The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice. VERITAS Software
Corporation makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. VERITAS Software
Corporation shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages
in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
Portions of this software are derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
Algorithm. Copyright 1991-92, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved.
VERITAS Software Corporation
350 Ellis Street
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone 650-527-8000
Fax 650-527-2908
Third-Party Copyrights
For a list of third-party copyrights, see the NetBackup Release Notes appendix.
ii NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
viii NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
This guide d escribes how to install, configure, a nd u s e N etBackup for D B 2 o n a Windows
platform. For information about the NetBackup server software, see one of the following
platform-specific manuals:
◆ NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide for UNIX and Linux, Volumes I and II
◆ NetBackup Syste m Administrator’s Guide for Windows, Volumes I and II
Getting Help
You can find answers to questions and get help from the NetBackup documentation and
from the VERITAS technical support web site.
Finding NetBackup Documentation
A list of the entir e Ne tBackup do cumenta tion s et appea rs as an appendix in the NetBackup
Release Notes. All NetBackup documents are included in PDF format on the NetBackup
Documentation CD.
For definitions of NetBackup terms, consult the online glossary.
▼ To access the NetBackup online glossary
1. In the NetBackup Administration Console, click Help > Help Topics.
2. Click the Contents tab.
3. Click Glossary of NetBackup Terms.
Use the scroll function to navigate through the glossary.
Getting Help
Accessing the VERITAS Technical Support Web Site
The address for the VERITAS Technical Support Web site is
The VERITAS Support Web site lets you do an y of the following:
◆ Obtain updated information about NetBackup for DB2, including system
requirements, supported platforms, and supported peripherals
◆ Contact the VERITAS Technical Support staff and post questions to them
◆ Get the latest patches, upgrades, and utilities
◆ View the NetBackup for DB2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
◆ Search the knowledge base for answers to technical support questions
◆ Receive automatic notice of product updates
◆ Find out about NetBackup for DB2 training
◆ Read current white papers related to NetBackup for DB2
From, you can complete various tasks to obtain specific types
of support for NetBackup for DB2:
1. Subscribe to the VERITAS Email notification service to be informed of software alerts,
newly published documentation, Beta programs, and other services.
a. From the main page, select a product family and a
b. Under Support Resources, click Email Notifications.
Your customer profile ensures you receive the latest VERITAS technical
information pertaining to your s p ecific interests.
2. Locate the telephone support directory at by clicking the
Phone Support icon. A page appears that contains VERITAS support numbers from
around the world.
Note Telephone support for NetBackup for DB2 is only available with a valid support
contract. To contact VERITAS for technical support, dial the appropriate phone
number listed on the Technical Support Guide included in the product box and
have your product license information ready for quick navigation to the proper
support group.
3. Contact technical support using e-mail.
x NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
a. From the main page, click the E-mail Support icon.
A wizard guides you to do the following:
◆ Select a language of your preference
◆ Select a produ ct and a platform
◆ Provide additional contact and product information, and your message
◆ Associate your message with an existing technical support case
b. After providing the required information, click Send Message.
Contacting VERITAS Licensing
For license information, you can conta c t us as follows:
◆ Call 1-800-634-4747 and select option 3
◆ Fax questions to 1-650-527-0952
◆ In the Americas, send e-mail to
In the Asia and Pacific areas, send email to
In all other areas, send email to
Accessibility Features
Accessibility Features
NetBackup contains features that make the user interface easier to use by people who are
visually impaired and by people who have limited dexterity. A ccessibility features
◆ Support for assistive technolog ie s such as screen readers and voice input (Windows
servers only)
◆ Support for keyboard (mouseless) navigation using accelerator keys and mnemonic
For more information, see the NetBackup Installation Guide.
Comment on the Documentation
Comment on the Documentation
Let us know what you like and dislike about the documentation. Wer e you able to find the
information you needed quickly? Was the information clearly presented? You can report
errors and omissions or tell us what you would find useful in future versions of our
manuals and online help.
Please include the following information with your comment:
◆ The title and product version of the manual on which you are commenting
◆ The topic (if relevant) on which you are commenting
◆ Your comment
◆ Your name
Email your comment to
Please only use this address to comment on product documentation. See “Getting Help”
in this preface for information on how to contact Technical Support about our software.
We appreciate your feedback.
xii NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
NetBackup for DB2 integrates the database backup and recovery capabilities of DB2 with
the backup and recovery management capabilities of NetBackup.
This chapter introduces NetBackup for DB2 and how it relates to both DB2 and
NetBackup. This chapter includes the following sections:
◆ NetBackup for DB2 Features
◆ NetBackup for DB2 Overview
◆ NetBackup for DB2 Terminology Notes
NetBackup for DB 2 Fea tu r e s
NetBackup for DB2 Features
The following list shows NetBackup f or DB2’s main features and introduces some terms
used in the NetBackup for DB2 documentation. Fo r more information on general
NetBackup terminology , see the NetBackup System Administration Guide, Volume I.
Feature Description
Media and device All devices supported by Media Manager are av a ila ble to Ne tBa c ku p
management for DB2.
Scheduling facilities NetBackup scheduling facilities on the master server can be used to
schedule automatic and unattended DB2 backups.
This also lets you choose the times when these operations can occur.
For example, to prevent interfer ence with normal day time operations,
you can schedule your database backups to occur only at night.
Multiplexed backups and NetBackup for DB2 lets you take advantage of NetBackup’s
restores multiplexing capabilities. Multiplexing directs multiple data streams
to one backup device, thereby reducing the time necessary to
complete the operation.
Transparent execution of All backups and restores run simultaneously and transparently
both DB2 and regular file without any action from the NetBackup administrator.
system backup and restore
Sharing the same Media It is possible to share the same devices and media used for other
Manager and disk storage backups or to give DB2 exclusive use of certain devices and media.
units used for other file
Centralized and networked From the NetBackup master server, you can schedule database
backup operations backups or start them manually for any client. The DB2 databases can
2 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
The database administrator can run database backup and restore
operations through NetBackup. Alternatively, you can use DB2
commands as if Ne tBackup were not present.
An administrator or any other authorized user can use NetBackup to
run database backup s and restores.
also reside on hosts that are different from the devices on which
NetBackup stores the backups.
NetBackup for DB2 Fe atures
Feature Description
Graphical user interface s NetBackup provides the following graphical u ser i nt erfa c es for client
users and administrators:
◆ Backup, Archive, and Restore user interface
◆ NetBackup Administration Console for Java
◆ NetBackup Administration Console for Windows
A database administrator or NetBackup administrator can start
backup operations for DB2 from the NetBackup graphical user
interface on the master server.
A database ad minis trat or ca n also u se the I BM DB2 Cont r ol Cen ter or
Command Line Processor to start user-directed backup and restore
Parallel backup and restore NetBackup for DB2 supports the parallel backup and restore
operations capabilities of the DB2 commands. For example, this permits the user
to run more than on e tape de vic e at a time fo r a single DB2 bac kup or
restore, thereby reducing the t ime necessary to comple te the
Templates The NetBackup for DB2 database wizards can create backup and
recovery templates. You can launch the Backup Wizard and the
Recovery Wizard from the NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore
interface. The wizards gen era te pl atform-in depen dent t emplates t ha t
contain configuration information that the software u ses whe n
performing backups and restores. Because the wizard-generated
templates do not support all the features native to DB2, you might
want to write a customized backup or restore script in an
operating-system defined scri ptin g la ngu a ge. You can use a template
as the base for a script.
Chapter 1, Introduction 3
NetBackup for D B2 O ve r v ie w
NetBackup for DB2 Overview
The following example network shows the major components in a NetBackup for DB2
configuration. The server that is hosting the DB2 database must be a NetBackup client,
and it must have NetBackup for DB2 licensed .
– NBDB2 Vendor I/O Library
– GUI for browsing databases and creating
backup and restore templates
– Sample configuration file (db2.conf)
– Sample script files
– User exit program (db2uext2.exe)
– NetBackup Client
NetBackup master server Media Manager or
or remote media server disk storage unit
NetBackup software:
– NetBackup Master Server
– NetBackup Media Server
(if system is a media server)
NetBackup for DB2 Components
The following sections describe the main NetBackup components in a NetBackup for DB2
NBDB2 Vendor I/O Library
The DB2 BACKUP and RESTORE commands use the NBDB2 vendor I/O library to send
data buffers between a DB2 database and NetBackup.
The vendor library is install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdb2.dll. For example:
4 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
NetBackup for DB 2 Overview
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbdb2.dll.
You specify the library as the argument to the LOAD parameter of the DB2 BACKUP and
RESTORE commands.
User Exit Program
The NetBackup for DB2 user exit program, db2uext2.exe, provides one method for
backing up and restoring the DB2 archive log f iles. This occurs at the following times:
◆ When the DB2 BACKUP or ROLLFORWARD commands are used to back up or restore
◆ When the user exits the database by using the DB2 TERMINATE or DISCONNECT
◆ When the log file fills and DB2 starts writing transactions to another log file.
◆ The DB2 ARCHIVE LOG co mmand is issued.
The user exit program backs up and restores the archive logs as files. The user exit
program resides in %DB2_INSTANCE%\bin\db2uext2.exe . If you are using 64 -bit
DB2, the file is called db2uext2.64. NetBackup for DB2 supports this m ethod for
protecting the archive logs in all supported DB2 releases.
There are other methods for backing up archive log files. For more information on these
methods, see “Specifying Log Archiving” on page 13.
Backup and Recovery Wizards
NetBackup for DB2 provides wizards that enable you to create backup and recovery
templates. You invoke the wizards by browsing for and selecting a DB2 database object in
the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface. After you supply the appropriate information
about the operation, the wizard creates a template that you can run immediately or store
on the server (for backup templates). You can use the stored backup templates in
scheduled backups through a NetBackup policy, or you can use them to perform manual
backups on the NetBackup for DB2 client.
Sample Configuration File (db2.conf) and Script Files
The installation software installs the following sample files:
◆ A sample configuration file (db2.conf file)
The db2.conf file includes specifications for backups and restores, and it provides
information on policies and schedules. The NetBackup for DB2 library and user exit
program use the information in this file.
Chapter 1, Introduction 5
NetBackup for D B2 O ve r v ie w
◆ Sample backup and restore scripts
NetBackup can invoke a script to perform a scheduled ba ckup or restore of a DB2
database. The scripts contain DB 2 BACKUP or RESTORE commands for use with
Alternatively, users can use the NetBackup for DB2 wizards to create backup and
restore templates. You ca n use the templates in place of scripts, and you can convert
templates into scripts.
The installation software writes these sample files to the f ollowing location:
To use the sample files, copy the sample files to working directories and modify them f or
your own use.
6 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
NetBackup for DB 2 Overview
NetBackup for DB2 Terminology Notes
DB2 supports two methods for archiving its log files: through a user exit program and
through a vendor library . DB2 supports backing up the archive log files by using a vendor
library in its 8.2 and later releases. NetBackup for DB2 supplies a user exit program and a
library to support both of these methods.
The DB2 syntax for specifying these archive log methods differs from release to release.
This manual uses the terms user exit and VENDOR to differentiate the methods. The
following table shows the DB2 syntax you can use to specify these methods within DB2
and indicates the term this manual uses to describe each method:
DB2 Syntax for Log Archiving and NetBackup for DB2 Terminology
NetBackup for DB2 uses the term user exit
to describe these DB2 settings:
NetBackup for DB2 uses the term
VENDOR to describe this DB2 setting:
When VENDOR is used, archive logs are backed up by means of the NetBackup for DB2
vendor library. The full specification for this archive log method i s as f ollows:
When a user exit program is used, archive logs are backed up by means of the NetBackup
for DB2 user exit program. The DB2 syntax for specifying the user exit program includes
the USEREXIT and LOGRETAIN keywords specified in a configurati on parameter.
Chapter 1, Introduction 7
NetBackup for D B2 O ve r v ie w
8 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
Verifying Prerequisites and Registering the
License Key
This chapter describes how to perform the following ta sks:
◆ Verifying the installation prerequisites for NetBackup for DB2. Perform this task
before enabling this agent.
The NetBackup for DB2 software is installed when you insta ll NetBackup, so verify
these prerequisites before enabling NetBackup for DB2.
◆ Registering the license key for NetBackup for DB2.
◆ Enabling functions specific to NetBackup for DB2.
Verifying the Installation Prerequisites
Before enabling NetBackup for DB2, verify that you are installing the agent on a
supported operating system or platform and that requirements are met for the NetBackup
software, the database agent, and, if applicable, the cluster software. These requirements
apply for remote and local installations.
Operating System and Platform Compatibility
Verify that NetBackup for DB2 will be installed on an operating system or platform
supported by NetBackup. A compatibility list for database agents is available on the
Technical Support web site.
▼ To verify compatibility
1. Go to the Technical Support web page:
2. From the Select Product Family list, click NetBackup Products.
3. From the Select Product list in the right pane, click NetBackup Enterprise Server.
4. Under Support Resources, click Compatibility and Reference.
Verifying the Installation Prerequisites
5. In the list of documents, click NetBackup Enterprise Server (tm)/ Server x.x Database
Agent Compatibility (updated date).
For x.x, look for the current release. For date, look for the most recent date.
For information on supported cluster environments for NetBackup for DB2, see
6. Click on the link for the PDF document, which is a downloadable file that enables you
to view the supported database spreadsheet for this release.
7. Read the document and verify that the software in your environment is compatible
with the NetBackup and NetBackup for DB2 software.
NetBackup Software
Veri fy that the following requirements are met for the NetBackup server and client
❏ The NetBackup server software is installed and operational on the NetBackup server.
The NetBackup server platform can be any of those that NetBackup supports. For
installation information, see the NetBackup Installation Guide.
❏ The NetBackup client software is installed on the client where you will be backing up
the databases. This step also installs NetBackup for DB2.
In addition, the install_path\NetBackup directory must exist on the client. On
Windows platforms, the NetBackup for DB2 software is installed along with the
server and client software. For installation inform ation, see the NetBackup Installation Guide.
❏ Make sure that you have configured backup media in a Media Manager or disk
storage unit. The amount of backup media required depends on the devices used, the
sizes of the databases that you are backing up, the amount of data that you are
archiving, the size of your backups, and the frequency of backups or archives. For
information on using Media Ma nager, see the NetBackup Media Manager System Administrator’s Guide.
Database Software
Verify the following regarding the database software on the NetBackup client:
❏ DB2 vendor software must be installed and operational.
❏ One or more DB2 instances must exist.
10 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
Verifying the Installation Prerequisites
Caution In a DB2 EEE environment, install the NetBackup client software on every node
and client that DB2 uses.
For information on installing DB2 and creating instances, see your DB2 documentation.
Cluster Software
Verify t he following requirements if you are enabling the NetBackup for DB2 software on
a NetBackup server configured in a NetBackup cluster:
❏ The DB2 vendor software is installed and o perational on each node to which
NetBackup can failover.
❏ The NetBackup server software is installed and configured to work in a NetBackup
cluster. Follow the instructions in the NetBackup Installation Guide.
The NetBackup server installation procedure installs the NetBackup for DB2 software
along with the server and client software. After all other prerequisites are met, you
only need to register the license key for the agent on each NetBackup server in order
to enable the agent.
Chapter 2, Verifying Prerequisites and Registering the License Key 11
Registering the License Key
Registering the License Key
NetBackup for DB2 is installed with the server and client software. To use this agent,
register a valid license key for it on the master or media server. In a NetBackup cluster,
register the key on each node on which the NetBackup server is ins talled.
▼ To register a license key
1. On the master or media server, open the NetBackup Administration Console.
2. Choose Help > License Keys.
3. Click the New button.
4. Type in the license key and click Add.
For information on adding license keys, see the NetBackup System Administrator’s
Guide, Volume I.
12 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
Specifying Log Archiving
DB2 can write database archive logs in several different ways. For a rollforward recovery,
you need both the database itself and the archive logs from the backup media. The
procedure in this section explains how to specify a method for DB2 to use when backing
up the DB2 archive logs.
You can use the procedure in this section to specify an archive method in DB2, or you can
use the information in the procedure to determine how your established archive method
will interact with NetBackup for DB2.
Note This manual u ses the terms user exit and VENDOR to describe the methods that DB2
supports for log archiving. Read “NetBackup for DB2 Terminology Notes” on
page 7 to ensure that you understand how the terms are used in this manual.
▼ To specify an archive method
1. Quiesce the DB2 database.
This procedure, and the configuration procedur es in the next chapter, should be done
in sequence at a time when minimal changes are being made to the DB2 database.
2. Decide on a method for specifying the archive logs.
Specifying Log Archiving
DB2 provides several methods for backing up its archive log files. The DB2
parameters that specify an archive log method include the LOGRETAIN, USEREXIT,
and LOGARCHMETH1 keywords. Depending on the DB2 release you are using, there
are different methods for specifying these parameters. DB2 supports different syntax
for these parameters in different relea ses. For mor e information on the ef fe cts of these
parameters within DB2, or on the specific syntax for specifying these parameters, see
your IBM DB2 documentation.
Chapter 2, Verifying Prerequisites and Registering the License Key 13
Adding New DB2 Instances
The following list explains the effects of the different log archiving methods on
NetBackup for DB2 operations:
Method Notes and Effects
VENDOR Only the DB2 8.2 release allows you to specify this log archive method. The
User exit Any DB2 release allows you to specify this archive method. The syntax for
◆ The ar chiv e log s ar e b acke d up as part of the da tabase, s o you do n ot n eed a
separate NetBackup policy for them.
◆ NetBackup for DB2 backs up and restores the archive log files as a byte
stream. This me t ho d uses the DB2 Backup an d Restore (BAR) API .
specifying the user exit method differs across DB2 releases.
NetBackup for DB2 includes a user exit program that you can use to back up the
archive logs. If your DB2 configuration uses the USEREXIT or LOGRETAIN
keywords in its configuration parameters, note the following:
◆ You will need to configure one of the following: (1) a separate NetBackup
MS-Window s-NT policy f or back ing up the ar chive l ogs or (2) dir ect ories for
the user exit program to use when copying the archive logs and a separate
Netbackup MS-Windows-NT policy for backing up these directories.
Another alternative to (1) and (2) would be to modify an existing Netbackup
MS-Window s-N T polic y wi th a user b acku p sc hed ule to inc lude t he a rchive
log directories. The configuration procedures in the next chapter explain
how to perform these tasks.
◆ NetBackup for DB2 backs up and restores the archive log files as individual
◆ Supported only for backward compatibility.
3. V er ify your DB2 configuration to ensure that the appropriate log archiving method for
your site is enabled.
If necessary, edit your DB2 configuration specificat ions to specify the log archiving
Adding New DB2 Instances
At installation, the NetBackup for DB2 in stallation software writes the user exit program
to the following location:
14 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
Adding New DB2 Instances
For example:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\bin\db2uext2.exe
DB2 expects the db2uext2 executable to reside in the DB2 installation location .
If you reinstall or move the DB2 installa tion, manually copy db2uext2.exe from the
NetBackup location into the DB2 location.
Chapter 2, Verifying Prerequisites and Registering the License Key 15
Adding New DB2 Instances
16 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
Before attempting to configure NetBackup for DB2, complete the installation procedure as
described in the Installation chapter.
The following is the configuration procedure.
1. Configuring the Maximum Jobs Per Client
2. Configuring Backup Policies
3. Configuring Policies for Archive Logs and Configuratio n Files
4. Configuring the Ru nt i me Env i ronment
5. Enabling Database User Authentication
6. Creating Te mplates and Shell Scripts
7. Testing Configuration Settings
The following subsections describe these steps.
User Interface Terminology Notes
You can perform many of the configuration steps in this chapter from the NetBackup
Administration Console on the master server. Depending on your master server’s
platform, the console is available in one or t wo forms. NetBackup supports a Java
interface for both Windows and UNIX master servers. In addition, NetBackup supports a
Windows interface for Windows master servers.
The Java and Windows interfaces are nearly identical, but when there are interface
differences in the configuration procedures, this manual uses the following headings to
identify the interface being described:
From the Windows interface:
From the Java interface:
Configuring the Maximum Jobs Per Client
Configuring the Maximum Jobs Per Client
▼ To configure the Maximum jobs per client
1. In the left pane of the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Host Properties.
2. Select Master Server.
3. In the right pane, double-click on the server icon.
The Master Server Properties dialog box displays.
4. In the Master Server Properties dialog box, click Global Attributes.
5. Change the Maximum jobs per client value to 99.
The Maximum jobs per client specifies the maximum number of concurr ent backups
allowed per client. The default is 1. You can use the following formula to calculate a
smaller value:
Maximum jobs per client = number_of_sessions X number_of_policies
number_of_sessions The number of backup sessions between the backup
server and Ne tBack up on the clie nt. Eac h sepa rate sessi on
starts a new backup job on t he client.
number_of_policies The number of policies of any type that can back up this
client at the same time. This number can be greater than
one. For example, a client can be in two policies in order
to back up two different databases. These backup
windows can overlap.
Tip Enter a large enough value for the Maximum jobs per client attribute to meet the
number of jobs executed by DB2. You might need to experiment with different
values at your site.
18 NetBackup for DB2 System Administrator’s Guide for Windows
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