VERITEQ vLog 4.4 User Manual

> > > > >
vLog 4.4
User’s Guide
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w w w . v a i s a l a . c o m
for commercial purposes without the express written permission of Veriteq Instruments. Veriteq, a Vaisala company
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Veriteq Instruments, Veriteq, Veriteq vLog and Veriteq Spectrum are trademarks of Veriteq Instruments. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks referred to are the property of their respective owners.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
Veriteq Instruments, Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this manual.
Veriteq Instruments, Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use of this software. Veriteq Instruments, Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of hardware malfunction. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data to protect against data loss.
Veriteq Instruments, Inc. makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, regarding Veriteq data loggers or soft­ware, its merchantability, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The exclusion of implied warranties is not per­mitted by some states. As such, the exclusion may not apply to you.
Veriteq vLog has been tested using a variety of network systems. However, the large number of possible hardware and network configurations makes testing under every circumstance impossible. If you have trouble using Veriteq vLog software, contact Veriteq Instruments.
Technical Support
Call Veriteq for free technical support within North America, 1-866-861-3388, or outside North America, 1-604­273-6850 (8am-4pm PST)
Document part number: 880-0206-00
Release date: August 2010
Introducing Veriteq vLog............................................................................................................1
Conventions Used in this Document................................................................................................2
Understanding the Veriteq vLog System..........................................................................................3
VL-Series Validatable Data Loggers.........................................................................................5
Understanding the vLog Window.....................................................................................................5
Using the Menus........................................................................................................................6
Using the Tool Bar ....................................................................................................................8
Using the Online User’s Guide.........................................................................................................9
Getting Help .....................................................................................................................................9
Installing vLog Software................................. ........... .......... ........... ........... ................................11
System Requirements.....................................................................................................................12
Installing vLog Software......................................................... .......................................................12
Getting Started.......................................................................................................................... 15
Setting Up and Using vLog—Overview........................................................................................16
Ensuring Data Loggers are Calibrated............................................................................................16
Validating Data Loggers.................................................................................................................16
Connecting Data Loggers to PCs....................................................................................................17
Logging on to vLog........................................................................................................................18
Setting Audit Trail Options ............................................................................................................21
Setting Security Levels...................................................................................................................22
Working with User Accounts.........................................................................................................23
Setting up PC Communication Ports..............................................................................................25
Configuring Data Loggers..............................................................................................................25
Linking Data Loggers to an Audit Trail File...........................................................................28
Configuring the Data Logger Description...............................................................................28
Setting the Data Logger Sample Timing.................................................................................29
Setting the Clear Mode............................................................................................................30
Setting the Start Mode.............................................................................................................32
Setting the Stop Mode.............................................................................................................33
Setting the Sample Interval .....................................................................................................34
Enabling and Disabling Logger Channels...............................................................................35
Configuring Channels to Work with Transducers...................................................................36
Configuring Warm Up Time...................................................................................................38
Configuring Data Logger Channels to Work with Thermocouples........................................39
Clearing Logger Samples........................................................................................................40
Configuring Data Loggers: Batch Setup ........................................................................................41
Mounting Data Loggers..................................................................................................................43
Using External Temperature Probes...............................................................................................43
Caring for Relative Humidity Sensors............................................................................................44
Transferring Logger Files.........................................................................................................45
Transferring Data............................................................................................................................46
Setting Transfer Preferences...........................................................................................................46
Configuring the Default File Name Format ............................................................................ 46
Configuring Transfer with Username and Password - NOT RECOMMENDED...................48
Transferring Logger Data to the PC...............................................................................................49
Logger File Creation Report...........................................................................................................5 3
Logger File ID Number..................................................................................................................55
Setting System Date and Time .......................................................................................................55
Batch Transfer of Logger Data to the PC.......................................................................................56
Working with Graphs................................................................................................................ 59
Displaying Existing Graph Files.....................................................................................................60
Creating New Graph Files..............................................................................................................60
Inserting Logger Files.....................................................................................................................60
Inserting Multiple Logger Files......................................................................................................62
Removing Channels from the Graph..............................................................................................62
Scrolling Through Graphs..............................................................................................................62
Pinpointing Graph Values and Times.............................................................................................63
Adding Graph Titles.......................................................................................................................63
Selecting a Graph Font...................................................................................................................64
Zooming In..................................................................................................................................... 64
Zooming In Using the Zoom Selection Box............................................................................65
Zooming In by Formatting the Time Scale .............................................................................66
Zooming Out................................................................................................................................... 67
Formatting Measurement Units......................................................................................................67
Specifying the Y-axis Scale.....................................................................................................67
Changing the Decimal Place Precision................................................................. .... ..... ..........68
Changing the Temperature Scale....................................................................................................69
Setting Sample Smoothing .............................................................................................................70
Adding Horizontal Lines to Graphs................................................................................................71
Displaying Line Numbers on Graphs.............................................................................................73
Verifying a Graph - Old Method Not Recommended....................................................................73
Copying and Pasting Graphs ..........................................................................................................74
Exporting Graph Data.....................................................................................................................74
Saving Graphs................................................................................................................................. 75
Printing Graphs...............................................................................................................................76
Printing Line Numbers on Graphs...........................................................................................76
Printing Footers on Graphs......................................................................................................77
Print Preview...........................................................................................................................77
Printing Graphs........................................................................................................................78
Viewing Reports and Statistics................................................................................................ 79
Working with Historical Data Reports...........................................................................................80
Adding Statistics to Historical Data Reports...........................................................................80
Customizing Headers, Footers and Font Sizes in Printed Historical Data Reports.................82
Working with Audit Trail Reports..................................................................................................85
Viewing and Filtering Audit Trail Reports .............................................................................86
Configuring Date and Time Columns in Audit Trail Reports.................................................88
Customizing Headers, Footers and Font Sizes in Printed Audit Trail Reports.......................89
Working with Batch Setup Reports................................................................................................89
Customizing Headers and Footers in Printed Batch Setup Reports........................................90
Copying and Pasting Report Data .................................................................................................. 90
Saving Reports......................................................................... .... ..... ..............................................91
Printing Reports...............................................................................................................
Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................ 93
Serial Port Problems.......................................................................................................................94
Software Error Messages you May Encounter…....................................................................94
Frequently Asked Questions...........................................................................................................95
Glossary..................................................................................................................................... 97
C–E ................................................................................................................................................ 98
F–K ................................................................................................................................................ 99
R–T ................................................................................................................................................ 99
Index......................................................................................................................................... 103
Introducing Veriteq vLog
Conventions Used in this Document....................2
Understanding the Veriteq vLog System .............3
Understanding the vLog Window.........................5
Using the Online User’s Guide ............................9
Getting Help.........................................................9
Introducing Veriteq vLog
Welcome to Veriteq vLog 4.4 software. Veriteq vLog provides high-integrity recordings of temperature, humidity and other conditions with the level of file security required by the pharmaceutical industry. Veriteq vLog software is de­signed to be used with Veriteq VL-Series Validatable Data Loggers as well as SP-Series Data Loggers.
With Veriteq vLog you can:
• Create secure electronic records of temperature, humidity and other condi­tions -- as well as Audit Trail Reports -- that ensure that logger files have not been altered or modified in any way.
• Create graphs and reports from logger files that are secure and traceable. Traceability is achieved using Administrative Options (security levels), the Audit Trail Report, and either the Logger File ID Number feature, or the Username and Password feature. These features help ensure that you do not accidentally use the wrong logger files in your graphs and reports.
• Produce detailed graph reports that document the secure, verified and cali­bration status of both the logger and the data file.
• Overlay logger files from other Veriteq VL-Series Data Loggers (and SP­Series Data Loggers) within the same graph to check relationships between logger files.
• Zoom-in and zoom-out for a customized view of the graph.
• Add manual and automatic max, min, and average horizontal lines to graphs.
• Use the on-screen graph cursor to pinpoint exact values, times and dates.
• Open multiple graph windows.
• Create statistical summaries.
• View, customize and print tabular-format reports with dates, times, logged values, interval statistics, headers and footers.
• Export graph data and reports to external databases, word processors or spreadsheets.
• Manual or automatically scale graphs.
• Use multiple Y- axes scaling and ranges.
• Enable and disable input channels.
• Set data logger start and stop times, sample intervals and other logger set­tings, either one logger at a time or in a batch setup.
Conventions Used in this Document
This document uses the following conventions:
• Select: Choose a menu item, check box, or option with a mouse.
• Click: Click a button with a mouse.
• A sequence of actions is indicated by a list separated by the greater than
For example, “select File>Save As...” means choose the Save As... item from the File menu.
• Menu selections, items you select, the names of boxes and tabs, and buttons you click are shown in bold.
• Keys on the keyboard are shown in S
Understanding the Veriteq vLog System
The Veriteq VL-Series system consists of one or more Veriteq VL-Series Val­idatable Data Loggers or Veriteq SP-Series Data Loggers, Veriteq vLog 4.4 software, a Veriteq cable (PC-IC cable if connecting by Serial port, INT-USB­DL cable if connecting by USB, or Digi and Ethernet cables if connecting via Digi or Veriteq vNet device through the network), and a PC with an attached printer.
You connect the VL-Series Validatable Data Loggers to a PC and use the vLog software to configure settings such as the sampling interval. You then place the data loggers in the area where you want to measure the conditions and record the information. The data loggers collect the information and store it in their in­ternal memory. Once the desired information is collected, you transfer it to a PC with vLog, import (“insert”) the data into a vLog graph and use vLog soft­ware to display, analyze, print graphical or tabular reports, and export the infor­mation.
The following illustration shows how the Veriteq VL-Series system is used to collect and report data.
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
Introducing Veriteq vLog
Connect the data logger to the PC, log into vLog and c onfigure
the data logger (sample intervals, channels, start time, stop time, and so on).
Data logger
Serial or USB Logger cable
or Digi/vNet Device
Place the data logger in the area you want to validate.
The data logger collects and stores the information.
Connect the data logger to the PC and transfer data to PC.
Veriteq vLog creates a secure raw logger file (.spl).
Data logger
Serial or USB Logger cable
or Digi/vNet Device
Insert the Logger file (.spl) into a newly created or existing Graph file (.spg). Happens automatically.
Logger file (.spl)
Customize and verify the Graph file.
Customize and view Report (data in tabular format). Export file to spreadsheet, database, or word processor.
Print the Graph file or Report and
have it signed and approved.
Graph file (.spg)
Spreadsheet file
Printed Graph file ready for approval
Printed Report file ready for approval
VL-Series Validatable Data Loggers
Each Veriteq VL-Series Validatable Data Logger is factory-calibrated against National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable standards. All calibration information is stored digitally in the logger’s memory. For data log­ger specifications, see or contact Veriteq.
There are many models of VL-Series Data Loggers to choose from, including the VL-1000, VL-1400, VL-1700, VL-2000, VL-4000 and VLT series. Each logger has one or more channels and can monitor and record data for FDA-reg­ulated applications, including ambient temperature and relative humidity. Many loggers can also have optional plug-in external probes attached.
Understanding the vLog Window
The following illustration shows the main sections of the vLog window, with items described in Table 1:
Title bar Menu bar
File security status
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
File verification status (not shown)
Left-side axis (Y) (here, temperature)
Horizontal lines
Time axis (X)
Graphing grid details
Channel information
Status bar
Graph plot area
Graph time zone
Graph file name
Logger file names
Table 1: Items in the vLog Window
Title bar Shows the name of the active Graph file
Right-side axis (Y) (not shown)
Introducing Veriteq vLog
Table 1: Items in the vLog Window
Menu bar Allows access to the various software functions Toolbar Allows quick access to the most used software functions File security
Graph title Shows the graph title, if you have added one File verification sta-
Horizontal lines Automatic: Lines showing maximum, minimum and average
Graph plot area The Graph file is displayed here Left-side Y-axis scale Shows the scale for the data displayed in the graph Right-side Y-axis
scale X-Axis time scale Shows the time scale Graphing grid details Shows the time per division, graph duration, and date and time
Shows the security level of the Graph file—Secure, Not Secure, Tampered, or Blank. Blank means none of the data loggers in the graph are VL data loggers, where Tampered means at least one logger is a VL data logger but has an invalid checksum. Secure means each data logger is a VL data logger and all data and graphs have valid checksums. Not Secure means there are security problems, such as one SP data logger shown in the graph, or one of the graphs or logger files does not have a checksum.
(Not shown) Shows the verification level—only appears if a transfer password was used when creating the currently-dis­played logger file
readings Manual: Lines showing measurements set by you
(Not shown) This scale is used when two or more scales are displayed on the graph.
Using the Menus
Channel information Shows the name(s) of the logger files currently being dis-
played, along with other identifying information including the logger serial number, logger description, logger channel num­ber, measurement units, measurement parameter, and Logger File ID Number. Also shows channel statistics such as the max, average and min values of data currently shown in the graph. The color shown for each channel corresponds to the color of the graph lines.
Status bar Displays information about the menu items and the toolbar. If
the software is idle, the message Press F1 for Help is dis­played. You can alternatively display or hide the status bar by selecting View>Status Bar.
Graph Time Zone Shows the time zone used for this Graph file
The time zone is based on the time zone setting of the PC when the Graph file was created.
Note: The logger data displayed is based on UTC time, an absolute
time reference.
Graph file name Shows the name and location of the Graph file
The following illustration provides an overview of the menus on the vLog win­dow. Take a few minutes to become familiar with the menu items. Right-click on various parts of the window to discover additional ways to access the menu items.
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
Create a new blank Graph file (.spg) Open an existing Graph file (.spg) Close the Graph file Save the Graph file Save the Graph file under a different name Insert a Logger file (.spl) into an open Graph file Export the Graph file Print the Graph file View a preview of the printed Graph file Change the settings on the printer Exit vLog software
Copy contents of graph to Clipboard. From Report sub menus, Edit>Copy is similar. Remove Channel from graph
Produce an historical report associated with the active Graph file View the Audit Trail Report View the Batch Setup Report View Security problems (if the Graph file is NOT SECURE)
Show or hide the Toolbar Show or hide the Status Bar
Change the title that appears above the graph Position the cursor on the graph Remove the cursor from the graph Zoom in to enlarge a portion of the graph Zoom out Scroll the graph to the left Scroll the graph to the right Add horizontal lines (avg, max, min) to graph Add manual horizontal lines to graph Change the units on the Y-axis of the graph Change the time scale on the X-axis of the graph Move window split line to change view of data and graph proportion
Open the Logger Setup window Change the logger description Change the logger sample timing Enable or disable channels Clear the data stored in the data logger Perform a batch setup of multiple lo g gers Transfer information from the data logger to your PC Perform batch transfer of information from multiple data loggers to your PC
Verify logger file authenticity using password Set vLog options such as temperature scale, file name formats, export opti ons, etc. Set Administrator Options such as security level, us ers, audit trail file path, etc.
Open a copy of the active graph in a new window Arrange open windows in a cascade Tile open windows horizontally Tile open windows vertically Switch to another open window
Open a PDF version of this user’s guide Go to the Veriteq Instruments web site View information on this version of vLog software
Introducing Veriteq vLog
Using the Tool Bar
The Veriteq vLog Toolbar allows quick access to the most commonly used fea­tures of the program. You can hide or display the toolbar by selecting View>Toolbar.
The following table describes the function of each of the toolbar icons.
Creates a new Graph file you can insert Logger files into. Same as File>New.
Opens an existing Graph file (.spg)
Saves the currently-active Graph file using the same file name
Inserts a Logger file into the currently-active Graph file
Copies graph to the Clipboard
Positions a vertical cursor line on the active graph to determine exact graph values and times
Removes the vertical cursor line from the active graph
Zooms-in for a closer look at graph data
Scrolls the graph to the left Time base is shifted backward by one graph division
Scrolls the graph to the right Time base is shifted forward by one graph division
Opens the Logger Setup window
Transfers logger data to the computer and creates Logger file
Prints the currently-active graph
Using the Online User’s Guide
Veriteq vLog includes an online version of this user’s guide in PDF format. To access this guide from within Veriteq vLog, press F1 or click the Help icon
on the tool bar.
Getting Help
For more information about Veriteq Instruments products and services, visit our website at
For technical and product application support:
Telephone 1-866-861-3388 (North America only) (or +1 604-
Free technical support is available from Veriteq from 8am-4pm PST Monday - Friday
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
For information, sales, pricing, and quotations:
Telephone 1-800-683-8374 (North America only) (or +1 604-
Introducing Veriteq vLog
Installing vLog Software
System Requirements..........................................12
Installing vLog Software.......................................12
Installing vLog Software
System Requirements
Veriteq vLog Software requires a PC with the following minimum configura­tion:
• 32-bit version of Microsoft Windows
• 32-bit or x64 versions of: Microsoft Windows 2003, Windows Vista
• one available Serial or USB communication port (for transferring logger data files; you can view graphs and reports for previously transferred logger files without this port).
Installing vLog Software
To install vLog software:
1. Ensure you have administrator privileges.
2. Start Windows, log in as the administrator, and close all running applica-
3. Insert the Veriteq vLog CD into the CD-ROM drive and wait for it to start
automatically. If it does not start automatically, from the Start menu, select Run. Type d:\setup and press the E
drive, type the appropriate drive letter.
Note: If Veriteq vLog 4.3 is installed, the installation program will ask the
user if vLog 4.3 can be uninstalled.
The Veriteq vLog Setup window opens.
XP, Windows Server®
, Windows Server® 2008, and Windows® 7.
NTER key. If d:\ is not your CD-ROM
4. Click Next.
5. From the License Agreement dialog box, click the I accept the terms of
the license agreement radio button and click Next.
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
6. Accept the default Destination Folder, or click the Browse... button to se-
lect a new Destination Folder.
7. Click Next.
8. Accept the default Program Folder or select another folder from the list of
Existing Folders.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Finish.
vLog is now installed. Continue to Getting Started for information on logger configuration and using vLog.
Installing vLog Software
Getting Started
Setting Up and Using vLog—Overview...............16
Ensuring Data Loggers are Calibrated.................16
Validating Data Loggers.......................................16
Connecting Data Loggers to PCs ........................17
Logging on to vLog ..............................................18
Setting Audit Trail Options...................................21
Setting up PC Communication Ports ...................25
Configuring Data Loggers....................................25
Configuring Data Loggers: Batch Setup ..............41
Mounting Data Loggers........................................43
Using External Temperature Probes....................43
Caring for Relative Humidity Sensors..................44
Getting Started
Setting Up and Using vLog—Overview
The main steps in setting up and using Veriteq vLog are:
1. Ensure that the data loggers are calibrated. (See page 16.)
2. Validate the data loggers. (See page 16.)
3. Connect the data loggers to the PC. (See page 17.)
4. Log on to vLog software. (See page 18.)
5. Set Administrator Options. (See page 21.)
6. Select a communications port. (See page 25.)
7. Configure the data logger. (See page 25.)
8. Place the data logger in the area you want to validate and collect samples
for the desired time. (See page 43.)
9. Transfer the raw data in the form of a Logger file (.spl) to the PC. (See
Chapter 4.)
10. Insert Logger files (.spl) into Graph files (.spg). (See page 60.)
11. View, copy, customize and print Graph files. (See Chapter 5.)
12. View, copy, customize and print Reports. (See Chapter 6.)
13. Have the printed Graph or Report approved and signed.
Ensuring Data Loggers are Calibrated
Veriteq VL-Series Validatable Data Loggers are calibrated at Veriteq Instru­ments and should be calibrated on a suitable frequency as determined by the ac­curacy requirements of the application in which the product is used. Calibration frequency should be specified when the loggers are purchased, and the next cal­ibration date pre-set in the logger.
Veriteq Instruments recommends a 90-day interval for the most critical appli­cations, while a one-year interval may be adequate for less demanding situa­tions.
To calibrate your loggers, contact Veriteq Instruments for pricing, lead times, and delivery arrangements.
Note: Treat the calibration process very carefully. The consequences of poor
calibration can be very expensive. Veriteq VL-Series Data Loggers are high-accuracy instruments. In order to maintain the specified accuracy, it is essential to have trained calibration personnel, strict calibration procedures and proper test and calibration facilities. If you have ques­tions about the calibration process, contact Veriteq Instruments.
Validating Data Loggers
For companies that are required to validate the Veriteq vLog system (including VL-Series Validatable Data Loggers and vLog software) prior to use, Veriteq Instruments provides a comprehensive protocol document.
Each package includes installation qualification (IQ) and operational qualifica­tion (OQ) procedures, and forms. The information and forms are provided as hard copies in a 3-ring binder and in electronic form (Microsoft Word docu­ments) on a CD-ROM. The electronic files provide an easy way for you to cus­tomize the forms for the application.
For more information, contact Veriteq Instruments.
Connecting Data Loggers to PCs
To connect your data logger to a PC using USB or Serial cable:
1. USB only: Using the supplied Veriteq vLog + USB cable driver CD, install
USB drivers on your PC.
2. Connect the data logger to a Veriteq USB or Serial cable.
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
3. Attach the other end of this cable to the PC (as shown below) connecting
to the USB port.
To connect your data logger to a PC using a Digi or vNet device:
1. Connect Digi or vNet device (will be referred to as device, following) to
power supply and Ethernet outlet.
2. Connect data logger to device (Digi requires Veriteq cable).
3. Obtain static IP address for device from your IT department. If your net-
working policy requires you to reserve IP addresses using DHCP, see for instructions.
4. Insert device driver CD into PC. The Device Setup Wizard launches auto-
matically. Click
5. Select device that matches the MAC address from the bottom of your de-
vice. Click NEXT.
6. In the Configure Network Settings window, enter a Static IP address. Click
NEXT two times.
7. In the Configure Real Port Settings screen, select “Install Digit Real Port
on this computer”. Click
8. Click NEXT again. The settings are saved.
Getting Started
9. Click FINISH. Drivers required to connect to your data logger through the
device have been installed.
Logging on to vLog
The first time you run vLog, you need to run the vLog security wizard, which asks you to enter a security key and confirm that you have a valid Windows Ad­ministrator user name and password. You will also select where to save the au­dit trail file and what level of security to apply to users of this software.
To log on to vLog for the first time:
1. From the Start menu, choose Veriteq Instruments>vLog 4.4>vLog.
2. The vLog security wizard confirmation window opens, prompting you to
run the vLog Security wizard.
3. Click Yes.
The vLog security wizard begins. Follow the instructions carefully.
4. Click Next.
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
5. Enter the vLog Security Key that you received in your installation package.
You do not need to enter the dashes.
6. Click Next.
7. The next screen allows you to enter user name and password information.
a. For User name, enter a Windows Administrator User name. b. In Password, enter the password. This field is case-sensitive. c. From the Log o n to drop-down, select the computer or domain you want
to log on to.
d. In Full name, enter your full name.
Getting Started
8. Click Next. The Security Wizard shows you the path it intends to use for
your audit trail folder.
9. Specify the folder where you want to keep the audit trail file, either the lo-
cal computer or a shared network. (Full file name here is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Veriteq Instruments\vLog\Audit Trail\.) You can modify this option later using Tools>Administrator Options. For more, see Setting Audit Trail Options on page 21.
The audit trail file is a log of operations performed in vLog by various users. Multiple vLog installations on different PCs can use the same audit trail file, and it is recommended that all VL-Series loggers be linked to an audit trail file. If multiple PCs use the same loggers, they should point to the same audit trail file.
10. Click Next.
11. Select the security level you want to apply to all users with access to this
software. Choose one of the following levels:
• Security off - all users will have full access
• Normal security - users will be prompted to enter their user name and password when vLog opens
• High security - similar to Normal security, with the additional requirement that users enter their password whenever they change a logger’s configuration.
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
You can modify this option later within vLog under Tools>Adminis­trator Options. See Setting Audit Trail Options on page 21.
12. Click Finish. vLog opens, displaying an empty graph window. Nex t, create some vLog user
accounts. See Setting Audit Trail Options on page 21.
To log on to vLog (after successfully logging on the first time):
1. From the Start menu, choose Veriteq Instruments>vLog 4.4>vLog. The
vLog Log On window opens.
2. Confirm your user name or enter a different name if you are switching be­tween users.
3. Enter your password.
Note: Because vLog log on security is tied to Windows security, you can be
locked out of vLog if you exceed the number of incorrect log on attempts as specified in your
to use the correct user name and password when logging on.
4. Select the computer or domain you are logging onto.
5. Click OK.
vLog opens, displaying an empty graph window. Nex t, set your audit t rail path and create more vLog user accounts.
Setting Audit Trail Options
If you have Administrator privileges in vLog, you can use Administrator Op­tions to change vLog security levels, add and change user accounts and roles, and change where the audit trail file is saved.
Windows account lockout setting. Try
Getting Started
To change the path to the audit trail file:
1. In vLog, choose Tools>Administrator Options.
2. From the Audit Trail tab, change the folder where the audit trail file is saved.
3. Click OK to save, or Cancel to close without saving.
Setting Security Levels
vLog has three security levels:
• Security off - all users will have full access
• Normal security - users will be prompted to enter their user name and password when vLog opens
• High security - similar to Normal security, with the additional require­ment that users enter their password whenever they change a logger’s configuration
User accounts have roles: Administrators can change security levels, and Users and Guests cannot. For more on user accounts and roles, see W orking with User Accounts on page 23.
To change security levels for all user accounts:
1. In vLog, choose Tools>Administrator Options.
Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide
2. From the Security tab, select either Off, Normal, or High security. This set­ting was originally set when you ran the vLog Security Wizard.
3. Click OK to save, or Cancel to close without saving.
Working with User Accounts
To log in to vLog, users must have an account in vLog and on the PC where vLog is installed. Accounts also have roles, including Administrator (full use of vLog; can change administrator options), User (full use of vLog; cannot change administrator options) and Guest (read-only access to vLog). Create user accounts for people who will be working with vLog.
Security levels are different from user account roles. For more on security lev­els, see Setting Security Levels on page 22.
To add a user account:
1. In vLog, choose Tools>Administrator Options.
2. Click the Security tab. Here, you can view, add, and change users currently authorized to access vLog.
Getting Started
3. Click Add. The Add User window opens.
a. In the Add User window, enter the User Name and Full Name. This
User Name must be a valid User Name on the PC or domain.
b. Select the user’s role, which will determine the user’s ability to make
changes in vLog. Choose one
of the following roles:
• Administrator - full use of vLog; can change administrator options
• User - full use of vLog; cannot change administrator options
• Guest - read-only access to vLog
c. Click OK to save or Cancel to close without saving.
To change a user account:
1. In vLog, choose Tools>Administrator Options.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. To view and/or change a user’s properties, highlight the user name and click Properties. The User Properties window opens.
a. Verify or modify the fields.
4. Click OK to save, or Cancel to close without saving.
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