Verykool s810 User Manual


User Manual
Thank you for purchasing the S810 mobile phone
Description of Contents
characters with frames
Thank you for choosing the S810 mobile phone. This user manual will guide you through the expl ici t an d Use r frie ndly feature-sets of the 3G HSDPA Full QWERTY Multimedi a Mess aging phone in detail. Please take full advantage of the User Manual to make the best use out of your new S810. The content of this manual is correct at the time of issuance. However, Verykool USA, Inc. reserves the right to amend technology specifications without any prior notification. Some descriptions in this manual may be different from the actual mobile phone, depending on differences in software and network suppliers.
Reading Statement for the Manual
In the manual, different typesetting styles are used to show different operations, the specific typesettings are as follows:
Showing contents
General key
Functional key Menu
Show with normal characte rs 0-9 All the keys except functional
keys are shown by normal
Functional key is shown with bold and frame
Show in bold italics Hold
EALTH AND SAFE TY .......................................................................... 1
1 Start Using .................................................................................. 6
ATTERY… ........................................................................................ 6
CHARGING THE BATTERY ............................................................... 7
USE OF BATTERY ........................................................................... 8
CARD.......................................................................................... 8
INSERTING THE SIM CARD ............................................................. 8
UNLOCK THE SIM CARD ................................................................ 9
LUG AND UNPLUG THE MEMORY CARD ............................................... 9
LUG AND UNPLUG THE HEADSET ...................................................... 10
TATUS BAR AND CONTENT ............................................................... 10
KEYS… ...................................................................................... 11
2 Dial and answer the call .......................................................... 14
AKING A CALL ............................................................................... 14
NSWERING A CALL .......................................................................... 15
ANSWERING NEW VOICE CALL ..................................................... 15
CONNECTING TWO CALLS AT THE SAME TIME ............................... 15
CONFERENCE CALL ...................................................................... 16
ANSWERING A VIDEO CALL .......................................................... 16
MERGENCY CALL ............................................................................ 16
3 Standby mode and main menu ............................................... 17
4 Organizer ................................................................................... 17
OC. EDITOR .................................................................................... 17
LARM CLOCK .................................................................................. 18
ALCULATOR ................................................................................... 18
OTES ............................................................................................ 18
TO-DO ............................................................................................ 19
ORLD CLOCK ................................................................................. 19
TOPWATCH ..................................................................................... 19
OUNTDOWN TIMER .......................................................................... 19
URRENCY EXCHANGE ...................................................................... 19
5 Messages .................................................................................. 19
SMS ................................................................................................ 19
MMS ............................................................................................... 20
MAIL………………… .................................................................. 20
USH MES SAGES ............................................................................... 21
6 Call Log ..................................................................................... 21
7 Phonebook ................................................................................ 21
8 WAP Browser ............................................................................ 22
9 Games …………………………………………………………….....23
10 Media Center ........................................................................... 23
USIC P LAYER ................................................................................. 23
IDEO PLAYER .................................................................................. 24
IDEOPHONE .................................................................................... 24
OICE RECORDER ............................................................................. 25
11 SIM Tool Kit ...............................................................................
12 Settings ................................................................................... 26
HONE ............................................................................................ 26
HONE PROFILES ............................................................................... 27
ISPLAY… ....................................................................................... 27
ALLS ............................................................................................ 28
ECURITY…………………………….. ............................................ 29
VIDEOPHONE .................................................................................... 31
ATA PROFILES................................................................................. 31
INTERNET PROFILE..................................................................... 31
DATA PR OFILE ........................................................................... 31
ESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS ............................................................ 32
LEAR ALL ....................................................................................... 32
13 Connectivity ............................................................................ 32
DATA CABLE ............................................................................. 32
LUETOOTH ...................................................................................... 32
SYNCHRONIZATION ...................................................................... 33
ACKUP TO T-FLASH ........................................................................ 33
ESTORE FROM T-FLASH .................................................................. 34
ACKET DATA CONNECTION .............................................................. 34
14 My Files ................................................................................... 34
ICTURES.. ........................................................................................ 34
OUND….. ........................................................................................ 35
IDEOS….. ....................................................................................... 35
OCUMENTS ..................................................................................... 36
AVA FILES ....................................................................................... 36
THERS…. ....................................................................................... 36
ANAGEMENT .................................................................................. 36
FLASH… ....................................................................................... 36
15 Camera
.................................................................................... 37
16 Frequently Asked Questions ................................................ 37
17 Radio Frequ en c y (R F) E xp osure and SAR .......................... 38

Health and safety

Never use a charger or battery that is damaged in any way. Properly use the battery. Do not short-c ircui t t he battery, which may damage the battery, cause heat or cause fire. Do not dispose of batt eries in high tem perature of in a fire a s they may explode. Return the waste battery to the dealer or designated recycling center. Do not dispose as household waste. Battery charging tim e depe nds on t h e r em aini n g bat te r y cha rg e, th e type of battery and the charger use d. The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times, but i t will gradually wear o ut. When your phone’s operating time is noticeably shorter than normal, it is time to buy a new battery. Use only original or approved chargers and batteries. Unplug the charger from the electrical plug and the device when not in use. Do not overcharge, which will damage the battery and sho rten its life. Leaving the ba ttery in ext remely hot o r cold place s will reduc e the capacity of the batt ery. Cool down or heat u p the temperature to normal level (Li-ion batteries are particularly affected by temperatures below 0 (32°F)). Road safety Your wireless phone gives you the powerf ul ability to com municate by voice, almost a nywhere, anytime. Therefore, you must uphold some important responsibility. When you are driving, driving is your first responsibility. When using your wireless pho ne while driving, be more alert and follow local
regulations. Understand the wireless phone and features, su ch as speed dial and redial which can help you make a call more conveniently without disturbing your driving. Use a hands-free set if possible. Hands-free accessories may promote the convenien ce an d sa fet y of usi ng your wi reless phone. Place your phone where is easy to access and does not require you to move your eyesight. If receiving a call at an inconvenient moment, let your voicemail answer for you. When on the phone, tell your conversation partner that you are driving. Hang up in traffic jams or bad weather. Rain, rain with snow, snow, ice and traffic may be dangerous. Air bags, brakes, speed control system s and fuel injection sh ould not be influenced by radio transmission. If you have these problems, contact your car dealer immediately. Switch off your mo bile phone when fueling or an ywhere two-way radio equipment usage is prohibited. Do not put your phon e near flammable and explosive substances . I nternal s park ma y cause fire or explosion. Switch off the mobil e phone prior to airplane t ake-off. To prevent interference to c ommunication system s in the plane, never use a phone during flight. Using a phone before the plane takes off may be allowed by the crew in accordance with safety regulations. During flight, mak e sure that your phone will not be automaticall y switched on by an alarm you have set. Operating environment Remember to follo w any special regulatio ns in force in your area and always switch off your phon e whenev er it is fo rbi dden t o use it , or it may cause danger.
When connecting the ph one or any accessory to another devi ce, read its user’s guide for detaile d s af e t y i nst ructions. Do not c onnect incompatible products. It is recommend ed that the equi pment only be used in the norm al operating position (hel d to your ear with the antenna pointing over your shoulder) f or your sa tisfacto ry opera tion of t he equi pment a nd for the safety of personnel. Do not expose the equi pment t o temp erat ure bel ow -10 (14°F) or above 50 (122°F).
Electronic devices
Most electronic equipment is shielded from radio frequency signals. Consult the manufacturer for relevant information. Pacemakers: Maintain a minimum distance of 6 inches (15cm) between a wireless pho ne and a pa cemaker; do not put your p ho ne in a pocket near the chest; use your ear furthest from the pacemaker to reduce possibl e interfer ence. If you have an y reason to suspect that interference is taking place, switch off your phone immediately. Hearing aids: Some digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In t he event of such interference , you may consult your hearing aid manufacturer. Other medical devices: If you use any other personal medical devices, consult th e m anu f act ur er o f yo ur d evice t o d ete rm i ne if i t is adequately shiel ded from e xternal RF ene rgy. Your p hysician m ay be able to assist yo u in obtaining this information. Switch of f your phone in health care facilities when regulations posted in these areas instruct you to do so. Vehicles: RF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded electronic systems in motor vehicles. Check with the
Emergency calls
This phone, like any wir eless phone, oper ates using radio signals, which cannot guarantee connection in all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely on any wireless phone for essential communications like medical emergencies. To make or receive calls, th e phone m ust be swit ched on an d in a service area with adequate signal strength. To make an eme rgency call, enter the local emergenc y number in standby mode and press Snd to call.
Other important safety information
Use original or approved accessories. Any unapproved
accessory ma y affect the perform ance of your phone, damage your phone or even cause personnel injury.
Your wireless phone sends o ut an ele ctromagneti c field. D o not
put the phone near ma gnetic storage media suc h as computer disks. Neighboring electric appliances such as TVs, phones, radio receivers and PCs may affect the use of your phone and its performance.
Do not connect the phone to an incompatible device. Only qualifi ed personnel shoul d service the phon e or install the
phone in a vehicle.
Care and maintenance
Your phone is a product of superio r design and craftsm anship a nd should be treated with care. The suggestions below will allow you to enjoy this product for many years. Keep your phone out of the hands o f small children and p ets.
They may accidentally damage the phone or choke on small parts.
Keep the phone dry and avoid liquids that corrode the phone. Do not use the phone with a wet hand, which may cause an
electric shock.
Do not store the phone in hot areas, which can shorten the life of
electronic devices, dam ag e bat t eri es or melt accessories.
Do not store the phone in cold areas. When the phone warms up
to its normal operating temperature, moisture can form inside the phone, which may damage the phone’s electronic circuit boards.
Do not expos e your phone to ho t sun which may overheat your
Do not place your phone near flammable liquids, gases or
explosive substances.
Do not drop or knock the phone. Rough handling can break
internal circuit boards.
When cleaning your phone, use a slightly damp or anti-static
cloth. Do not use a dry or static cloth. Do not use chemicals such as cleaning solv ents to clean th e surface. Switch off the phone first and then do the cleaning.
Do not paint the phone . Pai nt c an pr ev ent pr op er operation. If your phone has a flash, do not use it too close to the eyes. This
may cause damage to eyes.
If the pho ne or battery gets wet and the label i n the phone is
damaged, phone repairs are no longer guaranteed by the manufacturer’s war ra nt y, even if the wa rra nty for your phone has
not expired. Improper use will invalidat e the warra nty! These safety instr uctions also apply to original accessories.

1 Start Using Battery

Before using your phone for the first time, please follow the instructions below to charge your battery completely. Do not overcharge, which will damage the battery and shorten its life. When not in use, unplug the charger from both your phone and the electrical outlet. Battery charging tim e depe nds on t h e r em aini n g bat te r y cha rg e, th e type of battery, and the charger used. The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times, but i t will gradually wear o ut. When the operation tim e i s noti c ea bly shorter than norm al, i t is ti m e to buy a new battery.

Uninstallation and installation of battery

Push the back cover of the pho ne upward as shown below and remove.
Pull out the top of the battery and remove.
When installing the battery, insert the metal contact at the bottom of the battery into the correspo nding sl ot of the m obile p hone, and then press the battery down to install it in place. The battery must be ensured to be installed before power on. Finally install the back cover of the mobile phone.

1.2 Charging the battery

When the powe r of the batte ry is lower than usual, the phone will prompt battery l ow. Please charge the battery; otherwise you will lose unsaved files. If you don’t charge for a long time, the phone will be powered off automatically. When charging, the battery icon at the upp er corner of the scree n will appear in a ch arging state. During the charge, the phone and charger may heat up a little bit, which is considered a normal phenomenon.
Warning: The stated charging temperature ranges from 0℃ to 40℃. Please do not use charging equipment if the temperature exceeds the rang e. Please only use the charger provided by the supplier. Ap plication of unaut horized charger ma y trigger danger and breach the mobile phone maintenance warranty.

1.3 Use of battery

In actual use, the sta ndby time and talk time of the mobile phone varies with the network status, working conditions and different usage behaviors.

SIM card

Your network o perat or will pr ovid e you a S IM card which is the key for your access to the digital GSM/3 G network. Prior t o usin g the
phone, you need to ins ert an activated SIM card in the mobile phone.
All relevant information concerning network connection will be recorded in the SIM card. SIM card can be removed from your mobile phone and be used in any ot her GSM mobile p hones (new mobile phone automatic al l y rea ds the S IM). In order to prev ent los s and d amage t o the inf ormati on in the card , you should avoid to uching the metal area and k eep it away from electric and magnetic places. SIM card once bei ng damaged, you will not be registered to the GSM network.
Warning: You must pow er of f the mobile ph o n e be fore removing th e S IM card. Inserting or removing the SIM card is absolutely prohibited when the external power supply is connected, otherwise the SIM card and mobile phone may be damaged.

1.4 Inserting the SIM card

Power off the mobile phone, remove the back cover and battery. Insert the S IM card correctly in the card slot; finally install the
back cover and battery of the mobile phone.

1.5 Unlock the SIM card

In order to preve nt ill egal use, S IM car d ado pts P IN code (personal identification code) encryption protection. If this functio n is selected, PIN c ode should be inputte d correctly each time when you po wer on t he mob ile ph one, th us to unl ock the SIM card for no rmal use. Us ers can dis arm the S IM card p rotecti on but illegal use of the SIM card cannot be prevented. If the PIN code input is i ncorrect for three c onsecutive times , your SIM card will be locked by the network. The mobile phone will enquire the PUK code which will be provided by your network operator. If the P UK code input is wron g f or 10 times, the S IM card will be permanently barr ed.
Note: Your network operator will set a standard PIN code (4 to 8 numbers) for you and you should change it to private password as soon as possible.

Plug and unplug the memory card

Power off the m obile phone , remove the rear cover and battery. The memory card slot at the side of SIM card slot. You shoul d push the memory card sl ot accor ding t o the indication mark ed in t he slot
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