Pair Folding Gate
Installation Instructions
Heavy-Duty Folding Gates
• For installation on concrete floors.
• Bottom of gate hinges on bearing washer and pin
set into floor hole. Do not r
• Top of gate hinges on “L” bracket bolted to wall or door frame.
• To install gates inside overhead doors, bollards or to clear
obstructions, 6” or 9” extension brackets are required.
• Optional “H” Bracket joins each half of gate for added security.
Parts provided with each gate:
Bearing washers
make bottom hinges.
Tools needed: Marking pencil, 3/4” masonry drill bit, 1/4”
masonry or wood drill bit, drill, ratchet or wrench. Helpful tools
include carpenters level and ladder.
Parts needed: 1/4” x 2” long lag bolts. Masonry door frame
or wall installations may require lead anchors. 1/2” shaft
diameter padlock.
emove bottom floor pin.
2” standard “L”
brackets make
top hinges.
Step 1: Before Installing decide on gate
placement. “L” brackets that form top hinge
allows gate placement in the recess of door
frame. Installation can also be made outside or
inside of wall next to door or opening frame.
Either side of gate can be toward the outside
of building. Put the “operating side” (the end
with center drop pins) to the side used when
padlocking the gate halves. A label on the
operating side indicates RHT (right) or LFT
(left) of a person facing the operating side.
Extension brackets (order separately) clear
overhead door tracks, bollards or obstructions.
6” brackets provide 4-3/4” clearance,
9” brackets provide 7-1/4” clearance.
Step 3: Extend gate and hang “L” bracket on top
of gate to verify where it will be mounted. To
release tension you may lift the wheel 1/2”-3/4” off
the floor. Mark and drill pilot holes into door frame
or wall. It may be easier to drill pilot holes if you
remove the gate from it’s floor mount. Place
bearing washer and bottom gate pin back into
floor mount. Slip “L” bracket over top of gate and
bolt (bolts not included.)
• Wood door frames or walls: 5/16” x 2” lag bolts.
• Steel door frames or walls: Drill and tap for
5/16” x 2” lag bolts.
• Brick or concrete frames or walls: 5/16” x 2”
lag bolts set into 3/8” holes with lead anchors.
Step 4: Raise center drop pin and use attached
notch to keep in place, this prevents damage to
floor surface. Extend and retract gate to its stops
to work out stiffness. Repeat steps 2-3 for other
half of gate. CAUTION
pin at this stage hits the other half of gate or
rests on floor. Do not cut off drop pin. Step 5
addresses misalignment.
: Notice that center drop
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Keep fingers out of web pinch points.
Do not set gate on its wheel, gate will run away and fall.
Step 2: Have a helper extend the gate and stand
it upright where it will be mounted.
: Check to confirm gate will swing away
from opening when not in use. This will provide a
clear opening for normal traffic.
• Drill 3/4” diameter x 3” deep hole, 1-1/4” from
wall into the floor for gate pin to set into.
• For 6” extension bracket drill 6” O.C. from wall.
• For 9” extension bracket drill 9” O.C. from wall.
Place a bearing washer over floor hole and set
bottom gate pin into floor mount hole.
Step 5: With center drop pin raised, extend both
halves of gates together to center of opening,
mark floor for center drop pin hole and drill a
3/4” diameter x 3” deep hole. Lower center drop
pin (Note: some larger gates have an additional
pin in the center of each web, mark and drill
these last.) Secure gate halves with 1/2” shaft
diameter padlock. Open gates slowly at first to
avoid warping.
Option: H bracket mounts overhead in center of
gate. Extend both halves of gate together to
center of opening. Position “H” bracket, mark
and drill pilot holes into mounting surface.
Attach “H” bracket with bolts (not included.)