REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................................................................................6
GENERAL DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................................7
S 128K (16,384 X 8) 2-WIRE SERIAL (IC302).........................................................................................................25
USED IC LISTS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 33
UDIO AND COMPOSITE VIDEO) CONNECTOR................................................................................................................. 36
POWER REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................................................37
POWER BOARD (16PW07 E3) ............................................................................................................................................ 37
MAIN BOARD (16MB07 E3 ) ............................................................................................................................................... 38
FRONT PANEL BOARD (TK507-2)....................................................................................................................................39
SERVICE MENU INTERFACE...............................................................................................................................................40
ODULATOR SYSTEM :........................................................................................................................................................40
ODULATOR TYPE : ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
UNER TYPE :............................................................................................................................................................................40
EMOTE/FRONT TEST : .............................................................................................................................................................. 42
EVELOPMENT TEAM :..............................................................................................................................................................43
S232 TEST :.............................................................................................................................................................................44
EGMENT DISPLAY TEST :......................................................................................................................................................43
SOFTWARE UPGRADE THROUGH RS232.........................................................................................................................45
SCHEMATICS............................................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
BILL OF MATERIALS.............................................................................................................................................................48
BOARD LAYOUT.......................................................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
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Rev 1.007/25/02Tuncay AkkurtInitial Revision
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Major functional blocks are discussed briefly in this section. A more detailed description is contained later in the
STi5518 (IC100)
1. Introduction
The STi5518 integrates in a single chip: a transport dem ultiplex block; an ST20 32-bit system CPU; an
audio/video MPEG2 decoder; display and gr aphics features; a digi tal video encoder; and s ystem peripherals. The
Sti5518 integrates D irecTV and D VB desc ram blers in the tra nsport demultip lex block , allowin g it to be used in b oth
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and Digital Satellite System (DSS) set-top box applications.
2. Technical Specification
Integrated 32-bit host CPU up to 81 MHz
2 Kbytes of Icache, 2 Kbytes of Dcache, and 4 Kbytes of SRAM configurable as Dcache.
Audio decoder
5.1 channel Dolby Digital® /MPEG-2 multi-channel decoding, 3 X 2-channel PCM outputs
IEC60958 -IEC61937 digit al out put
DTS® digital out and MP3 decoding
Alignment beep for satellite dishes.
Video decoder
Supports MPEG-2 MP@ML
Fully programmable zoom-in and zoom-out
NTSC to PAL conversion.
DVD and SVCD subpicture decoder
High performance on-screen display
2 to 8 bits per pixel OSD options
Anti-flicker, anti-flutter and anti-aliasing filters.
RGB, CVBS, Y/C and YUV outputs with 10-bit DACs
Macrovision® 7.01/6.1 compatible (optional).
Shared SDRAM memory interface
1 or 2x16-Mbit, or 1x64-Mbit 125 MH
Programmable CPU memory interface for SDRAM, ROM, peripherals...
Front-end interface
DVD, VCD, SVCD and CD-DA compatible
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Serial, parallel and ATAPI int er f ac es
Hardware sector filtering
Integrated CSS decryption and track buffer.
Hardware transport-stream demultiplexor
Parallel/serial input
DES and DVB descramblers
32 PID support.
Integrated peripherals
2 UARTs, 2 SmartCards, I
2C controller, 3 PWM outputs, 3 capture timers
Modem support
44 bits of programmable I/O
IR transmitter/receiver.
Professional toolset support
ANSI C compiler and libraries.
208 pin PQFP package.
The STi5518 is a hig hly integrated single-chip deco der, d es ig ned f or use in feature-rich mass-market set-top boxes.
It integrates a high-performance 32-bit CPU, a dedicated block for DVB/DirecTV transport demultiplexing and
descrambling, modules for MPEG-2 video and audio decoding with 3D-surround and MP3 support, advanced
display and graphics features, a digital video encoder and all of the system peripherals required in a typical low-cost
interactive receiv er. To cover t he needs of DVD-capable s et-top boxes , ST i5518 integr ation opt ions incl ude a CS S
decryption block, a Dolby Digital audio decoder and Macrovision copy protection. An ATAPI interface is built-in,
supporting the glueles s c onnection of s tandar d Hard Dis k Drives. I n this wa y, the ST i551 8 is id eal for set- top boxes
featuring trick modes such as live TV recording , pausing and time-shif ting. The STi5518 is backward compatible
with the popular STi5500 set-t op box deco der, all owing eas y migrat ion from the previous generation. T he high level
of integration in a single PQFP-2 08 pac kage makes the STi5518 ideally suited fo r lo w-c os t, h ig h-vol ume set-top box
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3. Architecture overview
The figure below shows the architecture of the Sti5518.
This chapter gives a brief overview of each of the functional blocks of the STi5518.
4. STi5518 functional modules
a. Central processor
The STi5518 Central Processing Unit is a ST20C2+ 32-bit processor core. It contains instruction processing logic,
instruction and data pointers, and an operand regist er. It directly accesses the high-s peed on-chip SRAM, which
can store data or programs and uses the cache to reduce access time to off-chip program and data memory.
The processor can access memory via the Programmable CPU Interface (often referred to as the EMI) or the
Shared Memory Interface (SMI), which is shared with the video, audio, sub-picture and OSD decoders.
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b. MPEG video decoder
This is a real-time video compression processor supporting the MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 standards at video rates up t
720 x 480 x 60 Hz and 720 x 576 x 50 Hz. Picture format conversion for display is performed by vertical and
horizontal filters. User- defined bitmaps can be super -impos ed on the d isplay pictur e b y using the on- screen d isplay
function. The display unit is part of the MPEG vide o decoder, it overla ys the f our displa y planes shown i n the figure
below. The display planes are norm ally overlaid in the ord er illustrated, with the background color at the back and
the sub-picture at the f ront (us ed as a curs or p lane). T he s ub-pic ture pla ne ca n a ltern ativel y be posi tioned bet ween
the OSD and MPEG video planes where it can be used as a second on-screen display plane.
c. Audio decoder
The audio decoder accepts: Dolby Digital, MPEG-1 layers I, II and III, MPEG-2 layer II 6-channel, PCM, CDDA data
formats; MPEG2 PES streams for MPEG-2, MPEG-1, Dolby Digital, MP3, and Linear PCM (LPCM). The audio
decoder supports DTS® digital out (DVD DTS and CDDA DTS). SPDIF input data (IEC-60958 or IEC-61937
standards) is accepted if an external circuitry extr acts the PCM clock from the str eam. Skip frame, repeat block s
and soft mute frame features can be used to synchronize audio and video data. PTS audio extraction is also
supported. The devic e outputs up to 6 channels of PCM data and appr opriate clocks for ex ternal digital-to-anal og
converters. Program mable downmix enables 1,2, 3 or 4 channel outputs. D ata can be output in either I²S f ormat or
Sony format. The decoder can form at output data according t o IEC-60958 s tandard (for non c ompress ed data: L/R
channels, 16, 18, 20 an d 24-bits) or IEC-6193 7 standar d (for com pres sed data), for F
S = 96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 k Hz
or 32 kHz. Sampling frequenc i es of 96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz and half sampling frequencies are supported.
A downsampling f ilter (9 6 kHz/48 kHz) is available. T he decoder supports dual mode for MPEG an d Do lby Digital. It
includes a Dolby surround compatible downmix and a ProLogic decoder. A pink noise generator enables the
accurate positioning of speakers for optim al surround sound s etup. PCM be ep tone is a s pecial m ode used for S et
Top Box. It generates a triangular signal of variable frequency and amplitude on the left and right channels. In
global mute mode, the decoder decodes the incoming bitstream normally but the PCM and SPDIF outputs are
softmuted. This mode is used to prepare a period of decoding mode, to synchronize audio and video data without
hearing the audio. S low-forward and fast-forward tr ick modes are available f or compressed and n on-compressed
data. The control interface of the decoder is activated via memory mapped registers in the ST20 address space.
d. IR transmitter/receiver
The STi5518 provides a pulse-position modulated signal for automatic VCR programming by the set-top box. The
signal is output to the IR blast pin and an accessory jack pin, simultaneously. The pulse frequency, number of
pulses (envelope length) and the total cycle time is controlled by registers.
e. Modem analog front-end interface
The Modem Analog Front- end interface is used to trans fer transmit and receive D AC and ADC samples bet ween
the memory and an external modem analog front-end (MAFE), using a synchronous serial protocol. DMA is used to
transfer the sample data between memory buffers and the MAFE interface module, with separate transmit and
receive buffer s and double buf fering of the buf fer pointer s. FIFOs are us ed to tak e into account the ac cess laten cy
to memory, in a worst c ase system and to all ow the use of bursts for m emory bandwidth eff iciency improvem ent.
The V22 bis standard is supported.
f. Memory subsystem
The on-chip memory includes 2K bytes of instruction c ache, 2Kbytes of data cache and 4 Kbytes of SRAM th at can
be optionally configured as data cache. The subsystem provides 240M/bytes of internal bandwidth, supporting
pipelined 2- cycle internal m emory access. The instruction a nd data caches are direct-m apped, with a write-back
system for the data-c ache. The caches support bur st accesses to the external memories for refill and write-back.
Burst access increases the performance of pagemode DRAM memories.
There are two off-chip memory interfaces:
• The external memory interface (EMI) accessed by the ST20 is used for the transfer of data and programs
between the STi5518 and external peripherals, flash and additional SDRAM and DRAM.
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• Shared memory interface (SMI) controls the movement of data between the STi5518 and 16, 32 or 64 Mbits of
SDRAM. This external SDRAM stores the display data generated by the MPEG decoder and CPU and the C2+
code data.
The EMI uses minimal external support logic to support memory subsystems, and accesses a 32 Mbytes of physical
address space (greater if SDRAM or DRAM is used) i n four ge nera l purpos e m emor y banks of 8 or 16 b its wide, 21
or 22 address lines, an d byte select. F or applications req uiring extra m emory, the EMI su pports this extra memor y
with zero external support logic , even for 16-bit SDRAM devices. The EMI c an be configured for a wide variety of
timing and decode functions b y the conf igurat ion regis ters. The t im ing of each of the four m em or y banks c an be set
separately, with different device types being placed in each bank with no need for external hardware.
g. Serial communication
Asynchronous serial controllers
The Asynchronous Serial Controller (ASC), also referred to as the UART interface, provides serial communication
between the STi5518 and other microcontrollers, microprocessors or external peripherals. The STi5518 has four
ASCs, two of which are generally used by the SmartCard controllers.
Eight or nine bit data transfer, parity generation, and the number of stop bits are programmable. Parity, framing, and
overrun error detection increase data transfer reliability. Transmission and reception of data can be double-buffered,
or 16-deep FIFOs can be used. A mechanism to distinguish the address from the data bytes is included for
multiprocessor comm unication. Testing is supported by a loop-back option. A 16-bit baud-rate generator provides
the ASC with a separate serial clock signal.
Two ASCs support full-duplex and 2 half-duplex asynchronous communication, where both the transmitter and the
receiver use the same data fram e format and the sam e baud rate. Each A SC can be set to operate in SmartCard
mode for use when interfacing to a SmartCard.
Synchronous serial controller
Two Synchronous Serial Controllers (SSC) provide high-speed interfaces to a wide variety of serial memories,
remote control recei vers and other microcontrol lers. The SSCs support all of the features of the Serial Peripher al
Interface bus (SPI) a nd the I
SSCs share pins with the parallel input/output (PIO) ports, and support half-duplex synchronous communication.
h. Front-end interface
The STi5518 can be connected to a front-end through the following interfaces:
2C bus. The SSCs c an be program med to interf ace to other serial b us standar ds. The
• I2S interface;
• multi-format serial interface;
• multi-format parallel interface;
• ATAPI interface (for Hard Disk Drives and DVD-ROMs)
i. On-chip PLL
The on-chip PLL accepts 27 MHz input and generates all the internal high-frequency clocks needed for the CPU,
MPEG and audio subsystems.
j. Diagnostic controller (DCU)
The ST20 Diagnostic Controller Unit (DCU) is used to boot the CP U and to c ontro l a nd monitor the chip systems via
the standard IEEE 1194.1 Test Acc ess Port. The DCU includes on-chip hard ware with ICE (In Circuit Emulation)
and LSA (Logic State Analyzer) featur es to facilitate verificati on and debugging of softwar e running on the on-c hip
CPU in real time. It is an independent hardware module with a private link from the host to support real-time
k. Interrupt subsystem
The interrupt system allows an on-chip module or external interrupt pin to interrupt an active process so that an
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interrupt handling process can be run. An interrupt can be signalled by one of the following: a signal on an external
interrupt pin, a signal from an internal peripheral or subsystem, software asserting an interrupt in the pending
register. Interrupts are im plemented by an on-chip interrupt controll er and an on-ch ip interrupt-level co ntroller. The
interrupt controller s upports eight prioritized inter rupts as inputs and manag es the pending interrupts. Th is allows
the nesting of pre-em ptive interrupts for real-time system design. Each interrupt can be programmed to be at a
lower or higher priority than the high priority process queue.
l. PAL/NTSC/SECAM encoder
The integrated digital encoder converts a multiplexed 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 YCbCr stream into a standard analog baseband
PAL/NTSC or SECAM signal and into RGB, YUV, Yc and CV BS components. The encoder can perform closedcaption, CGMS encoding, and a ll o ws M ac rovision
TM 7.01/6.1 copy protection. The DENC is able to encode Tele tex t
according to the “CCIR/ITU-R Broadcast Teletext System B” specification, also known as “World System Teletext”.
In DVB applicatio ns, Teletext data is em bedded within D VB stream s as MPEG d ata packets . It is the respons ibility
of the software to han dle incoming data p ackets and in partic ular to store T eletext packets in a buf fer, which the n
passes them to the DENC on request.
m. SmartCard interfaces
Two SmartCard interfaces support SmartCards compliant with ISO7816-3. Each interface is has a UART (ASC), a
dedicated programmable clock generator, and eight bits of parallel IO port.
n. PWM and counter module
The PWM and counter module provides three PWM encoder outputs, three PWM decoder (capture) inputs and four
programmable timer s. Each capt ure input can be programmed to detect r ising edge, falling edge, both edges or
neither edge (disabled) . These facilities are c locked by two indep endent clocks , one for PWM outputs and one for
capture inputs/timers. The PWM counter is 8-bit, with 8-bit registers to set the output-high time. The
capture/compare counter and the compare and capture registers are 32-bit. The module generates a single
interrupt signal.
o. Parallel I/O module
44 bits of parallel I/O are configured in 6 ports, and each bit is programmable as output or input. The output can be
configured as a totem-pole or open- drain driver. The input com pare logic can ge nerate an interr upt on any chan ge
of any input bit. Many parallel IO have alt ernate functions and can be connected to an int ernal peripheral signal
such as a UART or SSC.
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5. Pin list sorted by function
Alternate functions printed in Italic show a suggested use of the PIO; alternate functions not printed in Italic are
multiplexed with a specific hardware.
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1. FEI_CFG bits 8 and 9 must be programmed according to the required NRSS configuration.
2. The NRSS_IN and NRSS_OUT pins are swapped around on the STi5518 compared to the STi5508.
3. Register LNK_SDAV_CONF bit 22 (SDE) must be set to 1 to validate the output path.
4. Inverted. ATTENTION! the PIO input is also inverted.
5. The PIO must be configured in open drain.
6. BOOT_FROM_ROM is active during reset.
7. Tie low whenever JTAG is not used.
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