). As shown in the photo, the positiv e terminal is the terminal closest to the outside unit edge; the negative terminal is the terminal closest to relay connectors.
2. Connec t an Ethernet cabl e between the uSwitch Ethernet port and an Et hernet port on the net w ork sw itch/router. Connec t a com puter to the network sw itch/rout er. (See diagram below). Alternat ivel y, you can connect the uSwitch directly to the etherent port of your computer (c om puter m ust be on a 192.168.1.x xx subnet and both should share the same gateway address and subnet mas k).
uS witch and uSwitchPro Inst allation and O perating Manual Page 6
3. S et up a com puter on the same network/subnet as the uSwitch. To do this , s et the IP address of t he comput er to
192.168.1.x with subnet mask of (x can be any unused address on that network 2-254) and should not be i n a range designat ed for DHCP addresses by the rout er.
4. Connect to the uSwitch by entering its fac tory defaul t IP address (http://
into the address bar on your computer’s browser. If the uSwitch is on a LAN with a router that has reserved the DH C P address of ‘’ a conflict can occur. In this case either change the default address of the uSwitch upon connection or remove ‘199’ from the DHCP reserved address space of the router. (Make sure the uSwitch’s address is not blocked by any firewall you may be using).
5. If t his is the first time you are logging on t o the uS w itch from your com puter, a pas sword dialog box will appear (see examples below). Enter “admin”, for bot h the Us er name and Password fields (al l lower case). Onc e logged on passwords and user names can be changed from the Authorization Configuration Menu. For hi gher level
menus ‘admin’ is also the default password.
Windows Vista Windows 8
6. P ress “OK ” to accept the username and passw ord.
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7. Connec t the relay contacts and or GPIOs as desired (refer to the diagram below for relay connections).
About uSwitch
uSwitch contains two electro-mec hanical relay s and a built in web server. The uSwitch’s web interface can be controlled and/or moni tored over any IP network including priv ate networks, IP-based industrial control net works, and the Internet. uSwitch c an be cont roll ed from a web browser or via a custom third party appli cation. Using standard CGI commands uSwitch can operate stand-alone or can be cont rolled from a remote or l ocal web browser. It can be used to operate access control dev ices, lights, pumps, v alves, locks, motors, etc.
Another feature of the uSwitch is, it can be programmed to automatically detec t device and network fail ure and restart electroni c devic es that have frozen, or stopped func tioni ng properl y (even if c om m unication to uSwitch or device has been completely lost). This m echanism is available to remotely reboot s ervers, com puters, cell and satellite modems, and other devi ces one c an i magi ne - eit her LAN or WAN . uSwitch relay s can be wired in seri es wi th the power source of the device and sw itch the pow er on and off manually. Another option is to connect uSwitch direct ly int o a devi ce’s reset circ uit. In this configuration, uSwitch does not power down the devi ce and i niti ate a cold reboot, it simply forces a warm restart. Al l reboot methods have different requirements in physical connection and setup. A fourth additional option is to wire a uSwitch output to an external relay to control a phys ically isolated circ uit or one with a power load that exceeds the max specifications of those inside the uSwitch.
uSwitch has a built-in Web Interface. You can access uSwitch by its IP address if you are c onnecting to it from the same network or if you are on a remote WAN by the URL of the LAN and or the uSwitch’s assigned port (vi a port forwarding/NAT). It can be accessed on networks with both stat ic and dynamic IP addresses (in the case of a dynamic IP address a dynam ic IP client is required or a router supporting DDNS). The factory default IP address for uSwitch is:, its default netw ork port is 80 and the gateway is 192.168.1. 1. uSwitchPro has two General Purpos e inputs (GP IOs). These GPIOs can be hooked up to sensors which can be linked to
the local relay and up to 16 remote relays, so that a change in sensor status can effectiv ely drive multiple remote relays. For instance, a premise detection alert could lock down 9 doors and s et off 9 sirens across a cam pus.
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Virtual Relays.
The uSwitchPro supports Virtual uSwitch control. With the creation of either v irtual buttons, or by using local GPIOs up to eight (8) additional uSwi tches can be controlled either by a single local button or by the change in state of one of a sensor attached to a GP IO..
Power Supply Connec tion
Connec t an appropriate DC power s upply to t he Vin+ and Gnd Terminals as shown bel ow (regul ated power supply recomm ended). The power suppl y s hould be rated to meet the operati ng c urrent of uSwitch (specified in Appendix B).
Relay Connection
When connecting to the relay contacts make sure any current or future load wil l not exceed the load ratings for the relays (per spec. in Appendix B).
Network Connection
Connect the uSw itch Ethernet port to a 10 Base-T or 100 B ase-T sw it ch, router or cel l modem/gat eway (per diagram below). For configuration, uSwitch can also connect direc tly to the Ethernet port on a com puter usi ng a crossover/nul l­modem cable. Otherwi se, for connecti on through standard comm unication equipment a straight c able should be used.
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Control Center – Home Page
This is the main control and interface of uSwitch, called the “uSwitch Control Center”. The Cont rol Center appears w hen the IP address or URL as signed to a uSwitch is entered into a browser from a dev ice that has access to that network. The “Control Center” provi des manual relay control and status informat ion based on the various operati ng modes and inputs (see operat ing m odes in uSwitch Control C enter Operati ng Modes secti on). Navigating between the uSwi tch features is done by clicki ng on the blue menu buttons on the left side of any uSwitch page.. The menu options for t he uSwitch are, uSwitch Control Center, Relay Configurat ion, W atchdog Configuration, GPIO Configuration, Virt ual Relay Configuration, Netw ork Configuration, Authorizat ion Configuration, O perat ions Manual. There are two levels of user operation. The Control C enter home sc reen i s acces s ibl e to anyone with the user name and password. Configuration menus are only accessible to priv ileged users with a senior level password (default is ‘admin’)..
S elec ti ng the red “Clic k to Turn ON ” butt on on t he “Cont rol Cent er” page for a rel ay, energi zes the selected relay forcing a normally closed (NC) contact to open or a normal ly open (NO ) contact t o close. The button’s color wil l simultaneously change from green to red (unless these colors hav e been modi fied on the Relay Configuration menu) and the button’ s text will change to “Click to Turn OFF” (unless “user assigned text” has been similarly modified).
“Relay1” and “Relay2” are fact ory default names assigned to the relays. These names can be changed by the user from the Relay Configuration page (for exam pl e, “Front Door”, “Stair Lights”, etc.)
The Control Center als o includes the st ates of the inputs (GPIO1 and GPIO2 in a round i con). GPIO1 and GPIO2 are default names assigned to these inputs. Custom colors, names, and state text for the GPIOs can be assigned from the GPIO Configuration Page.
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Menu Navigation
Navi gating between the uS witch menus is done by clicking on t he blue menu buttons on the left side of every page (each
configuration page has the ident ical menu choices avai lable). The menu options for the uSwitch are, uSw it ch Control
Center, Relay Configuration, Watchdog Configurat ion, G PIO Configuration, Virtual Relay Configurat ion, Network Configuration, Authoriz ation Configurat ion and Operations Manual (t he Operations Manual is only available if a web
connection is available)
uSwit ch Control Ce nter Opera ting Modes
Control Center (Relay 1- Momentary Mode)
The image below s hows the Control Center wit h relay one configured as a twenty (20)second m om entary (or pulsed) rel ay (a relay is confi gured into momentary mode from the Relay Configuration page). In t his case each time relay 1 button is clicked, the relay changes its state, c ounts down to zero (currently 5) and then changes back to its starting state. To change the relays initial state, temporari ly disable momentary mode by setti ng the m om entary t ime to zero (0) (from Rel ay Configuration page), Then manually change the state of the relay (on the Control C enter page) to t he desired iinitial state. Finally put the relay back into momentary mode by putting in a non-zero momentary time (from the Relay Configuration page). Note: Onc e a moment ary countdown has started the push but ton relay cont rols are dis abled unti l countdown completes (during countdown mode the colors of the relay flash between its current state and yellow).
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Control Center (Relay1 Watchdog Mode, Startup Delay phase)
The image below s hows the Control Center wit h relay1 configured in Watchdog Mode (a relay is placed in watchdog mode from the Relay Configuraton page). .A greyed out relay button indicates manual control is disabled when watchdog mode has been turned on. Whenever a relay is in watchdog mode it cannot be manually controlled by a push button. The screen below shows relay1 in Watchdog mode. On t he screen below thewatchdog feature has started t he init ial startup countdown specified by the startup delay entry before testing for connectivity, currently 261 seconds remain before watchdog mode becomes fully ac tive. A minimum recommended startup countdown time of five minutes (300 seconds) is recommended.
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+ 30 hidden pages