Installation Guide
Tubing for Duct Mount Tubing for Panel Mount
Scale Mode Direction Response Output Volt Scale
Pressure Monitoring
Patent Pendi ng
This product is not intended for life or
safety applications.
• Do not install this product in hazardous
or classied locations.
Read and understand the instructions
before installing this product.
• Turn o all power supplying equipment
before working on it.
The installer is responsible for
conformance to all applicable codes.
If this product is used in a manner not specied
by the manufacturer, the protection provided
by the product may be impaired. No
responsibility is assumed by the manufacturer
for any consequences arising out of the use of
this material.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including in-
terference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modications not expressly ap-
proved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate the
This device complies with Industry Canada
license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired opera-
tion of the device.
Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’ex-
emption de licence RSS d’Industry Canada. Son
fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions
suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer
d’interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter
toute interférence, notamment les interférenc-
es qui peuvent aecter son fonctionnement.
PX3 Series
Differential Pressure / Air Velocity Transducer
Product Overview
The PX3 transducer can measure either air pressure or velocity with the ip of a switc h.
The PX3 is available in three installation congurations: duc t, panel or universal. D uct and
panel models have two pressure and velocit y options: 0-1” WC / 0-3,000 ft/min or
1-10” WC / 3,000- 6,000 ft/min with f our eld-selectable sub-ranges. The universal
model comes in one pressure/velocit y range: 0-10” WC / 0-7,000 ft/min with seven
eld-sele ctable sub-ranges for pressure and eight for velocity. All variants are available
with and without display. The PX3 has an IP65/NEMA 4 environmental rating and a 5-year
limited warranty.
Product Identication
Enclosure Local Display
D = Duct
P = Panel
Local Display
L = LCD Display
X = No Display
in. (mm)
L = LCD Display
X = No Display
NIST Certificate Range
X = None
NIST Certificate Range
X = None
05 = Pressure: 0 to 10 in. WC / 0 to 2500 Pa
Velocity: 0 to 7000 ft/min / 0 to 35 m/s
01 = Pressure: 0 to 1 in. WC / 0 to 250 Pa
Velocity: 0 to 3000 ft/min / 0 to 15 m/s
02 = Pressure: 0 to 10 in. WC / 0 to 2500 Pa
Velocity: 0 to 6000 ft/min / 0 to 30 m/s
Installation Guide
Pressure Monitoring
Media Compatibility Dry air or inert gas
Input Power Three-wire Volt mode: 24 Vac or 12-30 Vdc*
Output Power Field-selectable: 2-wire, loop-powered 4-20 mA**
01 Pressure
02 Pressure
05 Pressure
Pressure Mode Accuracy ±1% FS (combined linearity and hys teresis)
Velocity Mode Accuracy ±90 ft/min (±0.45 m/s) plus 5% of measured value****
Temperature Eect 1” (250 Pa) models: 0.05%/°C; 10” (2.5 kPa) models: 0.01%/°C
Operating Environment 0 to 60 °C (32 to 140 °F)
Altitude of Operation 0 to 3000 m
Mounting Location For indoor use only.
Bluetooth Frequency Range 2.402 to 2.48 0 GHz (Bluetooth version 4.2)
Maximum Output Power 0 dBm
Environmental Rating IP65, NEMA 4
Flammability Rating UL 94 5VA re retardant ABS, ple num rated
EMC Conforma nce: EN 61000- 6-3 and A1 Class B, EN 61000-6-1.
* Class 2/II powe r source.
** Minimum i nput voltage for 4 to 20 mA op eration: 250 Ω loop = 12 Vdc; 500 Ω loop = 19 Vdc.
*** Minimu m load resistance for Volt o peration: 5 kΩ.
**** For measu red values betwe en 200 and 7000 ft/mi n (1 and 35 m/s).
Response Time Standard: T95 in 20 s ec, Fast: T95 in 2 sec, DIP sw itch selectable
Display (Option) Pressure mode: Signed 3-1/2 digit LCD, indicates p ressure, overrange indicator
Proof Pressure 3 psid (20.6 kPa)
Burst Pressure 5 psid (34.5 kPa)
Zero Dri ft (1-year) 1” (250 Pa) models: 2.0% max.; 10” (2.5 k Pa) models: 0.5% max.
Zero Adju st Pushbutton auto-zero and digital input (2-pos terminal block)
Pollution Degree 2
Humidity Range 100% RH, non-condensing
Limited Warranty 5 years
Two-wire mA mode: 12-30 Vdc*
(DC only, clipped and capp ed), 24 Vac/dc or 3-wire 0-5V/0-10V***
Unidirec tional: 0.1/0.25/0.5/1.0 in. WC FS, switch selectable
Bidirec tional: ±0.1/±0.25/±0.5/±1.0 in. WC FS, switch selectable
Unidirec tional: 25 Pa/50 Pa/100 Pa/250 Pa, FS, switch sel ectable
Bidirec tional: ±25 Pa/±50 Pa/±100 Pa/±250 Pa, FS, switch selectable
500/1,000/2,000/3,000 ft/min
2.5/5/10/15 m/s
Unidirec tional: 1.0/2.5/5.0/10 in. WC FS, switch selectable
Bidirec tional: ±1.0/±2.5/±5.0/±10 in. WC FS, switch selectable
Unidirec tional: 0.250 kPa/0. 500 kPa/1.000 kPa/2.500 kPa, FS, switch selectable
Bidirec tional: ±0.250 kPa/±0.500k Pa/±1.000 kPa/±2. 500 kPa, FS, switch selectable
3,000/4,000/5,000/6,000 ft/min
15/20/25/30/35 m/s
Unidi rectional: 0.1/0.25/0 .5/1.0/2.5/5/10 in . WC FS, switch sele ctable
Bidir ectional: ±0.1/0.25/0.5/1.0/2.5/5/10 in . WC FS, switch sele ctable
Unidirectional: 25Pa/50Pa/100Pa/250Pa/0.5kPa/1kPa/2.5kPa FS, switch selectable
Bidirectional: ±25Pa/50Pa/100Pa/250Pa/0.5kPa/1kPa/2.5kPa FS, switch selectable
500/1000/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000/7000 ft/min
2.5/5/10/15/20/2 5/30/35 m/s
Mode Unidirectional or bidirectional, DIP switch selectable
Velocity m ode: Signed 4-1/2 digit LCD, indicates velocity, overrange indicator
(Relative to 25 °C) 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F)
Fittings Brass barb; 0.24” (6.1 mm) o.d.
Z207504- 0D Page 1 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 0118
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.
Installation Guide
Pressure Monitoring
Installation, Wiring
& Conguration
Panel Installations
Duct Installations
1. Plan the installation. Panel or duct mount?
Static Pressure
Velocity Measurement
Dierential Pressure
Note: Velocity measurement requires the use of an AA18, AA19 or AA20 pitot tube (sold
Z207504- 0D Page 2 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 0118
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.
Installation Guide
Pressure Monitoring
Installation, Wiring
& Conguration (cont.)
4. Mount the transducer (see the screw hole diagram below).
2. For duct mount applications, thread the probe into the back of the device housing, as
shown in the dimensional drawing.
3. Congure the internal tubing for the selecte d installation method as described below.
Duct mount tubing conguration:
a. Connect the right-side tube to the rear brass barb marked as “-” on the
underside of the device housing.
b. Connect the left-side tube to the probe in the back of the device housing.
Panel mount tubing conguration:
a. Connect the right-side tube to the rear brass barb marked as “-” on the
underside of the device housing.
Z207504- 0D Page 3 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 0118
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.
b. Connect the left-side tube to the front brass barb marked as “+” on the
underside of the device housing.
Tubing for Duct Mount
Tubing for Panel Mount
5. Set DIP switches to desired settings.
DIP Switch 1: Scale
ON = Pascal (m/s)
OFF = In. WC (ft/min)
DIP Switch 2: Mode
ON = Velocity
OFF = Pressure
DIP Switch 3: Direction*
ON = Unidirectional
OFF = Bidirectional
DIP Switch 4: Respons e
ON = Slow
OFF = Fast
*Velocit y mode is unidirec tional regard less of DIP switch se tting.
DIP Switch Set tings
Pascal/MPS VelocityUni Slow mA 5V
In. WC/FPM PressureBiFast Volt 10V
DIP Switch 5: Output
ON = 4-20 mA
OFF = Voltage
DIP Switch 6: Volt Scale
ON = 0-5 Vdc
OFF = 0-10 Vdc
DIP Switch 7: Unused
DIP Switch 8: Unused
6. Set rotary switch to the desired setting. Align the arrow (not the slot) on the
rotary switch to the desired full-scale range. LCD models momentarily indicate
the selected range.
Z207504- 0D Page 4 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 0118
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.

Installation Guide
Pressure Monitoring
Installation Guide
Pressure Monitoring
Installation, Wiring
& Conguration (cont.)
Rotary Switch Set tings
Range 01 Model, Fiel d Selectable (WC / ft /min or Pa / m/s)
WC / ft/min Pa / m/s
0 0 to 0.1 in. WC 0 0 to 25 Pa
1 0 to 0.25 in. WC 1 0 to 50 Pa
2 0 to 0.5 in. WC 2 0 to 100 Pa
3 0 to 1 in. WC 3 0 to 250 Pa
4 0 to 500 ft/min 4 0 to 2.5 m/s
5 0 to 1000 ft/min 5 0 to 5 m/s
6 0 to 2000 ft/min 6 0 to 10 m/s
7 0 to 3000 ft/min 7 0 to 15 m/s
Range 02 Model, Fie ld Selectable (WC / ft /min or Pa / m/s)
WC / ft/min Pa / m/s
0 0 to 1 in. WC 0 0 to 250 Pa
1 0 to 2.5 in. WC 1 0 to 500 Pa
2 0 to 5 in. WC 2 0 to 1000 Pa
3 0 to 10 in. WC 3 0 to 2500 Pa
4 0 to 3000 ft/min 4 0 to 15 m/s
5 0 to 4000 ft/min 5 0 to 20 m/s
6 0 to 5000 ft/min 6 0 to 25 m/s
7 0 to 6000 ft/min 7 0 to 30 m/s
Range 05 Mode l, Field Selec table (P) Pressure or (V) Velocity Mo de,
Field Selec table (WC / ft/min or Pa / m/s)
(P) Pressure Mode (V) Velocity Mode
0 0 to 0.1 in. WC 0 0 to 500 ft/min
1 0 to 0.25 in. WC 1 0 to 1000 ft/min
2 0 to 0.5 in. WC 2 0 to 2000 ft/min
3 0 to 1 in. WC 3 0 to 3000 ft/min
4 0 to 2.5 in. WC 4 0 to 4000 ft/min
5 0 to 5 in. WC 5 0 to 5000 ft/min
6 0 to 10 in. WC 6 0 to 6000 ft/min
7 0 to 10 in. WC 7 0 to 7000 ft/min
(P) Pressure Mode (V) Velocity Mode
0 0 to 25 Pa 0 0 to 2.5 m/s
1 0 to 50 Pa 1 0 to 5 m/s
2 0 to 100 Pa 2 0 to 10 m/s
3 0 to 250 Pa 3 0 to 15 m/s
4 0 to 500 Pa 4 0 to 20 m/s
5 0 to 1000 Pa 5 0 to 25 m/s
6 0 to 2500 Pa 6 0 to 30 m/s
7 0 to 2500 Pa 7 0 to 35 m/s
Z207504- 0D Page 5 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 0118
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.
Installation, Wiring
& Conguration (cont.)
7. Connect the transmit ter to the control system and power supply as indicated
below. Optional: Conne ct the ZERO terminals to the digital output (contact
closure) of the cont rol system.
2-wire, 4-20 mA Current Loop Output
3-wire, 0-5 V/0-10 V Voltage Output
24 Vac/dc
8. Wait ve seconds, then press and hold the ZERO pushbutton for two
seconds or provide contac t closure on the AUX ZERO terminal. This will reset
the output and display to zero pressure. For bes t accuracy, press the ZERO
button while both por ts are open to atmospheric pressure. To protec t the unit
from accidental zero, this feature is enabled only when the detected pressure
is within about 0.1 in. WC (25 Pa) of factory calib ration.
9. Connect desired external tubing to the PX3.
Z207504- 0D Page 6 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 0118
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.
PX3 Series devices employ ceramic capacitive sensor s and sophisticated
temperature compensation circuitry. The sensor achieves its best accuracy af ter
an initial warm-up period. During the rst few minutes of operation, readings
at zero pressure and the lowest pressure ranges appear erroneous. Following
this initial warm-up period, the PX3 device maintains it s specied accurac y and
st abili ty.
The LCD momentarily indicates range ‘SET’ when a selection is made. Pressure
is normally indicated on the display. Units are in inches water column (in. WC),
Pascals (Pa) or kilopascals (kPa) as indicated on the display. The display shows
‘OVER’ when the pressure is over range.
Installation Guide
Pressure Monitoring
Installation Guide
Pressure Monitoring
Z207504- 0D Page 7 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 1017
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.
Z207504- 0D Page 7 of 7 © Veris Ind ustries 12345 S W Leveton Dri ve, Tualatin, OR 9 7062 USA / 800.354. 8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / sup port@ver is.com 1017
Alta Labs , Enercept, Ens pector, Hawke ye, Trustat, Ae rospond, Veri s, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo ar e trademar ks or regist ered tradem arks of Veris I ndustries , L.L.C.
in the USA an d/or other coun tries. Oth er compani es’ tradem arks are her eby acknowl edged to bel ong to their re spective o wners.