WinterWarm Fireplace Insert or System
NOTE: If the charcoal bed is relatively thick and your
fuel is well-seasoned, it is possible to add fresh fuel
(smaller pieces first), close the door and damper, and
reset the air control within five minutes.
Special Tactics for Cold-Climate Heating
The WinterWarm is capable of producing up to 50,000
Btu’s/hour and heating an area of up to 1,500 ft.2 (140
m2) However, many factors affect heating performance
and can influence the extent to which the WinterWarm
can heat a given area.
A well-insulated home, located in a moderate climate
and with the WinterWarm Fireplace Insert or Fireplace
System located centrally in an open floor plan, will be
easier to heat than a drafty home in the far north in
which a WinterWarm is installed on an exterior wall at
the end of a long house.
In Fireplace Insert installations, over-sized chimneys
can produce less effective results than those that are
properly sized, and interior chimneys usually perform
better than those located outside the house.
Different results may be experienced even in the same
installation if you switch from burning good, dry wood to
wood that is partially rotted or inadequately seasoned.
To compensate for these factors in cold climates, it may
be necessary to operate the WinterWarm for longer
periods of time than described above before closing the
damper, or to leave the air control set to a higher level
more of the time.
Open-Fire Viewing
with the Screen Cassette
The cassette screen that was included with your WinterWarm is interchangeable with the glass cassette, enabling you to convert from closed-door wood burning to
protected open-fire viewing. Always leave the damper
open when operating the WinterWarm with the screen
in the open-fire mode.
To change cassettes, use this procedure:
Let the WinterWarm cool completely
• Open the door
• Loosen the two short retainer clips, one at each
top corner of the cassette frame, and turn them to
clear the frame.
• Tilt the top edge of the cassette away from the
door frame.
• Carefully remove the cassette, being especially
careful with the glass cassette. Store the unused
cassette for future use.
• Examine the gasket that seals the cassette to the
perimeter of the door frame. Contact your local
dealer if you need a replacement gasket.
• Check the bottom channel of the door frame for
debris, and clean if necessary.
• Insert the new cassette, bottom edge first, then
the top edge.
IMPORTANT: The glass used in your WinterWarm is
coated with a special material on one side that reflects
heat back into the fire chamber. Before replacing a
glass cassette that has been removed, examine the
metal frame. One side has smooth, mitered corner
joints; the other side has rough weld marks.
To install the glass correctly, the smooth mitered
corners must be facing the gasket and the rough weld
marks must be positioned toward the fire chamber.
• Replace the two retainer clips, applying just
enough pressure to secure the cassette evenly
against the gasket.
Remove and Store Ash Safely
Check the ash pan before reloading the stove, and
empty if necessary using the following procedure:
• Open the damper
• Open the load door (Fig. 7)
• Pull open the ash chamber door with the hooked
end of the fall-away handle.
• If the ash level is nearing the top, place the
removable cover over the pan and make sure it is
completely engaged. Ash may contain hot coals
and must be treated with extreme care.
• Take the pan outdoors and empty the ash into
your ash container.