Verykool i316 User Manual

1. WARNINGS ................................................................... 1
2. GETTING STARTED .................................................... 3
2.1 APPEARANCE ............................................................ 3
2.2 KEYPAD DEFINITION ............................................... 4
2.3 BATTERY INSTALLATION ....................................... 5
2.5 CHARGING THE BATTERY ...................................... 6
2.6 S ECURITY SETTINGS ............................................... 6
2.7 T-FLASH CARD .......................................................... 7
2.8 USB CABLE ................................................................ 7
3. BASIC FUNCTIONS ..................................................... 7
3.1 MAKING A CALL ....................................................... 7
3.2 EM ERGENCY SERVICE ............................................ 8
3.3 ANSWERING A CALL................................................ 8
3.4 REJECTING A CALL .................................................. 8
4. GUIDE TO MENU OPERATIONS ................................ 8
4.1 FILE MANAG ER ........................................................ 8
4.2 P HONEBOOK ............................................................. 8
4.3 FUN ............................................................................. 9
4.3. 1 GAME S ..................................................................... 9
4.4 CALL CENTER ........................................................... 9
4.4.1 CALL HISTORY ....................................................... 9
4.4.2 CALL SETTINGS ................................................... 10
4.5 ME S S AGI N G ............................................................. 10
4.6 MU LTI M E DIA .......................................................... 13
4.6.1 CAMERA ................................................................ 13
4.6.2 IMAGE VIEWER ................................................... 13
4.6.3 VIDEO RECORDER .............................................. 13
4.6.4 VIDEO PLAYER .................................................... 13
4.6.5 AUDIO PLA YER .................................................... 13
4.6.6 SOUND RECORDER ............................................. 14
4.7 ORG ANIZER ............................................................. 14
4.7.1 CALENDAR ........................................................... 14
4.7.2 ALARM .................................................................. 14
4.7.3 WORLD CLOCK .................................................... 14
4.8 S ETTINGS ................................................................. 14
4.8.1 DUAL SIM SETTINGS .......................................... 14
4.8.2 PHONE SETTINGS ................................................ 15
4.8.3 NETWORK SETTINGS ......................................... 15
4.8.4 SECURITY SETTINGS .......................................... 16
4.8.5 CONNECTIVITY ................................................... 16
4.8.6 RESTORE SETTINGS ............................................ 17
4.9 PROFILES ................................................................. 17
4.10 EXTR AS .................................................................. 17
4.10.1 CALCULATOR ..................................................... 17
4.10.2 EBOOK READER ................................................ 17
4.11 SERVICES ............................................................... 18
4.11.1 INTERNET SERVICE ........................................... 18
4.11.2 STK ....................................................................... 18
4.12 FM R ADIO .............................................................. 18
5. ENTRY MODE ............................................................ 18
6. CARE AND MAINTENANCE .................................... 19
7. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ................................... 21
8. FCC STATEM ENT ...................................................... 22
9. SAR INFORMATION STATEMENT .......................... 23
10. BODY-WORN OPERATION ..................................... 25
1. Warnings Not following these simple guidelines may be dangerous or
illegal. Read the complete user guide for further information.
TURN ON SAFELY Do not turn on the phone when wireless phone is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Obey all road safety laws. Always use both of your hands to operate the vehicle while driving.
All wireless phones may be sensitive to interference, which may affect performance.
TURN OFF IN HOSPITALS Follow all restrict ions. Turn off the phone near medical equipment.
Follow all restrictions. W ireless devices can cause interference on aircrafts.
Do not use the phone at/near refuelin g stations. Do not use near fuel or chemicals.
Only qualified personnel may install or re pair thi s product.
ENHANCEMENTS AND BATTERIES Use only appropriate enhancements and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products.
Your p ho ne is no t water -resistant. Keep it dry.
Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written record of all important inform ation stor ed in your phone.
When connecting to any external device, read its user guide for detailed safety instructions. Do not connec t with incompatible products.
2. Getting Started
2.1 Appearance
The Symbols above ind icate:
1. Speaker 2. Receiver
3. Display Screen 4. Le ft Soft Key
5. Dial Ke y 6. Number Keys
7. * Key 8. Navigation Keys
9. Right S oft Key 10. End Key/Power Key
11. OK Key 12. # Key
13. USB Interface 14. Camera
15. Battery Cover
2.2 Keypad Definition
Left Soft key/ Right Soft key
1. Execute functions that th e
left-down/right-down corner indicator shows.
2. In th e standby mode, pre ss left soft key to access Menu, press
right soft key to access Names.
Navigation Keys
1. Press the keys to select menu or options.
OK Key
1. In st andby mode, press the
key to enter dial panel.
2. In di al panel, after inputting num be rs, pre s s t his key to se l e ct SIM1/2 voice call.
3. In oth er mode, press the key
for confirmation.
End Key/ Power Key
1. Mainly used as power on/off.
2. Press to return to standby screen in any interface.
3. End calls or reject inc oming calls.
4. When the keypad is locked, press left soft key and End ke y
to unlock.
Dial Key
1. Press this key to dial or
receive an incoming call.
2. In st andby mode, press this
key to access All calls.
Number Keys
1. Use these keys to input
numbers or letters.
* Key
1. After inputting phone number,
quick press * key thrice, then the symbol “p” appears and input the extension number . You c an make an extension call.
2. In st andby mode, press left soft key and * key to lock
# Key
1. In text editing interface, press
# key to switch the text input method.
2. Pre ss and ho l d # ke y to transfer the profile of current
mode and Silent mode.
2.3 Batter y Installat ion
Caution: Install a ccording to the i llustration above to avoid
breaking the batte ry connectors.
2.4 SIM Card/T-Flash Card Installation
Caution: Do not bend or sc ratch your SIM card and T-Flash card. Avoid exposing your SIM card and T-Fla sh ca rd to static electricity, water , or dirt.
Tips:Face the gold color contact poin t of SIM card towards the cell phone and push the SIM card into the slot. With the metal contacts facing down, gently slide the T-Flash c ard into the slot. Press and pull the cover up to lock it.
2.5 Charging the Battery
Insert the charger into USB interface of the phone; the flash symbol on the charger plug must face upward. Con ne ct the charger to a standard wall outle t a n d t he batter y power icon in the up-right corner of the screen will start scrolling. When the battery bar stops s crolling, the battery charge is complete. Press the two sides of th e ch arger plug and d isc onnect the c harg e r fr o m t he p hone.
When the battery is low, a “low battery” me ssage will
display across the screen and the battery icon will seem empty. If the battery level is insufficient, the phone will turn off automatically. Do not use your phone under low battery state for an extended period of time or it may cause battery damage.
2.6 Se cu rity S et tings
PIN code PIN code (Personal Identity Number) prevents
unauthorized use of your phone. The PIN code is provided by your network operat or with the SIM card. If you enter the wrong code three times in a row, the PIN code will be blocked. T o unblock the PIN code, you need to enter your PUK. Your PUK is provided by your network operator.
Phone Lock
Activate/Modify/Deactivate power on password (the length of the password is 4-8 d ig i ta l numbers). If you ac tiv ate the “Phone lock”, you need to enter the password each time you turn on the phone. If you want to modify the Startup password or deacti vate power on password, enter “Change password” to se t.
2.7 T-flash Card
Insert the T-Flash card into phone. This will expand the
Flash memory of the phone.
2.8 USB Cable
You can transfer a n d sto r e file s , such as M P3, MP4 and pictures from PC, through USB cable, to the mass storage in phone or identified SD card that is inserted.
3. Basic Functions
3.1 M aking a C all
In standby mode , pr ess num erical keys to input phone num be r to dial. If you're ma king a long distance call, add the area code preceding the teleph one number. After
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