Veris P4000 Vis-NIR-EC-Force
(Refer to Operations Manual for complete instructions, including
software installation, safety, maintenance, and troubleshooting.)
3. Select field folder 4. Set port order (if changed)
1. Start up spectrometers 20
minutes before using. Leave
vehicle running to keep battery
charged. (amperage draw is 10
amps if cooler is running; 1 amp
7. Clean window, and place reference block against
window. Press Dark and Reference button (F2). Multiple
Dark and Reference readings may need to be collected
8. Press external references (ER)
against window. Press
corresponding button when Program
State reads REST. Continue until all
ER lights are green or yellow.
2. Start software.
Refer to Operating
Instructions for
software installation
9. Press End
(F12) to transform.
5. Toggle to Probe mode
6. Press System Check button
10. Green light
indicates when
transform is
Press Close
Window/F12 to
move back to
main interface
11. Before probing complete all steps above. Make sure
Reference Check (Ref Check) and GPS signal lights are
green, and all Auxiliary Case lights are green. Additional Dark
and References may need to be collected. Ref check light will
turn green when sufficient references have been collected.
12. Verify spectra
rate is changing;
this shows
communication with
auxiliary and
spectrometer cases
is maintained.
13. The Auxiliary (Aux display) window
provides user-selectable information about
the system. For Probing, select No. 9-force
or No. 11-depth
14. Begin probing: with probe mast
vertical, insert probe into soil until top
of window is not visible.
15. Pressing Probe button begins storing spectrum data and
auxiliary data until probe is stopped or raised. Once insertion
is initiated, do not stop or reverse unless problem has
occurred or desired depth is achieved. Data recording stops
when probe is raised. GPS and Log lights must be green for
data to be recorded.
16. While probing: watch display for following:
-Log light must be green while collecting data; if not green
stop immediately and determine problem
-GPS data light is green
-auxiliary case information—green lights and data
-system will ask to collect a dark and reference every 10
minutes—several dark and references may be required
-if system fails to respond, inspect spectra window (see
Step 12) to check if system has lost communication with
auxiliary and spectrometer cases. If system has locked,
reboot software in the following sequence: 1) exit software,
2) turn off power to cases, 3) disconnect USB’s from
computer then reconnect, 4) turn on power to cases, 5)
restart software. If restarting computer is required, exit
software, shut down computer and follow steps 2-5.