Vermont Castings Installation And Operating Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
The Intrepid
Multi-Fuel Heater
Model 1695CE
and Operating
For use in Europe
Do Not Discard This Manual: Retain for Future Use
2000970 1/08 Rev. 7
Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel
Congratulations on your choice of a Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel Heater. With this purchase, you
made a commitment to make the hearth a place of warmth, beauty and comfort in your home. At Vermont
Castings we share that joy and appreciation for the hearth, and we show it in all our cast-iron stoves and fireplaces.
As you become acquainted with your new stove, you will find the aesthetic appeal of cast iron is matched by
its superb capacity to absorb and radiate heat.
Also, Vermont Castings products are among the cleanest-burning wood stoves and fireplaces available today.
And, as an owner of a Vermont Castings stove, you are making a strong statement for pollution-free energy.
But clean burning depends on both the manufacturer and the operator. Please read this manual carefully to
understand how to properly operate your stove.
At Vermont Castings, we are equally committed to your satisfaction as a customer and that is why we maintain
an exclusive network of the finest dealers in the industry. Chosen for their expertise and dedication to cus
tomer service, our dealers are factory-trained and know each Vermont Castings products in detail. Feel free to
contact your Authorized Vermont Castings Dealer anytime you have question about your stove or its performance.
We have built your Intrepid Multi-fuel stove with the utmost care. With normal use and proper care, it will pro
vide you with many years of service.
This manual contains valuable instructions on the installation and operation of your Vermont Castings stove.
You will also find useful information on assembly and maintenance procedures. We urge you to read the
manual thoroughly and to keep it as a reference.
Width (leg-to-leg) .................................. 546 mm (21¹⁄₂”)
Depth (leg-to-leg) ................................. 349 mm (13³⁄₄”)
Height to top of flue collar:
with regular legs .......................
635 mm (25”) top exit
............................................... 610 mm (24”) rear exit
with optional short legs .............
535 mm (21”) top exit
............................................ 500 mm (19³⁄₄”) rear exit
1. This value can vary depending on how the stove
is operated, the type and moisture content of the fuel
used, as well as the design, construction and climatic
location of your home. Figures shown are based on
nominal fuel consumption obtained under laboratory
conditions and on average efficiencies.
2. This stove is approved for use with processed coal
fuels generally known as smokeless. Ask your dealer
which fuels are acceptable in your area.
Fig. 1 Intrepid Multi-fuel Heater dimensions.
Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel
Before you begin an installation, review your plans to
see that:
• Your stove and chimney connector will be far
enough from combustible material to meet all clearance requirements.
• The floor protector is large enough and is constructed properly to meet all requirements.
• You have all necessary permits from local authorities.
Your local building official is the final authority for ap
proving your installation as safe and determining that it
meets local and state codes.
The metal label permanently attached to the back of
every Vermont Castings stove indicates that the stove
has been tested to current standards. The test standard EN13240:2001 + A2:2004 for Europe. Clearance
and installation information also is printed on the label.
When the stove is installed according to the information
both on the label and in this manual, local authorities
in most cases will accept the label as evidence that the
installation meets codes and can be approved.
However, codes vary in different countries. Before
starting the installation, review your plans with the local
building authority. You local dealer can provide any additional information needed.
IMPORTANT: Failure to follow these installation
instructions may result in a dangerous situation, including a chimney or house fire. Follow all instructions exactly, and do not allow makeshift compromises to endanger property and personal safety.
When poor draft is caused by a low infiltration rate,
opening a ground floor window on the windward side
of the house and in the vicinity of the stove will usually
alleviate the problem.
Another solution is to install a permanent outside air
supply to the stove and/or room. In some areas, in
fact, bringing air for combustion from outside the home
directly to the air inlet of the stove is required for new
An outside air supply is not affected by pressure varia
tions within the house, and improved stove performance often results. An Outside Air Adapter Kit #33258
for the Intrepid II is available from your local Vermont
Castings dealer.
What Kind of Chimney to Use
Your Intrepid Multi-fuel must be connected to a codeapproved masonry chimney with a flue liner, to a relined
masonry chimney that meets local codes, or to a prefabricated metal chimney. Whatever kind you use, the
chimney and chimney connector must be in good condition and kept clean. Figure 2 shows the two chimney
A prefabricated doublewall insulated chimney
A tile-lined
Fig. 2 Standard chimney types.
All local regulations, including those referring to
national and European standards, need to be complied with when installing this stove.
Outside Air
In some modern, super-insulated homes, there is not
enough air for combustion because of insufficient air
infiltration into the building. Such air enters a home
through unsealed cracks and openings. Kitchen or bath
exhaust fans can compete with the stove for available
air and compound the problem.
If you use an existing masonry chimney, it must be
inspected to ensure safe condition before the stove
is installed. Your local professional chimney sweep,
building inspector, or fire department official will be able
to inspect the chimney or provide a referral to someone
who can.
The flue and chimney design must meet requirement
J2, Part J of the building regulations 2000 (Combustion
Appliances and Fuel Storage Systems).
Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel
Masonry Chimneys
An inspection of the chimney must confirm that it has
a lining. Do not use an unlined chimney. The chimney
should have no cracks, loose mortar, other signs of
deterioration, or blockage. Repair any defects before
using the chimney with your stove.
Seal any unused openings in an existing masonry chimney with masonry to the thickness of the chimney wall,
and repair the chimney liner. Openings sealed with pie
plates or wallpaper are a hazard; seal them with mortar
or refractory cement. In the event of a chimney fire,
flames and smoke may be forced out of these unused
The chimney should be thoroughly cleaned before use.
A newly-built masonry chimney must conform to the
standards of your local building code or, in the absence
of a local code, to a recognized national code. Masonry
chimneys must be lined, either with code-approved masonry or precast refractory tiles, stainless steel pipe, or
a code-approved, “poured-in-place” liner. The chimney’s
clean-out door must seal tightly.
Prefabricated Chimneys
These should be an internal diameter of 150 mm (6”)
and be of the twin wall insulated construction that has
been approved for solid fuel use (e.g. Rite Vent ICS of
ICID Lite Chimney Systems). Diameters over 200 mm
(8”) are not recommended due to the large cross-section causing excessive cooling of the flue gases.
Chimney Size
An Intrepid Multi-fuel is approved for venting into a
masonry chimney with a nominal flue size of 203 x 203
mm (8” x 8”), and into a round flue size of 152 mm (6”).
It may not be vented into larger chimneys without a liner
to reduce the effective flue size to 152 mm (6”) diameter. Larger chimneys must have their flues relined for
proper stove performance.
Accessories to make the connection between stainless
steel chimney liners and your Intrepid II are available
through your local dealer.
Chimney Connector Guidelines
Chimney connector is the double-wall or single-wall
pipe that connects the stove to the chimney. The chimney is a masonry or prefabricated structure that encloses the flue. Chimney connectors are used only to make
the connection from the stove to the chimney.
Connecting Flue Pipes
Connector pipes should meet the requirements of the
building regulations. This can be achieved by the use
connecting fluepipes included in the following categories:
a) Vitreous enamelled steel pipe complying with BS
6999: 1989 (1996);
b) Pipes made from stainless steel as descirbed in BS
EN 1008-1:1995 grades 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4432 or
1.4436 with flue wall thickness of at least 1 mm;
c) Mild steel fluepipes complying with BS 1449: Part 1:
1991, with a flue wall thickness of at least 3 mm;
d) Cast iron fluepipes complying with BS 41: 1973
Flue Pipes with a spigot and socket joint should be
fitted with the socket facing upwards, to contain condensates and moisture within the flue. Joints should be
made gas tight using proprietary jointing accessories,
or, where appropriate, by packing joint with noncombustible rope and fire cement.
Double-wall chimney connectors must be tested and
listed for use with solid-fuel burning appliances. Single-wall chimney connectors should be made of 24
gauge or heavier steel, and should be 152 mm (6”) in
diameter. Do not use galvanized connector; it cannot
withstand the high temperatures that can be reached by
smoke and gases, and may release toxic fumes under
high heat.
If possible, do not pass the chimney connector through
a combustible wall or ceiling. If passage through a combustible wall is unavoidable, refer to the section following on Wall Pass-Throughs. Do not pass the chimney
connector through an attic, a closet, or any similar concealed space. The whole connector should be exposed
and accessible for inspection and cleaning.
In horizontal runs of single-wall chimney connector
without protective shields, maintain a clearance of at
least 660 mm (26”) from the ceiling.
Keep the horizontal run of chimney connector as short
and direct as possible, with no more than one 45
degree elbow. The maximum total length of chimney
connector should not exceed 2.4 m (8’).
In cathedral ceiling installations, extend the prefabricated chimney down to within 2.4 m (8’) of the stove.
Double-wall Chimney Connector
Information on assembling and installing double-wall
connector is provided by the manufacturer of the double-wall pipe. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
exactly as you assemble the connector and attach it to
Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel
the stove and chimney. Using connectors and chimneys from the same manufacturer makes the assembly
and installation straightforward.
NOTE: For installations using double-wall connectors, minimum clearances must conform to the
listed clearances in the clearance chart on Page 9.
Single-wall Chimney Connector
• Beginning at the flue collar of the stove, assemble
the chimney connector. Insert the first crimped end
into the stove’s flue collar, and keep each crimped end
pointing toward the stove.
Using the holes in the flue
collar as guides, drill 1/8” (3
mm) holes in the bottom of
the first section of chimney
connector and secure it to
the flue collar with three
#10 x 1/2” sheet metal
• Secure each joint be
tween sections of chimney
connector, including telescoping joints, with at least
three sheet metal screws.
The predrilled holes in the
top of each section of chim-
Fig. 3 The crimped end
of the connector points
toward stove.
ney connector serve as
guides when you drill 3 mm (1/8”) holes in the bottom of
the next section.
• Secure the chimney connector to the chimney. Instructions for various installations follow.
• Be sure the installed stove and chimney connector
are correct distances from nearby combustible material.
NOTE: Special slip pipes and thimble sleeves that form
telescoping joints between sections of chimney connector are available to simplify installations. They often
eliminate the need to cut individual connector sections.
Consult your local dealer about these special pieces.
Securing the Single-wall Connector to a
Prefabricated Chimney
For prefabricated chimneys, follow the installation
instructions of the chimney maker exactly as you install
the chimney. The maker of the chimney will supply the
accessories to support the chimney, either from the roof
of the house, at the ceiling of the room where the stove
is installed, or from an exterior wall.
Special adaptors are available from your local dealer to
make the connection between the prefabricated chimney and the chimney connector. The top of such adaptors attaches directly to the chimney or to the chimney’s
ceiling support package, while the bottom of the adaptor is screwed to the chimney connector.
These adaptors are designed so the top end will fit
outside the inner wall of the chimney, and the bottom
end will fit inside the first section of chimney connector.
When assembled in this way, any soot or creosote falling from the inner walls of the chimney will stay inside
the chimney connector.
Securing the Single-wall Connector to a
Masonry Chimney
For masonry chimneys, both freestanding and fireplace
chimneys may be used for installation of your Intrepid
Freestanding Chimney Installations
If the chimney connector must pass through a combustible wall to reach the chimney, follow the recommendations in the Wall Pass-through section that follows.
The opening through the chimney wall to the flue (the
“breach”) must be lined with either a ceramic or metal
cylinder, called the “thimble”, which is cemented firmly
in place. The fit must be snug and the joint between the
thimble and the chimney wall must be cemented. (Fig. 4)
Thimble Sleeve
45° Elbow
Fig. 4 The thimble, made of either ceramic or metal, must be
cemented securely in place.
A special piece called the “thimble sleeve,” slightly
smaller in diameter than standard connector and most
thimbles, will facilitate the removal of the chimney connector system for inspection and cleaning. Thimble
sleeves should be available from your local dealer. (Fig.
To install a thimble sleeve, slide it into the breach until
it is flush with the inner flue wall. Do not extend it into
the actual flue passage, as this could interfere with the
The thimble sleeve should protrude 1-2” (25-50 mm)
into the room. Use furnace cement and thin gasketing
to seal the sleeve in place in the thimble. Secure the
chimney connector to the outer end of the sleeve with
sheet metal screws.
Without a thimble, a suitable length of chimney connector can be extended through the breach to the inner
Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel
face of the flue liner, and cemented securely in place.
Additional pieces of connector are then attached with
sheet metal screws.
Fireplace Chimney Installations -
Above a Fireplace
The Intrepid Multi-fuel may be connected to a chimney
above a fireplace opening also. In such installations,
the stove is positioned on the hearth in front of the fireplace and the chimney connector rises from the stove
top and then angles 45° back into the chimney. (Fig. 5)
* Check
These Clearances
Chimney Connector Shield
Fireplace Chimney Installations -
Through a Fireplace
If your fireplace height is at least 635 mm (25”), you
may install an Intrepid Multi-fuel with standard legs
through the fireplace opening using a 90° Tee kit available from your local dealer. This positive connection kit
ensures a tight fit between the stove flue collar and the
chimney flue. (Fig. 6)
Fireplace installations, whether connected to the flue
above or through the fireplace opening, have special
clearance requirements to adjacent trim and the mantel.
You will find the required clearances for the Intrepid
Multi-fuel fireplace installations on Page 12.
Floor protection requirements also apply to fireplace
installations. Floor protection information is on Page 8.
Seal the
Fig. 5 Chimney connector enters chimney above the fireplace.
The chimney liner should extend to the point at which
the chimney connector enters the chimney.
If the chimney connector from your installation enters
the chimney above a fireplace, follow all the guidelines
mentioned above for freestanding installations. In addition, give special consideration to the following points:
• Check the clearance between the stove and the
chimney connector, and any combustible trim or the
mantel. Use the necessary combination of mantel,
trim, and connector heat shields to achieve the required
• Check the clearance between the chimney con
nector and the ceiling. If no heat shields are used, the
clearance should be at least 660 mm (26”). To find out
how much this clearance may be reduced with heat
shields, see the clearance chart on Page 12.
• The fireplace damper must be sealed to prevent
room air from escaping up the flue. However, it must
be possible to reopen the damper to inspect or clean
the chimney.
Flexible Connector
Mantel Shield
Fireplace Adaptor Kit
Fig. 6 Chimney connector enters chimney through the fireplace opening.
Wall Pass-Throughs
Whenever possible, design your installation so that the
connector does not pass through a combustible wall. If
you are considering a wall pass-through in your installation, check with your building inspector before you
begin. Also, check with the chimney connector manufacturer for any specific requirements.
Accessories are available for use as wall passthroughs. If using one of these, make sure it has been
tested and listed for use as a wall pass-through.
Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel
Always adhere to local building codes when installing a
wall pass-through.
Figure 7 shows a method of passing a connector
through a wall. All combustible material in the wall is
cut away to provide the required clearance that is three
times the pipe diameter. The resulting space must remain empty. A flush-mounted sheet metal cover may be
used on one side only. If
sides, each cover must be mounted on noncombustible
spacers at least 25 mm (1”) clear of the wall.
covers must be used on both
Wood framing requires protection form radiant heat
460 mm (18”)
clearance all
around the pipe
Flush Mounted
Sheet Metal
Fig. 7 An approved wall pass-through for Canada.
This appliance must be installed on to hearth that
meets the requirements of Part J of the Building Regulations 2000 (Combustion Appliances and Fuel Storage
Systems). This can be achieved by ensuring that the
hearth is constructed and sized in accordance with the
guidelines included in section 2 of approved document
‘J’. The size and clearances of the hearth are as follows:
The constructed hearth should be constructed in accordance with the recommendations in document J,
and should be of minimum width 840 mm and minimum
depth 840 mm (if a free standing hearth b) above) or
a minimum projection of 150 mm from the jamb (if a
recessed hearth a) above).
Fig. 8 Supporting timbers under fireplace hearth are considered to be combustible.
Floor Protection for Fireplace Installations
Do not assume your fireplace hearth is completely
Many fireplace hearths do not satisfy the “completely
noncombustible” requirement because the brick or
concrete in front of the fireplace opening is supported
by heavy wood framing as in Figure 8. Because heat
passes through brick or concrete readily, it can easily
pass through to the wood. As a result, such fireplace
hearths can be a fire hazard and are considered a combustible floor.
Keep in mind that many raised hearths will extend
less than the required clearance from the front of the
heater when it is installed. In such cases, sufficient
floor protection as described above must be added in
front of the hearth to satisfy the minimum floor protector
requirement from the front of the stove: 406 mm (16”)
from the front. Fireplace hearths must also offer the
required protection of 152 mm (6”) on either side.
Optional 76 mm (3”) short legs may be used only on
such hearths that meet the width and depth requirements outlined previously under “floor protection.”
Hearth rugs do not satisfy the requirements for floor
Fireplace installations also have special clearance
requirements to the side walls, side decorative trim, and
fireplace mantle. Refer to the information on fireplace
and mantel trim shields in this section.
Costructional Hearth
Dimensions as below
Vermont Castings Intrepid Multi-Fuel
At least 150 mm
or to a suitable
heat resistant wall
Hearth Surface
At least
150 mm
Perimeter should be
clearly marked e.g.
edge of superimposed
a) Fireplace recessb) Free standing
Fig. 9 Noncombustible hearth surface dimensions.
Free of Combustible Material
At least
300 mm
Keep the Stove a Safe Distance
from Surrounding Materials
Specifications herein are primarily related to common
timberframe construction. Both a stove and its chimney
connector radiate heat in all directions when operating, and dangerous overheating of nearby combustible
materials can occur if they are too close to the heat. A
safe installation requires that adequate clearance be
maintained between the hot stove and its connector and
nearby combustibles.
Clearance is the distance between either your stove
(measured from the back edge of the stove’s top plate)
or chimney connector, and nearby walls, floors, the
ceiling, and any other fixed combustible surface. Your
stove has special clearance requirements that have
been established after careful research and testing.
These clearance requirements must be strictly observed.
In addition, furnishings and other combustible materials
must be kept away from the stove as well. In general, a
distance of 1220 mm (48”) must be maintained between
the stove and moveable combustible items such as drying clothes, furniture, newspapers, firewood, etc. Keeping those clearance areas empty assures that nearby
surfaces and objects will not overheat.
As with any solid fuel heating stove, extremely high
surface temperatures can occur, particularly in the
event of uncontrolled operation, e.g. if the doors
are inadvertently left open. It is crucial that sufficient clearances are allowed to any combustible
surfaces, e.g. wooden mantels or lintels, and to
timber framed (studded) walls even if they are faced
Perimeter should be
clearly marked e.g.
edge of superimposed
with noncombustible board. Detailed information
on fireplace and hearth construction is provided
in section 2 of Document J, all installations must
comply with these requirements or with the relevant
National or local building standards.
Clearances to timber framed (studded) walls are included below. There are no specific minimum clearances
to solid noncombustible surfaces (e.g. the sides and
rear of Inglenook fire openings constructed from solid
masonry) other than to allow safe access to the controls
of the stove. For this reason minimum side clearances
of 125 mm, and a minimum rear clearance of 50 mm
are recommended.
Summary of Clearances
Minimum recommended side clearances to noncombustible surfaces 125 mm (5”).
Minimum recommended rear clearance to noncombustible surfaces 50 mm (2”).
NOTE: The minimum thickness of solid noncombus-
tible materials is specified in section 2 of Document ‘J’,
in relation to the clearance of the appliance from the
surface. As a general rule, the thickness of solid noncombustible material forming the recess of a fireplace is
a minimum of 200 mm.
Minimum rear clearance from combustible walls
(e.g. timber framed or studded walls) 760 mm (30”)
measured from the rear edge of the stove top. (Fig.
10, B)
Minimum side clearance from combustible walls
610 mm (24”) measured from the side edge of the
stove top. (Fig. 10, A)
Minimum distance from stove to movable combustible materials (e.g. furniture, drying clothes, etc.)
1220 mm (48”).
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