Verykool i674 User Manual

i674 / i675

User Manual


Description of Contents
keys are shown by normal characters with frames
Functional key is shown with bold and frame
Menu item
Welcome t o choo s e t he I 67 4 / I67 5 mobile phone. This user manual
states the outst an di ng p erf orm a nc e o f t he I67 4 / I67 5 mobile phone in detail. In addition t o the bas ic call features, the I674 / I675 mobile phone and the s ystem network also provide you with a variety of useful features and services to facilitate your work and leisure activities. The Company reserv es the right to mak e any amendment on the technical specifications without any advance notice.
Reading Statement for the Manual
In manual, differ ent t ypes etting st yles are used to in terpr et di fferent operating details, and the specific interpretation is as follows:
General key
Note: The picture s shown i n the manual are only use d as function hint which may be different from the phone, and the ones in your phone shall prevail.
Show with normal characte rs 0-9 All the keys except functional
Show in bold Edit
Introduction ..................................................................................... I
Security and per f or mance ............................................................. 1
1 Start Using ............................................................................... 3
1.1 Battery ............................................................................... 3
1.2 SIM card ............................................................................ 3
1.3 Plug the memory card ....................................................... 4
1.4 Plug the earphone ............................................................. 4
1.5 Status bar and content ...................................................... 4
1.5.1 Keys ........................................................................... 5
1.5.2 Text input and edit window ........................................ 7
2 Dial and answer the call ......................................................... 7
2.1 Dialing a call ...................................................................... 7
2.2 Answering a call ................................................................ 7
2.3 Emergency call .................................................................. 8
3 Menu operation ....................................................................... 8
4 Characteristic func ti on ........................................................... 9
4.1 Switch pages ..................................................................... 9
4.2 Free-style menu ................................................................. 9
4.3 Curtain page ...................................................................... 9
5 File manager ............................................................................ 9
6 Phonebook .............................................................................. 9
7 User profiles ............................................................................ 9
8 WLAN ..................................................................................... 10
9 Settings .................................................................................. 10
9.1 Call settings ..................................................................... 10
9.1.1 SIM1/SIM2 call settings ........................................... 10
9.1.2 Advanced settings .................................................... 11
9.2 Network settings .............................................................. 11
9.3 Security settings .............................................................. 11
9.4 Restore factory settings ................................................... 11
10 Call history ............................................................................ 12
11 Dialer ...................................................................................... 12
12 Messaging.............................................................................. 12
13 Security guard ....................................................................... 12
14 Connectivity .......................................................................... 14
15 Email ....................................................................................... 14
16 Camcorder ............................................................................. 15
17 Image viewer ......................................................................... 15
18 Media player .......................................................................... 15
19 Sound recorder ..................................................................... 16
20 Radio FM ................................................................................ 16
21 Calendar ................................................................................. 16
22 Tasks ...................................................................................... 16
23 Alarm ...................................................................................... 16
24 World clock ............................................................................ 16
25 Notes ...................................................................................... 16
26 Synchronization .................................................................... 17
27 Phone sync ............................................................................ 17
28 Opera ...................................................................................... 17
29 Calculator............................................................................... 17
30 Health ..................................................................................... 17
31 Currency converter ............................................................... 17
32 Stopwatch .............................................................................. 17
33 Ebook reader ......................................................................... 18
34 Answering machine .............................................................. 18
35 Bluetooth ............................................................................... 18
36 Applications .......................................................................... 18
37 STK ......................................................................................... 18
38 FaceBook ............................................................................... 18
39 eBuddy ................................................................................... 19
40 Other Functions .................................................................... 19
41 Common Questions .............................................................. 19
42 Maintenance Guideline ......................................................... 20

Security and performance

In thunder raining days, please do not use the mobile phone when charge it or outdo or, so a s t o avoid being struck by t hu nde r o r ot he r injuries.
Please do not put the b attery in high-temperature environm ent (high temperature will lead to hea t of the battery upgrading), and keep the phone being charged and the charger away from people or other flammable and explosive articles in order to avoid fire, explosion or other dangers!
Please strictly adhered to the r ules and do shut down the m obile phone on occasions which use of mobile phone is prohibited!
Please do not arbitrarily refit or teardown the phone and accessories. Only the authorized organizations can repair the phone.
Please do not use batteries, charger or accessories of non-standard original models.
Please do not join the two pol es of the battery, so as not to result in battery short-circuit.
Please do not use th e mobile phone when driving. In case of emergency, pleas e use hand-free devices (which may be bought separately).
Please do not put the phone on car insu rance airbag or regio n reachable by the ai rba g a f te r sp rea di n g . Oth er wise when the airbag expands or rupt ures, the mobile phone is likely to cause seriou s damage to the people in the car due to strong external force.
In order to compl y with prov isions of RF leak age, when you we ar a phone or use th e data functions, please maint ain the distance between the antenna and the body at least 1 inch (2.5 cm).
Do not use chemical lotion, scrubbing cleanser to wipe the mobile phone or the charger , otherwise it may dam age the c ompone nts or cause fire. Slightly wet and anti-static soft clean cloth can be used.
Please do not thro w the old and abando ned lithium batt eries into trash can, send them to the designated locations.
Please do not use the p hone to mak e bold t o camera , video and recording that m ay infract the rights of the copyright o wners. The company will not be responsible for any losses caused by not recording, deleting, des tructing or dam age of the phot os, video and recordings caused b y its access ories or soft ware on the use of the functions including camera, video and audio.
In the use of net work function, if th e users download a file with virus, which make the m obile phone cann ot be used normally; t he company does not undertake any responsibility arising therefore. Warning: The original manufacturer will not take on any responsibility for the users who are not in compliance with the above advices or improperly use the mobile phone. Note: The application o f value -added s ervices o f the mobi le pho ne is provided by relevant service providers. Please refer to the relevant help or providers’ notes for detailed information. Statement: The Company reserves the right to improve the product without making any advance notice, and keeps final interpreting rights on the produc t performance. Such chang es are not notified additionally, your understanding is appreciated.

1 Start Using

1.1 Battery

Battery is attached with the phon e. Please rech arge it for us e after completely using up the battery for the first three times, which makes this battery easier to achieve the best using state. In actual use, the standby tim e and talk time of th e phone varies with the network status, working environme nt and different using manners. With the back of th e mobil e phone faci ng upward, then take off the rear cover. Lift the battery from the bottom and take the batt ery out.
When inserting th e battery, insert the metal t eeth at the top of the battery into corr espon ding s lot of the m obile phon e, and then pres s the battery down to insert t he batter y in place. T he batte ry must b e correctly inserted before powering on.

1.2 SIM card

The SIM card is the ke y for accessing to the digital GSM ne twork.
Prior to using the phone, you ne ed t o inser t e ffect ive S IM card in the phone.
In order to preve nt ill egal use, S IM c ard a dopts P IN co de (p ers onal identification code) encryption protection. If this function is selecte d, PIN c ode sh ould be i nput cor rectl y each
time when you power on the ph one, th us to unlo ck the S IM card for normal use. User s can disarm the SIM c ard protection but illeg al use of the SIM card cannot be prevented. If the PIN c ode input is er ror for three consecutiv e times, you r SIM card will be locked b y th e net work. There will en qui re th e P UK cod e which provided b y your network operator. If the PUK co de input is wrong for 10 times, the SIM card will be permanently barred.
Note: Your network operator will set a standard PIN code and you should chang e it to pr ivate passwor d.

1.3 Plug the memory card

Open the memo ry car d hol der, and in sert th e memo ry card into the slot at the bottom according to the chat below, then close the memory card holder.

1.4 Plug the earphone

Open the USB cover and insert the connector of the earphone to the earphone jack at the top of the mobil e phone. Gently pull out the earphone to remove it.

1.5 Status bar and content

In standby screen you can get the inf ormation that yo u need from the indication icons on the screen.
+ 18 hidden pages