Written by: Ankur Patel
Applications Engineer
August 2013
Contents Page
Introduction 1
Contents 2
Features 2
Board Description 3
General Components 4
Test Points & Sockets 5
Schematic 7
Assembly Drawings 9
Bill of Materials 10
VTM Evaluation Boards 12
This evaluation board oers a convenient means to evaluate the performance of
Vicor’s VTM® current multiplier. All evaluation boards include sockets for easy "plug
and play" insertion and removal of through-hole components and wires. The board
provides lugs for power connections, connectors for easy PRM-VTM evaluation board
interconnects, and kelvin voltage measurement test points of all pins of the VTM.
Please refer to the appropriate VTM datasheet for performance and operating limits,
available for downloading at www.vicorpower.com.
Standalone Operation 12
PRM-VTM Non-Isolated 12
Remote Sense
Paralleling 13
Push Pin Heat Sink 13
Part Ordering Information 13
Please read this document before setting up a VTM evaluation board
This user guide is not comprehensive and the operator should not substitute it for
common sense and good practice. The following procedures should be followed
during operation:
n Wear approved safety glasses when testing electronic product.
n Provide strain relief for wires and secure the board on the test bench to avoid
n Remove the power and use caution when connecting and disconnecting all test
probes and interface lines to avoid unintentional short circuits and contact
with hot surfaces.
n Never attempt to disconnect the evaluation board from a PRM® evaluation board
while power is applied. This system is not designed to demonstrate the
hot plug capability.
All VTM® evaluation boards arrive with the following contents.
(The user guide can be downloaded from the www.vicorpower.com.)
n 1 x VTM Evaluation board
n 1 x VI Chip push pin heat sink
n 2 x VI Chip push pins for heat sink installation
n 1 x Hardware kit
n 2 x Through hole mating connectors
n 1 x Through hole 22 µF input capacitor
1. Input filtering – ceramic capacitors and sockets for installation of throughhole
aluminum electrolytic capacitor
2. Output filtering – ceramic capacitors
3. Oscilloscope probe jack for output voltage signal measurement
4. Kelvin test points for measurement of input voltage, output voltage and all signal
pins of the VTM
5. Sockets for each test points for easy installation of through-hole components and
solid wires to facilitate wiring to external circuitry and test equipment
6. Input and output lugs for power supply and load connections
7. Input power and signal connectors for testing with PRM module
8. Provisions for non-isolated remote sense operation with PRM evaluation board
a. Provision to inject network analyzer signals
b. 2512 resistor footprint for installation of zero ohm resistor to break the VTM isolation for non isolated remote sense operation
c. Sense pins with local Sense Resistors to +OUT and –OUT
2. Input lugs (+IN and –IN): Sized for #10 hardware. Use these for making connection
to the input source. This board does not contain reverse polarity protection. Check
for proper polarity before applying power.
3. Input filtering: Input capacitor (CIN) and filtering (ceramic capacitors) allows for
stable operation with most input sources. Sockets can be used for easy installation
of aluminum-electrolytic input capacitor.
4. Power/Signal connector (J14): Used to receive the power (+OUT/-OUT) and VC from
upstream PRM board when used.
5. Signal connector (J11): Used to transfer VTM PC, IM, TM, -IN and output sense
signals between the VTM and PRM® boards. TM pin of the VTM provides feedback
to the VT pin of the PRM in adaptive loop operation of PRM and VTM. +S and –S
signals provide voltage sensing to the PRM remote sense circuitry for non-isolated
remote sense operation.
6. Output lugs (+OUT, -OUT): Sized for #10 hardware. Use these lugs to connect the
output directly to the load.
7. Output filtering(ceramic capacitors): Helps to minimize switching ripple
of the output voltage.
8. Output oscilloscope probe jack (J12): Used for making accurate scope
measurements of the output voltage (i.e. ripple). Remove scope grounding lead
and insert probe directly into jack ensuring a good connection between the jack
and the probe ground barrel. Do not attempt to install while power is applied. May
not be compatible with all scope probes.
9. TM filtering: Filters the TM signal noise. Corner frequency of the filter is set well
below the VTM switching frequency.
10. Sense pins and local sense resistors: Used to sense the output votage of the VTM
for non-isolated remote sense operation. Local sense resistors can be bypassed by
connecting twisted pair from the sense test points directly to the load.
11. VTM isolation boundry: Zero ohm shunt can be soldered or use sockets to break the
isolation for non isolated remote sense operation of VTM board and PRM board.
12. Heat sink push-pins: Secure the heat sink to the board using these pins. Use of a fan
across the heat sink is highly recommended for proper cooling.
13. Mating connectors: Connect the PRM and VTM with the connecters to share power
Each test point socket accepts 0.015 – 0.025 inch diameter leads of solid wires and
through-hole components for use with external circuitry and test equipment. All test
points are aligned on the board’s edge for easy access, measurement and external
circuitry connections. Each point is labeled and is accompanied by an additional
adjacent socket.
Table 1.
Test points and
sockets description
Input voltage test points provide kelvin connection to input pins of the
. Use these test points for measuring the input voltage of the VTM
to avoid error due to interconnect losses.
Sockets for +IN and –IN test points. Kelvin connected to the VTM input
Output voltage test points provide kelvin connection to output pins of the
VTM. Use these test points for measuring the output voltage of the VTM
to avoid error due to interconnect losses.
Sockets for +OUT and –OUT test points. Kelvin connected to the VTM
output pins.
VC test point provides kelvin connection to VC pin of the VTM. Can be
used to apply and measure the VC signal with reference to –IN signal. VC
is used to enable the VTM. Apply 14 V to VC to enable the VTM, when
not using PRM.
Socket for VC test point. Kelvin connected to VC pin of the VTM. Aligned
with –IN socket for placing through hole resistor from VC to –IN.
PC test point provides kelvin connection to PC pin of the VTM. Can be
used to measure the PC signal with reference to –IN signal. PC can be
used to disable the VTM in the presence of input power. Connecting PC
to –IN will disable the VTM.
H10PCSocket for PC test point. Kelvin connected to PC pin of the VTM.
TM test point provides kelvin connection to TM pin of the VTM. Can be
used to measure and monitor the TM signal with reference to –IN signal.
H11TMSocket for TM test point. Kelvin connected to TM signal of the VTM
FILTEREDTMProvides the low noise measurement of TM signal.Output of the TM RC
filter can be measured using this testpoint with reference to –IN.
Socket for TP16 test point.
-IN test point provides kelvin connection to –IN pin of the VTM. All signals
on inp ut s ide of t he VTM are mea sured with reference to –IN signal of the VTM.
H13–INSocket for –IN test point.
Output sense test points provide connection to the output pins of