Door Gate
Installation Instructions
Door gates can be installed in the casing of the door
or outside the door. Can be mounted on the left or
right. Simply turn the gate upside down to mount on
the opposite side.
Step 1:
Caution– Pinch Point: Keeps hands and fingers out of
moving diamonds of web when handling gate. Stand
door gate against door frame where you intend to mount
it. Mark the mounting surface through the holes in the
hinge bar with a pencil. Drill mounting holes into the
mounting surface. For mounting into wood use 5/16” x 2”
lag bolts. For steel, drill and tap for 5/16” x 1” bolts.
Brick or concrete mountings use 5/16” x 2” lag bolts in
3/8” holes with lead anchors.
Step 2:
Mount the door gate by inserting bolts through hinge bar
set into mounting surface
Retainer straps hold door
gates in retracted position.
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Step 3:
Stretch door gate across opening. Place locking bar onto
mounting surface, align padlock holes and mark mounting surface through the holes in the locking bar with a
pencil. Drill mounting holes and secure with bolts.
Step 4:
Stretch door gate across opening into locking bar, and
insert padlock.