«M» blinks wh en «M»
is expected
«Return» is on «Return» is on
«M» yes
«M» no
«M» no
«M» yes
«M» inp ut after mea surement
Tips for measuring your temper ature
LAD Y-COM P® will wake yo u up with a tone. To switch o the tone,
click the c ontrol button. To measure your temp erature, just p ress any
button on th e home screen . LADY-COMP® will be rea dy to measure
when the “ Measurement” symbol star ts to blink.
– Now place t he sensor und er your tongue a nd close your mo uth.
– Me asurement wil l take approx. 6 0 seconds. If no measureme nt
value can b e determined af ter 3 minutes, the measurem ent will be
cancelled automatically.
– The displ ay shows measur ement values fro m 34.5 to 41.0°C.
– From 37.8°C upwards, the mea surement value will alternate
with F for feve r.
– On ce the measur ement is comple ted, you will h ear a tone and
your current temperature wi ll appear on th e screen. It w ill also
show your fer tility statu s for that day.
Measurement period
The measu rement period is the time spa n in which
you may proceed t o measure your basa l body temperature every day. This time spa n is monitored b y the
LAD Y-COM P® device. Th e measurement period is inde pendent of the alarm and i s calculated b ased on the
time you too k your measurem ent on the previ ous day
(-3/+3 hours). The measu rement period extends over
6 hours and begins/ends three hours before an d after
the last m easurement ti me, if this poi nt in time does
not coinci de with the time you wake up the n ext day.
Tips for the measure ment perio d:
- The measu rement perio d is displayed i n form of
a measurem ent symbol on t he home scree n.
- Within th e measurement period, pres sing any button
on the home screen will st art the meas uring process .
- We recommen d using the L ADY-COMP® alarm
to wake you.
- Should you wake up any time w ithin the mea surement
period, e .g. because yo u have to nurse you r child, star t
to measure your temperature.
- Should you get up after th e measurement period is
over, skip that m easurement.
- You may redene the measurem ent period at a ny time
by resetting the alarm (e.g. on weekends or i n case of
working nightshifts).
After measurement, you will possibly see
«M» = menstruation blinking.
– In case of «M» yes, conr m «M» with «up » yes.
– In case of «M» no, reject «M» with «down» no.
As soon as LADY-CO MP
knows everything about your cycle, the
device will pr ompt you for «M» on days tha t «M» is expected.
– The prompt ing for «M» («M» b linking) sta rts two days pr ior to «M».
– Once «M» is over, LADY-COMP® will stop p rompting for «M ».
After th ree measure ment-free d ays, the mea surement p eriod will b e cleared a gain and
measure ment will on ly be possib le the day af ter, in conj unction wit h an activat ed alarm.
The measu rement per iod will th en again de pend on the wake-up ti me (-3/+3 hours).
Please no te:
Conrm «M» on at least thr ee
successive days. If you have «M »
without be ing prompted by yo ur
device, act ivate «M» as des cribed.
Should you h ave erroneously
input «M», yo u may correct «M »
on the sam e day and three day s