Victaulic VE272SFS Operating And Maintenance Instruction Manual

Operating and Maintenance
Instructions Manual
Pipe/Tubing Roll Grooving Tool
Failure to follow instructions and warnings could result in serious personal injury, property damage, and/or product damage.
• Before operating or servicing the VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool, read all instruc-
• Wear safety glasses, hardhat, foot protection, and hearing protection.
• Save this operating and maintenance manual.
If you need additional copies of any literature, or if you have questions concerning the safe and proper operation of this tool, contact Victaulic Tool Company, P.O. Box 31, Easton, PA 18044-0031, Phone: 1-800-PICK VIC, e-mail:
tions in this manual and all warning labels on the tool.
Hazard Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Operator Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Receiving the Tool VE272SFS Container Contents
Power Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Power Drive Extension Cord Requirements
Tool Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Tool Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Pre-Operation Checks
and Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Grooving Rolls Pipe/Tubing Preparation
Groovable Pipe/Tubing Lengths . . . . . . 11
Short Pipe/Tubing Lengths Long Pipe/Tubing Lengths
Roll Guard Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Pipe Stablizer Adjustment16
Groove Diameter Stop Adjustment . . . . 18
Grooving Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Roll Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Lower Roll Removal
for 2-inch and Larger Sizes . . . . . . . . . . 24
Upper Roll Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Arbor Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Lower Roll/Adapter Assembly Installation for 3/4-inch and
1 – 11/2-inch Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Upper Roll Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Lower Roll/Adapter Assembly Removal
for 3/4-inch and 1 – 11/2-inch Sizes . . . . . 29
Arbor Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Lower Roll Installation
for 2-inch and Larger Sizes . . . . . . . . . . 30
Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Lubrication Checking and Filling
Hydraulic Systems
Air Bleeding
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. . . . . . . . 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
. . . . . . . . . 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . 12
. . . . . . . . . . 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Parts Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Accessories 35
VAPS 112 Victaulic Adjustable
Pipe Stand
VAPS 224 Victaulic Adjustable
Pipe Stand VPD752 Power Drive Stabilizer Assembly Optional Rolls
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tool Rating and Roll Selection . . . . . . . . 39
Standard and “ES” Rolls for
Steel and Stainless Steel Pipe –
Color-Coded Black Rolls for Aluminum and PVC Plastic
Pipe – Color-Coded Yellow Zinc RX Rolls for Schedule 5S and 10S
Stainless Steel Pipe –
Color-Coded Silver Rolls for CTS US Standard -
ASTM Drawn Copper Tubing –
Color-Coded Copper Rolls for European Standard –
EN 1057 Drawn Copper Tubing –
Color-Coded Copper Rolls for Australian Standard –
AS 1432 Drawn Copper Tubing –
Color Coded Copper
Explanation of Critical Roll
Groove Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Roll Groove Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum,
and PVC Pipe Steel Pipe and All Materials
Grooved with “ES” Rolls Copper Tubing to CTS US Standard –
ASTM B-88 and ASTM B-306 Copper Tubing to European
Standard – EN 1057 Copper Tubing to Australian
Standard – AS 1432
Facilities Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B/C
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
. . . . . 40
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
. . . . . . . . . . . . 47
. . . . . . . 48
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool 1
Definitions for identifying the various hazard levels are provided below.
This safety alert symbol indicates important safety messages. When
you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility of personal injury. Carefully read and fully understand the message that fol­lows.
• The use of the word “DANGER” identifies an imme­diate hazard with a likelihood of death or serious personal injury if instructions, including recom­mended precautions, are not followed.
• The use of the word “WARNING” identifies the pres­ence of hazards or unsafe practices that could result in death or serious personal injury if instruc­tions, including recommended precautions, are not followed.
• The use of the word “CAUTION” identifies possible hazards or unsafe practices that could result in per­sonal injury and product or property damage if instructions, including recommended precautions, are not followed.
• The use of the word “NOTICE” identifies special
instructions that are important but not related to hazards.
2 VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool
The VE272SFS is designed only for roll groov­ing pipe/tubing. Use of this tool requires dex­terity and mechanical skills, as well as sound safety habits. Although this tool is manufac­tured for safe, dependable operation, it is im­possible to anticipate all the combinations of circumstances that could result in an acci­dent. The following instructions are recom­mended for safe operation of this tool. The operator is cautioned to always practice “safety first” during each phase of use, includ­ing setup and maintenance. It is the responsi­bility of the owner, lessee, or user of this tool to ensure that all operators read this manual and fully understand the operation of this tool.
Read this manual before operating or servic­ing this tool. Become familiar with the tool’s operations, applications, and limitations. Be particularly aware of its specific hazards. Store this manual in a clean area where it is always readily available. Additional copies of this manual are available upon request through the Victaulic Tool Company.
This tool is designed ONLY for roll grooving pipe/tubing sizes, materials, and wall thicknesses listed in the "Tool Rating and Roll Selection" section, starting on page 39.
Avoid using the tool in dangerous en­vironments.
and do not use the tool in damp or wet loca­tions. Do not use the tool on sloped or uneven surfaces. Keep the work area well lit. Allow sufficient space to operate the tool properly.
Ground the power drive to protect the operator from electric shock.
power drive is connected to an internally grounded electrical source.
Prevent back injury.
two people are needed to safely handle the tool head assembly. Use a hoist to lift the tool head assembly into position.
Inspect the equipment.
the tool, check all moveable parts for any ob­structions. Make sure guards and tool compo­nents are installed and adjusted properly.
Do not expose the tool to rain,
Make sure the
During tool setup,
Before using
Prevent accidental startups.
switch on the power drive to the “OFF” posi­tion before plugging the unit into the electrical source.
Wear proper apparel.
clothing, jewelry, or anything that can become entangled in moving parts.
Wear protective items when working
with tools.
hardhat, foot protection, and hearing protec­tion.
are drowsy from medication or fatigue. Avoid horseplay around the equipment.
ate work area.
safe distance from the equipment at all times.
area around the tool clear of any obstructions that could limit the movement of the operator. Clean up any oil or other spills.
fer to the "Tool Setup" section on page 7.
tubing lengths with a pipe stand that is se­cured to the floor or the ground.
with a safety foot switch that is located for easy operator access. Never reach across moving parts. If the power drive does not con­tain a safety foot switch, contact the power drive manufacturer.
grooving rolls and stabilizer wheel during the grooving operation.
crush or cut fingers and hands.
end during tool operation.
Always wear safety glasses,
Stay alert.
Keep visitors away from the immedi-
Keep work areas clean.
Secure the work, machine, and acces-
Make sure the machine is stable. Re-
Support the work.
Operate the tool only with a safety foot
The power drive must be operated
Keep hands and tools away from
Do not reach inside the pipe/tubing
Do not operate the tool if you
All visitors should be kept a
Do not wear loose
Support long pipe/
Grooving rolls can
Place the
Keep the work
VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool 3
Do not over-reach.
footing and balance at all times. Make sure the safety foot switch is easily accessible for the operator.
Do not force the tool.
tool or accessories to perform any functions beyond their capabilities. Do not overload the tool.
Do not operate the tool at speeds ex­ceeding those specified in this manual.
Maintain proper
Do not force the
• Drawings and/or pictures in this manual may be exaggerated for clarity.
• The tool, along with this operating and maintenance instructions manual, contains trademarks, copy­rights, and/or patented features that are the exclu­sive property of Victaulic Company.
Do not abuse the foot switch cord.
Never yank the cord out of the receptacle. Keep the cord away from heat, oil, and sharp objects.
Unplug the power drive from the elec-
trical source before servicing the tool.
authorized personnel should attempt to per­form maintenance on the tool. Always discon­nect the power drive from the electrical source before servicing or adjusting the tool.
Maintain tools with care.
clean at all times to ensure proper and safe performance. Follow the instructions for lubri­cating tool components.
When tools are not is use, store them
in a dry, secure place.
Use only Victaulic replacement parts
and accessories.
result in a voided warranty, improper opera­tion, and hazardous situations. Refer to the “Parts Ordering Information” and “Accesso­ries” sections on page 35.
Do not remove any labels from the
Replace any damaged or worn labels.
Use of any other parts may
Keep tools
The Victaulic VE272SFS tool is a semi-auto­mated, hydraulic feed tool for roll grooving pipe/tubing to receive Victaulic grooved pipe/ tubing products. The standard VE272SFS tool is supplied with grooving rolls for 2 – 12-inch steel pipe. Rolls are marked with the size and part number, and they are color coded to identify the pipe/tubing material. For roll grooving to other specifications and materi­als, refer to the Tool Rating and Roll Selection on page 39. Grooving rolls for other specifica­tions, sizes, and materials must be purchased separately.
• This tool must be used ONLY for roll grooving pipe/ tubing designated in the “Tool Rating and Roll Selection” section of this manual.
Failure to follow this instruction could overload the tool, resulting in reduced tool life and/or damage to the tool.
VE272SFS tools are packed individually in sturdy containers, which are designed for use in re-shipping tools back to Victaulic upon completion of the rental contract, when appli­cable.
4 VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool
Upon receipt of the tool, make sure all neces­sary parts are included. If any parts are miss­ing, notify the Victaulic Tool Company.
Qty. Description
1 Tool Head with Mounting Table 1 Upper Leg 2 Adjustable Legs 1 Hand Pump/Pump Support
Upper Rolls for 2 – 6-inch Steel Pipe and
8 – 12-inch Steel Pipe “Keyless” Lower Rolls for 2 – 3-inch, 4 –
6-inch, and 8 – 12-inch Steel Pipe ‡ 1 Guard Setting Pad 1 Lower Roll Removal Wedge 1 Can of Dry Graphite Spray 1 Pipe Tape
VE272SFS Operating and Maintenance 2
Instructions Manual 1 RP-272SFS Repair Parts List
bly, may be shipped separately. ‡ The 8 – 12-inch roll set is mounted on the tool head assembly at the factory.
Optional items, such as the stabilizer assem-
VE272SFS tools are designed for operation with a power drive. Tools mount directly onto a Victaulic VPD752 Power Drive or a Ridgid® 300 Power Drive with a 38-rpm maximum chuck speed.
Power must be supplied to the power drive through a safety foot switch to ensure safe op­eration. Make sure the power drive is properly grounded in accordance with Article 250 of the National Electrical Code.
If an extension cord is required, refer to the “Extension Cord Requirements” section on this page for cord sizes. In addition, refer to the power drive manufacturer’s instructions prior to use.
When pre-wired outlets are not available and an extension cord must be used, it is impor­tant to use the proper cord size (i.e. Conduc­tor Size American Wire Gauge). Cord size selection is based upon tool rating (amps) and cord length (feet). Use of a cord size (gauge) thinner than required will cause sig­nificant voltage drop at the power drive while the tool is operating. Voltage drops may cause damage to the power drive and can re­sult in improper tool operation. ceptable to use a cord size (gauge) that is heavier than required.
The required cord sizes (gauges) for cord lengths up to and including 100 feet (31 m) are listed in the table below. Use of extension cords longer than 100 feet (31 m) must be avoided.
It is ac-
• To reduce the risk of electric shock, check the electrical source for proper grounding.
• Before performing any mainte­nance on the tool, turn the switch on the power drive to the “OFF” position, or disconnect the power cord from the electri­cal source.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury.
VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool 5
Cord Lengths
Power Drive Rating
Volts (Amps)
Ridgid is a registered trademark of the Ridge Tool
25 feet
(8 m)
12 gauge 12 gauge 10 gauge
50 feet (15 m)
100 feet
(31 m)
• Drawings and/or pictures in this manual may be exaggerated for clarity.
• The tool, along with this operating and maintenance instructions manual, contains trademarks, copyrights, and/or patented features that are the exclusive property of Victaulic Company.
Upper Leg
Pipe Size Indicator
Depth Adjuster
Depth Adjuster Lock
Upper Roll Assembly
Upper Roll Bolt
Roll Guards
Power Drive
Lifting Handles
Power Drive Support Arms
Pipe Stabilizer Assembly
Pipe Stabilizer Handwheel
Stabilizer Roller
Power Drive Stand
Pump Handle
Pump Support
Guard Setting Pad
Power Drive Safety Foot Switch
Hydraulic Cylinder
Pump Val ve
Lower Roll
Failure to follow instructions and warnings can result in serious injury, property damage, or faulty installation.
• Before installing, operating, or servicing this tool, read and understand the Operating Instructions and all warning labels on this tool.
• Always wear safety glasses and foot protection.
If you have any questions about the safe operation of this tool, contact Victaulic Tool Company, P.O. Box 31, Easton, PA 18044-0031, 610-559-3300.
0567 Rev.A R031272LAB 3/99
6 VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool
Adjustable Legs
Grooving rolls can crush or cut fingers and hands.
• Always turn off power before adjusting guard.
• Be sure guard is properly adjusted before grooving pipe.
• Keep hands away from grooving rolls and stabilizer wheel.
• Never reach inside pipe end or across the tool or pipe during operation.
• Always groove pipe in a clockwise direction only.
• Never groove pipe shorter than what is recommended.
• Never wear loose clothing, loose gloves, or jewelry while operating tool.
0585 R033272LAB 9/94
2a. The required power supply (Refer to the
power drive manufacturer’s instructions)
2b. Adequate space to handle pipe/tubing lengths
• DO NOT plug the power drive into the electrical source until instructed otherwise.
Accidental startup of the tool could result in serious personal injury.
• During tool setup, two people are required to safely handle the tool head assembly.
• Use a hoist to lift the tool head assembly into posi­tion.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury.
The standard VE272SFS tool is intended for field or shop setup. Before grooving, the tool head assembly and legs must be mounted onto a Victaulic VPD752 Power Drive or a Ridgid 300 Power Drive with a 38-rpm maxi­mum chuck speed.
1. Remove all components from the pack­aging, and make sure all necessary items are included. Refer to the "Receiving the Tool" section on page 4.
2. Select a location for the power drive, tool, and pipe stand by taking into consider­ation the following factors (refer to the draw­ing below for overall dimensions):
2c. A firm and level surface for the power drive, tool, and pipe stand
2d. Adequate clearance around the tool for adjustment and maintenance
3. Remove threading dies, cutoff attach­ments, etc. from the power drive. Extend the
two tubular support arms approximately 7
/2 inches (190 mm) beyond the chuck of the power drive. Secure the support arms in this position. Refer to the power drive manufactur­er’s instructions.
4. Open the chuck of the power drive fully. Refer to the power drive manufacturer’s in­structions.
• Support of the tool head assembly must be main­tained until the support legs are installed and secured.
Failure to support the tool head assembly may cause the tool to tip over, resulting in serious personal injury and tool damage.
E* G**
Dimensions – inches (millimeters)
28.00 15.00 37.00 56.25 34.25 27.50 61.00
(711) (381) (940) (1429) (870) (699) (1549)
*Mounting hole dimensions are approximate due to variables when fastening legs. **Dimension is approximate due to variables when inserting into power drive.
VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool 7
5. Slide the tool head assembly completely onto the arms of the power drive.
6. Allow approximately
/2-inch (13-mm) clearance from the hex bolts on the back of the tool to the power drive chuck.
7. Align the flat portions of the drive shaft with the chuck jaws by turning the lower roll.
8. Tighten the chuck. Make sure the jaws engage with the flats of the drive shaft.
9. Insert the two adjustable legs completely into the sockets of the upper leg. Hand-tight­en the hex bolts.
11. Tighten the hex head bolt with a wrench.
12. Loosen the hex bolts to release the two
lower legs, allowing them to slide down to the floor. Turn the leg pads at the bottom until they are resting flat of the floor.
10. Insert the top of the leg assembly com­pletely into the socket under the tool head assembly. Rotate the assembly until it seats completely in the socket. The hex head bolts on the legs should be facing toward the back of the machine (toward the power drive).
8 VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool
13. Level the tool from front to back. NOTE: The top of the hydraulic cylinder is a good lo­cation to measure “level,” as shown above.
14. Using a wrench, tighten the two hex head bolts on the two legs to maintain the level position.
• To reduce the risk of electric shock, check the electrical source for proper grounding and follow all instructions.
• Before performing any mainte­nance on the tool, turn the switch on the power drive to the “OFF” position, or disconnect the power cord from the electri­cal source.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury.
18. Make sure the switch on the power drive is in the “OFF” position. Plug the power drive into an internally grounded electrical outlet. The outlet must meet the requirements for the power drive (refer to the power drive manu­facturer’s instructions). If an extension cord is used, refer to the "Extension Cord Require­ments" section on page 5 for requirements.
15. Attach the hand pump/pump support to the left side of the tool with the two hex bolts (supplied). Tighten the two hex bolts with a wrench.
16. Connect the hydraulic line from the hand pump to the power cylinder with the connec­tors provided.
17. Hang the guard setting pad on the hook provided under the base of the hand pump.
• The power drive MUST be operated with a safety foot switch. If the power drive does not contain a safety foot switch, contact the power drive manufac­turer.
Operating the tool without a safety foot switch could result in serious personal injury.
19. Turn the power drive switch to the posi­tion that will produce CLOCKWISE rotation of the chuck when viewed from the front of the tool. On the Victaulic VPD752 or Ridgid 300 Power Drive, placing the switch in the RE- VERSE position will produce clockwise rota­tion of the chuck, lower roll, and pipe/tubing.
VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool 9
20. Depress the safety foot switch, check the rotation of the chuck and lower roll, and make sure the tool is stable. If rotation is counter­clockwise, place the switch on the power drive to the opposite position. If the tool wob­bles, make sure the tool is mounted squarely in the chuck and that the tool is level on the floor. If the wobble persists, the power drive support arms are bent or the power drive is damaged. Have the power drive repaired if the wobble persists.
21. Turn the switch on the power drive to the “OFF” position, or disconnect the power cord from the electrical source.
22. If the optional stabilizer assembly was ordered separately, attach it to the right side of the tool with the four hex bolts and four lock washers provided.
22a. Use the hex bolts provided for installing the screws.
10 VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool
Every Victaulic roll grooving tool is checked, adjusted, and tested at the factory prior to shipment. However, before attempting to operate the tool, the following checks and adjustments should be made to ensure proper tool operation.
2. Raised internal and external weld beads and seams must be ground flush with the pipe/tubing surface 2 inches (50 mm) back from the pipe/tubing ends.
3. All coarse scale, dirt, and other foreign material must be removed from the interior and exterior surfaces of the pipe/tubing ends.
• Before making any tool adjustments, always turn the switch on the power drive to the “OFF” position, or disconnect the power cord from the electrical source.
Accidental startup of the tool could result in serious personal injury.
Make sure the proper roll set is installed on the tool for the pipe/tubing size and material that will be grooved. Roll sets are marked with the pipe/tubing size, part number, and they are color coded for the pipe/tubing material. Refer to the "Tool Rating and Roll Selection" section, starting on page 39. If the proper rolls are not installed on the tool, refer to the "Roll Changing" section on page 23.
• For maximum grooving roll life, remove foreign material and loose rust from the interior and exte­rior surfaces of the pipe/tubing ends. Rust is an abrasive material that will wear the surface of grooving rolls.
Foreign material may interfere with or damage groov­ing rolls, resulting in distorted grooves and grooves that are out of Victaulic specifications.
The VE272SFS is capable of grooving short pipe/tubing lengths without the use of a pipe stand. Refer to the “Short Pipe/Tubing Lengths” section on the following page.
Pipe/tubing lengths longer than those listed in Table 1 on the following page (and up to 20 feet/6 meters) must be supported with a pipe stand.
• Make sure roll-retaining bolts and nuts are tight. Loose retaining bolts and nuts could cause damage to
the tool and rolls.
Pipe/tubing lengths from 20 feet (6 meters) up to double-random lengths (approximately 40 feet/12 meters) must be supported with two pipe stands.
For proper tool operation and production of grooves that are within Victaulic specifica­tions, the following guidelines must be fol­lowed.
1. Victaulic recommends square-cut pipe for use with grooved-end pipe/tubing prod­ucts. Square-cut pipe/tubing MUST be used with FlushSeal eled-end pipe/tubing may be used, provided that the wall thickness is standard wall (ANSI B36.10) or less and that the bevel meets ANSI B16.25 (37 Roll grooving beveled-end pipe/tubing may result in unacceptable pipe/tubing flare.
VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool 11
and EndSeal® gaskets. Bev-
/2º) or ASTM A-53 (30°). NOTE:
Grooving rolls can crush or cut fingers and hands.
• Never groove pipe/tubing that is shorter than the recommended lengths listed in this manual.
Table 1 shows the minimum and maximum pipe/tubing lengths that can be grooved with­out the use of a pipe stand. Refer to the "Grooving Operation" section, starting on page 20, for instructions on how to groove short pipe/tubing lengths. For pipe/tubing longer than what is shown in Table 1, refer to the "Long Pipe/Tubing Lengths" section on page 13.
• Grooved pipe nipples, shorter than those listed in Table 1, are available from Victaulic.
Table 1
Steel, Stainless Steel,
Aluminum, and PVC
Pipe Size
Tubing Size
Length – inches
Nominal Pipe Size inches or
152,4 mm
203,2 mm
26,9 205 915
33,7 205 915
42,4 205 915
48,3 205 915
60,3 205 915
73,0 205 915
88,9 205 915
101,6 205 915
114,3 205 915
127,0 205 815
141,3 205 815
152,4 255 765
168,3 255 715
203,2 255 610
219,1 255 610
273,0 255 510
323,9 305 460
inches Minimum Maximum
10 30
10 28
10 24
10 24
10 20
12 18
12 VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool
Nominal Size
millimeters Length - millimeters
Tubing Size
54 DN50 205 915
64 66,7 205 915 76,1 88,9 205 915
108 DN100 205 915 133 DN125 205 815 159 DN150 255 715
Tubing Size Minimum Maximum
205 915
205 915
If pipe/tubing is required that is shorter than the minimum length listed in Table 1, shorten the next-to-last piece so that the last piece is as long (or longer) than the minimum length specified. Refer to the example below.
EXAMPLE: A 20-foot, 4-inch (6,2-m) length of 10-inch diameter steel pipe is required to fin­ish a section, and only 20-foot (6,1-m) lengths are available. Instead of roll grooving a 20­foot (6,1-m) length of steel pipe and a 4-inch (0,1-m) length of steel pipe, follow these steps:
1. Refer to Table 1 on this and the previous page, and note that for 10-inch diameter steel pipe, the minimum length that should be roll grooved is 10 inches (255 mm).
3. Installation of couplings on pipe/tubing that exceeds the maximum allowable flare may prevent pad-to-pad closure of the hous­ings and/or may cause damage to the cou­pling gasket. Refer to the applicable “Roll Groove Specifications” table for details.
4. If the tool is properly set up in a level position, but the back end of the pipe/tubing is higher than the end being grooved, the pipe/tubing may not track. As a result, exces­sive flare may occur on the pipe/tubing end. Refer to the "Tool Setup" section, starting on page 7, and Figures 1 and 2 below for tool setup and pipe positioning requirements.
• Figure 1 shows the Victaulic Adjustable Pipe Stand (VAPS 112). The VAPS 112 is suitable for inch sizes. The Victaulic Model VAPS 224 is suitable for 2 – 24-inch sizes. Refer to the "Accessories" section on page 35.
• For additional information about pipe stands, refer to the instructions included with the pipe stand.
5. Place the pipe stand at a distance slight­ly beyond half the pipe/tubing length from the tool. Refer to Figure 1 below.
Pipe angle
exaggerated for clarity
Too l
- 12-
¹⁄₂ to 1° (2-4 inches/ 51-102 mm)
2. Roll groove a 19-foot, 6-inch (5,9-m) length of pipe and a 10-inch (255-mm) length of pipe. Refer to the "Long Pipe/Tubing
Lengths" section on page 13.
10' +1' -0
When roll grooving pipe/tubing that exceeds
Figure 1 - Support of Pipe
20-foot (6-meter) Length of Pipe
the maximum length shown in Table 1, a roll­er-type pipe stand must be used. The roller­type pipe stand must be capable of handling the weight of the pipe/tubing, while allowing the pipe/tubing to rotate freely.
1. Make sure the tool is level. Refer to the "Tool Setup" section on page 7 for leveling
6. Position the pipe stand approximately
/2º to the left for the tracking angle. Refer to
Figure 2 below.
Tool Centerline
Pipe angle
exaggerated for clarity
0 to ¹⁄₂° Max.
(0-2 inches/
0-51 mm)
2. When pipe/tubing flare is excessive,
Pipe Centerline
right-to-left tracking must be kept to a mini­mum. It may be necessary to use less than
/2º for the tracking angle.
20-foot (6-meter) Length of Pipe
Figure 2 - Tracking Angle
VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool 13
• Before making any tool adjustments, always turn the switch on the power drive to the “OFF” position, or disconnect the power cord from the electrical source.
Accidental startup of the tool could result in serious personal injury.
VE272SFS guards must be adjusted every time rolls are changed or when the pipe/tub­ing size or wall thickness is different from pipe/tubing that was grooved previously.
1. Make sure the proper roll set is installed on the tool for the pipe/tubing size and mate­rial that will be grooved. Roll sets are marked with the pipe/tubing size/part number, and they are color-coded for the pipe material. Re­fer to the "Tool Rating and Roll Selection" sec­tion, starting on page 39. If the proper rolls are not installed on the tool, refer to the "Roll Changing" section on page 23.
be grooved. To set the groove diameter stop, back off the depth adjuster lock, align the depth adjuster with the proper diameter and thickness, and lock the setting in position with the depth adjuster lock.
4. If the tool is equipped with a stabilizer, retract the stabilizer, if necessary, to insert the pipe. To retract the stabilizer, loosen the sta­blizer locking handle, and retract the stabiliz­er roller with the hand wheel to provide clearance for the pipe when it is inserted onto the lower roll.
2. Loosen the wing nuts, and move the roll
guards to the full-up position. Tighten the wing nuts.
3. Set the groove diameter stop to the pipe/ tubing size and schedule/thickness that will
Grooving rolls can crush or cut fingers and hands.
• Loading and unloading pipe/tub­ing will place your hands close to the rollers. Make sure your hands are away from the rollers when the machine is running.
• Never groove pipe/tubing that is shorter than the recommended lengths listed in this manual.
5. Insert a length of pipe/tubing of the cor­rect size and schedule/ thickness over the lower roll with the pipe/tubing end against the lower roll backstop flange. Refer to the "Pipe/ Tubing Preparation" section on page 11.
14 VE272SFS Roll Grooving Tool
+ 36 hidden pages