You can find notes on handling the rechargeable battery in
this user manual. Despite compliance with all safety measures,
the rechargeable battery poses a risk, e.g. if it catches fire
(see chapter “Residual risks”).
• In an emergency, respond to ensure that you do not at any
time endanger yourself or other persons.
• In an emergency, follow the instructions on this page.
• Immediately read these instructions so that you can
concentrate and respond in a calculated manner in the event
of an emergency.
General protective measures
If you identify defects or damages to the rechargeable battery:
1. Do not use the rechargeable battery.
2. Wear protective gloves when you touch the rechargeable
3. Do not inhale any gases or vapours that are emitted.
4. Avoid contact between your skin and any liquid that is leaked.
In the event of excessive heat
If you notice that excessive heat is being generated by the
rechargeable battery:
1. Have a specialist bicycle dealer check the rechargeable
battery immediately.
2. For short-term temporary storage, select an outdoor
location and, if possible, place the rechargeable battery in
a fire-proof container or on the soil.
3. If you store the rechargeable battery outdoors, clearly
secure the area with ample space around the storage
In the event of deformation, odour, liquid
If you identify any deformation, odour or liquid leaked on the
rechargeable battery:
1. If possible, do the following if there is no danger: Place the
rechargeable battery in a fire and acid-proof container,
e.g. made of rock or clay.
2. If you are able to transport the rechargeable battery
without any danger: Have your specialist bicycle dealer
dispose of the rechargeable battery immediately.
3. Select a fire-proof location outdoors for short-term
temporary storage, e.g. on the soil.
4. If you store the rechargeable battery outdoors, clearly secure
the area with ample space around the storage location.
If the rechargeable battery catches fire
1. Call the fire brigade immediately.
2. If possible, do the following if there is no danger:
Use plenty of water and sand to cool the fire.
In an emergency
» In an emergency