Product Highlights
The MI-ComPAC is a complete single, dual, or triple output DC-DC power supply that delivers up to 300W from inputs of 28Vdc or 270Vdc.
The MI-ComPAC meets the conducted emissions and conducted susceptibility specifications of MIL-STD-461C/D/E and offers complete input transient, surge, and spike protection to the most severe levels of MIL-STD-1275A, 704A.
Reverse polarity protection and over/undervoltage lockout provide additional safeguards against potentially damaging line conditions. The MI-ComPAC also features a master disable.
28Vdc per MIL-STD-704A,MIL-STD-1275A 270Vdc per MIL-STD-704D/ E
Outputs: 1 to 3,2 to 48VdcUp to 5W/in
MIL-STD-461C/D/E EMI complianceHigh efficiencyRemote senseZVS/ZCS power architecture
Low noise FM controlReverse polarity protectionSize — 1- up: 8.6" x 2.5" x 0.99"
(219,2 x 64,5 x 25,1mm)
Size — 2-up: 8.6" x 4.9" x 0.99"
(219,2 x 126,0 x 25,1mm)
Size — 3-up: 8.6" x 7.3" x 0.99"
(219,2 x 187,45 x 25,1mm)
Output Power/Current
5V <5V
S = 300W — P = 90A
Output Power/Current
5V <5V
V = 150W 30A U = 200W — S = 60A
Output Power/Current
5V <5V
Y = 50W 10A X = 75W 15A W = 100W 20A V = 30A
Product Grade
I = –40°C to +85°C
M = –55°C to +85°C
Input V oltage
Nominal Range
2=28Vdc 18 – 50V 6=270Vdc 125 – 400V
Number of
Single Output Modules
MI-LC 50 – 100W 8.6" x 2.5" x 0.99" 1 MI-MC 150 – 200W 8.6" x 4.9" x 0.99" 2 MI-NC 300W 8.6" x 7.3" x 0.99" 3
Dual Output
MI-PC 100 – 200W 8.6" x 4.9" x 0.99" 2 MI-QC 200 – 300W 8.6" x 7.3" x 0.99" 3
Triple Output
MI-RC 150 – 300W 8.6" x 7.3" x 0.99" 3
Military DC-DC Power Supplies
These units rated at 75% load from 125-150Vin: 5Vout @ 100W; 2Vout and 3.3Vout @ 30A.
Configuration Chart
Output V oltage
Z = 2V T = 6.5V N = 18.5V Y = 3.3V R = 7.5V 3 = 24V
0 = 5V M= 10V L = 28V X = 5.2V 1 = 12V J = 36V W= 5.5V P = 13.8V K= 40V V = 5.8V 2 = 15V 4 = 48V
Conduction Cooled Models Available Add "-CC" to the end of the part number.
(Consult factory for details.)
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(At TBP= 25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)
Input Characteristics
28Vdc input modules
Steady state input 18 28 50 Vdc Low line lockout 16 Vdc Automatic recovery
Input spike limit
-600 +600 Vdc 20µs, 50per MIL-STD-704A
-250 +250 Vdc 100µs, 15mJ per MIL-STD-1275A Input surge limit 100 Vdc 60mS, 0.5per MIL-STD-1275A Overvoltage shutdown 50 Vdc 100mS automatic recovery Reverse polarity protection Shunt diode: input fuse required Recommended fuse 10
Amps F03A type
270Vdc input modules
Steady state input 125 270 400 Vdc Low line lockout 125 Vdc Automatic recovery
Input spike limit
+800 Vdc 20µs,50
-600 +600 Vdc 100µs, 15mJ Input surge limit 500 Vdc 100ms, 0.5 Overvoltage shutdown 400 Vdc 100µs automatic recovery Reverse polarity protection Shunt diode: input fuse required Recommended fuse 2
Amps F03A type
All models
No load power dissipation 1.5
Master disable input current
4 mA Sink; disables all outputs (Absolute max.,20mA) Inrush current 110 125 %, I
Steady state Iin,10ms
EMC Characteristics; MIL-STD-461C/D/E
Input power leads
Conducted emissions CE01, CE03, CE07 MIL-STD-461C — 1-up
CE101,CE102 MIL-STD-461D — 1-up CE101 MIL-STD-461E — 2-up & 3-up
Conducted susceptibility CS01,CS02, CS06 MIL-STD-461C — 1-up
CS101,CS114, CS116 MIL-STD-461D — 1-up CS101,CS114, CS116 MIL-STD-461E — 2-up & 3-up
Output Characteristics
Setpoint accuracy 0.5 1.0 % Vnom Load/line regulation 0.2 0.5 % Vnom LL to HL,NL to 10%
0.05 0.2 % Vnom LL to HL, 10% to FL Output temperature drift 0.01 0.02 %/°C Output noise – p-p 1.0 1.5 % Vnom Whichever is greater
100 150 mV 20MHz BW
Output voltage trimming
50 110 % Vnom Remote sense compensation 0.5 Vdc OVP setpoint 115 125 135 % Vnom Latching Current limit 105 125 % Inom Auto restart Short circuit current
20 130 % Inom
Isolation Characteristics
Input to output 4,242 Vrms 1 min. Input to case
28Vdc input 2,121 Vrms 1 min. 270Vdc input 2,500 Vrms 1 min.
Output to case 500 Vrms 1 min.
Thermal Characteristics
Efficiency 81 % Operating temperature,case +85 ˚C See product grade Storage temperature +100 ˚C See product grade Shutdown temperature +90 +95 +105 ˚C Cool and recycle power to restart
Mechanical Specifications
1- up 1.2 (544) pounds (grams) 2- up 2.4 (1248) pounds (grams) 3- up 3.6 (1633) pounds (grams)
Connector screw torque 3.5 (0.4) inches-pounds (N-M)
Per internal module configuration.
Multiply minimum x 2 for 2-ups and x 3 for 3-ups.
10V, 12V, and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factor y for wider trim range.
Output ranges of 5V or less incorporate foldback current limiting, outputs of 10V and above incorporate straight line current limiting.
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