Hand Dynamometer
(Order Code HD-BTA)
The Hand Dynamometer can be used to measure grip
strength or pinch strength and to perform muscle fatigue
studies. Using the appropriate data-collection hardware and
soft ware, y ou can graph, re cord, cal culate, and comp are
hand grip muscle fatigue rates. This sensor can be used
alone or in combination with other sensors (e.g., EKG Sensor) for studies of
muscular health and activity.
Note: Vernier products are designed for educational use. Our products are not
designed nor are they recommended for any industrial, medical, or commercial
process such as life support, patient diagnosis, control of a manufacturing
process, or industrial testing of any kind.
What's Included
Hand Dynamometer
Compatible Software and Interfaces
See www.vern ier.co m/manu als /hd -b ta for a list of interfaces and software compatible
with the Hand Dynamometer.
Getting Started
1. Connect the sensor to the interface (LabQuest Mini, LabQuest 2, etc.).
2. Start the appropriate data-collection software (Logger Pro, Logger Lite,
LabQuest App) if not already running, and choose New from File menu.
The software will identify the sensor and load a default data-collection setup. You
are now ready to continue your experiment.
If you are collecting data using a Chromebook™, mobile device such as iPad
Android™ tablet, or a Vernier wireless sensor or interface, please see the following
link for up-to-date connection information:
www.vern ier.co m/sta rt/ hd -b ta
Using the Product
Connect the sensor following the steps in the Getting Started section of this user
The Hand Dynamometer can be used to measure grip strength or pinch strength.
Grip strength is assessed holding the sensor in a vertical position with the arm
perpendicular to the body and fingers on the pad distal to the longer proximal
portion to which the palm is pressed. Strength can be measured by applying
pressure for a series of short grasps or over a sustained duration.
Pinch strength is assessed by placing the sensor on a flat horizontal surface with
the pinch sensor pads in a vertical alignment, extending beyond the table plane.
Using your thumb and forefinger, place each on the respective opposing pinch
pads and press.
Potential Uses for this Sensor
The following is a list of activities and experiments that can be performed using
this sensor.
Determine if grip and pinch strength are a function of age.
Compare hand grip strength with pinch strength. Devise and carry out a study
to explore if there is a correlation between them.
Measure muscle fatigue by exerting maximum grip strength and sustained
grasp for as long as possible. Determine if muscle fatiguing time is similar for
all participants and if there is variation between age groupings and gender.
Predict the results of repeated trials for each member of the group.
Measure the effect of squeezing a tennis ball repeatedly on grip strength.
Squeeze the ball tightly each evening fifty times for a month. At the beginning
of the month, measure and record your basal grip strength; at the end of the
month, record your hand grip strength and analyze how these values compare.
Determine if there is a correlation between hand size and grip strength.
Consider factors such as wrist and forearm circumference in relation to grip
strength and which muscle complexes are involved in grip strength and pinch
Measure hand grip strength for dominant and non-dominant hands by gripping
the dynamometer in a neutral non-supportive posture with the sensor in your
non-dominant hand. Initiate data collection while holding the sensor with a
neutral grip with eyes closed. Explore what accounts for the similarities and
differen ces.