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Reorder # 34-00222
Edition, October 1997
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V.54 Channel Loop:
mand. This loop is unidirectional and returns the DSU receive data to the DSU transmit data, and subsequently the DDS transmit data. Receive data is unaffected and
DSR and RLSD are forced Off.
Remote Channel Loop:
the RL position. This starts an internal test by replacing the DSU’s transmitted data
with the V.35 activate code to the far end DSU equipment for the proper time period.
Then a test pattern is sent to verify the looped DDS DSU’s integrity. If the transmitted pattern is received error free, the test lamp turns green . If errors are det ected, the
test lamp turns red. Normal DSU operation may resume for DCE BERT testing.
Placing the switch in the NORM position transmits the V.54 deactivate code.
This loop is activated by the receipt of the V.54 loop com-
This loop is activated by pressing the front panel switch to
Looping Diagrams
1. Introduction
Specifications ............................................................................................. 4
FCC Requirements .................................................................................... 5
Warranty .................................................................................................... 6
Ordering Information ................................................................................. 7
2. Installati on
.......................................................................... 4
............................................................................ 8
Local Loopback
Remote Channel Loop
(V.54) and Data Set Loop
Channel Loop (Mandatory Loop)
Supplied Materials ..................................................................................... 8
Unit Configuration ..................................................................................... 8
DDS Network Connection .............................................................. 10
V.35 and RS-232 Port Connection .................................................. 10
3. Operation
Testing ...................................................................................................... 13
4. Customer Service
World Wide Web........................................................................................15
........................................................ 15