Model 086D50
Impact Hammer
Installation and Operating Manual
For assistance with the operation of this product , contact the Division of PCB
Piezotronics, Inc.
Division toll-free 888-684-0015
24-hour SensorLineSM 716-684-0001
Fax 716-685-3886
E-mail vibration@pcb.com
Warranty, Service, Repair, and
Return Policies and Instructions
The informati on contained in this document supersedes all similar i nformation th at
may be found elsewhere in this manual.
Total Customer Satisfaction – PCB
Piezotronics guarantees Total Customer
Satisfaction. If, at any time, for any
reason, you are not completely satisfied
with any PCB product, PCB will repair,
replace, or exchange it at no charge. You
may also choose to have your purchase
price refunded in lieu of the repair,
replacement, or exchange of the product.
Service – Due to the sophisticated nature
of the sensors and associated
instrumentation provided by PCB
Piezotronics, user servicing or repair is
not recommended and, if attempted, may
void the factory warranty. Routine
maintenance, such as the cleaning of
electrical connectors, housings, and
mounting surfaces with solutions and
techniques that will not harm the
physical material of construction, is
acceptable. Caution should be observed
to insure that liquids are not permitted to
migrate into devices that are not
hermetically sealed. Such devices should
only be wiped with a dampened cloth
and never submerged or have liquids
poured upon them.
Repair – In the event that equipment
becomes damaged or ceases to operate,
arrangements should be made to return
the equipment to PCB Piezotronics for
repair. User servicing or repair is not
recommended and, if attempted, may
void the factory warranty.
Calibration – Routine calibration of
sensors and associated instrumentation is
recommended as this helps build
confidence in measurement accuracy and
acquired data. Equipment calibration
cycles are typically established by the
users own quality regimen. When in
doubt about a calibration cycle, a good
“rule of thumb” is to recalibrate on an
annual basis. It is also good practice to
recalibrate after exposure to any severe
temperature extreme, shock, load, or
other environmental influence, or prior
to any critical test.
PCB Piezotronics maintains an ISO9001 certified metrology laboratory and
offers calibration services, which are
accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC 17025,
with full traceablility to N.I.S.T. In
addition to the normally supplied
calibration, special testing is also
available, such as: sensitivity at elevated
or cryogenic temperatures, phase
response, extended high or low
frequency response, extended range, leak
testing, hydrostatic pressure testing, and
others. For information on standard
recalibration services or special testing,
contact your local PCB Piezotronics
distributor, sales representative, or
factory customer service representative.
Returning Equipment – Following
these procedures will insure that your
returned materials are handled in the
most expedient manner. Before returning
any equipment to PCB Piezotronics,
contact your local distributor, sales
representative, or factory customer
service representative to obtain a Return
Materials Authorization (RMA)
Number. This RMA number should be
clearly marked on the outside of all
package(s) and on the packing list(s)
accompanying the shipment. A detailed
account of the nature of the problem(s)
being experienced with the equipment
should also be included inside the
package(s) containing any returned
A Purchase Order, included with the
returned materials, will expedite the
turn-around of serviced equipment. It is
recommended to include authorization
on the Purchase Order for PCB to
proceed with any repairs, as long as they
do not exceed 50% of the replacement
cost of the returned item(s). PCB will
provide a price quotation or replacement
recommendation for any item whose
repair costs would exceed 50% of
replacement cost, or any item that i s not
economically feasible to repair. For
routine calibration services, the Purchase
Order should include authorization to
proceed and return at current pricing,
which can be obtained from a factory
customer service representative.
Warranty – All equipment and repair
services provided by PCB Piezotronics,
Inc. are covered by a limited warranty
against defective material and
workmanship for a period of one year
from date of original purchase. Contact
ECN: 17900
PCB for a complete statement of our
warranty. Expendable items, such as
batteries and mounting hardware, are not
covered by warranty. Mechanical
damage to equipment due to improper
use is not covered by warranty.
Electronic circuitry failure caused by the
introduction of unregulated or improper
excitation power or electrostatic
discharge is not covered by warranty.
Contact Information – International
customers should direct all inquiries to
their local distributor or sales office. A
complete list of distributors and offices
can be found at www.pcb.com.
Customers within the United States may
contact their local sales representative or
a factory customer service
representative. A complete list of sales
representatives can be found at
www.pcb.com. Toll-free telephone
numbers for a factory customer service
representative, in the division
responsible for this product, can be
found on the title page at the front of this
manual. Our ship to address and general
contact numbers are:
PCB Piezotronics, I nc.
3425 Walden Ave.
Depew, NY 14043 USA
Toll-free: (800) 828-8840
24-hour SensorLine
: (716) 684-0001
Website: www.pcb.com
E-mail: info@pcb.com
Installation and Operating Manual
ICP® Impulse Force Test Hammer
Models: 086C01, 086C02, 086C03, 086C04, 086D05
086D20, 086D50, 086D80
Manual Number 19198
1.0 Introduction …………………………………………… Page 1
2.0 Description ................................………………………. Page 5
3.0 Installation ...............................................……………... Page 5
4.0 Operation .........................................….……………….. Page 6
4.1 Testing ………………………………………………… Page 6
5.0 Calibration……………………………………………... Page 7
6.0 Maintenance …………………………………………… Page 8
7.0 Cautions ……………………………………………….. Page 8
8.0 Customer Service ……………………………………… Page 9
Appendix- Structure, Behavior and Calibration of Impulse-Force Test Hammers
Impulse Force Test Hammer adapts your FFT analyzer for structural behavior
testing. Impulse testing of the dynamic behavior of mechanical structures involves
striking the test object with the force-instrumented hammer, and measuring either the
resultant motion with an accelerometer or the acoustic signature with a microphone.
Structures generally respond as (1) rigid or elastic bodies, (2) finite elements, lumped
constant models, and (3) distributed parameter models conducting stress-strain (sound)
Testing the functional transfer and transactional characteristics of a mechanical structure
involves mounting the accelerometer at one location of interest, and striking the test
object with the hammer. Modal analysis and modeling involves fixing the
accelerometer(s) at one location, impacting the structure at one point, and then moving
the accelerometer(s) to other points of interest. Integration of the acceleration signal
yields velocity compliance, impedance, and mobility. The hammer impulse consists of a
nearly-constant force over a broad frequency range, and is therefore capable of exciting
all resonances in that range. The hammer, size, length, material, and velocity at impact
determine the amplitude and frequency content (wave shape) of the force impulse. The
impact cap material generally determines energy content.
Hammer model selection involves determining the size and mass of the hammer structure
which will provide the force amplitude and frequency content required for proper
excitation of the structure under test. Each hammer’s corresponding frequency response
plots indicate the frequency content of the force impulse that can be achieved using the
variety of supplied tips. An extender mass, supplied with most hammers, allows further
tuning by concentrating more energy at lower frequencies.
Large, heavy structures like locomotive frames, tanks, and bridges require an
instrumented sledgehammer; small structures like compressor blades often require minihammers. Some very large structures may require a massive mechanical ram
instrumented with a force-sensing impact head.
All sensors in this system are classified as ICP® (Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric), low
impedance, voltage-mode sensors. Microelectronic, built-in amplifiers standardize
sensitivities within a few percent of nominal value, which is adequate for most dynamic
PCB® impulse hammers are available in nine different models, including an
automatically-actuated unit (Model 086C09) that is not included in this manual. These
hammers range in size from the mini-impulse hammer to the 12 lb sledgehammer.
Spectrum of impulse signals from different hammer structures (hard, medium and soft
impact tips) are below:
Model 086C01