Technical Data Sheet
Vibra-Tite® 150
Product Description
Vibra-TITE 150 Wicking Adhesive and Sealant is a
fast c ure, l ow viscosity a naerobic c ompound which
enables t he material to seek voids i n as sembled
components and cure anaerobically
(absence of air) on close fitting metal parts.
Typical Applications
Vibra-TITE 150 c an be u sed a s a pos t a ssembly
application p reventing lo osening o f metal th readed
Instructions for Use
Ensure p arts ar e cl ean, d ry and f ree f rom o il an d
Procedure for Application
Product i s normally hand a pplied f rom t he b ottle
directly onto threaded parts. For porosity or hairline
cracks i n c asting p roducts, brush d irectly o nto t he
Compatible Primers
Primers such as Vibra-TITE Excel 611 (Primer N) or
Excel 6 12 ( Primer T ) can be u sed. T he u se o f
primers can result in lower strength and performance
should be tested after full cure.
Technical Features
Fixture Speed w/Primer..Not Recommended
Fixture Speed w/out Primer…….10 minutes
Viscosity………………..............12 cps
Gap Fill.........................................0.004"
Max. Operating Temp…… -65°F to +300°F
Cured Performance
Full Cure Time.................24 hours @ 68°F
Typical Breakaway Strength…20-100 in.lbs.
Typical Prevailing Strength...200-350 in.lbs.
December 2016
General Information
Product should be stored in a cool and dry location at
temperatures b etween 14°F (-10°C) t o 86°F (30°C).
Shelf life is 2 years from date o f manufacture when
stored at 72±8°F (22±4°C).
Wicking Adhesive and Sealant can also be used as
a weld or porosity sealant which seeks out casting
irregularities ( hairline c racks). A unique c apillary
action allows the sealant t o penetrate the smallest
pores o r cr acks t o p rovide a p ositive seal. T he
product is fluorescent under U V lamps for
inspection purposes. Not recommended for use
with most p lastic f asteners. Product conforms t o
MIL-S-46163A , ASTM D-5363, NSF.
Health & Safety in use
IRRITANT: C ontains M ethacrylate E sters which
may i rritate e yes, r espiratory o rgans a nd s kin. I n
case o f co ntact with t he skin, wash i mmediately
with plenty of water.