Vermont Castings Homeowner's Installation And Operating Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Woodburning Stove
Model 1945
Installation and
Operating Manual
For use in the
United States and Canada
Do Not Discard This Manual: Retain for Future Use
30001693 1/07 Rev. 17
Defiant Woodburning Stove
Congratulations on your choice of a Vermont Castings Defiant stove. With this purchase you have made a commitment to make the hearth a place of warmth, beauty and comfort in your home. At CFM Corporation, we share that joy
and appreciation for the hearth. We assure you that your cast-iron Vermont Castings stove has been made with the
utmost care and will provide you with many years of service.
As you become acquainted with your new stove, you will find that its appearance is matched by its functionality, due to
cast iron’s unique ability to absorb and radiate heat.
Also, CFM Corporation products are among the cleanest-burning wood stoves and fireplaces available today. As an
owner of a Vermont Castings stove, you make a strong statement for pollution-free energy. However, clean burning
depends on both the manufacturer and the operator. Please read this manual carefully to understand how to properly
operate and maintain your stove.
At CFM Corporation, we are equally committed to your satisfaction as a customer. That is why we maintain an ex
clusive network of the finest dealers in the industry. Our dealers are chosen for their expertise and dedication to
customer service. They are factory-trained and knowledgeable about every CFM Corporation product. Feel free to
contact your Authorized Vermont Castings Dealer anytime you have a particular question about your stove or its
This manual contains valuable instructions on the installation and operation of your Vermont Castings Defiant. It also
contains useful information on maintenance. Please read the manual thoroughly and keep it as a reference.
All of Us at CFM Corporation
This manual describes the installation, operation, and maintenance of the Vermont Castings Defiant Model 1945 catalytic-equipped wood burning heater. This heater meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s emission limits for
wood heaters sold on or after July 1, 1990. Under specific test conditions this heater has been shown to deliver heat
at rates ranging from 10,600 to 55,000 Btu/hr.
The Defiant Model #1945 has been tested and is listed by Canadian Standards Association (CSA). The test standards
are ANSI/UL-1482 and ANSI/UL-737 for the United States, and ULC S627 and CAN/CSA-B366.2 for Canada. The
Defiant is listed for burning wood only. Do not burn other fuels. The Defiant is approved for use in manufactured (mobile) homes only in the United States, and only when installed with Vermont Castings Mobile Home Kit No. 1900.
We recommend that you hire a professional installer certified by the Wood Heat Education and Research Foundation
(WHERF) or the Wood Energy Technical Training (WETT) to install your stove, or to advise you on the installation
should you attempt to install it yourself.
Please read this entire manual before you install and use your new stove. Failure to follow instructions may result in
property damage, bodily injury, or even death.
Save These Instructions for Future Reference
Defiant Woodburning Stove
The Story of the Defiant
No wood-burning appliance, save for Ben Franklin’s Pennsylvania Fireplace, has a stronger heritage than the Vermont Castings Defiant. Named for a 19th-century steamship, the original Vermont Castings Defiant Wood Stove came
to epitomize America’s resolve and independence during the Energy Crisis of the 1970s.
The year was 1975. With energy prices going through the roof, and not an attractive or efficient wood stove to be
found anywhere, two entrepreneurs set out to create a stove that was a thing of beauty as well as utility. Finely crafted
from cast iron, the Defiant was the first wood stove to combine an artistically designed exterior with a methodically
engineered interior, using new technologies for efficient combustion.
Americans purchased over a quarter-million Defiants, as they rediscovered the common sense of heating with wood,
a home-grown fuel with none of the political and economic entanglements of foreign oil.
Thirteen years later, in 1988, Vermont Castings ‘retired’ the Defiant, replacing it with modern wood-burners such as
the Encore.
With its 1998 return, the new Defiant incorporates all the finest aesthetic, convenience, and performance features to
be found on any wood stove. In a sense, the new Defiant has been 23 years in the making.
Due to its significant role in American history, the original model Defiant is in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution. Each new purchase of the Defiant stove continues that history.
Parts Diagram .............................................. 37
Proposition 65 Warning: Fuels used in gas, woodburning or oil fired appliances, and the products of
combustion of such fuels, contain chemicals known to
the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects
and other reproductive harm.
California Health & Safety Code Sec. 25249.6
Installation Accessories
Warming Shelf
#1560 Classic #1562 Sand
#1555 Biscuit #1565 Bordeaux
#1556 Chestnut Brown #1566 Forest Green
#1557 Ebony #1567 Midnight Blue
#1558 Vt. Classic Green #1568 Suede Brown
#1900 Mobile Home Kit
#1904 Outside Air Adapter
#1905 Bottom Heat Shield Kit
#1901 Rear Heat Shield Kit
#1907 Firescreen
#1860 6” x 12” Oval Starter Pipe
A line of porcelain enamel stove pipe is also avail
Width (leg to leg) ...................................... 33” (826mm)
Depth (leg to leg) ................................... 19¹⁄₂” (362mm)
Height to top of flue collar ...................... 30¹⁄₂” (775mm)
*Under specific conditions during EPA emissions testing.
** This value can vary depending on how the stove
is operated, the type and moisture content of the fuel
used, as well as the design, construction and climatic
location of your home. Figures shown are based on
maximum fuel consumption obtained under laboratory
conditions and on average efficiencies.
*** These values are based on operation in building
code-conforming homes under typical winter climate
conditions in New England. If your home is of nonstandard construction (e.g. unusually well insulated, not insulated, built underground, etc.) or if you live in a more
severe or more temperate climate, these figures may
not apply. Since so many variables affect performance
consult your Authorized Dealer to determine realistic
expectations for your home.
U.S. and foreign design and mechanical patents pending.
Drawing Not to Scale
Fig. 1 Defiant dimensions.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Defiant Woodburning Stove
Before you begin an installation, be sure that:
• Your stove and chimney connector will be far
enough from combustible material to meet all clearance requirements.
• The floor protector is large enough and is construct-
ed properly to meet all requirements.
• You have all necessary permits from local authori-
Your local building official is the final authority for approving your installation as safe and determining that it
meets local and state codes.
The metal label permanently attached to the back of
every Vermont Castings’ stove indicates that the stove
has been tested to current UL and ULC standards, and
gives the name of the testing laboratory. Clearance
and installation information also is printed on the label.
When the stove is installed according to the information
both on the label and in this manual, local authorities
usually will accept the label as evidence that the installation meets codes and can be approved.
However, codes vary in different areas. Before starting
the installation, review your plans with the local building
authority. Your local dealer can provide any additional
information needed.
For any unresolved installation issues, refer to the
National Fire Protection Association’s publication
ANSI/NFPA 211 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces,
Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances. For Canada,
the equivalent publication is CSA CAN-B365 Installation
Code for Solid Fuel Burning Appliances and Equipment.
These standards are the basis for many national codes.
They are nationally recognized and are accepted by
most local authorities. Your local dealer or your local
building official may have a copy of these regulations.
instructions may result in a dangerous situation, including a chimney or house fire. Follow all instructions exactly, and do not allow makeshift compromises to endanger property and personal safety.
Failure to follow these installation
Outside Air
In some modern, super-insulated homes, there is inadequate air supply for combustion because of insufficient
air infiltration into the building. Such air enters a home
through unsealed cracks and openings. Exhaust fans
for kitchen or bath can compete with the stove for available air and compound the problem.
When poor draft is caused by a low infiltration rate,
opening a ground floor window on the windward side of
the house and near the stove will usually alleviate the
A better solution is to install a permanent outside air
supply to the stove and/or room. In fact, bringing air
for combustion from outside the home directly to the
air inlet of the stove is required for new construction in
some areas.
Pressure variations within the house do not affect a
stove equipped with an outside air supply, and improved stove performance often results. An Outside Air
Adapter Kit for the Defiant is available from your local
Chimney Height
Altitude affects chimney performance. When using an
8” oval to 6” flue collar adapter on the Defiant, refer
to Figure 1 for suggested chimney heights at various
altitudes. Chimney height should be measured from the
flue collar to the top of the chimney. The recommended
minimum chimney height is 16 feet (5 meters).
You must connect the Defiant to a code-approved
masonry chimney with a flue liner, to a relined masonry
chimney that meets local codes, or to a prefabricated
metal chimney that complies with the requirements
for Type HT chimneys in the Standard for Chimneys,
Factory-Built, Residential Type and Building Heating
Appliance, UL 103. Figure 3 illustrates the two types.
The chimney and chimney connector must be in good
condition and kept clean.
If you use an existing masonry chimney, it must be
inspected to ensure it is in a safe condition before
the stove is installed. Your local professional chimney
sweep, building inspector, or fire department official
will be able to inspect the chimney or provide a referral to someone who can. See “Chimney and Fireplace
hazards”, in the appendix, for particulars.
A prefabricated doublewall insulated chimney
Masonry Chimneys
An inspection of the chimney must confirm that it has
a lining. Do not use an unlined chimney. The chimney
should have no cracks, loose mortar, other signs of
deterioration, and blockage. Repair any defects before
the chimney is used with your stove.
Unused openings in an existing masonry chimney must
be sealed with masonry to the thickness of the chimney
wall, and the chimney liner should be repaired. Openings sealed with pie plates or wallpaper are a hazard
and should be sealed with mortar or refractory cement.
In the event of a chimney fire, flames and smoke may
be forced out of these unused thimbles.
The chimney should be thoroughly cleaned before use.
A newly-built masonry chimney must conform to the
standards of your local building code or, in the absence
of a local code, to a recognized national code. Masonry
chimneys must be lined, either with code-approved
masonry or pre-cast refractory tiles, stainless steel
pipe, or a code-approved, “poured-in-place” liner. The
chimney’s clean-out door must seal tightly. A loose or
leaky clean-out door can weaken chimney draft to the
stove, causing performance problems.
A tile-lined
Fig. 3 Approved chimney types.
The chimney must extend at least 3’ (194 mm) above
the highest pint where it passes through or past a roof,
and at least 3’ (610 mm) higher than any part of a building within 10’ (3 m) horizontally. (Fig. 4)
For proper draft and good performance, any chimney
used with a Defiant should extend at least 16’ (5 m)
above the flue collar of the stove.
Fig. 4 The 2’-3’10’ Chimney Rule.
Prefabricated Chimneys
A prefabricated metal chimney must be one tested and
listed for use with solid-fuel burning appliances to the
High-Temperature (H.T.) Chimney Standard UL-1031985 (2100°F) for the United States, and High Temperature (650°C) Standard ULC S-629 for Canada.
Chimney Size
An Defiant with an 8” (203 mm) flue collar is approved
for venting into a masonry chimney with a nominal flue
size of 8” x 8” (203 x 203 mm) or 8” x 12” (203 x 305
mm), and into a round flue with nominal flue size of 8”
(203 mm). An Defiant with a 6” (152 mm) flue collar is
approved for venting into a masonry chimney with a
nominal flue size of 8” x 8” (203 x 203 mm), and into a
round flue with nominal flue of 6” (152 mm).
NOTE: When installed with a 6” flue collar, the Defiant may not be operated with the front doors open.
Whatever the flue collar size, an Defiant may be vented
into larger chimneys as well. However, chimneys
with liners larger than 8” x 12” (203 x 305 mm) may
experience rapid cooling of smoke and reduction in
draft, especially if the chimneys are located outside the
home. These large chimneys may need to be insulated
or have their flues relined for proper stove performance.
Defiant Woodburning Stove
Accessories to help make the connection between
stainless steel chimney liners and your Defiant are
available through your local dealer.
Chimney Connector Guidelines
A chimney connector is the single-wall pipe that connects the stove to the chimney. The chimney itself is the
masonry or prefabricated structure that encloses the
flue. Chimney connectors are used only to connect the
stove to the chimney.
Single-wall connectors should be made of 24 gauge
or heavier steel. Do not use galvanized connector; it
cannot withstand the high temperatures that can be
reached by smoke and exhaust gases, and may release toxic fumes under high heat. The connector may
be 6” (152 mm) or 8 “ (203 mm) in diameter.
If possible, do not pass the chimney connector through
a combustible wall or ceiling. If passage through a combustible wall is unavoidable, refer to the section on Wall
Pass-Throughs. Do not pass the connector through an
attic, a closet or similar concealed space. The whole
connector should be exposed and accessible for inspection and cleaning.
In horizontal runs of chimney connector, maintain a distance of 24” (610 mm) from the ceiling. Keep it as short
and direct as possible, with no more than two 90° turns.
Slope horizontal runs of connector upward 1/4” per foot
(6mm per meter) going from the stove toward the chimney. The recommended maximum length of a horizontal
run is 3’ (1 m), and the total length should be no longer
than 8’ (2.4 m). In cathedral ceiling installations, extend
the prefabricated chimney downward to within 8’ (2.4
m) of the stove. This will help maintain a good draft by
keeping the smoke warm, so that it rises readily.
Wear gloves and protective eyewear when drilling, cutting or joining sections of chimney connector.
Single-wall Chimney Connectors
• Begin assembly at the flue collar of the stove. Insert
the first crimped end into the stove’s flue collar, and
keep each crimped end pointing toward the stove.
(Fig. 5) Using the holes in the flue collar as guides,
drill 1/8” (3mm) holes in the bottom of the first section of chimney connector and secure it to the flue
collar with three #10 x 1/2” sheet metal screws.
Lift off the griddle, and shield the stove’s surface
between the griddle opening and the front of the flue
collar to protect the finish when you drill the front
• Fasten each joint between sections of chimney
connector, including telescoping joints, with at least
three (3) sheet metal screws. The pre-drilled holes in
the top of each section of chimney connector serve
as guides when you drill 1/8” (3mm) holes in the bottom of the next section.
• Fasten the chimney connector to the chimney.
Instructions for various installations follow. Figure 5
illustrates the general layout of chimney connector
• Be sure the installed stove and chimney connector
are correct distances from nearby combustible materials.
NOTE: Special slip
pipes and thimble
sleeves that form telescoping joints between
sections of chimney
connector are available to simplify installations. They often
eliminate the need to
cut individual connector sections. Consult
your local dealer about
these special pieces.
Flue Gas
Fig. 5 Chimney connector.
Securing the Single-wall Connector to a
Prefabricated Chimney
Follow the installation instructions of the chimney
manufacturer exactly as you install the chimney. The
manufacturer of the chimney will supply the accessories to support the chimney, either from the roof of
the house, at the ceiling of the room where the stove is
installed, or from an exterior wall.
Special adapters are available from your local dealer
to make the connection between the prefabricated
chimney and the chimney connector. The top of such
adapters attaches directly to the chimney or to the
chimney’s ceiling support package, while the bottom of
the adapter is screwed to the chimney connector.
These adapters are designed so the top end will fit outside the inner wall of the chimney, and the bottom end
will fit inside the first section of chimney connector.
Securing the Single-wall Connector to a
Masonry Chimney
Both freestanding masonry chimneys and fireplace masonry chimneys may be used for your installation.
Freestanding Installations
If the chimney connector must pass through a combustible wall to reach the chimney, follow the recommendations in the Wall Pass-Through section that follows.
The opening through the chimney wall to the flue
(the “breech”) must be lined with either a ceramic or
metal cylinder, called the “thimble”, which is cemented
securely in place. Most chimney breeches incorporate
thimbles, but the fit must be snug and the joint between
the thimble and the chimney wall must be cemented
Defiant Woodburning Stove
• • • • • • •
Flue Inner
Without a thimble, a suitable length of chimney connector can be extended through the breech to the inner
face of the flue liner, and cemented securely in place.
Additional pieces of connector are then attached with
sheet metal screws.
Slip Pipe
Oval to
Round Adapter
Flue Collar
Fig. 6 An exploded view of the chimney connection in a freestanding masonry installation.
A special piece called the “thimble sleeve,” slightly
smaller in diameter than standard connectors and
most thimbles, will facilitate the removal of the chimney
connector system for inspection and cleaning. (fig. 7)
Thimble sleeves should be available from your local
To install a thimble sleeve, slide it into the breech until
it is flush with the inner flue wall. Do not extend it into
the actual flue passage, as this could interfere with the
The thimble sleeve should protrude 1-2” (25-50 mm)
into the room. Use furnace cement and thin gasketing
to seal the sleeve in place in the thimble. Secure the
chimney connector to the outer end of the sleeve with
sheet metal screws.
Fireplace Installations
The chimney connector may be connected to the
chimney above the fireplace opening or through the
Above the Fireplace
The Defiant may be connected to a chimney above
a fireplace opening. (Fig. 8) In such installations, the
stove is positioned on the hearth in front of the fireplace
and the chimney connector rises from the stove top and
then angles ninety degrees back into the chimney. The
chimney liner should extend to the point at which the
chimney connector enters the chimney.
Check These
This Off
Thimble Sleeve
Chimney Connector
Fig. 7 The thimble, made of either ceramic or metal, must be
cemented securely in place.
end flush
with flue
Fig. 8 In this installation, the chimney connector attaches to
the chimney above the fireplace opening.
If the chimney connector in your installation enters the
chimney above a fireplace, follow all the guidelines
mentioned above for freestanding installations. In addition, give special consideration to the following points:
• Check the clearance between the stove and the
chimney connector, and any combustible trim or
the mantel.
• Check the clearance between the chimney con-
nector and the ceiling. The clearance should be at
least 24” (610 mm).
• The fireplace damper must be sealed to prevent
room air from escaping up the flue. However, it
must be possible to re-open the damper to inspect
or clean the chimney.
Defiant Woodburning Stove
Through the Fireplace
If your fireplace opening height is at least 29" (737 mm),
you may install a Defiant through the opening using a
“positive connection” kit, available from your local dealer. Positive connection kits ensure a tight fit between
the stove flue collar and the chimney flue. (Fig. 9)
Fireplace installations, whether connected to the flue
above or through the fireplace opening, have special
clearance requirements to adjacent trim and the mantel.
You’ll find the required safe clearances for Defiant fireplace installations on Page 12.
Floor protection requirements also apply to fireplace
installations. This information is on Page 10.
Figure 10 shows one NFPA-recommended method. All
combustible material in the wall is cut away from the
single-wall connector to provide the required 12” (305
mm) clearance. Any material used to close up the opening must be noncombustible.
Wall Stud
12” of
Floor Protection
Mantel Shield
Fireplace Adapter
Kit “Positive
Fig. 9 Through the fireplace installation.
Wall Pass-Throughs
Whenever possible, design your installation so the connector does not pass through a combustible wall. If you
are considering a wall pass-through in your installation,
check with your building inspector before you begin.
Also, check with the chimney connector manufacturer
for any specific requirements.
Accessories are available for use as wall passthroughs. If using one of these, make sure it has been
tested and listed for use as a wall pass-through.
In the United States, the National Fire Protection As
sociation (NFPA) has established guidelines for passing
chimney connectors through combustible walls. Many
building code inspectors follow these guidelines when
approving installations.
Fig. 10 An approved wall pass-through for the United States.
Three other methods are also approved by the NFPA:
• Placing a section of chimney connector inside a
ventilated thimble, which in turn is separated from
combustibles by 6” (152mm) of fiberglass insulating
• Placing a section of chimney connector inside a
section of 9” (230mm) diameter, solid-insulated,
factory-built chimney, with 2” (50mm) of air space
between the chimney section and combustibles.
• Using a section of solid-insulated double-wall high
temperature chimney, with an inside diameter the
same as the chimney connector, at least one inch
of solid insulation, and a minimum of 9” (229 mm)
air space between the outer wall of the chimney
section and combustibles.
In Canada, The Canadian Standards Association has
established different guidelines for wall pass-throughs.
Figure 11 shows one method, in which all combustible
material in the wall is cut away to provide the required
18” (457mm) clearance for the connector. The resulting
space must remain empty. A flush-mounted sheet metal
cover may be used on one side only. If covers must be
used on both sides, each cover must be mounted on
noncombustible spacers at least 1” (25mm) clear of the
Defiant Woodburning Stove
18” (460mm) clearance between pipe and
sides/top/bottom of
Fig. 11 An approved wall pass-through for Canada.
Your local dealer or your local building inspector can
provide details for other approved methods of passing
a chimney connector through a combustible wall in your
area. In Canada, this type of installation must conform
to CAN/CSA-B365, Installation Code for Solid Fuel
Burning Appliances and Equipment.
NOTE: Do not vent your Defiant into a factory-built
(zero-clearance) fireplace. These appliances and their
chimneys are specifically designed as a unit for use as
fireplaces. It may void the listing or be hazardous to
adapt them for any other use.
Protection requirements vary somewhat between the
Untied States and Canada as follows:
In U. S. installations the floor protector is required
under the stove and must extend at least 16” (not
including the ash lip) from the front of the stove (“F”,
Fig. 12), and at least 6” from the sides and rear. (“D”
and “E”, Fig. 12)
It must also extend under the chimney connector and
2” to either side. (“C”, Fig. 12) For the 8” (203 mm)
connector, the protector must be a minimum of 12”
(305 mm) wide. For the 6” (152 mm) connector, the
protector must be 10” (254 mm) wide. The protector
must be centered under the connector.
To meet these requirements, a floor protector must be
at least 42” wide and 43” deep.
In Canada: A noncombustible floor protector is required
under the stove as well. The floor protector must
extend 18” (457 mm) to the front (“F”, Fig. 12), and 8”
(203 mm) from the sides and rear. (“D” and “E”, Fig. 12)
To meet these requirements, a floor protector must be
at least 46” (1168 mm) wide and 47” (1194 mm) deep.
Floor Protection
A tremendous amount of heat radiates from the bottom
plate of your stove. The floor area directly under and
around the stove will require protection from radiant
heat as well as from stray sparks or embers that may
escape the firebox.
Heat protection is provided through the use of a Vermont Castings Bottom Heat Shield #1905. Spark and
ember protection must be provided by a floor protector
constructed with noncombustible material as specified.
Most installations will require the bottom heat shield be
attached. Only when the stove is placed on a completely noncombustible surface such as unpainted concrete
over earth may it be used without the heat shield.
Even when the bottom heat shield is installed, you must
provide special protection to the floor beneath. For
installations with the heat shield attached, use a noncombustible floor protector such as 1/4” nonasbestos
mineral board or equivalent, or 24 gauge sheet metal.
The floor protector may be covered with a noncombustible decorative material if desired. Do not obstruct the
space under the heater.
U.S. Canada
A. 42” 46” (1168 mm)
B. 43” 47” (1194 mm)
C. 12” 12” (305 mm) 8” Connector
10” 10” (254 mm) 6” Connector
D. 6” 8” (203 mm)
E. 6” 8” (203 mm)
F. 16” 18” (460 mm)
Fig. 12 Required floor protection dimensions.
Floor Protection for Fireplace Installation
Do not assume that your fireplace hearth is completely
noncombustible. Many fireplace hearths do not satisfy
the “completely noncombustible’ requirement because
the brick or concrete in front of the fireplace opening
is supported by heavy wood framing. Because heat
passes readily through brick or concrete, it can easily
pass through to the wood. As a result, such fireplace
hearths can be a fire hazard and are considered a combustible floor.
Defiant Woodburning Stove
For all fireplace installations, follow the floor protection guidelines described above. Keep in mind that
many raised hearths will extend less than the required
clearance from the front of the heater. In such cases,
sufficient floor protection as described above must be
added in front of the hearth to satisfy the minimum
floor protector requirement from the front of the stove:
16” (410mm) in the United States and 18” (460mm) in
Canada. Hearth rugs do not satisfy the requirement for
floor protection as they are not fire proof.
Fireplace installations also have special clearance
requirements to the side walls, side decorative trim and
fireplace mantel. Refer to the information on fireplace
and mantel trim shields in this section.
Keep the Stove a Safe Distance from Sur-
rounding Materials
Both a stove and its chimney connector radiate heat in
all directions when operating, and nearby combustible
materials can overheat dangerously if they are too
close to the heat source. A safe installation requires
that adequate clearance be maintained between the hot
stove and its connector and nearby combustibles.
Clearance is the distance between either your stove or
chimney connector, and nearby walls, floors, the ceiling,
and any other fixed combustible surface. The Defiant
has specific clearance requirements that have been
established after careful research and testing. These
clearance requirements must be strictly observed.
In addition, keep furnishings and other combustible
materials away from the stove. In general, a distance
of 48” (1220 mm) must be maintained between the
stove and moveable combustible items such as drying
clothes, furniture, newspapers, firewood, etc. Keeping those clearance areas empty assures that nearby
surfaces and objects will not overheat.
Safe Ways to Reduce Clearances
Clearance requirements are established to meet every
installation possibility, and they involve the combination
of these variables:
If the Defiant is installed in a corner and no shield is
used, the corners of the stove must be at least 23” (585
mm) from nearby walls.
Clearances may be reduced only by means approved
by the regulatory authority, and in accordance with the
clearances listed in this manual. Refer to Pages 10 - 13
for approved clearance reduction specifications.
Use only Vermont Castings Defiant Rear Heat Shield
NOTE: Alcove installation of the Defiant is not
Wall Shields
One way to reduce clearances is with a wall shield
constructed of 24 gauge or heavier sheet metal, or of
another noncombustible material such as 1/2” (13 mm)
insulation board such as Durock® or Wonderboard®, or
common brick “laid on flat,” with the 3¹⁄₂" (90 mm) side
Shields must be spaced out from the combustible
surface 1" (25 mm) on noncombustible spacers, as in
Figure 13. The spacers should not be directly behind
the stove or chimney connector.
Air must be able to flow between the wall and the
shield. At least 50% of the bottom 1" (25 mm) of the
shield must be open, and the shield must be open at
the top. Metal screening across the top will keep small
stray objects from being trapped behind the shield. (Fig.
The shield must be a minimum of 48" (1220 mm) tall,
and must extend at least 20¹⁄₂" (520mm) higher than the
top of the stove, whichever is higher. The shield behind
the chimney connector must be 30" (760 mm) wide,
centered behind the pipe; for installations that use an
approved prefabricated chimney to pass through the
ceiling, the shield behind the chimney connector must
stop 1" (25 mm) below the ceiling.
Air Flow
• When the stove has no listed heat shield mount-
ed on it.
• When the wall has no heat shield mounted on it.
• When the wall has a heat shield mounted on it.
• When the wall and stove have heat shields.
In general, the greatest clearance is required when you
place a stove and its connector near a wall with no heat
For example, when the Defiant is installed parallel to
the rear wall and no shield is used, it must be at least
33” (815 mm) from the wall behind it and at least 24”
(610 mm) from walls on either side.
Wall Shield
Stud Wall
Noncombustible Spacers
and Fasteners
Air Flow
Fig. 13 Approved wall shield construction.
Metal Spacer
Defiant Woodburning Stove
1" (25mm)
1/4" (6mm)
Fireplace and Mantel Trim Shields
A fireplace installation requires special clearance
between the side of the stove and the right and left
walls, between the side of the stove and the decorative
side trim on the fireplace face, and between the top of
the stove and the mantel.
Noncombustible shields installed 1” (25 mm) away from
the combustible surface on noncombustible spacers,
called ventilated shields, may be used to reduce
To protect a mantel from the heat of a stove in a
fireplace installation, use a custom-made ventilated
mantel shield that is at least 48” (1220 mm) long,
centered over the stove. (Fig. 14) Ventilated shields for
side trim must extend the full length of the trim.
Fireplace and Mantel Trim Clearances
Unprotected Protected
A. Mantel 39” (991 mm) 23” (584 mm)
B. Top Trim 39” (991 mm) 23” (584 mm)
C. Side Trim 14” (356 mm) 6” (152 mm)
Fig. 15 Maintain clearances to combustible components of
the mantelpiece.
Fig. 14 A custom-formed mantel shield.
An unprotected mantel (“A”, Fig. 15) cannot be more
than 9” (230 mm) deep and must have a minimum
clearance of 39” (991 mm), measured from the stove’s
top plate. With a ventilated shield, this clearance may
be reduced safely to 23” (584 mm).
Unprotected top trim (B) protruding 9” (230 mm) or
less from the face of the fireplace must be a minimum
of 39” (991 mm) from the stove’s top surface. With a
ventilated trim shield, this clearance may be reduced
safely to 23” (584 mm).
Unprotected side trim (C) that protrudes 2” (51 mm) or
less from the face of a fireplace must have a minimum
clearance of 14” (356 mm), measured from the stove’s
top side edge. With a ventilated trim shield, the
clearance may be reduced safely to 6” (152 mm). If the
trim extends more than 2” (51 mm), it is subject to the
requirements for wall clearance.
The charts and sample installations that follow list all
the clearances required for the various installation
configurations of the Defiant.
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