Verykool R620 User Manual


User Manual


Description of Contents
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keys are shown by normal characters with frames
Functional key is shown with bold and frame
Menu item
Welcome to choose the R620 mobile phone. This user manual
states the outstandi ng performance of the R620 mobile phone in detail. In additi on to th e basi c c all f eatu res, th e R620 mobil e p hone and the system network also provi de you with a variety of useful features and services to facilitate your work and leisure activities. The Company reserv es the right to mak e any amendment on the technical specifica tion s wit hou t an y adv anc e notic e .
Reading Statement for the Manual
In manual, differ ent t ypes etting st yles are used to in terpr et di fferent operating details, and the specific interpretation is as follows:
Show with normal characte rs 0-9
General key
All the keys except functional
Show in bold italics Edit
Note: The picture shown in the manual are only used as function hint pictures whi ch may be different fr om the ones shown in the mobile phone, and the ones in your mobil e ph o ne shall prevail.
Introduction ..................................................................................... I
Security and per f or mance ............................................................. 1
1 Start Using ............................................................................... 4
1.1 Battery ............................................................................. 4
1.1.1 Uninstallation and installation of battery ................ 4
1.1.2 Charging the battery ............................................... 5
1.1.3 Use of battery ......................................................... 6
1.2 SIM card .......................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Insertion of SIM card .............................................. 6
1.2.2 Unlock the SIM card ............................................... 7
1.3 Plug and unplug the memory card .................................. 7
1.4 Plug and unplug the earphone ........................................ 8
1.5 Status bar and content .................................................... 8
1.5.1 Keys ........................................................................ 9
1.5.2 Text input and edit window ................................... 12
2 Dial and answer the call ....................................................... 12
2.1 Making a call ................................................................. 12
2.1.1 Direct dial .............................................................. 12
2.1.2 Making a call from the Phonebook list ................. 13
2.1.3 Speed dial ............................................................. 13
2.2 Answering a call ............................................................ 13
2.2.1 Answering new call ............................................... 13
2.2.2 Connecting two calls at the sam e tim e ................ 13
2.2.3 Conference call..................................................... 14
2.3 Emergency call .............................................................. 14
3 Menu operation ..................................................................... 15
3.1 Selection of main menu ................................................ 15
3.2 Menu Functions Form ................................................... 15
4 Applications .......................................................................... 15
5 Phonebook ............................................................................ 15
6 Call center .............................................................................. 16
6.1 Call history..................................................................... 16
6.2 Call settings ................................................................... 16
6.2.1 SIM1/SIM2 call settings ........................................ 16
6.2.2 Advanced settings ................................................ 17
7 Connectivity .......................................................................... 17
7.1 Bluetooth ....................................................................... 17
7.2 WLAN ............................................................................ 17
7.3 Conn. Management ....................................................... 18
7.4 Data account ................................................................. 18
8 SNS ......................................................................................... 18
8.1 MSN .............................................................................. 18
8.2 Yahoo ............................................................................ 18
8.3 Facebook ....................................................................... 18
8.4 Twitter ............................................................................ 18
9 Messaging.............................................................................. 18
10 Services ................................................................................. 20
10.1 Internet service .............................................................. 20
10.2 License manager ........................................................... 21
10.2.1 License List ........................................................... 21
10.2.2 Status.................................................................... 21
10.2.3 Advance ................................................................ 21
10.3 STK(SIM Tool Kit) ......................................................... 21
11 File manager .......................................................................... 21
12 Organizer ............................................................................... 22
12.1 Calendar ........................................................................ 22
12.2 Tasks ............................................................................. 22
12.3 Alarm ............................................................................. 22
12.4 World clock .................................................................... 23
12.5 Notes ............................................................................. 23
12.6 Synchronization ............................................................. 23
12.7 Phone sync.................................................................... 23
12.8 Calculator ...................................................................... 24
12.9 Currency converter ........................................................ 24
12.10 Health ............................................................................ 24
12.11 Stopwatch ...................................................................... 24
12.12 Ebook reader ................................................................. 24
13 Multimedia ............................................................................. 25
13.1 Image viewer ................................................................. 25
13.2 Media player .................................................................. 26
13.3 Sound recorder ............................................................. 26
13.4 Radio FM ....................................................................... 26
13.5 Schedule FM record ...................................................... 27
14 Settings .................................................................................. 27
14.1 Time and date ............................................................... 27
14.2 Personalized setting s .................................................... 27
14.3 User profiles .................................................................. 27
14.4 Phone settings .............................................................. 28
14.5 Network settings ............................................................ 28
14.6 Security settings ............................................................ 29
14.6.1 SIM1/SIM2 security .............................................. 29
14.6.2 Phone security ...................................................... 29
14.6.3 Auto keypad lock .................................................. 29
14.6.4 Certificate manager .............................................. 30
14.6.5 Private security ..................................................... 30
14.6.6 Calls & SMS firewall ............................................. 30
14.6.7 Phone control ....................................................... 30
14.7 Restore factory settings ................................................ 32
14.8 Misc. settings................................................................. 32
14.8.1 Sound effect ......................................................... 32
14.8.2 UART settings ...................................................... 33
15 Camera ................................................................................... 33
15.1 Camera .......................................................................... 33
15.2 Video recorder ............................................................... 33
16 Other Functions .................................................................... 34
16.1 Mass Storage Function ................................................. 34
16.2 Web camera Function ................................................... 34
16.3 COM port ....................................................................... 34
17 Common Questions .............................................................. 34
18 Maintenance Guideline ......................................................... 36

Security and performance

To touch the s creen of the mobile phone with sharp a rticles is prohibited. Dust p articles and nails ma y scratch the scree n. Please maintain the scree n clean. Please re move the dust on the s creen with soft cloth gently, so as not to scratch the screen.
In thunder raining days, please do not use the mobile phone when charge it or outdo or, so a s t o avoid being struck b y thu nder or other injuries.
Please do not put the b attery in high-temperature environm ent (high temperature w il l lea d to heat of the ba t te r y upg ra di n g), or el se it may result in fire or explosion.
Please keep the mobile phone being charged and the charger away from people or other flammable and explosive articles in order to avoid fire, explosion or other dangers!
Please strictly adhered to the r ules and do shut down the m obile phone on occasions which use of mobile phone is prohibited! Please do not put the mobile phone, battery and charger in the equipment with strong electromagnetic field, such as induction cooker and micro wave oven; other wise it will lead to ci rcuit failure, fire or explosion.
Please do not arbitrarily refit the mo bile phone, or teardo wn the mobile phone and accessories without authorization. Improper refitting or teardown easily triggers fire and explosion of the mobile phone. Only the authorized organizations can repair the mobile phone.
Please do not use batteries, charger or accessories of non-standard original models.
Please do not join the two p oles of the batter y, so as not to resul t in battery short-circuit.
If the power wire has b een damaged (such as the exposed and fractured), or the con nec tor has been l oos ened, pl ease d on’t u se it, so as to avoid electric shock, short circuit of the charger or fire.
The mobile phone s hould be power ed off in the h ospital or oth er places where use of mobil e phone is prohibited. Mobil e phone will affect proper work of electronic equipment and medical devices, such as pacemakers, hearing aids and other medical electronic equipments. Pacemaker manufacturer proposes to keep the distance between t he mobi le phon e and th e pacemak er at l east 1 5 cm, in order to avoid pot enti al i nte rference to the p ac em ak er by the mobile phone.
Please do not uses the mobile phone when drive a car. In case of emergency, pleas e use hand-free devices (which may be bought separately); otherwise, please park your car on the road side before making a call.
Please do not pu t the mobile phon e on car insuranc e airbag or region reachable b y the airbag after spr eading. Otherwise wh en t he airbag expands or ruptures, the mobile phone is likely to cause serious dama ge to the pe ople i n the car due t o stro ng ex tern al for ce.
Please keep the mobile phone, battery and charger at place out of the reach of children. Please do not let children use the mobile phone, battery and charger in the absence of adults’ supervision.
In order to comply with provisions of RF leakage, whe n you wear a mobile phone or use the data functions of the mobile phone, please maintain th e dista nce betw een the a ntenna a nd the b ody at least 1 inch (2.5 centimeters).
Please power off the mobile phone before cleaning and maintenance. If t he mobile p hone is co nnected to th e charger, you need to unplug th e charger from the power outle t, and disconne ct the connection be tween t he charg er and th e mobil e phone i n order to avoid electric shock, short circuit of battery or charger.
Do not use chemical lotion, scrubbing cleanser to wipe the mobile phone or the charger , otherw ise it ma y damage th e compone nts or cause fire. Slightly wet and anti-static soft clean cloth can be used.
Please do not thro w the old and abando ned lithium batt eries into trash can, send them to th e designa ted locatio ns or return them to our company.
Please do not charge the mobile phone in environment with much dust, humidity, too high, or too low temperature (the permitted charging temperature range is 0~ 40), and the power wire cannot be nearby the heatin g containers.
Please do not use the pho ne to mak e bold t o camera , video and recording that may infract the rights of the copyright owners. The company wi ll not b e responsi ble for any losse s caused by not recording, deleting, des tructing or dam age of the photos, vid eo and recordings caused b y its access ories or soft ware on the us e of the functions including camera, video and audio.
In the use of net work function, if th e users download a file with virus, which make the m obile phone cann ot be used normally; t he company does not undertake any responsibility arising therefore. Warning: The original manufacturer will not take on any responsibility for the users who are not in compliance with the above advices or improperly use the mobile phone. Note: The appli cation o f value -added s ervices o f the mobi le pho ne is provided by relevant service providers. Please refer to the relevant help or providers’ no tes f or det ail ed inf orm ation.
Statement: The Company reserves the right to improve the product without m aking any advance notice, an d keeps final interpretin g rights on the prod uct performanc e. The compan y commits to improve the product quality and gradually launches new versions of products. So if the contents stated in the manual are slightly d if f er e nt from th e f u nction, spe cification or design, please refer to the mobile phone. Such changes are not notified additionally, your under s ta n ding is apprecia ted.

1 Start Usi n g

1.1 Battery

The battery is att ached with the mobil e phone. The battery is not charged when the mobile phone is purchased but can support powering on. Ple ase recharge it for u se after completely using up the battery for the fi rst three ti mes, which mak es this batt ery easi er to achieve the best using state.

1.1.1 Uninstallation and installation of battery

Put the back of the mobile phone upward, move the cover button to the right to release the cover, then take off the rear cover according to the chat below.
Dig out the bottom of the battery and get the battery out.
When installing the battery, insert the metal teeth at the bottom of the battery into corresponding slot of the mobile phone, and then press the batte ry down to install t he battery in place. The battery must be ensured to be installed before powering on. Finally install the rear cover of the mobile phone, move the cover button to the left to lock the cover.

1.1.2 Charging the battery

When the power of t he battery was low er than normal, the ph one will prompt batter y low. Please recharge for the batte ry, otherwise you will lose the files which are n ot saved. If you don’t c harge f or a long time, the phone will be pow er ed off autom ati c al l y. When charging, t he battery ico n at the right upper corne r of the screen will appe ar i n a d yn am ic r ol li n g m anne r. During t he charging period, the battery, mobile phone and charger will become hot, which is a normal phenomenon.
Warning: The stated charging temperature ranges from 0℃ to 40℃. Please do not use charging equipment if the temperature exceeds the ra nge. Pl ease do use t he char ger pro vided by the
supplier. Application of unauthorized charger may trigger danger and breach the mobile phone maintenance warranty.

1.1.3 Use of battery

In actual use, the sta ndby time and talk time of the mobile pho ne varies with the network status, workin g environment and different using manners.

1.2 SIM card

Your network operator will provi de you a SIM car d which is the k ey for your access to the digital GSM network. Prior to using the
phone, you need to insert effective SIM card in the mobile phone.
All relevant information concerning network connection will be recorded in the SIM card. SIM card can be removed from your mobile phone and be used in any other GSM mobile phon e (new mobile phone automatic al l y rea d SIM c ard ). In order to prev ent los s and d amage t o the i nformati on in the card , you should avoid to uching the metal area and k eep it away from electricity and magnetic places. SIM card once being damaged, you will not be registered to the GSM network.
Warning: You must power off the mobile phone before removing the SIM card. Inserting or removing the SIM card is absolutely prohibited when the external power supply is connected, otherwise SIM card and mobile phone may be damaged.

1.2.1 Insertion of SIM card

Power off the mobile phone, remove the rear cover and battery. Insert the SIM card correctly in the card slot; finally install the
battery and rear cover of the mobile phone.

1.2.2 Unlock the SIM card

In order to preve nt ill egal use, S IM c ard a dopts P IN co de (p ers onal identification code) encryption protection. If this function is selecte d, PIN c ode sh ould be i nput cor rectl y each time when you power on t he mobile ph one, thus to u nlock the SIM card for normal us e. Users ca n disarm the S IM card pr otection b ut illegal use of the SIM card cannot be prevented. If the PIN code input is error for thr ee consecuti ve times, you r SIM card will be locked by the net work. The mobile phone will en quire the PUK code which will be provided by your network operator. If the PUK code input is wrong for 10 times, the SIM card will be permanently barred.
Note: Your network operator will set a standard PIN code (4 to 8 numbers) for you and you should change it to private password as soon as possible.

1.3 Plug and unplug the memory card

Power off the mobile phone, remove the rear cover and battery. Open the memory ca rd holder, and i nsert the memor y card into
the slot at the bottom according to the chat below, then close th e
memory card holder.

1.4 Plug and unplug the earphone

Open the USB cover and insert the connector of the earphone to the earphone jack at the bottom of the mobile phone. Gently pull out the earphone to remove it.

1.5 Status bar and content

In standby screen you can get the informati on that you need fr om the indication icons on the screen.
Indicating the current signal strength of SIM1
Indicating that the SIM1 is connecting network currently
Indicating there is text message not read of SIM1
Indicating there is MMS sending or downloading
Indicating there is MMS not read of SIM 1
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