Vermeiren V200 User Manual [de]

Inst r uc tions to the s pe cialist deale r
This instruction manual is part and parcel of the product and must accompany every wheelchair sold.
Version: A, November 2010
All rights reserved, including translation. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form what so ever (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other process) without written permission of the publisher, or processed, duplicated or distributed by using electronic systems.
© N.V. Vermeiren N.V. 2010
V200 2010-11
Preface . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 2!
1! Productdesc r iption .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . 3!
1.1! Intended Use ................................................................................................................ 3!
1.2! Technical specifications .............................................................................................. 4!
1.3! Drawing ....................................................................................................................... 5!
1.4! Accessories .................................................................................................................. 6!
1.5! Location identification plate........................................................................................ 6!
1.6! Explanation of symbols ............................................................................................... 6!
2! Use .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . 7!
2.1! Carrying the wheelchair .............................................................................................. 7!
2.2! Mounting the rear wheels ............................................................................................ 7!
2.3! Unfolding the wheelchair ............................................................................................ 7!
2.4! Mounting or removing of the footrests ....................................................................... 8!
2.5! Operating the brakes.................................................................................................... 8!
2.6! Mounting or removing of arm supports ...................................................................... 9!
2.7! Transfer in and out the wheelchair ............................................................................ 11!
2.8! Correct position in the wheelchair ............................................................................ 11!
2.9! Riding the wheelchair................................................................................................ 11!
2.10! Moving on slopes ...................................................................................................... 12!
2.11! Negotiating steps or kerbs ......................................................................................... 12!
2.12! Fold up the wheelchair .............................................................................................. 15!
2.13! Taking off the wheels ................................................................................................ 15!
2.14! Transport in the car .................................................................................................... 15!
2.15! Use of the wheelchair as seat in a motor vehicle ...................................................... 16!
3! Installation and adjustment . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . 18!
3.1! Tools .......................................................................................................................... 18!
3.2! Manner of delivery .................................................................................................... 19!
3.3! Adjusting the seat height and seat angle ................................................................... 19!
3.4! Adjusting the seat depth ............................................................................................ 22!
3.5! Adjust the brakes ....................................................................................................... 23!
3.6! Adjusting of the footrests .......................................................................................... 24!
3.7! Adjusting the arm support ......................................................................................... 25!
4! Mainte nance ... . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. 26!
4.1! Regular Maintenance................................................................................................. 26!
4.2! Shipping and storage ................................................................................................. 26!
4.3! Care ........................................................................................................................... 27!
4.4! Inspection .................................................................................................................. 28!
4.5! Disinfection ............................................................................................................... 29!
5! Guarantee . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 32!
6! Disposal . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 32!
7! Declaration of conformity .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 33!
8! Mainte nance plan . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . 34!
9! Disinfe c tion book .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 35!
V200 2010-11
First of all we want to thank you for putting your trust in us by selecting one of our wheelchairs.
The Vermeiren wheelchairs are the result of many years of research and experience. During the development, special attention was given to the ease of use and the serviceability of the wheelchair.
The expected lifetime of 8 years for your wheelchair is strongly influenced by the care and maintenance of the wheelchair.
This manual will help you get acquainted with the operation of your wheelchair.
Following the user instructions and the maintenance instructions are an essential part of the guarantee.
This manual reflects the latest product developments. Vermeiren has the right to introduce changes without the obligation to adapt or replace previously delivered models.
For any further questions, please consult your specialist dealer.
V200 2010-11
1 Productdescription
1.1 Intended Use
The wheelchair is intended for people with walking difficulties or no walking abilities.
The wheelchair is designed to transport 1 person.
The wheelchair is suited for indoor and outdoor use.
The user can propel the wheelchair by himself or have the wheelchair pushed by an attendant.
The different types of fittings and accessories, and the modular construction allow full use by persons disabled by:
paralysis loss of limbs (leg amputation) limb defects or deformations stiff or damaged joints heart insuffiencies and poor blood circulation balance disturbances cachexia (decrease in muscle) and also for aged persons.
When providing for individual requirements:
body size and weight (max. 130kg (286.6 lb.)) physical and psychological condition residential circumstances environment
should be taken into consideration.
Your wheelchair should only be used on surfaces where all four wheels are touching the ground and where there is sufficient contact to propel the wheels equally.
You should practice for use on uneven surfaces (cobblestones, etc.), slopes, curves and to get past obstacles (kerbs, etc.).
The wheelchair should not be used as a ladder, nor is it a transport for heavy or hot objects.
When used on mats, carpeted floors or loose floor coverings, the floor covering can get damaged.
Use only Vermeiren approved accessories.
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by the lack of or improper service or as a result of not following instructions from this manual.
Compliance with the user and maintenance instructions are an essential part of the guarantee conditions.
V200 2010-11
1.2 Technical specifications
Technical terms below are valid for the wheelchair in standard settings. If other footrest / arm support or other accessories are used, the tabulated values will change.
Vermeirenplein 1/15, B-2920 Kalmthout
Manual wheelchair
Maximum occupant mass
130 kg (286.6 lb.)
Overall length with legrest
1010 mm (39.76 in.)
Effective seat width
390 mm
(15.35 in.)
420 mm
(16.54 in.)
440 mm
(17.32 in.)
460 mm
(18.11 in.)
480 mm
(18.90 in.)
500 mm
(19.69 in.)
Overall width (depends on the seat width)
590 mm
(23.23 in.)
620 mm
(24.41 in.)
640 mm
(25.20 in.)
660 mm
(25.98 in.)
680 mm
(26.77 in.)
700 mm
(27.56 in.)
Folded length
1000 m (39.37 in.)
Folded width
320 mm (12.60 in.)
Folded height
955 mm (37.60 in.)
Total mass
16,5 kg (36.38 lb.)
Mass of heaviest part
9 kg (19.84 lb.)
Static stability downhill
10° (in standard configuration)
Static stability uphill
7° (in standard configuration)
Static stability sideways
18° (in standard configuration)
Obstacle climbing
60 mm (2.36 in.)
Seat plane angle
Effective seat depth
440 mm (17.32 in.)
460 mm (18.11 in.)
Seat surface height at front edge
440 mm (17.32 in.)
530 mm (20.87 in.)
Backrest angle
Backrest height
400 mm (15.75 in.)
Distance between footrest and seat
430 mm (16.93 in.)
Angle between seat and footrest
Distance between armrest and seat
220 mm (8.66 in.)
240 mm (9.45 in.)
Front location of armrest structure
410 mm (16.14 in.)
Handrim diameter
535 mm (21.06 in.)
Horizontal location of axle (deflection)
50 mm (1.97 in.)
Minimum turning radius
1500 mm (59.06 in.)
Diameter Krypton PU Rear wheels
Tyre pressure, rear (driving) wheels
Max. 3.5 bar
Diameter Krypton PU steering wheels
200 mm (7.87 in.)
Tyre pressure, steering wheels
Max. 2.5 bar
Storage and use temperature
+ 5 °C (+41 °F)
+ 41 °C (+106 °F)
Storage and use humidity
We reserve the right to introduce technical changes. Measurement tolerance ± 15 mm / kg / ° (0.59 in. / 3,3 lb. / 1,5°)
Table 1: Technic al spec ific ations
V200 2010-11
The wheelchair complies to the requirements set up in:
ISO 7176-8: Requirements and test methods for static, impact and fatigue strengths.
ISO 7176-16: Resistance to ignition of upholstered parts
ISO 7176-19: Wheeled mobility devices for use as seats in motor vehicles.
1.3 Drawing
1 = Armrests 2 = Arm supports 3 = Footrests 4 = Brakes 5 = Steering wheels (front wheels) 6 = Driving wheels (rear wheels) 7 = Seat 8 = Back 9 = Tip cap 10 = Cross 11 = Handles
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1.4 Accessories
The following accessories are available for the V200:
Anterior pelvic belt (B20) for mounting on the tubes of the back (see according
Anti-tipping device (B78) for mounting on the bottom frame (see according manual).
1.5 Location identification plate
1.6 Explanation of symbols
Maximum mass
Indoor and outdoor use
Down slope
Up slope
CE conformity
V200 2010-11
2 Use
This chapter describes the everyday use. These instructions are for the user and the specialist dealer.
The wheelchair is delivered fully assembled by your specialist dealer. The instructions intended for the specialist dealer on how to set up the wheelchair are given in § 3.
2.1 Carrying the wheelchair
The best way to carry the wheelchair is to make use of the wheels and roll the wheelchair.
If this is not possible (e.g. when the rear wheels are taken off for transportation in a car), firmly grasp the frame on the front and the grips. Do not use the foot or arm rests or the wheels to grasp the wheelchair.
2.2 Mounting the rear wheels
1. Take the rear wheel and push on button .
2. Keep the button pushed in and mount the rear wheels axle till it stops.
3. Release the button.
4. Check that the wheels is secured.
2.3 Unfolding the wheelchair
L CAUTION: Risk of clamping ! Keep fingers away from moving parts of the
1. Position yourself behind the wheelchair.
2. Use the hand-grips to open the wheelchair as much as possible.
3. Position yourself at the front of the wheelchair.
4. Push both seating tubes down till they are fixed in their position.
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2.4 Mounting or removing of the footrests
The mounting of the footrests is done as follows:
1. Hold the footrest sideways at the outside of the wheelchairs frame and mount the tube hood
the frame.
2. Swing the footrest inwards till it clicks in position.
3. Swing the foot plate downwards.
To take off the footrests:
1. Pull handle
2. Swing the footrest to the outside of the wheelchair till it comes loose from the guidance.
3. Pull the footrest from tube hood
2.5 Operating the brakes
The brakes aren't used to slow down the wheelchair during movements ! Use the brake only to prevent the wheelchair from unintended movements.
L WARNING: Good operation of the brakes is influenced by wear and
"#$%&'($&%(#$)#*)%+,)%(-,.)/0&%,-1)#(21)'341)56)! Check the condition of the tires before each use.
L WARNING: The brakes are adjustable and can wear ! Check the operation of the
brakes before each use.
To apply the brakes:
1. Push the brake handles forward till you feel a distinctive click.
L CAUTION: Risk of unintended movement ! Make sure the wheelchair is on a flat
horizontal surface before releasing the brakes. Never release both brakes simultaneously.
To release the brakes:
1. Release one brake by pulling the handle backwards.
2. Hold the hand-rim of the release wheel with your hand.
3. Release the second brake by pulling the handle backwards.
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2.6 Mounting or removing of arm supports
The arm supports of the wheelchair can be fold away or taken off.
L CAUTION: Risk of clamping ! Keep fingers, buckles and clothes away from the
bottom side of the arm support.
1. Mount the rear tube of the arm rest in tube hood
2. Make sure the arm support clicks in the locking mechanism.
3. Fold the arm rest forward.
4. Click the front tube of the arm rest in tube hood
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To open and remove the arm rest:
1. Press lever
and pull the front of the arm rest
2. Fold the arm rest backwards.
3. To remove the arm rest, press button
and pull the rear of the arm support from
tube hood .
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2.7 Transfer in and out the wheelchair
L CAUTION: In case you can't perform the transfer in a safe manner, ask someone
to assist you.
L CAUTION: Risk of tipping over of the wheelchair ! Don't stand on the foot plates.
1. Position the wheelchair as close as possible to the chair, couch or bed to/from you wish to transfer.
2. Check both brakes from the wheelchair are in the on position.
3. Fold the foot plates upwards to prevent standing on them.
4. If the transfer is on the side of the wheelchair, fold the arm support on that side upwards. (see § 2.6)
5. Transfer to/from the wheelchair.
2.8 Correct position in the wheelchair
Some recommendations for a comfortable use of the wheelchair:
Position your backside as close as possible to the back rest. Make sure your upper legs are horizontal – If needed adjust the length of the foot
rests. (see § 3.6)
2.9 Riding the wheelchair
L WARNING: Risk of clamping ! Prevent your fingers from being caught by the
wheels spokes.
L WARNING: Risk of clamping ! Be careful passing through restricted passages
(e.g. doors).
L WARNING: Risk of burns ! Be careful when driving in hot or cold environments
(sunshine, extreme cold, saunas, etc.) for a sufficient amount of time and when touching - Surfaces can assume the environment temperatures.
1. Release the brakes.
2. Take both hand rims at their highest position.
3. Lean forward and push the hand rims forward until straight arms.
4. Swing your arms loosely back to the hand rims topside and repeat the movement.
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2.10 Moving on slopes
L WARNING: Control your speed ! Moving on slopes as slow as possible. L WARNING: Consider the capacities of your attendant ! If your attendant doesn't
have enough force to control the wheelchair, put on the brakes.
L WARNING: Risk of tipping over ! Lean forward to move your centre of gravity
forward. To improve a better stability.
1. If available on the wheelchair, wear the safety belt.
2. Do not attempt moving on too high slopes. The maximum slope angles (upwards and downwards) are mentioned in table 1.
3. Ask an attendant to help you moving on the slope.
4. Lean forward to move your centre of gravity forward.
2.11 Negotiating steps or kerbs
2.11.1 Getting down steps or kerbs
Riding down low kerbs can be done moving forwards. Make sure that the foot rests don't touch the ground.
A practiced user can negotiate small steps or kerbs by himself:
L WARNING: Risk of tipping over ! If you don't have
enough experience with your wheelchair, ask assistance of an attendant.
1. Bring balance on the rear wheels to reduce the pressure on the front wheels.
2. Negotiate the kerbs.
Higher kerbs can be taken forward with an attendant:
1. Ask the attendant to tip the wheelchair slightly backwards.
2. Get past the kerbs while moving on the rear wheels.
3. Put the wheelchair back on the four wheels.
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An experienced user can negotiate higher kerbs by himself. This is best done backwards.
1. Turn the wheelchair to have the rear wheels facing the kerb.
2. Lean forward to move your centre of gravity forward.
3. Move the wheelchair close to the kerbs.
4. Use the hand rim to roll-off wheelchair from the kerb in a controlled manner.
2.11.2 Moving up steps or kerbs
Moving up steps or kerbs with attendant as follows:
1. Prevent the foot rests from touching the kerb.
2. Ask the attendant to tip the wheelchair backwards, just enough to move the front wheels over the kerb.
3. Lean backwards to move your centre of gravity above the rear wheel.
4. Place the front wheels on the kerb.
5. Roll rear wheels of the wheelchair over the kerb.
Higher kerbs are negotiated backwards:
1. Turn the wheelchair to have the rear wheels facing the kerb.
2. Lean backwards and move your centre of gravity above the rear wheels.
3. Ask the attendant to pull the wheelchair on the kerb.
4. Take back the normal position in the wheelchair.
V200 2010-11
An experienced user can negotiate kerbs by himself:
L W AR N I N G: Risk of tipping over ! If you haven't enough experience to control the
wheelchair, get help from an attendant.
1. Drive until the kerbs.
2. Ensure that the footrest don't touch the kerbs.
3. Lean backwards so you are balancing on the rear wheels.
4. Role the frontwheels balancing over the kerbs.
5. Bend forwards for more stability.
6. Role the rear wheels over the kerbs.
2.11.3 Taking of stairs
Taking of stairs while you staying in the wheelchair shall be according following rules:
L WARNING: Risk of tipping over ! Taking of stairs shall always with 2 attendants.
1. Remove the footrests.
2. One attendant tip the wheelchair slightly backwards.
3. The second attendant take the front of the frame.
4. Stay calm, avoid sudden movements and keep your arms inside the wheelchair.
5. Take the steps on the rear wheels of the wheelchair.
6. Mounting the footrests back after taking the stair.
V200 2010-11
2.12 Fold up the wheelchair
L CAUTION: Chance of pinching ! Don't place fingers between the components of
the wheelchair.
Fold or remove the footplates (see § 2.4).
2. Take the seat on the front side and backside and pull it up.
2.13 Taking off the wheels
To facilitate the transport off the wheelchair the rear wheels can be taken off:
1. Make sure the brakes standing in the off position.
2. Take the wheelchair to the side frame where you want to remove the wheel.
3. Press the button
in the center of the wheel
4. Pull the wheel away from the frame.
2.14 Transport in the car
L WARNING: Risk of injury ! See that the wheelchair is attached properly. So you
can avoid injury from the passengers during collision or sudden braking.
L WARNING: Risk of injury ! Use for attaching the wheelchair and passenger
NEVER the same seatbelt.
1. Remove footrests and accessories.
2. Store footrests and accessories safely.
3. If possible, fold the wheelchair and remove the wheels.
4. Place the wheelchair in the luggage place.
5. If the wheelchair and the passenger compartment is NOT separated, attach the frame of the wheelchair securely to the vehicle. You can use the available safety belts in the vehicle .
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2.15 Use of the wheelchair as seat in a motor vehicle
L WARNING: The wheelchair has passed the crash of ISO 7176-19: 2008 and, as
such, has been designed and tested for use only as forward-facing seat in a motor vehicle.
L WARNING: The wheelchair's pelvic belt alone is not suited as an occupant
restraint belt.
The wheelchair is tested using the four-point strap-tie system and a 3-point occupant­restraint system.
Whenever feasable, use the seat of the vehicle and store the wheelchair in the cargo area.
Steps to secure the wheelchair in a motor vehicle:
1. Check that the vehicle is equipped with a suitable wheelchair tie down and occupant­restraint system, conform ISO 10542.
2. Check that the components of the wheelchair tie down and occupant restraint system are not frayed, contaminated, damaged or broken.
3. If equipped with an adjustable seat and/or back tilt, make sure that the wheelchair user is sitting as upright as possible. If the user's condition prevents this, a risk assessment should be done to evaluate the user's safety during transit.
4. Remove all mounted accessories such as trays and respiratory equipment, and secure them in a safe place.
5. Position the wheelchair facing forward in the travelling direction, centrally between the tie-down rails mounted in the floor of the vehicle.
6. Make sure that the indicated zones around the wheelchair user are clear from rigid vehicle parts.
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7. Mount the front securement straps according to the instructions of the strap-system manufacturer at the indicated place. (figure 3)
This place is marked on the wheelchair with a symbol. (figure 4)
8. Roll back the wheelchair until the front straps are tight.
9. Apply the wheelchair brake.
10. Mount the back securement straps according to the instructions of the strap-system manufacturer at the indicated place. (figure 3)
11. This place is marked on the wheelchair with a symbol. (figure 4)
figure 3
Steps to secure the wheelchair user:
1. Remove both arm rests.
2. If present, attach the wheelchair's pelvic belt.
3. Attach the occupant restraint belts according to the instructions of the strap-system manufacturer.
4. Wear the pelvic belt low across the front of the pelvis, so that the angle of the pelvic belt is within the preferred zone of 30° to 75° to the horizontal, similar to that shown below.
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5. A steeper (greater) angle within the preferred zone is desirable.
6. Adjust the belt tightly according to the instructions of the strap-system manufacturer, consistent with the user's comfort.
7. Ensure that the restraint belt connects in a straight line to the anchor point in the vehicle and that no bends in the belt are visible, for instance at the axle of the rear wheel.
8. Install the arm rests, if desired. make sure that belts are not twisted or held away from the body by wheelchair components such as arm rests or wheels.
3 Installation and adjustment
The instructions in this chapter are for the specialist dealer.
The Vermeiren V200 has been designed to be adjust with a minimum of replacements parts. There is no need for extra stock of spare parts.
To find a service facility or specialist dealer near you, contact the nearest Vermeiren facility. A list of Vermeiren facilities can be found on the last page.
L WARNING: Risk of unsafe settings - Use only the settings described in this
L WARNING: Variation of allowed adjustments can still change the stability of your
wheelchair (tilt back or sideways).
3.1 Tools
To set up the wheelchair the following tools are needed.
Wrench set n° 7 to n° 22 Allen keyset n° 3 to n° 8 Screwdriver n° 4 to n° 5 Screwdriver Phillips head
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3.2 Manner of delivery
The Vermeiren V200 shall be delivered with:
1 frame with arm supports, rear and front wheels (standard delivery
seat height: 500 mm (19.69 in.), seat angle: 5°)
1 pair footrests
3.3 Adjusting the seat height and seat angle
The Vermeiren V200 is adjustable in 4 seat heights and 5 seat angles (0°-2,5°-5°-10°) by changing the position of the wheels for each height and angle there is a different setting of the front and rear wheels.
The summary of the different seat heights by a standard seat angle 5° is tabulated below.
Seat height
Rear wheels
Front wheels
Position axle plate
Bushing relative to castor
stem housing
440 mm
(17.32 in.)
Above  Above
470 mm
(18.50 in.)
Under  Under
500 mm
(19.69 in.)
530 mm
(20.87 in.)
Under  Under
Table 2: Seat heights by seat angle 5°
V200 2010-11
Front wheel Axle plate rear wheels
Seat height 440 mm (17.32 in.)
Seat height 470 mm (18.50 in.)
Seat height 500 mm (19.69 in.) (standard)
Seat height 530 mm (20.87 in.)
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Change the seat height according the following steps:
1. Remove the rear wheels (see § 2.13).
2. Screw the axle bushings of the rear wheels from the axle plate .
3. Assemble the axle bushings in the right hole of the axle plate, see Table 2 and previous figure.
4. Check if the axle bushings are fastened well.
5. Screw the swivel axles
of the front wheels loose.
6. Place the front wheels in the right hole of the front fork (table 2).
7. Place the bushings according table 2.
8. Install the swivel axles of the front wheels and tighten them. Check the tension in
the swivel axle so it turn smoothly, but there is no space for motion.
9. Mount the rear wheels.
10. If installed properly the swivel axles of the front wheels and the ground must be perpendicular. Check this.
11. Adjust the brakes according § 3.5.
For other seat angle and seat height combinations, the above procedure can be used to adjust the front fork and axle plate in the right combination. If you don't find the right combination you can always contact the company Vermeiren. Check that the swivel axles are perpendicular to the ground. If necessary use the procedure below to adjust the castor stem housing:
1. Loosen the 3 bolts using a size 5 Allen key.
2. Adjust the castor stem housing to the desired angle.
3. Tighten the 3 bolts.
Castor stem housing
Indication 5 angle positions (triangle)
V200 2010-11
3.4 Adjusting the seat depth
The Vermeiren V200 is adjustable in 2 seat depths by changing the cross.
Seat depth
440 mm (17.32 in.)
Hole 1 and 3
460 mm (18.11 in.) (Standard)
Hole 2 and 4
Table 3: Seat depth
Change the seat depth according the following steps:
1. Remove both clips .
2. Move the cross in the desired position (see table 3).
3. Replace both clips
Hole 1
Hole 2
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3.5 Adjust the brakes
L WARNING: Risk of injury ! Brakes may only be adjusted by your specialist
Adjust the brakes according following rules:
1. Install the wheels according § 2.2.
2. Disconnect the brakes by pulling lever
3. Loosen the bolts
so the brake
mechanism can slide over the guide
4. Pull the brake mechanism over the guide
to the desired position.
5. Retighten the bolts .
6. Check working of the brakes.
7. If necessary repeat the above steps until the brakes are adjusted well.
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3.6 Adjusting of the footrests
3.6.1 Length of the footrests
L CAUTION: Risk of damage ! Avoid that the footrests make any contact with the
ground. Keep a minimum distance from 60 mm (2.36 in.) above the ground.
Adjust the length of the footrests as follow:
1. Remove the screw
(on the back of the footrests).
2. Adjust the length of the footrest to a comfortable length.
3. Tighten the screw
3.6.2 Adjusting the footplates
The footplates can be used in 2 positions. Standard they are adjusted with the base plate in the back position.
The footplates can be adjusted to the front by switching the left and right footplate.
3.6.3 Adjusting angle foot plates
Adjust the angle of the foot plates as follow:
1. Loosen bolt
2. Adjust tube in the desired angle. The angle indication (80°-85°-90°-95°-100°) is according the dashes .
3. Retighten the bolt
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3.7 Adjusting the arm support
The arm support of your wheelchair can be adjustable in height and depth. The height of the arm support can be adjusted in 3 positions.
Height armsupport to seat
Number of the blocks
under the tube
Number of blocks between tube and
220 mm (8.66 in.) (Standard)
230 mm (9.06 in.)
240 mm (9.45 in.)
Table 4: Height of arm support
The depth of the armrest can be adjusted in 3 positions.
Depth of the armrest
Used holes
Front position
Back and middle
Middle position (Standard)
Hole 2 and 4
Back position
Front and middle
Table 5: Depth of armrest
Adjust the height and the depth of the armrest as follow:
1. Remove both screws under the armrest.
2. Place the correct number of blocks under and above the tubes, see table 4.
3. Install the armrest with the required holes for depth adjustment.
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4 Maintenance
The expected lifetime of this wheelchair amounts 8 years. Lifetime of the wheelchair is influenced by its use, storage, regular maintenance, servicing and cleaning.
4.1 Regular Maintenance
The maintenance activities to ensure a good condition for your Vermeiren wheelchair are described below:
Before every ride
Check the tyres and make them clean. If necessary change the tire.
Check the brakes and adjusted if necessary.
Check the wheelchair (cleanliness, cracks, damage on structural parts ... .)
and make it clean. If necessary change the coating.
Every 8 weeks: inspected and lubricating or adjusting from
Arm supports
Brake lever
Wheel axles
Every 6 months or for every new user
General review
Frontwheels, possibly clean bearings
For your convenience, on the back of this manual is a maintenance plan.
Repairing and assembling of spare parts for your wheelchair may only be performed by the specialist dealer.
Only authorized Vermeiren spare parts may be installed.
4.2 Shipping and storage
The shipping and storage of the wheelchair shall be according following instructions:
Store in a dry place (between +5 °C and +41 °C).
The relative humidity of the air should be between 30% and 70%.
Provide sufficient covering or packaging to protect the wheelchair from rust and
foreign bodies. (e.g. salt water, sea air, sand, dust).
Store all removed parts together in one place (or mark them if necessary) to avoid
mixing up with other products when re-assembling.
Components must be stored without being subjected to strains (Don't put too heavy
parts on the wheelchair, not clamping between something, ...).
V200 2010-11
4.3 Care
4.3.1 Covers
The cleaning of the cover shall be according:
Clean covers with a cloth moistened with hot water. Be aware that you don't
soak the cover.
Use a mild commercial detergent for removing stubborn dirt.
Stains can be removed by using a sponge or a soft brush.
Do not use strong cleaning liquids like solvents, nor use hard brushes.
Never clean with steam and/or pressure washers.
4.3.2 Plastic parts
Clean plastic parts of your wheelchair with commercial plastic cleaners. Only use a soft brush or soft sponge.
Examples of plastic parts are the armrests, footrests, handles, tyres and ... .
4.3.3 Coating
The high quality of the surface layer guarantees optimal protection against corrosion. If the outer coat is damaged by scratching or in some other way, get your specialist dealer to repair the affected surface.
When cleaning, only use warm water and normal household detergents and soft brushes and cloths. Ensure that no wetness gets into the tubes.
Initially the zinc parts only require rubbing with a dry cloth. Stubborn dirt can best be removed by using a suitable commercial zinc polish.
V200 2010-11
4.4 Inspection
In principle we recommend one inspection every year, and a minimum of one before usage is resumed. All of the following checks must be performed and documented by authorized persons:
Check the frame parts and the hinged tubes for plastic deformation, cracks and
impaired functioning.
Visually check for damage to the paintwork (danger of corrosion)
Check the operation of the wheels (free running, level rolling, axle play, tyres, profile,
condition of the rims, air pressure in the case of air tyres, floating axles, etc.)
Check the solidity and seating of all screws.
Verify the amount of grease on the metal joints of movable parts
The condition and security of the guides and axles of the steering wheels
Visually check all plastic parts for cracks and brittle spots
Check the functioning of the armrests and leg supports (locking, load, deformation,
wear caused by loads).
Check the operation of other detachable parts (example: anti-tipping device, personal
safety belt, fitting back/seat, etc.)
Completeness of the delivery condition, instruction manual available?
The service must only be signed off in the maintenance plan if a minimum of all the above­mentioned aspects have been checked.
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