Vibra-Tite 225 Technical Data

Technical Data Sheet
Vibra-Tite® 225
Vibra-TITE A crylic 2 25 i s an act ivated Acrylic adhesive d esigned f or f ast fixturing o n metal a nd ceramic materials and a no mix system. The Product is developed to be used with Activator 611.

Typical Applications

Vibra-TITE Acrylic 225 typical applications include bonding metal o r c eramic c lose f itting r igid p arts which ar e ex posed t o t hermal cy cling, lik e motor assemblies. Vibra-TITE A crylic 2 25 cures b etween close fitting parts and the aid of an activator.

Properties of Uncured Material

Chemical Type Acrylic Appearance Pale Yellow Toxicity Low Viscosity @ 25ºC, cP Brookfield RVT, Spindle 6 @ 20 rpm 14000-25000 Specific Gravity 1.05

Performance of Cured Material

Fixture Time w/activator 2-6 min @ 72 Full Cure Time 24 hrs @ 72 Temperature Range -60 (-51
24 hr Grit blasted Steel Lap Shear 11 Nmm
72 hr Grit blasted Steel Lap Shear >11 Nmm
(1600 psi)
(1600 psi)
F to 212oF
C to 100oC)
Structural Acrylic
March 2012

Environmental and Fluid Resistance

Tests were c onducted o n Grit blasted Steel L ap Shears e xposed t o t he f ollowing c onditions a fter a 24hr room temperature cure. One l ap shear was coated with Activator 611.
(Shear strength values)
Environment Temp. % of initial strength
Air reference 87 100 Unleaded gasoline 87 75 Motor oil (10W-30) 87 100 Auto trans. fluid 87 110 Water/glycol 50/50 150 75 Humidity, 100% RH 50 80

General Information

Product should be stored in a cool and dry location at temperatures b etween -10 storage is 22±4 of manufacture when stored at 22±4
The data ar e furnished for i nformation o nly a nd ar e believed t o b e reliable. W e can not assume responsibility for the results obtained by ot hers over whose methods we have n o c ontrol. I t is recommended t hat t he p roduct b e t ested i n t he application for which it is to be used.
Vibra-TITE i s a r egistered t rademark o f ND Industries, Inc.
C. Shelf life is 18 months from date
C t o 3 0
C. O ptimal