AGS Roll Grooving Specifications for Steel Pipe
Size Dimensions – inches/millimeter s lbs/kg
Actual mm
Outside Di ameter "OD " Gasket Seat "A" Groove Widt h "B"‡ Groove D iameter "C "
Diameter “ F”
Weight Each
CouplingMaximum Minimum Basic Maximum Minimum Basic Maximum Minimum Max imum Minimum
14 14. 094 13. 969 1. 500 1.531 1. 437 0.455 0.460 0.450 13. 50 0 13.455 14.23 49.0
355.6 358. 0 35 4.8 3 8.1 38.9 36.5 11 .6 11. 7 11.4 3 42.9 341. 8 3 61.4 22.2
16 16. 094 15.9 69 1. 500 1. 531 1. 437 0.455 0.460 0.450 15. 50 0 15.4 55 16. 23 61.0
406.4 408.8 405.6 38 .1 38.9 36.5 11. 6 11.7 11. 4 393.7 392. 6 412.2 2 7.7
18 18. 094 17. 9 69 1.500 1.5 31 1.437 0.455 0.460 0.450 17. 5 0 0 1 7.4 55 18.2 3 7 1.0
45 7. 0 459. 6 456.4 38 .1 38.9 36.5 11. 6 11.7 11. 4 444.5 443. 4 463.0 32 .2
20 20.094 19.9 69 1. 500 1. 531 1.4 37 0.455 0.460 0 .450 19.50 0 19. 455 20.23 82.0
508.0 510. 4 50 7. 2 38 .1 3 8.9 36.5 11. 6 11. 7 11. 4 495 .3 49 4.2 5 13.8 3 7. 2
24 24 .094 23.969 1.50 0 1.531 1.4 37 0.455 0.460 0 .450 23.500 23.455 24. 23 116 . 0
610. 0 612 .0 608.8 38 .1 3 8.9 36.5 11. 6 11. 7 11. 4 59 6.9 59 5.8 615. 4 52. 6
26 26.094 25.969 1.75 0 1.781 1. 687 0. 535 0.540 0.530 25. 430 25.370 26.30 205.0
660.0 662. 8 6 59.6 44.5 45. 2 42. 8 13 .6 13 .7 13 .5 6 45.9 644.4 668.0 93.0
28 28.09 4 27.9 6 9 1. 750 1. 781 1.6 87 0. 535 0.540 0.53 0 27.4 30 27. 37 0 28. 30 220.0
711 . 0 713 .6 710 .4 44.5 45.2 42.8 13. 6 13.7 13. 5 696.7 695.2 7 18.8 10 0.0
30 30.094 29.969 1. 750 1.7 81 1.68 7 0. 535 0.540 0.530 29.43 0 29.370 30.30 2 27. 0
762. 0 764 .4 761. 2 44.5 45 .2 42. 8 13 .6 13 .7 13 .5 7 47. 5 746 .0 769 .6 103.0
32 32 .094 31. 969 1. 750 1. 781 1.6 87 0. 535 0.540 0.53 0 31. 430 31. 370 32.30 242.0
813. 0 8 15.2 812 .0 4 4.5 45 .2 42. 8 13 .6 13 .7 13 .5 79 8.3 796.8 820.4 11 0. 0
36 36.094 35.96 9 1. 750 1.7 81 1.68 7 0. 535 0.540 0.530 35.43 0 35.370 36.30 268.0
914. 0 916. 8 9 13. 6 4 4.5 45 .2 42. 8 13 .6 13 .7 13 .5 899.9 898.4 922 .0 12 2.0
40 40.094 39.969 2.000 2 .031 1. 937 0.562 0.567 0.55 7 3 9.375 39. 315 40.30 340.0
1016. 0 10 18.4 10 15.2 50.8 51.6 49. 2 14. 3 14.4 14 .1 1000.1 998.6 1023. 6 154. 0
42 42 .094 41. 969 2.000 2 .031 1. 937 0.562 0.567 0. 557 41.375 41.3 15 42.30 360.0
10 67. 0 10 69.2 106 6.0 50.8 51.6 49.2 14. 3 14.4 14 .1 1050.9 104 9.4 1074. 4 163 .0
46 46.094 45.969 2.000 2. 031 1.9 37 0.562 0 .567 0. 557 45.375 45 .315 46.30 415 .0
116 8 . 0 11 70 . 8 116 7. 6 50.8 51.6 49.2 14. 3 14.4 14 .1 11 52 . 5 1151 . 0 1176 . 0 18 8. 0
48 48.094 47. 96 9 2.000 2 .031 1. 937 0.562 0.567 0.55 7 47.375 47. 315 48.30 42 5.0
1219. 0 12 21.6 1218. 4 50.8 51.6 49. 2 14. 3 14.4 14 .1 120 3. 3 1201 .8 12 26. 8 193 .0
54.094 53.969 2.500 2 .531 2. 437 0.562 0. 567 0. 557 53.375 53. 315 54.30 648.0
1372 .0 1374.0 1370. 8 63.5 64.3 61.9 14. 3 14.4 14 .1 135 5.7 13 54 .2 137 9.2 294.0
56 56.094 55.9 69 2.500 2 .531 2 .437 0.562 0 .567 0. 557 55.375 55 .315 56.30 676. 0
1422 .0 1424. 8 14 21.6 63.5 64.3 61.9 14 .3 14.4 14.1 1406.5 140 5.0 14 30. 0 30 7.0
60 60.094 59.969 2.500 2. 531 2.4 37 0.562 0.5 67 0.557 59. 375 5 9.3 15 60.30 720.0
1524 .0 15 26. 4 15 23. 2 63.5 64.3 61.9 14. 3 14.4 14 .1 15 08. 1 1506.6 1531. 6 32 7. 0
‡ The Groove Width “B” dimension is listed for information only.
IMPORTANT – Grooving pipe to AGS specications enlarges the pipe length by approximately ⁄ inch (0.125 inch/3.2 mm) for each groove. For a pipe length with an AGS groove at each end, the
length will grow approximately ¼ inch (0.250 inch/6.4 mm) total. Therefore, the cut length should be adjusted to accommodate this growth.
EXAMPLE: If you need a 24-inch/610-mm length of pipe that will contain an AGS groove at each end, cut the pipe to a length of 23 ¾ inches/603 mm to allow for this growth.
When grooving pipe for use with Style W07 or Style W77 Couplings, Victaulic roll grooving •
tools must be equipped with Victaulic AGS (RW) roll sets. Style W07 and Style W77
Couplings MUST NOT be installed on pipe that is prepared with original-type grooving roll
The Groove Width “B” dimension will be achieved with properly maintained Victaulic tools •
equipped with Victaulic AGS (RW) roll sets.
It is critical to measure the Groove Diameter “C” dimension, along with the Gasket Seat “A” •
dimension and the Flare Diameter “F” dimension. These measurements must be within the
specifications listed in the table below for proper joint performance.