Item #:
Remote Roll-In Blast Chiller
Blast CChill/Storage RRefrigerator
Large foodservice operations benefit from
chilling capacity of 480 and 660 lbs of food
product to +38°F in about 90 minutes.
Refrigeration System
Cabinets require single remote condensing
unit or equivalent to support operation. A
remote indoor/outdoor condensing unit is
available from the factory or third party
suppliers. Consult price list for selections.
The self-contained top mounted refrigeration
system allows for use as a +38°F storage
refrigerator. Expansion and solenoid valves
standard. An external drain is required near
the back, side or front of the cabinet for the
condensate water.
Unique E-Z Blast™ 1-2-3 microprocessor
control panel initiates blast cycles in three
simple steps. Model features built-in alarms
and can control the chilling process with the
temperature probes or a digital timer, which
can be programmed with two preset chilling
times for specific food products. The controller
supports a la carte style blast chilling.
HACCP Data Logger System records, stores
and prints temperature data for up to 7 days
in accordance with HACCP guidelines. Its
Model shown with optional
insulated floor and ramp.
built-in thermal printer provides simplified
documentation and HACCP record keeping.
May be used with optional NAFEM Data
Protocol compliant documentation software
for HACCP monitoring to transfer data from
kitchen to a remote Windows® compatible
computer system. Program is available from
the factory and many third-party suppliers.
Exterior is heavy gauge stainless steel front,
back, sides and door. Galvanized steel top.
Interior is heavy gauge stainless steel with
radius corners. 3
friendly ODP Zero Polyurethane foam injected
insulation throughout the cabinet ensures the
ultimate in energy efficiency.
Door is hinged right and cannot be site reversed.
Standard with flush recessed handle, hydraulic
closer, magnetic gasket, heater and self-closing
hinges with a 90° “stay open” feature.
Roll-in Blast Chillers are made from walk-in
type cam-lock panels and are delivered
knocked down for ease of installation. Panel
assembly is required on site.
” of environmentally
Standard Features
• Two Operational Functions:
- Blast Chill Processing Refrigerator
- +38°F Storage Refrigerator
• E-Z Blast™ Microprocessor Control Panel:
- Blast Chill Cycle Controlled Automatically by
Either Food Probe or Digital Timer
•Two (2) Preset Chill Times: 90, 240 Minutes
•Soft Chill and Hard Chill Options
•Three (3) Food Probes with Digital
Temperature Indication
- Cabinet Temperature Digital Display
- Food Temperature Digital Display
- Defrost Mode Indicator
- On/Off, Blast Chill Cycle and Cancel Buttons
- Diagnostic Trouble hooting Capability
• High and Low Temperature Alarm
• Power and Component Failure Alarms
• HACCP Data Logger System Records, Stores
and Prints Temperature Data up to 7 Days
- After Termination of Chill Mode
- After Cancellation of Chill Mode
- Daily at Midnight
- Seven (7) Day History on Demand
- Built-In Thermal Printer
• Compartment Accepts Two (2) Roll-in Carts
27” Wide x 40” Deep x 7 ” High
• Complies with FDA, NSF 7 and HACCP
• Defrost on Demand or Automatic Defrost
• Environmentally Friendly R-134a Refrigerant
• 3”of Environmentally Friendly ODP Zero
Polyurethane Foam Injected Insulation
Optional Features and Accessories
• Reverse Door Hinging
Customer Order)
• Roll-thru (Specify Door Hinging)
• Indoor/Outdoor Condensing Units
• Insulated Floors (Adds 3
• Extra Wide Doors for Combi Racks
• Stainless Steel Floor Ramps
• Stainless Steel Roll-In Rack (Single Section)
• HACCP Monitoring
• Extra Printer Paper
(Must be requested per
/2” to Height)
Roll-In Rack
Stainless steel removable rack guides protect
wall panels from damage. Optional racks are
available from the factory. Maximum rack size is
27” wide x 40” deep x 7 ” high exterior
dimensions including casters.
Victory Refrigeration specification sheets
are available online at
Victory Refrigeration, Inc. I 110 Woodcrest Road I Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 USA I Phone: 856.428.4200 I Fax: 856.428.7299 I E-mail: sales@victory-refrig.com

Victory RRefrigeration, IInc. Remote RRoll-IIn BBlast CChiller
Capacity (lbs./90 mins.) 480 lbs 660 lbs
Width, Overall 57.95” 57.95”
Depth, Overall 92.7” 92.7”
Depth, Door Open 90º 120.25” 120.25”
Height with Floor 101.7” 101.7”
Height without Floor 98.2” 98.2”
Clear Door Width 27.5” 27.5”
Clear Door Height 73.8” 73.8”
No. of Carts (Optional) 2 2
Cabinet Voltage 208-230/60/3 208-230/60/3
Feed Wires (with Ground)
Wiring Required
Wiring Required
Total Amperes 20 20
Note: The self-contained refrigeration system is top mounted for the storage cycle only. This avoids short cycling of the stand
alone condensing unit when in the +38°F storage mode. All roll-in models require remote refrigeration.
Crated DDimensions aand WWeights
VBC-480 72” 90.5” 59” 1158 lbs
Height WWidth DDepth WWeight
VBC-660 72” 90.5” 59” 1158 lbs
†Shipped on 2 skids, each of this weight. Add 110 lbs per roll-in rack ordered.
Storage RRefrigeration DData
Refrigerant CCompressor BBTUH*
VBC-480 R-134a .75 H.P. 4759
VBC-660 R-134a .75 H.P. 4759
*BTUH @ 100oF. Ambient, +25oF. Evaporator
Remote BBlast CChilling RRefrigeration DData
RReeffrriiggeerraanntt LLiiqquuiidd LLiinnee SSuuccttiioonn LLiinnee BBTTUU//HH**
VBC-480 R404
VBC-660 R404 .5 (X2) 1.125 (X2) 72,000
*BTUH @ 90oF. Ambient, +5oF. Evaporator
Dimensional tolerance ± .25” Metric dimensions (mm)
SSiizzee SSiizzee
.5 (X2) 1.125 (X2) 60,000
If cabinet is located
directly against wall and/or
under low ceiling, a minimum
clearance of 12” is required.
Insulated floor adds 3.5” in
We reserve the right to change
specifications and product
design without notice. Such
revisions do not entitle the
buyer to corresponding
replacements for previously
purchased equipment.
Top View
Front View Without Insulated Floor
Continuous product development may necessitate specification changes and design without notice.
Victory participates in the KCL CADalog, the most current source of CAD symbols for foodservice designers worldwide. Symbols include
standard equipment in plan, side, front and 3-D views, layered for FEDA/FCSI recommended guidelines.
Printed in U.S.A. ©October 2007