ProSeries Products
1X4 Balanced Stereo Audio Distribution Amplifiers
Part Numbers Brief Description
16-131-604 Rev A Unity Gain, Terminal Block Connectors, 12V AC w/P5 Power Connector
16-132-604 Rev A Unity Gain, Individual Drivers, Terminal Block Connectors, 12V AC w/P5 Power Connector
16-133-604 Rev A Global Variable Gain, Terminal Block Connectors, 12V AC w/P5 Power Connector
16-134-604 Rev A Individual Variable Gain, Terminal Block Connectors, 12V AC w/P5 Power Connector
16-531-604 Rev A Unity Gain, Terminal Block Connectors, FlexPwr
16-532-604 Rev A Unity Gain, Individual Drivers, Terminal Block Connectors, FlexPwr
16-533-604 Rev A Global Variable Gain, Terminal Block Connectors, FlexPwr
16-534-604 Rev A Individual Variable Gain, Terminal Block Connectors, FlexPwr
1 (one) 55560 - 12V AC power supply -OR- 1 (one) 55564 - FlexPwr Supply
10 (ten) 78366 - 3-pin Terminal Block Plugs
All VAC products are assembled in Boulder, CO, USA
Video Accessory Corporation
2450 Central Avenue Suite G
Boulder, Colorado 80301
(800) 821-0426 (303) 443-1319 fax (303) 440-8878
Two Year Limited Warranty
ideo Accessory Corporation (V
are not limited to damage to external components, power LED failure where the product continues to function, and electrical damage due to
lightning. The warranty shall be void if any alteration or repair of a VAC product is attempted by anyone not authorized by VAC. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for use, and of all
other obligations or liabilities on the part of
connection with the sale of this product.
alteration, abuse, or misuse. No warranty whatsoever is made with respect to accessories or parts supplied by anyone other than VAC, and
this warranty shall extend only to the original purchaser of this product. The warranty provided in this article is exclusive and in lieu of, and
buyer hereby waives, all other remedies, express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including consequential damages, whether or not
This warranty shall not be extended, altered or varied except by written instrument signed by
occasioned by negligence of
buyer, and shall only apply within the boundaries of the continental United States. Liability of VAC is limited to repair or replacement at
the option of VAC. Warranty work is to be sent to VAC. Freight charges will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
AC) products have a full two year limited warranty. Exclusions to the warranty include but
AC, and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in
This warranty shall not apply to the product or any part thereof subjected to accident, negligence,
AC and

12V AC - The 12V AC Brick™ is designed to function properly with an input power of 11-13V AC.
The Brick will not operate from a DC voltage. A 2.1mm P5 style connector is used for the power input. If
the input voltage is a grounded system, the center pin of the P5 is the power connection and the barrel is the
ground side. All ProSeries units are shipped with a 12VAC, 600mA floating power supply that eliminates any
ground loops through the power supply connection.
FlewPwr - The FlexPwr Brick™ is designed to function properly with an input power of 10-28V AC
(ungrounded) or 12-32V DC (grounded or ungrounded). A 2-pin header (Phoenix Contact #1881448) style
connector is used for the power input. The 12V AC, 600mA wall transformer provided with the product provides a floating power source that has been designed to eliminate any ground loops through the power supply
The input for this product consists two Terminal Block connectors (one per channel). An audio signal
with excessive DC component (or offset) will cause the VAC Brick to malfunction. The audio signal needs to
be within -4V to +4V.
The VAC Brick has eight audio outputs (four per channel) consisting of Terminal Block connectors.
Unused outputs do not need to be terminated for proper operation of the Brick.
Unity Gain, Global Driver - The signal amplitude at each output is identical to the input signal,
Unity Gain, Individual Drivers - The signal amplitude at each output is identical to the input signal,
Global Variable Gain - The signal amplitude at each output is variable, and all output signal
with a single driver.
with individual drivers.
amplitudes are adjusted together with one control (for a total of 4 outputs
per gain control).
Variable Gain - The signal amplitude at each output is variable, and is independent of all
other outputs. Aseparate gain control is provided for each output.