This plug-in version of the original hardware VSC2 compressor has been faithfully modeled by
Brainworx, working closely with Vertigo Sound.
Based on Vertigo’s Big Impact Design. The VSC-2
plug-in sets a new standard for tracking, mix bus and
mastering applications.
Four discrete VCAs
Unlike other compressors on the market the VSC-2 is
equipped with four discrete VCAs and lots of
matchless detailed features.
This unique set-up gives you the real analog sound
from 1979 plus a bunch of versatile extras available in
today´s studio environment.
The basic concept of the VSC-2 hardware
The Vertigo Sound VSC-2 hardware version
incorporates two discrete 1979 VCAs for each
channel. Each channel is equiped with one VCA
in the audio path and another one inside the
audio sidechain.
In stereo mode both sidechains are active (they
are not summed together), and the higher signal
peak of either of the 2 channels determines the
compression for both channels (Stereo SC in
Stereo Mode).
Therefore the VSC-2 is able to react even on out
of phase signals ("peaks") – and without image
shift! Variable harmonics (2nd & 3rd order)
depending on Gain Reduction and Make Up Gain
make this compressor one of the cleanest yet
“colored” devices out there.
Its precision makes the VSC-2 a first choice for
mastering applications and the stereo mix bus.
Although the VSC-2 was developed as a stereo bus
compressor each channel provides a complete set of
controls which also makes the VSC-2 a dual mono
"must have" in recording and mix situations.
The VSC-2 plug-in is a faithful emulation of this iconic stereo
compressor offering the same flexibility and precision as the
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General Tip:
Start using the plug-in on a stereo mix bus or a stereo
mix file to get a feel for what this extraordinary
compressor can add to your music.
We have added a number of useful presets you should
browse through as a starting point. Please make sure
to adjust the Threshold according to your signals if
The controls
Let’s take a closer look at the controls from left to right.
Sets the level above which signal peaks will cause
compression. Rotating the control clockwise
raises the threshold.
The Threshold is adjustable within a range of
approx. 48 dB.
We incorporated a “Zoom In” to give you a more
sensitive control and resolution in the most
commonly used “Level Area”.
Set the Threshold fully clockwise-then turn the
control slowly anticlockwise until the right amount
of compression is processed.
Re-adjust setting if other parameters are changed.
Sets the compression slope, which determines how the
output signal will change in relation to the input signal
once the input signal exceeds the threshold.
The higher the ratio, the stronger the compression,
and the more “squeezed” the sound.
Example: With a setting of 2:1, a 2 dB input change for
signals above the threshold results in a 1 dB output
Soft Mode: This is not the commonly known soft knee
characteristic. Soft is better described with TipToe - a
Ratio which increases with input level – a Threshold
related Ratio from 1:1 up to 8:1!
The compressor “tiptoes” into compression with very
low ratios, then automatically increasing with higher
input signal, providing an inaudible start of compression.