Installation Guide
• This product is a Class 2 device.
• This product is not intended for life or safety applications.
• Do not install this product in hazardous or classied locations.
Read and understand the instructions before installing this product.
• Turn o all power supplying equipment before working on it.
• The installer is responsible for conformance to all applicable codes.
No responsibility is assumed by Veris Industries for any consequences arising out of the
use of this material.
AA10 Series
Temperature Transmier,
Resistive to 4-20mA
Product Overview
The AA10 Series temperature-to-current transmitter is designed for use with 100R platinum, 1k platinum, 10k Type
2, and 10k Type 3 external resistive output devices. When the resistive output from the external device is connected
to the AA10 input terminal, the resistive value is converted to a 4-20 mA signal compatible with most building
control systems.
Product Identification
4-20mA Temperature Sensor Range*
Sensor Type Bottom Range Temp Top Range TempTemp Scale
B = 100R platinum, RTD
C = 1k platinum, RTD
D = 10k T2, Thermistor
H = 10k T3, Thermistor
W = 10k T2 high accuracy, Thermistor
Y = 10k T3 high accuracy, Thermistor
Current Loop Class 2; 2-wire, loop powe red 4-20mA ; 9- 30VDC
Transmitter Accuracy ±1% of span or ± 0.1ºC, whichever i s great er
Transmitter Operating Temperature
Connectors 2 pluggable terminal block connectors
Encapsulation Epoxy encapsulated
= (choose a valid
temp value)
* Temperature range must b e whole numbers where the bot tom value is less
than the top value i n the range of -25°C to 105°C (-13°F and 221°F).
(does not includ e accuracy of re sist ive element in exter nal
temperature device)
-15° to 50°C (5° to 122°F)
C = Celsius
F = Farenheit
= (choose a valid
temp value)
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Alta Labs, E nercept, Ensp ector, Hawkeye, Trus tat, Aerospo nd, Veris, and th e Veris ‘V’ log o are tradema rks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris Ind ustries, L. L.C. in the USA and /or other count ries.
Other companies’ trademarks are hereby acknowledged to belong to their respective owners.
Installation Guide
AA10 Series
(20 mm)
Ø 0.3”
(8 mm)
(39 mm)
(21 mm)
(39 mm)
Ø 0.2”
(5 mm)
(13 mm)
(39 mm)
1. To mount the AA10 to a surface, use a #6 or #8 pan head sheet metal screw (not included). Remove the terminal block connector
before mounting, as the connector may partially block access to the mounting hole.
2. Wire the terminal block to the external temperature device as shown. Replace the connector in the AA10 receptacle.
4-20 mA Output
4-20 mA return
Power Supply
12 to 30 VDC
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Alta Labs, E nercept, Ensp ector, Hawkeye, Trus tat, Aerospo nd, Veris, and th e Veris ‘V’ log o are tradema rks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris Ind ustries, L. L.C. in the USA and /or other count ries.
Other companies’ trademarks are hereby acknowledged to belong to their respective owners.