IWAC220iP / IWAC220iPW
用户手册 User’/manual/
www.verit yau dio .fr
060 20000 01830 00 (IWA C220P -4UVT S)
Electr oac oustic
Inp ut sensitivity :
Short term max S PL:> 138d B
(Peak le vel at 1 m u nder h alf sp ace)
Fre quency Ra nge: LF:8 0~3. 2kHz H F:1. 5k~1 8kHz
Fre quency Re spon se:8 0~18 kHz( -10d B)
Electric pow er:1 00~2 40V/ AC 50~ 60 Hz
Diffusi on Angl e:H120° xV10 °(1 Bo x)
Speake r Driv ers:
LF: 2x10"Ne odym ium dr iver ( V.C:2.5"8Ω )
HF: 2xNeody mium c ompr essi on dri vers
(V.C :1.7 3";T hroa t:1" ;8Ω )
Amplifier: 2x86 0W+2 x230W@8Ω C LASS D
Coolin g:Na tura l conv ecti on
Processor: 24 Bit D SP
DSP Max D elay:5ms(1.7 m);
10 bands PEQ;Q :0.2 -25 ad just able ;
Bes/BW 6~24d B /oct & L -R 12~ 24dB /oct O ptio nal
Bell/N otch /Hi- shel f/Lo -she lf/All Pa ss Opt iona l
Connec tor
2xNEUT RIK® P ower Con®
DSP control: USB- B
Cabine t
CNC made 1 5mm bi rch wo od san dy wea r-re sist ing
environmen tal po lyur ea spr ay pai nt
Hangin g sid e frame
Auto-locki ng Sus pens ion Sy stem
Laser proces sing s teel p late j oini ng tog ethe r
with black pai nt Hav e 4PCS Ø 10 sta inle ss ste el
Applic ati on
Minimu m 1,ma ximu m 12 uni ts lin e arra y
Produc t Dim ensions
IWA C220 P:W7 42xH 287x D513 mm
IWA C220 P-4U VTS: W810 xH13 70xD 660mm
Wei ght:
IWA C220 P:42 kg(1 b ox)
IWA C220 P-4U VTS: 204k g
060 20000 01480 00 (IWA C220P )
IWA C220P is a fu ll frequency v ertical line ar array
loudsp eak er which is comp osed of dual 10" mid-low
freque ncy a nd dual 1.73"c ompression d riv er.
It has pro fes sional in sta llation desi gn and easy to use ,
with exc ell ent phase and fr equency resp ons e which mak e
you have i mpr essive exper ien ce even in fa r fie ld Module
have the d esi gn with H120°x V10°freque ncy coverage
angle, ind ependent ext ernal active a mpl ify modul e dri ve,
maxout put u p to 138dB wi th si ngle modu le. 4 independen t
channe ls of p ower ampl ifi er drive its 4 spe aker drive,
becaus e of us e the same mo dul e that can achie ve
consis ten t group delay Bu ilt-in DSP processor fo r eas y use.
Birch pl ywo od cabinet wit h CNC manufact uring proces s.
A patente d aut o-locking me chanism allo ws th e
select ion o f angles while c omponents ar e on the ground,
Almost f our t imes the insta llation efficiency of s imilar
produc ts, e ven one person c an install.
IWA C220P wil l have good perf ormance when i t wor ks with
SUB136 TP.
Connec tio n pannel:
Recomm ende d cros sove r poin t:
LF: 90Hz ; HF:1 .8~2 kHz (> 18dB /oct )
Protec t LED
Signal L ED
Power On L ED
DSP cont roller
USB port
Signal i npu t
P/N :
060 20000 01740 00 (IWA C220i P)
Electr oac oustic
Inp ut sensitivity :1v
Sho rt term max SPL:>1 38dB
(Pe ak level at 1 m under ha lf spa ce)
Fre quency Ra nge: LF:8 0~3. 2kHz H F:1. 5k~1 8kHz
Fre quency Re spon se:8 0~18 kHz( -10d B)
Ele ctric p ower:10 0~24 0V/A C 50~6 0 Hz
Diffusi on Angl e:H120° xV10 °(1 Bo x)
Spe aker Drive rs:
LF: 2x10"Ne odym ium dr iver ( V.C:2.5"8Ω )
HF: 2xNeody mium c ompr essi on dri vers
(V.C :1.7 3";T hroa t:1" ;8Ω)
Amp lifier:2x860 W+2x 230W @8Ω CLA SS D
Coolin g:Na tura l conv ecti on
Pro cessor:24 Bit DS P
DSP Max D elay:5ms(1.7 m);
10 bands PEQ;Q :0.2 -25 ad just able ;
Bes /BW 6~2 4dB/oct & L -R 12~ 24dB /oct O ptio nal
Bel l/Notch/Hi-s helf /Lo- shel f/Al l Pass O ptional
Connec tor
2xNEUT RIK® P ower Con®
DSP control: USB- B
Cabine t
CNC made 1 5mm bi rch wo od san dy wea r-re sist ing
environmen tal po lyur ea spr ay pai nt
Hangin g sid e frame
Laser proces sing s teel p late j oini ng tog ethe r
with black pai nt
Equ ipped with 8 x(M6 x12) /4x( M10x 25) sc rews
Applic ati on
Min imum 1,maximum 1 2 unit s line a rray
Produc t Dim ensions /Pa ckage Dim ens ions
W73 0xH287xD 514m m/W8 40xH 625x D390 mm
32.5kg / 41kg
060 20000 01750 00 (IWA C220i PW)wh ite
IWA C220iP is a n active full- range two-wa y lin e array
loudsp eak er composed of d ual 10-inch mi d-b ass and
dual 1.7 3-i nch high-fre quency units .
The i vers ion i s a product spec ially design ed fo r fixed
instal lat ions.
Has cons ist ent acoustic p erformance w ith the tourin g
versio n.I t has profe ssi onal install ation design a nd ea sy
to use,w ith e xcellent pha se and frequen cy response
which ma ke yo u have impress ive e xperien ce ev en in far
field Mo dul e have the desig n with H120°xV 10°frequen cy
covera ge an gle, indepen dent externa l act ive ampli fy
module d riv e, maximum out put up to 137dB wi th single
module .Th e product is ava ilable in two co lor s, black
and whit e, bi rch plywood ca binet with CNC
manufa ctu ring process , emery sprayi ng cr aft
It can be in sta lled at a big a ngl e and is the best ch oice
for fixe d ins tallati on of s ound reinfor cement appli cation
in all kin ds of m edium and larg e venues.
IWA C220iP wi ll have good per formance whe n it wo rk
with SUB 136 P
Connec tio n pannel:
Recommende d cros sove r poin t:
LF: 90Hz ; HF:1 .8~2 kHz (> 18dB /oct )
514 287
Protec t LED
Signal L ED
Power On L ED
DSP cont roller
USB port
Signal i npu t
DSP Soft war e guide
Device conne ctio n:
Wit h USB HUB sta r conn ecti on, th e USB po rt can c onne ct and control up t o 4 IWAC2 20P.
IWA C220 P