Vermont Castings Dutchwest 2478 Installation And Operating Manual

Non-Catalytic Convection Heater Model 2478
If this heater is not properly installed, operated, and maintained, a house fire may result. For safety, follow all installation, operation and maintenance directions. Contact local building officials about restrictions and installation inspection requirements in your area.
DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUAL: Retain for future use
30002278 10/06 Rev. 11
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
The Dutchwest Model 2478 covered in this Owner’s Guide has been tested and listed by OMNI - Test Laboratories, Inc. of Beaverton, Oregon. The test stan­dards utilized were UL 1482 for the United States and ULC S-627 for Canada. Dutchwest Model 2478 is not listed for mobile home installations.
This heater meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s emis­sion limits for wood heaters sold on or after July 1, 1990.
Read this entire manual before you install and use your new room heater. Failure to follow instructions may result in property damage, bodily injury or loss of life. Save these instructions for future use.
Table of Contents
Specifications ............................................................ 3
Installation ..........................................................4
Clearances .......................................................10
Assembly ..........................................................16
Operation ..........................................................18
Maintenance .....................................................23
Illustrated Parts List ..........................................30
Warranty ...........................................................
Patents: U.S.: D288357, 4502395, 4646712 Resolute Acclaim: 4683868,D308246 Canada: 1235969. Other foreign mechanical patents issued.
Clearance-reducing Right Side Heat Shields
Clearance-reducing Heat Shields for single-wall
stove pipe
Variable-speed Blower
Outside Air Termination Kit
Clearance Reducing Rear Exit Flue Heat Shield
Clearance Reducing Top Exit Flue Heat Shield
Proposition 65 Warning: Fuels used in gas, wood­burning or oil fired appliances, and the products of combustion of such fuels, contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth de­fects and other reproductive harm. California Health & Safety Code Sec. 25249.6
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
Model 2478
A 26³⁄₄” (683 mm) B 27¹⁄₄” (695 mm) C 29³⁄₄” (756 mm) D 23” (584 mm) E 17¹⁄₂ ” (445 mm) F 27¹⁄₄” (692 mm) Center of Flue Collar, Rear Exit G 30¹⁄₂” (775 mm)
H 5³⁄₄” (146 mm) Log length 22” (560 mm) Maximum burn time Average area heated (sq. ft.)2 800 - 1600 (74 - 149 m2) Range of heat output4 10,600 - 25,300 Btu/hr. Maximum heat output1 40,000 Btu/hr. EPA emissions rating4 (g/h, non-catalytic) 1.49 Weight 420 lbs. (191 kg) Loading Side or front Flue exit position (reversible) Top or rear Air control One
Up to 10 hrs.
Fig. 1 Dutchwest Convection Heater specifications.
1. Maximum burn times and heat outputs are based on laboratory testing using full loads of seasoned hardwoods, and may vary in individual use depending on how the stove is operated, type and moisture content of fuels, and other factors. Maximum burn times are achieved under different operating conditions than are maximum heat outputs.
2. These values are based on operation in building code-conforming homes under typical Winter climate conditions in the northeastern U.S. If your home is of nonstandard construction (e.g. unusually well-insulated, not insulated, built underground, or if you live in a more severe or more temper­ate climate), these figures may not apply. Since so many variables affect performance, consult your Dutchwest Authorized Dealer to determine realistic expectations for your home.
4. Under specific conditions used during EPA emissions testing.
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
Before you begin the installation, review your plans to confirm that:
• Your stove and chimney connector will be far enough from combustible material to meet all clearance require­ments.
• The floor protector is large enough and is constructed properly to meet all requirements.
• You have obtained all necessary permits from local authorities.
Your local building official is the final authority for ap
­proving your installation as safe and for determining that it meets local and state codes.
Clearance and installation information is printed on the metal label attached to the rear of the stove. Local au­thorities generally will accept the label as evidence that, when the stove is installed according to the information on the label and in this manual, the installation meets codes and can be approved.
Codes vary in different areas, however. Before starting the installation, review your plans with the local building authority. Your local dealer can provide any additional information needed.
Important: Failure to follow these installation instruc­tions may result in a dangerous situation, including a chimney or house fire. Follow all instructions exactly, and do not allow makeshift compromises to endanger property and personal safety.
Masonry Chimneys
If you use an existing masonry chimney, it must be inspected to ensure safe condition before the stove is installed. Your local professional chimney sweep, building inspector, or fire department official will be able either to make the inspection or to direct you to some­one who can.
An inspection of the chimney must confirm that it has a lining. Do not use an unlined chimney. The chim ney should also be examined for cracks, loose mortar, other signs of deterioration, and blockage. Repair any defects before the chimney is used with your stove.
Unused openings in an existing masonry chimney must be sealed with masonry to the thickness of the chimney wall, and the chimney liner should be repaired. Open­ings sealed with pie plates or wallpaper are a hazard and should be sealed with mortar or refractory cement. In the event of a chimney fire, flames and smoke may be forced out of these unused thimbles.
The chimney should be thoroughly cleaned before use.
A newly-built masonry chimney must conform to the standards of your local building code or, in the absence of a local code, to a recognized national code. Masonry chimneys must be lined, either with code-approved masonry or pre-cast refractory tiles, stainless steel pipe, or a code-approved, “poured-in-place” liner. The chimney’s clean-out door must seal tightly.
Prefabricated Double-Wall Insulated Chimney
Chimney Types
Your Dutchwest Convection Heater must be connected to 1) a chimney complying with the requirements for Type HT chimneys in the standard for Chimneys, Fac­tory-Built, Residential Type and Building Heating Appli­ance, UL 103, or 2) a code-approved masonry chimney with a flue liner.
Whatever kind you use, the chimney and chimney con­nector must be in good condition and kept clean.
Tile Lined Masonry Chimney
Fig. 2 If in sound condition and approved for use, either a masonry or a prefabricated chimney may be used.
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
2' Min.
2' Min.
0 To 10'
0 To 10'
Reference Point
Prefabricated Chimneys
A prefabricated metal chimney must be one tested and listed for use with solid-fuel burning appliances.
A horizontal connector run should be inclined 1/4” per foot (20 mm per meter) from the stove toward the chimney. The recommended maximum length of a hori­zontal run is 3 feet (1m) and the total length of chimney connector should be no longer than 8 feet (2.5m).
Chimney Height
For proper draft and good performance, the chimney should extend at least 16’ (5 m) above the flue collar of the stove.
The chimney must also extend at least 3’ (914 mm) above the highest point where it passes through a roof, and at least 2’ (610 mm) higher than any portion of a building within 10’ (3 m). (Fig. 2)
Fig. 3 The 2/3/10 rule for chimneys.
Chimney Size
The Model 2478 heater should be vented into a ma­sonry chimney with a square flue with nominal flue size of 8” x 8” (203 x 203 mm), or a round flue with nominal flue size of 6” (152 mm).
Chimney liners larger than 8” x 12” (203 x 305 mm) may promote rapid cooling of smoke and reduction in draft, especially if they are located outside the home. These large chimneys may need to be insulated or have their flues relined for proper stove performance.
Accessories to help make the connection between stainless steel chimney liners and the stove are avail­able through your local dealer.
Guidelines for Installing
the Chimney Connector
The chimney connector is the single-wall pipe, or listed and approved double-wall pipe that connects the stove to the chimney. The chimney itself is a masonry or prefabricated structure that encloses the flue. Chimney connectors are used only to make the connection from the stove to the chimney.
Do not pass the chimney connector through a combus­tible wall, floor, or ceiling, through an attic or roof space, or through a closet or similar concealed space. If pas­sage through a combustible wall is unavoidable, follow the recommendations in the following section on Wall Pass-Throughs. Keep the passage as short and direct as possible, with no more than two 90 degree turns.
Two Types of Connector
You may use either a single-wall steel connector of the size and gauge described below, or a listed and ap­proved double-wall connector.
Single-Wall Connector
The single-wall chimney connector should be made of 24 gauge or heavier steel, and must have a minimum internal diameter of 6” (150 mm) for model 2478.
Install single-wall chimney connector not less than 18” (450 mm) from the ceiling.
In cathedral ceiling installations, extend the prefabri­cated chimney downward to within 8 feet (2.5 meters) of the stove. The entire chimney connector should be exposed and accessible for inspection and cleaning.
Do not use galvanized chimney connector; it cannot withstand the high temperatures that can be reached by smoke and exhaust gases and it may release toxic fumes under high heat.
Slip Pipe
Standard Connector
Flue Collar
Flue Liner
Floor Protector
Fig. 4 Sections of a steel chimney connector of at least 24 gauge thickness are fastened together with screws to connect the stove to the chimney.
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
Double-Wall Connector
Information on assembling and installing double-wall connectors is provided by the manufacturer of the double-wall pipe. Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions exactly. Most manufacturers of prefabri­cated double-wall insulated chimneys also offer double­wall connector pipes. Using a chimney and connector pipe from the same manufacturer helps simplify the assembly and installation.
NOTE: For installations using double-wall connec­tors, minimum clearances must conform to listed clearances in the Stove and Chimney Connector Clearance Charts on Page 12 and 13 of this manual.
Assembling Single-Wall
Chimney Connector
SAFETY NOTE: Always wear gloves and safety goggles when drilling, cutting or joining sections of chimney connector.
For double-wall connectors, follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly. For single-wall connectors, follow the instructions below.
1. Insert the crimped end of the first section into the stove’s flue collar, and keep each crimped end pointing toward the stove (Fig.5). Using the holes in the flue col­lar as guides, drill 1/8” (3 mm) holes in the bottom of the first section of chimney connector and secure it to the flue collar with three #10 x 1/2” sheet metal screws.
Toward Stove
2. Secure each joint between sections of chimney con-
nector, including telescoping joints, with at least three sheet metal screws.
3. Secure the chimney connector to the chimney. In­structions for various installations follow below.
4. Confirm that the installed stove and chimney con- nector are correct distances from nearby combustible material. See the clearance charts on pages 12 and 13.
NOTE: Special slip pipes and thimble sleeves that form telescoping joints between sections of chimney con­nector are available to simplify installations. They can eliminate the need to cut individual connector sections. Consult your local dealer about these special pieces.
Securing the Connector to a
Prefabricated Chimney
Follow the installation instructions of the chimney manufacturer exactly as you install the chimney. The manufacturer of the chimney will supply the acces­sories to support the chimney, either from the roof of the house, at the ceiling of the room where the stove is installed, or from an exterior wall.
Special adaptors are available from your local dealer to make the connection between the prefabricated chimney and the chimney connector. (Fig. 6) The top of such adaptors attach directly to the chimney or to the chimney’s ceiling support package, while the bottom of the adaptor is screwed to the chimney connector.
These adaptors are designed so the top end will fit outside the inner wall of the chimney, and the bottom end will fit inside the first section of chimney connector. Any soot or creosote falling from the inner walls of the chimney will stay inside the chimney connector.
Fig. 5 Crimped sections always point toward the stove so that any liquid condensation will not leak out.
Flue Gas Direction
Prefab (Insulated) Chimney
Ceiling Support Package
Prefab Chimney Adapter
Chimney Connector (Stovepipe)
Fig. 6 Joining the chimney connector to a prefabricated chimney.
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
Securing the Connector
to a Masonry Chimney
The Dutchwest Convection heater may be connected to either a freestanding masonry chimney or a masonry fireplace chimney.
Freestanding Installations
If the chimney connector must pass through a combus­tible wall to reach the chimney, follow the recommenda­tions in the wall pass-through section that follows. The opening through the chimney wall to the flue (the “breech”) must be lined with either a ceramic or metal cylinder, called the “thimble”, which is securely cemented in place. (Fig. 7) Most chimney breeches incorporate thimbles, but check to be sure the fit is snug and the joint between thimble and chimney wall firmly cemented.
A special piece called the “thimble sleeve,” slightly smaller in diameter than the standard connector and most thimbles, will ease the removal of the chimney connector system for inspection and cleaning. Thimble sleeves should be available from your local dealer.
To install a thimble sleeve, slide it into the breech until it is flush with the inner flue wall. Don’t extend it into the actual flue passage, as that could interfere with the draft.
The thimble sleeve should protrude 1-2” (25-50 mm) into the room. Use furnace cement and thin gasketing to seal the sleeve in place in the thimble. Secure the chimney connector to the outer end of the sleeve with sheet metal screws.
Fireplace Installations -
Above the Fireplace
In this installation, the chimney connector rises from the stove, turns ninety degrees, and goes back into the fireplace chimney. The liner of the fireplace chimney should extend at least to the point at which the chimney connector enters the chimney. Follow all the guidelines for installing a chimney connector into a freestanding masonry chimney, and pay special attention to these additional points:
Check the stove and chimney connector clearances
to combustible mantel or trim materials. Use the necessary combination of mantel, trim, and connec­tor heat shields to provide the required clearances. (Fig. 8)
Double-check connector clearance from the ceiling.
The fireplace damper must be closed and sealed
to prevent room air from being drawn up the flue, reducing the draft. However, it must be possible to
re-open the damper to inspect or clean the chimney.
Thimble Sleeve
Chimney Connector
Flue Liner
Fig. 7 The thimble, made of either ceramic or metal, must be cemented in place securely.
Masonry Wall
Ceramic Flue Liner
Chimney Connector Shield
Block-Off Plate
Chimney Connector
Fig. 8 The connector enters flue above the fireplace. If the clearance between the chimney connector and either the mantel and/or the ceiling is inadequate, special protective shields will be required.
Flue Liner
Extend Chimney Con­nector to the First Tile of the Flue Liner
Observe Miniumum Clearances
Fig. 9 The connector passes through the fireplace to enter flue. Special Fireplace Adapter Kits to simplify fireplace instal­lations are available from your local dealer.
Keep Sleeve End Flush with Flue Tile
Damper Plate is Removed or Locked in Open Position
Close Off the Damper Opening with Sheet Metal and Sealant
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
Fireplace Installations -
Through the Fireplace
The Convection heater may be installed either without legs* as a fireplace insert, or with standard legs at­tached - depending on the safety regulations that apply to your situation, the height of the fireplace opening and your own preference. For either situation, the chimney connector/positive connection kit extends back from the stove, enters the fireplace cavity, and turns upward. It then passes through the fireplace damper opening and smoke chamber and connects to the chimney flue.
In such installations, a “positive connection” must be made to the chimney flue with a special kit available from your local dealer. Also, special clearance and floor protection provisions must be observed. These provi­sions are discussed in the Clearance and Floor Protec­tion sections respectively.
Wall Pass-Throughs
Whenever possible, design your installation so the con­nector does not pass through a combustible wall. If you must use a wall pass-through in your installation, check with your building inspector before you begin and con­struct it in accordance with local building codes. Also check with the chimney connector manufacturer for any specific requirements.
Accessories are available for use as wall pass­throughs. If using one of these, make sure it has been tested and listed for use as a wall pass-through.
All combustible material in the wall is cut away a suffi­cient distance from the single-wall connector to provide the required 12” (305 mm) clearance for the connector. Any material used to close up the opening must be non­combustible.
The following wall pass-through methods may be ap­proved in your area:
• Use a section of listed factory-built chimney with a nine-inch clearance to combustibles.
• Place a chimney connector pipe inside a ventilated thimble, which is then separated from combustibles by 6” (152 mm) of fiberglass insulating material.
If the stove is installed without legs, we recommend the use of noncombustible tiles or pavers as shims to allow air flow into the convection air inlets under the stove. Make sure not to block air slots instove bottom with shims or remove fan cover.
• Place a chimney connector pipe inside a section of listed solid-insulated, factory-built chimney, with an inside diameter 2” (51 mm) larger than the chimney connector and having 1” (25 mm) or more of insula­tion and maintaining a minimum 2 inch air space between the outer wall of the chimney and combus­tibles.
(305 mm)
Chimney Connector
(305 mm)
Fig. 10 Wall pass-through enclosed with noncombustible materials.
18” (450 mm) Empty Space All Around the Chimney Con­nector
Fig. 11 Hollow wall pass-through.
Sheet Metal Cover (One side only)
In Canada: The Canadian Standards Association has
established different guidelines. Figure 11 shows one method, in which all combustible material in the wall is cut away to provide the required 18” (450 mm) clear­ance for the connector. The resulting space must remain empty.
A flush-mounted sheet metal cover may be used on one
side only. If covers must be used on both sides, each cover must be mounted on non-combustible spacers at least 1” (25 mm) clear of the wall. Your Dutchwest dealer or your local building inspector can provide de­tails of other approved methods of passing a chimney connector through a combustible wall. In Canada, this type of installation must conform to CAN/CSA-B365, Installation Code for Solid Fuel Burning Appliances and Equipment.
NOTE: Do not vent your Dutchwest stove into a factory­built (zero-clearance) fireplace. These appliances and their chimneys are specifically designed as a unit for use as fireplaces. It may void the listing or be hazard­ous to adapt them for any other use.
Floor Protection
A tremendous amount of heat radiates from the bottom plate of your Dutchwest stove. The floor area directly under and around the stove will require protection from radiant heat as well as from stray sparks or embers that may escape the firebox.
Heat protection is provided by the CFM Corporation Bottom Heat Shield. Spark, ember and thermal protec­tion must be provided by a floor protector constructed with noncombustible material as specified.
In the US and Canada most installations will require that the bottom heat shield must be attached. Only when the stove is placed on a completely noncombusti­ble surface such as unpainted concrete over earth may it be used without the heat shield.
Even when the bottom heat shield is installed, you must provide special protection to the floor beneath. For installation with the heat shield attached, use an approved 5/8” (16mm) noncombustible hearth pad with K = 0.84 BTU/in ft2 hr °F or an equivalent material with an R-value of at least 0.744. (Refer to “How to Deter­mine if Alternate Floor Protection Materials are Accept­able” section)The floor protector may be covered with a decorative noncombustible material if desired. Do not obstruct the space under the heater.
Protection requirements vary somewhat between the United States and Canada as follows:
U.S. Installations: The floor protector is required under the stove and must extend at least 16” from the front and left (loading door) side of the stove, and at least 6” from the right side and rear. (Fig. 12)
In Canada: a noncombustible floor protector is required under the heater also. The floor protector must extend 18” (457mm) from the front and left (loading door) side of the stove, and at least 8” (203mm) from the right side and rear. (Fig. 12)
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
U.S. Canada A. 16” 18” (457 mm)
B. 6” 8” (203 mm) C. 10” 10” (254 mm)
Minimum Dimensions for Noncombustible Floor Protectors (Width x Depth):
(5/8” /16mm thick min. with an R-value of at least 0.744)
Model U.S. Canada
2478 49
Fig. 12 Be sure to follow exactly the minimum floor protection requirements on all four sides of the stove.
Fig. 13 Combustible supporting timbers (A) may lie beneath fireplace hearths; such situations require additional floor protection.
¹⁄₂” x 45” 53¹⁄₂” x 49” (1359 mm x 1245 mm)
Due to the side loading door, floor protector require ments call for more protection on the left side than on the right. If you wish a more balanced look, increase the other side of the hearth as well. Do not reduce side protection under any circumstances.
How to Determine if Alternate Floor Protection Ma­terials are Acceptable
All floor protection must be noncombustible (i.e. met als, brick, stone, mineral fiber boards, etc.). Any organic materials (i.e. plastics, wood paper products, etc.) are combustible and must not be used. The floor protection specified includes some form of thermal designation such as R-value (thermal resistance) or k-factor (ther­mal conductivity).
Dutchwest Non-Catalytic Convection Heater
1. Convert specifications to R-value:
i. R-value given - no conversion needed. ii. k-factor is given with a required thickness (T) in
R = x T
iii. K-factor is given with a required thickness (T) in
R = x T
K x 12
iv. r-factor is given with a required thickness (T) in
inches: R = r x T
2. Determine the R-value of the proposed alternate
floor protector: i. Use the formula in Step 1 to convert values not
expressed as R.
ii. For multiple layers, add R-values of each layer to
determine overall R-value.
3. If the overall R-value of the system is greater than
the R-value of the specified floor protector, the alter nate is acceptable.
EXAMPLE: The specified floor protector should be 5/8­inch thick material with k-factor of 0.84. The proposed alternate is 4” brick with an r-factor of 0.2 over 1/8” mineral board with a k-factor of 0.29
Step a: Use formula above to convert specification to
R = x T = x 0.625 = 0.744
Step b: Calculate R of proposed system. 4” brick of r = 0.2, therefore: R 1/8” mineral board of k = 0.29, therefore R
= 0.2 x 4 = 0.8
= x 0.125 = 0.431
= R
+ R
= 0.8 + 0.431 = 1.231
Step c: Compare proposed system Rtotal of 1.231 to
specified R of 0.744. Since proposed system Rtotal is greater than required, the system is acceptable.
R =
k = = K x 12
K =
r =
Fireplace Installations
To install the heater without legs as a fireplace insert, the floor must be completely noncombustible, such as an unpainted concrete floor over earth.
Many fireplaces do not satisfy the “completely non
­combustible” requirement because the brick or con­crete hearth in front of the fireplace opening usually is supported by heavy wooden framing as in Figure 13. Because heat passes readily through brick or concrete, it can easily pass through to the wood. As a result, such fireplace hearths are considered a combustible floor. You may not install a heater on a combustible hearth without legs. Standard leg installations must include the bottom heat shield. The floor protector must also meet standard requirements for freestanding installations.
Floor Protection for Fireplace
Installations with Standard Legs
Fireplace installations with the standard legs and the bottom heat shield must have a floor protector of the same construction as that specified for freestanding installations: use an approved 5/8” (16mm) noncom­bustible hearth pad with K = 0.84 BTU/in ft2 hr °F or an equivalent material with an R-value of at least 0.744 (that may be covered with a decorative noncombustible material if you desire). (Refer to “How to Determine if Alternate Floor Protection Materials are Acceptable” section) The floor protector must extend at least 16” (406 mm) [18” / 457 mm in Canada] from the front of the stove and from the left (loading door) side, and at least 8” (203 mm) from the right side and rear. It must also provide protection beneath any horizontal runs of the chimney connector, including 2” to either side.
Many raised hearths will extend less than the required distance from the front of the heater when it is installed. In such cases, sufficient floor protection, as described above, must be added to extend the hearth 16” (406 mm) [18” (457 mm) in Canada].
Hearth rugs do not satisfy the requirements for floor protection.
Fireplace insert installations also have specific clear
­ance requirements to the side walls, side decorative trim, and fireplace mantel. This information is found in “Fireplace Installation Clearances” in this section.
The Dutchwest Model 2478 has a reversible flue collar to allow for either top exit or rear exit installations.
You may install your Dutchwest Model 2478 in an exist­ing fireplace as a fireplace insert with no legs, or with the standard legs attached.
+ 22 hidden pages