Go Direct®ORP
(Order Code GDX-ORP)
Go Direct ORP measures the ability of a
solution to act as an oxidizing agent or
reducing agent. ORP stands for oxidation-reduction potential. For example, ORP
electrodes are often used to measure the oxidizing ability of chlorine in
swimming pools, or to determine when the equivalence point has been reached
in an oxidation-reduction reaction.
Note: Vernier products are designed for educational use. Our products are not
designed nor are they recommended for any industrial, medical, or commercial
process such as life support, patient diagnosis, control of a manufacturing
process, or industrial testing of any kind.
What's Included
l Go Direct ORP (Go Direct Electrode Amplifier connected to a Go Direct
ORP BNC Electrode)
l Electrode storage bottle, containing pH 4/KCl solution
l Micro USBCable
Compatible Software
See www.vernier.com/manuals/gdx-o rp for a list of software compatible with Go
Direct ORP.
Getting Started
Please see the following link for platform-specific connection information:
using LabQuest, choose Wireless
Device Setup > Go Direct from the
Sensors menu.
6. Select your Go Direct sensor from
the list of Discovered Wireless
Devices. Your sensor's ID is located
near the barcode on the sensor. The
LED will blink green when it is
successfully connected.
7. Click or tap Done to enter datacollection mode.
Charging the Sensor
Connect Go Direct ORP to the included USB Charging Cable and any USB
device for two hours. Connecting Go Direct ORP to the electrode amplifier
during charging is optional.
You can also charge up to eight Go Direct ORPSensors using our Go Direct
Charge Station, sold separately (order code: GDX-CRG).
Bluetooth Connection USB Connection
1. Install Vernier Graphical
Analysis™ on your computer,
Chromebook™, or mobile device. If
using LabQuest®, make sure
LabQuest App is up to date. See
www.vernier.com/ga4 for Graphical
Analysis availability or
www.vernier.com/downloads to
update LabQuest App.
2. Charge your sensor for at least
2hours before first use.
3. Turn on your sensor by pressing the
power button once. The LED will
blink red.
4. Launch Graphical Analysis or turn
on LabQuest.
5. If using Graphical Analysis, click
or tap Sensor Data Collection. If
1. Install Graphical Analysis on your
computer or Chromebook. If using
LabQuest, make sure LabQuest
App is up to date. See
www.vernier.com/ga4 for software
availability or
www.vernier.com/downloads to
update LabQuest App.
2. Connect the sensor to the USB
3. Launch Graphical Analysis or turn
on LabQuest. You are now ready to
collect data.
Note: This sensor does not work with
the original LabQuest. It works with
LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3.
Fully charged
Powering the Sensor
Turning on the sensor
Putting the sensor in sleep
Blue LED is on steady while sensor is connected
to the Charging Cable or Charge Station.
Blue LED is off when charging is complete.
Press button once. Red LED indicator flashes
when unit is on.
Press and hold button for more than three
seconds to put into sleep mode. Red LED
indicator stops flashing when sleeping.

Connecting the Sensor
See the following link for up-to-date connection information:
Connecting via Bluetooth
Ready to connect Red LED flashes when sensor is awake and
ready to connect.
Connected Green LED flashes when sensor is connected via
Connecting via USB
Connected and charging Blue and Green LED are solid when sensor is
connected to Graphical Analysis via USB and
unit is charging. (Green LED is obscured by the
blue one.)
Connected, fully charged Green LED solid when sensor is connected to
Graphical Analysis via USB and the unit is fully
By default, the units displayed will be in mV. See www.vernier.com/til/3984 to
change the displayed units.
Calibrating the Sensor
Calibration of Go Direct ORP is not supported. ORP readings are in mV. The
Go Direct Electrode Amplifier mV response is dictated by the amplifier (as
opposed to the electrode) and does not change over time, temperature, or with
the electrode being attached. Calibration of Go Direct ORP in mV by putting it
into different standards does not provide a better mV calibration. It provides a
worse calibration as it will assume the ORP electrode is perfect. Then the mV
reading will be off regardless of which electrode is connected.
Response time 90% of final reading is one second in a buffer
Range –1,000 mV to +1,000 mV
Typical accuracy ± 15 mV
Resolution 0.01 mV
USBspecification 2.0
Charging via USB,
connected via Bluetooth
Blue LED is solid and green LED is flashing, but
the green flashing LED looks white because it is
overwhelmed by the blue.
Identifying the Sensor
When two or more sensors are connected, the sensors can be identified by
tapping or clicking Identify in Sensor Information.
Using the Product
1. Remove the storage bottle from the electrode by unscrewing the lid and
removing the bottle and lid.
2. Thoroughly rinse the lower section of the probe, especially around the bulbshaped tip, using distilled or deionized water.
3. Connect the sensor following the steps in the Getting Started section of this
user manual.
4. When you are finished making measurements, rinse the electrode with
distilled water.
5. Slide the cap onto the electrode body, and then screw the cap onto the
storage bottle so the tip of the electrode is immersed in the storage solution.
Important: Do not fully submerge the sensor. The BNC connection is not
Do not leave the electrode in acids or bases with concentrations greater than
1.0M for periods longer than 5 minutes.
Wireless specification Bluetooth 4.2
Maximum wireless range 30 m
Dimensions EA: 8.5 cm × 3 cm × 1.75 cm
ORP: 15.5 cm long, 12 mm OD
Battery 300 mA Li-Poly
Battery life (single full
Battery life (long term) ~500 full charge cycles (several years depending
~24 hours
on usage)
Care and Maintenance
Short-term storage (up to 24 hours): Place the electrode in pH 4 or pH 7 buffer
solution. It should never be stored in distilled water.
Long-term storage (more than 24 hours): Store the electrode in a pH 4
buffer/KCl storage solution in the storage bottle. The ORP electrode is shipped
in this solution. Vernier sells 500 mL bottles of pH Storage Solution (order code
PH-SS), or you can prepare additional storage solution by adding 10 g of solid
potassium chloride (KCl) to 100 mL of pH 4 buffer solution. Vernier sells a pH
Buffer Capsule kit (PH-BUFCAP) that includes a buffer solution preservative.
Storing the electrode in this solution contributes to electrode longevity and
retains electrode response time when the unit is placed back into service.