Direct Vent Gas Fireplaces
Chateau. Warmth in the
Grandest Style.

The Chateau Series
A magnificent roaring fire has never been easier to enjoy!
The Chateau Series features an extraordinary line of clean face direct vent fireplaces, all designed to create
the traditional look and feel of an authentic wood fire. With our classic andirons, our gorgeous log set and
super-realistic fire, you can easily capture the elegance of an open Rumford-style wood fireplace with the
convenience of gas, and the quality of Vermont Castings®. And with our BrickWorks Refractory Collection,
ou can get an authentic look of gorgeous brick in Colonial Red, Limestone and Amaretto Herringbone.
DVT44IN shown with Colonial Red Refractory
and Hazelton Beam
Sty led to lo o k authe ntic, wi th a patin a that gi ves ever y firep l ace jus t the rig h t flair and look . Avail a ble in Co l onial Red,
Lim estone and Amar etto Her ringbo n e – the per fect com plimen t to the mo st eleg a nt déco r s.
Colonial Red Limestone
Features & Benefits
• Customize and enhance the look of
your fireplace
• Dramatic backdrop to our glowing logs
& golden flames
• Easy to install
• Authentic looking brick & mortar design
available in 3 choice colors:
• Colonial Red - Red Brick with light gray
tone mortar – A traditional look and
texture of reclaimed & weathered brick
• Limestone - an exclusive BrickWorks
Collection choice, the perfect
compliment to the most elegant décors,
and sets off fireplace flames beautifully
• Amaretto Herringbone - an exclusive
BrickWorks Collection choice in a
beautiful Amaretto palette in
Herringbone pattern
Amaretto Herringbone
Chateau Andirons
Our elegant Cast Iron Andirons proudly
feature our Vermont Castings heritage
engraved on the surface, and help put the
final design touch on your new fireplace.