The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice. VERITAS Software
Corporation makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. VERITAS Software
Corporation shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages
in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
Portions of this software are derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
Algorithm. Copyright 1991-92, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved.
VERITAS Software Corporation
350 Ellis Street
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone 650-527-8000
Fax 650-527-2908
Third-Party Copyrights
For a list of third-party copyrights, see the NetBackup Release Notes appendix.
The purpose of this document is to provide you with a book that contains all of the
NetBackup “man page” commands. This enables you to find a printable version of the
command quickly and easily without searching through multiple books in the NetBackup
This document contains detailed information about each NetBackup command pertinent
to a Win dows system. Each co mmand co ntains a brief description of the primary function
of the command, a synopsis, and descriptions of each of the options listed in the synopsis.
In addition, some commands contain notes and examples to help the user understand
how to use the command.
Getting Help
You can find answers to questions and get help from the NetBackup documentation and
from the VERITAS technical support web site.
Finding NetBackup Documentation
A list of the entir e Ne tBackup do cumenta tion s et appea rs as an appendix in the NetBackup
Release Notes. All NetBackup documents are included in PDF format on the NetBackup
Documentation CD.
For definitions of NetBackup terms, consult the online glossary.
▼ To access the NetBackup online glossary
1. In the NetBackup Administration Console, click Help > Help Topics.
2. Click the Contents tab.
3. Click Glossary of NetBackup Terms.
Use the scroll function to navigate through the glossary.
Getting Help
Accessing the VERITAS Technical Support Web Site
The address for the VERITAS Technical Support Web site is
The VERITAS Support Web site lets you do an y of the following:
◆ Obtain updated information about NetBac kup, including system requirements,
supported platforms, and supported peripherals
◆ Contact the VERITAS Technical Support staff and post questions to them
◆ Get the latest patches, upgrades, and utilities
◆ View the NetBackup Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
◆ Search the knowledge base for answers to technical support questions
◆ Receive automatic notice of product updates
◆ Find out about NetBackup training
◆ Read current white papers related to NetBackup
From, you can complete various tasks to obtain specific types
of support for NetBackup:
1. Subscribe to the VERIT AS Email notification service to be informed of software alerts,
newly published documentation, Beta programs, and other services.
a. From the main page, select a product family and a
b. Under Support Resources, click Email Notifications.
Your customer profile ensures you receive the latest VERITAS technical
information pertaining to your s p ecific interests.
2. Locate the telephone support directory at by clicking the
Phone Support icon. A page appears that contains VERITAS support numbers from
around the world.
Note Telephone support for NetBackup is only available with a valid support
contract. To contact VERITAS for technical support, dial the appropriate phone
number listed on the Technical Support Guide included in the product box and
have your product license information ready for quick navigation to the proper
support group.
3. Contact technical support using e-mail.
x NetBackup Commands for Windows
a. From the main page, click the E-mail Support icon.
A wizard guides you to do the following:
◆ Select a language of your preference
◆ Select a produ ct and a platform
◆ Provide additional contact and product information, and your message
◆ Associate your message with an existing technical support case
b. After providing the required information, click Send Message.
Contacting VERITAS Licensing
For license information, you can conta c t us as follows:
◆ Call 1-800-634-4747 and select option 3
◆ Fax questions to 1-650-527-0952
◆ In the Americas, send e-mail to
In the Asia and Pacific areas, send email to
In all other areas, send email to
Accessibility Features
Accessibility Features
NetBackup contains features that make the user interface easier to use by people who are
visually impaired and by people who have limited dexterity. A ccessibility features
◆ Support for assistive technolog ie s such as screen readers and voice input (Windows
servers only)
◆ Support for keyboard (mouseless) navigation using accelerator keys and mnemonic
For more information, see the NetBackup Installation Guide.
Preface xi
Comment on the Documentation
Comment on the Documentation
Let us know what you like and dislike about the documentation. Wer e you able to find the
information you needed quickly? Was the information clearly presented? You can report
errors and omissions or tell us what you would find useful in future versions of our
manuals and online help.
Please include the following information with your comment:
◆ The title and product version of the manual on which you are commenting
◆ The topic (if relevant) on which you are commenting
◆ Your comment
◆ Your name
Email your comment to
Please only use this address to comment on product documentation. See “Getting Help”
in this preface for information on how to contact Technical Support about our software.
We appreciate your feedback.
The following section explains the various conventions used in this guide.
Command Usage
The following conventions are frequently used in the synopsis of command usage.
brackets [ ]
The enclosed command line component is optional.
Vertical bar or pipe (|)
Separates optional arguments from which the user can choose. For example, when a
command has the following format:
command arg1|arg2
In this example, the user can use either the arg1 or arg2 variable.
Navigating Multiple Menu Levels
When navigating multiple menu levels, a greater-than sign (>) is used to indicate a
continued action.
xii NetBackup Commands for Windows
The following example shows how the > is used to condense a series of menu selections
into one step:
The corresponding actions could b e described in more steps as follows:
1. Click Start in the task bar.
2. Move your cursor to Programs.
3. Move your cursor to the right and highlight VERITAS NetBackup.
4. Move your cursor to the right. First highlight and then click NetBackup
Administration Console.
NetBackup Command Conventions
This document uses the following conventions when describing commands that are
specific to NetBackup. Run these commands in the “Command Pr ompt” to see the re sults.
◆ Brackets [ ] indicate that the enclosed component of the command line is optional.
◆ Curly braces {} indicate an association between the enclosed options. For instance,
{opt1 [opt2 ... optn]} means that if the command contains opt1, then the command
may optionally contain opt2 ... optn.
◆ A vertical bar (or the pipe symbol) | separates optional arguments from which the
user can choose. For example, if a command has the following format, you can choose
arg1 or arg2 (but not both):
command [arg1 | arg2]
◆ Italics indicate that the information is user supplied. For exa mple, th e user supplies
policy, schedule, and filename in the following command:
bpbackup -p policy -s schedule filename
◆ An ellipsis (...) means that you can repeat the previous parameter. For example,
Here, the -S option requires the first master server name. Additional names can be
added, separated by commas and followed by a file name as in:
bpbackup -S mars,coyote,shark,minnow memofile.doc
Preface xiii
NetBackup Media Manager Command Notes
In addition, Media Manager has a set of commands that are for device management and
are started or stopped by the NetBackup Device Manager service (ltid) as needed.
◆tpreq and tpunmount are user commands for requesting tape mounts and
unmounts for configured drives.
◆tpautoconf, tpclean, tpconfig, and vmoprcmd are administrative commands
for device management.
◆ vmadd, vmchange, vmcheckxxx, vmdelete, vmpool, and vmquery, vmrule, and
vmupdate are administrative commands for media management.
Included in this document are the NetBackup Server and NetBackup Enterprise Server
commands. In most cases, a command pertains to both NetBackup products. However,
there are instances where portions or options within a command apply specifically to one
product such as NetBackup Enterprise Server. In these situations, a note has been inserted
in the text to identify the information as only information that only applies to one
NetBackup product.
xiv NetBackup Commands for Windows
NetBackup Commands
This chapter describes all of the NetBackup commands that can be referenced on a
Windows platform in alphabetical order.
acsd - Automated Cartridge System (ACS) process
acsd interfaces with Media Manager to automatically mount and unmount tapes that are
under Automated Cartridge System (ACS) control. It is initiated by the NetBackup Device
Manager service (ltid), if the Media Manager device configuration s hows drives in an
ACS robot. Stopping ltid stops acsd.
acsd performs its tasks by sending requests to the STK LibAttach service which
communicates with the server that controls the Automated Cartridge System.
When the connection is established, acsd puts the ACS robot in the UP state and can
mount and unmount tapes. If the connection cannot be established or Automated
Cartridge System errors exist, acsd changes the robot to the DOWN state. In this state,
acsd is still running and returns the robot to the UP state when the problem no longer
Drives are addressed and defined in Media Manager using the following: ACS number,
LSM number, Panel number, and Drive number.
Drive cleaning for ACS robots must be configured using ACS library software. Cleaning
volumes cannot be defined using Media Manager. In addition, you cannot use the
tpclean command for cleaning operations on drives under ACS robotic control.
The Internet service port number for acsd must be in
%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\services. To override the services file,
create the file install_path\Volmgr\database\ports\acsd with a single line that
contains the service port number for acsd. The default service port number is 13702.
You must have administrator privileges to execute this command.
This command applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server.
Media Manager logs ACS and network errors to the Windows application event log. Log
entries are also made when the state changes between UP and DOWN.
2 NetBackup Commands for Windows
add_media_server_on_clients - Add Media Server on Clients
You can run the add_media_server_on_clients command from a NetBackup server
to attempt to synchronize the server list from the server's configuration with the server
lists on the known clients.
The add_media_server_on_clients command attempts to connect to all configured
clients (clients listed in backup policies).
For each client that it can connect to, add_media_server_on_clients updates the
client's configuration, if necessary, to include all the servers from the server's
backupdbtrace consolidates the debug log mess ages for the specified backup database
job[s] and writes them to standard output. The messages will be sorted by time.
backupdbtrace will attempt to compensate for time zone chan ges and clock drift
between remote servers and clients.
At a minimum, you must enable debug logging for administrator on the master server,
and for bptm and bpbkar on the media server. For best results, set the verbose logging
level to 5 and enable debug logging for bpdbm o n th e master server and bpcd on all
servers in addition to the processes already identified.
If -job_id is specified, backupdbtrace uses this option as the sole criterion for selecting
the backupdb job to trace. If option -job_id is not used, then backupdbtrace selects all
the backupdb jobs executed on all the days specified by day stamps (mmddyy). If
–start_time/-end_time options are used then the debug logs in the specified time interval
are examined.
backupdbtrace writes error messages to standard error.
You must have administrator privileges to execute this command.
Name of the media server where the backupdb command is executed.
The default is the local host name.
Job ID number of the backupdb job to analyze. Default is any job ID.
Earliest time stamp to start analyzing the logs. Default is 00:00:00.
Latest time stamp to finish analyzing the logs. Default is 23 :59 : 59.
4 NetBackup Commands for Windows
One or more day stamps. This identifies the log file names ( log.mmddyy
for UNIX, mmddyy.log for Windows) that will be analyzed.
The format of an output line is:
<daystamp>.<millisecs>.<program>.<sequence> <machine> <log_line>
The day of the log in yyyymmdd fo rmat.
The number of milliseconds since midnight on the local machine.
The name of program (ADMIN, BPBKAR, BPCD, etc.) being logged.
Line number within the debug log file.
The name of the NetBackup server or client.
The line that actually appears in the debug log fil e .
Example 1
The following example analyzes the log of backupdb job with job ID 5 executed on
August 6, 2002.
backupdbtrace -job_id 5 080602
Example 2
The following example analyzes the log of all backupdb jobs that are executed on August
5, 2002 and August 17, 2002.
backupdbtrace 080502 081702
Chapter 1, NetBack up Commands 5
backuptrace – consolidate the debugs logs for a NetBackup job.
The backuptrace utility can be used to consolidate the debug logs for a specif ied
NetBackup job[s]. The debug log messages relevant to the specified backup job[s] will be
written to standard output. The messages will be sorted by time. The backuptrace utility
will attempt to compensate for time zone changes and clock drift between remote servers
and clients. The output is formatted so that it should be relatively easy to sort or grep by
time stamp, program name, and/or server/client name.
At a minimum, you must enable debug logging for nbpem on the master server, for
bpbrm, bptm/bpdm on the media server and bpbkar on the client. For best results, set the
verbose logging level to 5 and enable debug logging for bpdbm and bprd on the master
server and for bpcd on all servers and clients in addition to the processes already
This invocation of the utility will consolidate logs for all jobs started for the policy
weekly_bkups on 05/12/05. Use the -start_time/-end_time arguments to limit th e
window for which the jobs are to be evaluated.
The beconv command converts Backup Exec on-disk catalogs to NetBackup catalogs. It
also converts Backup Exec media records to NetBackup Medi a Manager records with the
media being assigned to NetBackup. The media is kept in a frozen state so t hat NetBa ckup
does not accidentally use it for backups.
The expiration date for Backup Exec images is the current date plus a retention level of 2
weeks. For example, if Backup Exec catalogs are converted on 7 August 2003, the
expiration date for converted NetBackup catalogs will be 21 August 2003.
When the images expire, run beconv to regenerate the images.
All media belonging to the Backup Exec server are converted and the
corresponding images are generated.
Use this option to take corrective actions (if any). Use it only when
indicated during an earlier run of beconv.
Use this option to check the consistency of Enterprise Media Manager
8 NetBackup Commands for Windows
With this option specified, no conversion takes place. In this mode,
beconv searches for Media Manager records with ambiguous GUIDs and
media ids in all the volume databases belonging to locally configured
devices, then displays the list.
-f denotes the family to which the media belongs. -f converts a ll the
media belonging to the same Backup Exec family . Use for backups which
span more that one media.
-h volume_database_host
Specifies the EMM server name where the media is actually present. If
this is not specified, the local host name is taken.
-L output_file
Specifies the name of a file in which to write progress information. The
default is to not use a progress file.
-m media_id
Specifies the media id of the Backup Exec media which needs to be
Do not prompt for user input and carry on with the changes. Default is
interactive mode, during which the user is prompted before any actual
image generation.
-rn robot_number
Specifies the NetBackup robot number for which the media need to be
This option lists the current mappings between Backup Exec and
NetBackup robots. With this option specified, no conversion takes place
and only the mappings are displayed .
Trust By Slot. This mode is only for non-barcoded robotic media. In this
mode, a match between a Backup Exec media record and a NetBackup
Media Manager record is done on the basis of physical location of the
media in the robot. In order for a match to be successful, physical
inventory of the robot should be done prior to running beconv in this
mode. The -tbs option can be combined with th e -rn option to convert
media for the specified robot only.
Example 1
To run the catalog converter to convert all the media present on a Backup Exec server:
Chapter 1, NetBack up Commands 9
beconv -all
Example 2
To run the catalog converter to convert only one media present on a Backup Exec server:
beconv -m A00000 -h volume_database_host
A00000 is the media record corresponding to the Backup Exec media which needs to be
volume_database_host is the machine where the NetBackup volume manager database
info | procedure } [-client clientName] -source
sourceFileName -destination destinationFileName
The bmrc client program runs on a BMR client and submits requests to the Bare Metal
Restore server daemon. The operation and resource are specified as arguments.
When invoked from an external procedure in the r epair envir onment on a re storing client,
you must specify the path to the bmrc command as follows:
At the first boot external procedure point, bmrc is in
-client clientName
Name of the Bare Metal Restore client.
-destination destinationFileName
On pull operation, pathname of file to be created on the local host.
-msg messageText
Text message to be added to the log on the server.
Chapter 1, NetBack up Commands 11
-operation operationName
An operation to perform:
-progress numericProgressCode
A numeric progress code, used internally by Bare Metal Restore.
-resource resourceName
A resource on which to perform the operation:
-source sourceFileName
On pull operation, name of file to retrieve from database.
-state numericStateCode
A numeric state code, used internally by Bare Metal Restore.
If NetBackup Access Management is used in your environment, you have to renew your
user credentials and the machine credentials if the credentials expired before you perform
prepare to restore operations. Use the bpnbat command and -Login option to renew
your user credentials, and use the bpnbat command and -LoginMachine option to
renew the machine credentials.
Specifying -? displays th e com mand’s usage statement when it is the only option on the
command line.
The bmrconfig command changes a configuration's s ystem, network, volume, driver
and NetBackup settings. The read-only current and discovered configurations cannot be
changed; use the bmrs command to create a copy of a configuration that you can change.
14 NetBackup Commands for Windows
Attributes of the resource are specified as name-value pairs. The name
will always be an alphanumeric string. The value is free form but must
be double-quoted. To determine the specific set of attributes that apply to
a resource, use bmrconfig –operation list –resource resourceType.
-client clientName
The NetBackup client name.
-configuration configName
The configuration to operate on.
Forces the removal of a resource and all of its dependent resources.
Prints a command line usage message when -help is the only option on
the command line.
The volume manager that controls the resource. Volu me managers are:
ldm - Windows Logical Disk Manager
lvm - AIX or HP-UX Logical Volume Manager
native - the volume manager native to the operating system.
sfw - VERITAS Storage Foundation for Windows
svm - Solaris Volume Manager
vxvm - VERITAS Volu me Manager
-name resourceName
The name of the resource to act on. The valid characters in a resource
name are determined by the various volume managers.
-operation operation_name
The operation to perform. Operations are:
add – adds a resource t o the configurat ion
change – changes specific attributes of a resource
clearAll – removes all resources except disks from a disk group
delete – removes a resource from the configuration
display – prints high-level information about the resource
help - prints all the resources required and optional attributes and values
initialize – intitialize a configuration’s hardware from a discovered
Chapter 1, NetBack up Commands 15
list – prints all the instances of the specified resource type
map – maps a resource, including dependent resources, from the original
configuration to the working configuration
verify - checks that a config has sufficient data for a restore to succeed
-resource resourceType
The type of the resource on which the operation is performed. Resource
types are:
all - all resources
accesspath – a Windows access path
disk – a physical storage device
diskgroup – a logical grouping of disks
diskset – a Solaris Volume Manager disk set
driveletter – a Windows drive letter
esm – backup client identity
filesystem – a file system for UNIX, Linux, and Windows
gateway – a network gateway
host – a network server
hotfix – a Windows hot fix
hotsparepool – a set of slices used for SVM failover
ip – network identity
license – a product license key
logicaldrive – a Windows extended partition; first one implicitly
adds container
logicalvolume – an AIX or HP-UX logical volume
metadb – a SVM database replica slice
mountpoint – a path that serves as an access point to a volume
msd – a mass storage drive r
multidevice – a Linux multidevice
network – a sub network
nic – a network interface card
nicpkg – a network interface card driver
partition – Windows primary partition
physicalvolume – an AIX or HP-UX physical volume
slice – a Solaris slice; equivale nt to volume
softpart – a SVM soft partition
volume – a logical division of a disk or disk group
NetBackup Commands for Windows
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