PLAZMA INVERTER 9/12/18/24 A++
Dear Customer,
Congratulations for choosing a nature and technology friendly VESTEL product. Aspiring to present products above and beyond your expectations, VESTEL brings PLAZMA INVERTER 9/12/18/24 A++ SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONER, which is manufactured meticu­lously at VESTEL's modern plants and rigorously quality-control­led, into your use. This operating manual will guide you through the use of your air conditioner. You will see that your air conditioner is equipped with the most advanced technological solutions and quite easy to use. The life of your air conditioner will prolong if you perform neces­sary care and maintenance procedures. We hope you enjoy using your air conditioner. This product has been manufactured at environment-friendly VESTEL BEYAZ EŞYA A.Ş. facilities without causing any harm to the nature.
Important Information on Safety
This operating manual includes important information about the initial use, safety, intended use, cleaning and maintenance of your air conditioner. Always keep this operating manual with your air conditioner. When you transfer your air conditioner make sure to transfer its manual too. Read the operating manual carefully before using your air conditi­oner to prevent burns, electric shocks, fire or injury risk, and follow the instructions on operating your air conditioner, troubleshooting and cleaning. The air conditioner must be mounted by Vestel Authorised Servi­ce.
The air conditioner must be grounded.
WARNING: Denotes death or severe injury risk.
CAUTION: Denotes injury or property damage risk.
Safety Warnings ..............................................................................6
Safety Information on Installation of the Air Conditioner �����������6 Safety Information on Use of the Air Conditioner ����������������������� 7 Safety Information to be Considered when Performing Cleaning and Maintenance Procedures ��������������������������������������������������������� 11 Safety Information to Take into Consideration During Handling and Transportation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Installation ......................................................................................12
Choosing the Mounting Position ��������������������������������������������������13 Indoor Unit ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Outdoor Unit �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Cooling Circuit �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Heating Circuit �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Power Connections of Indoor and Outdoor Units ��������������������� 16
Batteries .......................................................................................... 17
Liability Limitation .........................................................................17
Technical Values ..............................................................................18
PLAZMA INVERTER 9 A++ Technical Values �������������������������� 19 PLAZMA INVERTER 12 A++ Technical Values �����������������������20 PLAZMA INVERTER 18 A++ Technical Values �������������������������21 PLAZMA INVERTER 24 A++ Technical Values ������������������������ 22
General View ................................................................................. 23
Indoor Unit ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Indoor Unit Display �������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Outdoor Unit ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Remote Control ............................................................................. 24
Installing and Replacing Remote Control Batteries �������������������� 25 Setting the Remote Control Clock ����������������������������������������������� 25 Points to Take into Consideration While Using the Remote Control ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Operating Your Air Conditioner without Remote Control �������26
Operating ...................................................................................... 27
Getting Started and Rapid Use ����������������������������������������������������� 27
Operating Temperature Intervals ��������������������������������������������������27
Functions of Your Air Conditioner ................................................ 28
Mode Function �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Cooling Function ����������������������������������������������������������������������������29 Heating Function ����������������������������������������������������������������������������29 ECO (Energy Saving) Function ����������������������������������������������������30 Horizontal Fin Function ����������������������������������������������������������������30 Dehumidification Function ������������������������������������������������������������ 32 Turbo Function �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Sleep mode �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Vertical Fin Function (*) ����������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Auto Power O Function �������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Auto Power On Function �������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Sense Function (*) �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 Indoor Unit Exchanger Dryer and Clean Up Function (*) ��������34 Ionizer Function (*) �������������������������������������������������������������������������34 Remote Led / Signal Sound Cancellation Function �������������������35 Reset Function ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 Favourite Function �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Practical and Useful Information .................................................. 36
Cleaning and Maintenance ........................................................... 37
Suggestions for Operation ............................................................ 38
Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 39
Error and Protection Messages ..................................................... 41
Product Information Sheet PLAZMA INVERTER 9 A++ ............ 42
Product Information Sheet PLAZMA INVERTER 12 A++ .......... 43
Product Information Sheet PLAZMA INVERTER 18 A++ .......... 44
Product Information Sheet PLAZMA INVERTER 24 A++ .......... 45
Disposal of the Appliance in an Environment Friendly Manner .. 46
Package Information .....................................................................46
Recommendations on Energy Saving ...........................................46
Customer's Elective Rights ...........................................................48
Safety Warnings
Safety Information on Installation of the Air Con­ditioner
WARNING:The air conditio­ner must be grounded. Insuf­ficient grounding may cause electric shocks. Do not connect the grounding wire to gas pipes, water pipes, lightning condu­ctors or telephone grounding wire. After mounting, the app­liance should be powered up in order to determine grounding leak check. If you neglect, it may cause electric shocks and dama­ges in the product. WARNING: The appliance should be mounted in accor­dance with "Mounting Instru­ctions" by Vestel Authorised Service . Customers should not assemble the air conditioner by themselves. Otherwise, dama­ges and injuries will occur. WARNING: Wiring should be done by an expert electrician according to national regulati­ons on electrical wiring. WARNING: In the event that your air conditioner is connec­ted permanently to a fixed har-
ness system and has a leakage current that may exceed 10 mA, a leakage preventer relay with an operating current not more than 30 mA should be installed on the fixed cable. WARNING: Your air conditi­oner should be wired up to the mains at appropriate current with a lagged V-switch. WARNING: Do not mount the air conditioner near inflammab­le gases or liquids. This might cause fire. WARNING: In order to avoid extraordinary noise and vibrati­on, request from the authorised service personnel a proper fixa­tion of the air conditioner. WARNING: Request from the authorised service personnel the mounting of the air conditi­oner to somewhere that would not disturb your neighbours. WARNING: After the moun­ting, electrical switch/fuse should be easily accessible. WARNING: WThe air con­ditioner should be connected and operated only according to the information on the product label. Before using the air con­ditioner, check that the voltage
rating of your mains is compa­tible with the value specified on the product label. WARNING: Connect and operate your air conditioner ne­cessarily to a grounded energy line via a fuse.
WARNING: Manufacturer company shall not be held res­ponsible for the damages re­sulting from operating without grounding.
• Installation and repairs should always be done by the Authorised Service.
• The manufacturing com­pany shall not be held responsible for any damage due to operations conduc­ted by unauthorised persons.
• Your indoor unit should be mounted at no less than
1.8 meters high from the ground.
Safety Information on Use of the Air Conditioner
WARNING: Do not put your fingers or any other object in the air inlet or outlet on the indoor and outdoor units. WARNING: Do not put any
obstacles in front of the outdoor unit and do not cover. WARNING: Do not insert an­ything between the fins of air flow router; indoor unit fan may be damaged and cause injuries. WARNING: As the fan rotates with high speed, it may cause in­juries. WARNING: In order to pre­vent the air conditioner getting damaged during power cuts or thunder and lightning storms, power o the appliance by swit­ching the fuse/power switch o. Neglecting to do so may cause fire or electric shocks. WARNING: Contains fluori­nated greenhouse gases specifi­ed within the scope of the Kyoto Protocol. CAUTION: Do not expose your body directly to the air flow for a long time. Do not expose humans, pets or plants directly to the hot or cool airflow of the air conditioner in any way. Set the direction of the airflow in such a way that it does not blow directly onto humans. Do not expose yourself to the cool air for a long time. This may lead to physical and health
problems. CAUTION: Close the doors and windows; otherwise cooling and heating performance will decrease.
• Do not use the air conditio­ner for a long time in spaces that is not ventilated at all. Ventilate the environment occasionally while operating the air conditioner with devi­ces such as stove etc. at the same time.
• If the humidity is very high or the doors or windows are open, do not leave the air conditioner running for a long time.
• Do not leave the air condi­tioner under open air condi­tions (sun, rain etc.) except the outdoor unit.
• The air conditioner is de­signed for household appli­cations and indoors. Do not use the air conditioner for purposes (e.g. for the prote­ction of sensitive equipment, foods, pets, plants etc.) ot­her than heating and cooling the space you are in.
WARNING: Operation of the air conditioner for purposes ot-
her than its intended purpose may cause damage or dange­rous conditions and renders the warranty void. Damages occur­red due to these conditions are compensated by the user. Use your air conditioner only accor­ding to the intended use defi­ned.
• In order to prevent overloa­ding of the electrical circuit, do not operate any other hi­gh-power appliance on the same circuit. Do not conne­ct with extension cables or multi plugs. If you neglect, it may cause electric shocks or damages in the air conditio­ner.
• For children at the age of 8 or older, and those who have restricted physical, sensory, mental capacity or those who have lack of knowledge and experience; it is needed to supervise them and make them understand the instru­ctions and risks concerning the safe usage of the air con­ditioner.
• Children should not be al­lowed to play with the air conditioner. Cleaning and
user maintenance operati­ons should not be made by children unless supervised by an adult.
• Keep children away particu­larly from the indoor unit of the appliance.
• Cleaning and user mainte­nance tasks should not be done by unattended child­ren.
• Packaging materials may lead to a choking. Keep them away from the children.
• Before use, check the func­tions of your air conditioner accurately.
• The air conditioner should be used only if there is no damage on its body and on the power cable.
• Check the power cable for damages regularly. Do not strain the power cable of the air conditioner. Do not put any objects on the power cable.
• If the power cable is dama­ged, it should be replaced by the authorised service recommended by the pro­ducer only in order to avoid any danger.
• Never use your air conditio­ner under the following con­ditions:
• If the air conditioner or the power cable is damaged,
• If the air conditioner is not running properly,
• If the electrical parts of the air conditioner are visibly da­maged,
• If the air conditioner is wet, has dropped into water or any other liquid, exposed to water flooding incident, its electrical components have come into contact with wa­ter,
• If strange noises, smoke or smells emanate from the air conditioner.
If any of the cases mentioned above is detected, shut down your air conditioner immedi­ately, disconnect the power supply connection and contact with the authorised service.
• A damaged air conditioner or damaged parts of the air conditioner may cause seve­re injuries and fire.
• In case of any malfunction, do not attempt to repair or disassemble the air conditio-
ner yourself.
• If it is re-mounted wrongly, it may cause electric shocks during use. There is no part within your air conditioner which can be repaired by the user.
• Use of accessories not re­commended by the manufa­cturer may cause injuries and damages to the air conditio­ner.
• Do not damage the air con­ditioner's cooling system in which refrigerating gas cir­culates with sharp objects. If the refrigeration gas blows out due to puncturing in heat exchanger gas ducts and up­per surface platings of pipe joints, it may cause skin irri­tations and eye injuries.
• Do not cover or put any ob­ject in front of the air inlets and outlets of the air con­ditioner or the outdoor unit while running.
• Do not spray flammable and refrigerant gases onto the air conditioner.
• When there is a refrigerant gas leakage in the air con­ditioner, open the windows
to ventilate the area and call the Authorised Service.
• When there is a flammable gas leakage in the environ­ment in which the air con­ditioner is, close the gas and the air conditioner. Do not restart the air conditioner before ventilating the envi­ronment completely.
• Do not put heating devices near the air conditioner and the power cable. Excess heat that might be radiated from these devices may melt the plastic parts of the air condi­tioner.
• Do not touch or run the air conditioner with wet and moist hands.
• If the air conditioner will not be used for a long time, dis­connect the power supply from the fuse.
• When the power is resto­red after a blackout, your air conditioner will restart run­ning again at the last mode it is set.
• If you will leave your home before the power is restored, turn the switch of your air conditioner o.
• Do not throw or insert any object inside the holes.
Make sure that the air conditio­ner is turned o and the power is cut from the fuse/power swit­ch under the following conditi­ons:
Before installation. – Before cleaning and ma-
Before repairs,
• Do not drink the water drai­ned o from the air conditi­oner. Otherwise, severe he­alth problems may occur.
• Do not leave the indoor unit under the rain or at a locati­on where it can get wet.
• If the air conditioner will be displaced and re-mounted at a new location, contact the authorised service.
Safety Information to be Considered when Perfor­ming Cleaning and Mainte­nance Procedures
• To prevent the risk of electric shock, turn o the air condi­tioner, shut down its fuse or
switch gear before cleaning.
• Do not use liquid or abrasive detergents to clean the air conditioner. Do not splash with water or other liquids; otherwise plastic parts may get damaged and even ele­ctric shocks may occur.
• In order to prevent short cir­cuits and fires, keep the in­door unit dry. Clean and ma­intain your air conditioner as described in the "Cleaning and Maintenance" section.
• Do not use or approximate chemicals to your air conditi­oner. Do not use substances such as gasoline or thinner.
• Insert the air filter after it gets dry completely. Operating the appliance without filters may cause breakdowns.
Safety Information to Take into Consideration During Handling and Transportati­on
• During handling and transportation of your air conditioner, watch out the ARROW sign while hand­ling the indoor unit.
• Carry the outdoor unit verti-
cally and keep it vertically at the place it is stored.
• Do not step on and do not put heavy objects on the in­door and outdoor unit boxes.
• For the re-mounting of the air conditioner at a new loca­tion, contact the authorised service.
WARNING: The air conditio­ner must be installed according to national plumbing directive.
WARNING: The air conditio­ner should be installed by Vestel Authorised Service according to "Installation Instructions".
WARNING: The appliance should not be mounted on the stairs, exits or hallways of the bu­ilding.
The stable pressure by which the air conditioner is experien­ced is 100 Kpa.
The fuse that should be used in the electrical connection of the air conditioner is type C 16 A for 9,000 and 12,000 btu and type C 20 A for 18,000 and 24,000 btu.
Care should be given to the wire diameter cross-section in the electrical wiring of the place where the air conditioner will be installed.
Only the outdoor unit of your air conditioner is proper for use outside the building.
Choosing the Mounting Position
Indoor Unit
• There should not be any va-
pour or heat source near the air conditioner.
• There should not be any
obstacle preventing air cir­culation at the mounting po­sition.
• Air circulation should be suf-
• Discharge should be easily
• It should not be close to the
door entrance.
• There should be enough dis-
tance between the air condi­tioner and the wall, ceiling, decorations and other obs­tacles.
• The mounting position
should be about 30 centi­metres below the ceiling.
Outdoor Unit
• If there is an awning prote­cting the outdoor unit from sunlight or rain, make sure that it does not prevent con­denser from distributing the heat.
• There should be enough distance between the air conditioner and the wall, ce­iling, decorations and other obstacles.
Cooling Circuit
Heating Circuit
The distances stated in the chart below should be applied in the installation of indoor and outdoor units.
Minimum 300 millimetres
Minimum 300 millimetres
Minimum 600
millimetres Minimum 300 millimetres
Minimum 300 millimetres
Minimum 125 millimetres
Minimum 600 millimetres
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