Field Reference Guide—OpticMapper
Keep with OpticMapper and refer to daily.
(Refer to Operating Instruction Manual for complete instructions)
1. Inspect unit for loose
or missing bolts, other
obvious problems
3. Check wear plate and window for excessive wear or
2. Do side depth wheels and
disks rotate freely? If not, clear
mud or other obstructions.
4. Install test load on OpticMapper external controller rear
panel—port marked Optical Power port. Turn power on and go
to data acquisition mode on DataLogger or SoilViewer.
OM values should be:
Sensor 1: 833
Sensor 2: 289
Readings are acceptable if
within 10 numbers from these.
5. Clean sapphire window and install test reference under
window. Click OM System check on Soilveiwer, or press 2
on Datalogger for OM System Check. Follow onscreen
instructions. Reference values bellow.
Sensor 1: Difference of 200 or > between dark and light reference.
Sensor 2: Difference of 90 or > between dark and light reference.
Field operations: (note: in-field adjustments may cause
shifts in sensor data)
6. Lower gauge wheels so EC
coulters and optical row unit
penetrate to desired depth.
7. Adjust top-link so implement
operates level in field position;
in rocky conditions shorten
top-link and tip implement
slightly forward to reduce
pressure on window; if soil
adheres to window, lengthen
top-link to increase pressure
on window.

Field operations:
8. Adjust front coulter so it cuts
slightly deeper than mapping
9. Adjust side depth wheels on
optical row unit to allow
deeper or shallower
mapping. Move T-handle
forward for deeper depth.
Depth wheels should be
snug, but freely moving,
against the disks. See
manual for adjustments.
When mapping:
• check depth of sensor; add weights or adjust downpressure on row unit if needed
Field operations:
10. Adjust spring pressure on
row unit as needed. With
implement lifted to reduce
pressure on springs, move
handle forward to reduce
spring pressure and back to
increase. Additional weight
may be required in hard soils.
Reduce pressure in rocky
conditions to prevent damage
to window.
11. Adjust closing wheel pressure
if needed to close slot. Pulling
handle back increases
• view OM data when unit is raised; are values within
10% of original readings when starting?
• always raise unit when turning
• make sure window is staying clean and intact
• make sure row unit side depth wheels and disks are
rotating freely, and are clear of excess mud and crop
• check furrow closing; adjust pressure as needed
• always start a new file if adjustments are made or
field conditions change
Example of varying field
conditions, date
change and/or
adjustment changes.
To fix this problem
always start a new file in
any of the above