Verilink 300 User Manual

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© 1997 TxPORT, All rights reser ved. No par t of th is pu blicati on may be repro ­duced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of TxPORT.
Reorder # 34-00199
Edition, October 1997
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pattern is received error free, the LED turns ‘green’. If any errors are detected, the LED turns ‘red’. Normal DSU operation may resume at this time for DCE BERT testing. Returning the test switch to ‘NORM’ transmits the V.54 deactivate code.
Normal (Unloop): When the test switch is moved from ‘LL’ back to ‘NORM’, the local loopback is removed. When the test switch is moved from ‘RL’ back to ‘NORM’, the unit sends unlo op mess age s t o the far en d u nit for si x s econds and t he rem ote lo opb ack is removed.
The following paragraphs de scribe other loops that may be initiat ed on the 300/ 310 units. Refer to the looping diagrams below for further information.
CSU Inband LLB: Each unit can be looped remotely by generating towards it a stan­dard CSU line loopb ack code (000 01 repeatin g for 5 seco nds, framed or unframed) . Once looped, the received signal from the T1 facility (NET IN) is regenerated and transmitted back to the T1 facility (NET O UT). The signal from the network is also passed to the DTE port.
CSU Inband Unloop: Each unit can be unlooped remotely by generating towards it a standard CSU lin e unloop code (001 repeating for 5 seconds, framed or unframed).
T1.403 LLB: The 300 unit supports the T1.403 line loopback command (the FDL
LLB format is 00001110 1111 1111). Once looped, the received signal from th e T1 fa­cility (NET IN) is regenerated and transmitted back to the T1 facility (NET OUT). The signal from the network is also passed to the DTE port.
T1.403 LLB Unloop: The 30 0 unit supports the T1.403 FDL line loopback unloop command messages (0 0111000 11111111 repeating).
T1.403 /54016 PLB: The 300 unit supports the T1.403 FDL payload loopback com­mand messages (00111000 11111111 repeating).
T1.403/54016 PLB Unloop: The 300 un it supports the T1.4 03 FDL payload loop­back unloop comman d message (00110010 11111111 repeating).
TxPORT makes no representation or warranties of any kind whatsoever with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Local Loopback
* Signal, frame, and CRC regeneration
Looping Diagrams
CSU Line Loop (Inband or FDL/LLB)
Remote Channel Loop (V.54)
* Signal regeneration only
Productivity 300/310 DSU/CSU (model 300 shown)
1 Send Data: This green LED lights when the SD data lead is a mark and is off
when the lead is a space. Theref ore, the LED will vary from full intensity to off depending on the rela tive number of marks and spaces.
2 Receive Data: This green LED lights when the RD data lead is a mark and is off
when the lead is a space. Theref ore, the LED will vary from full intensity to off depending on the rela tive number of marks and spaces.
3 Frame: This green LED lights when the unit is in frame synchronization with the
T1 line.
4 Error: This red LED lights if the internal alarm circuitry detects any of the fol-
lowing conditions from the incoming T1 signal: BPVs, FBEs, CRCs, loss of signal/loss of sync, or more than 175 zeros.
5 Yellow: This red LED lights if the internal alarm circuitry detects a remote (yel-
low) alarm signal from the far end terminal equipment. Thi s occurs if the far end terminal is out of sync with the T1 signal from the network.
6 Test: This amber LED remains lit if the unit is in a test mode, either by manually
depressing the loop switch or by receipt of a test command from the facility.
7 Test Switch: This 3-position switch is used as follows: Depressing the switch to
the ‘LL’ position places the unit in a local loop mod e. Data fro m the DTE is loop ed back to the DTE and is also transmitted to the network (the data from the network is open). Depressing the switch to the ‘RL’ position initiates an automated V.54 remote loop and BERT sequence of assigned data channels. The ‘TEST’ LED will be green if the test is su ccessful (the far end u nit loops and return s the data error free with the V.54 code). If errors are detected, the ‘TEST’ LED will be red.
Remote Channel Loop: Each unit can generate a far end remote channel loop by placing the test switch in the ‘RL’ position. The unit sends a V.35 loop code in the as­signed channels to the far end for two seconds fol lowed by two seconds of all ones, fol­lowed by DTE data. After four seconds, the far end should be looped.
In other words, this function starts an internal test by replacing the DSUs transmitted data with the V.54 activate code to the far end DSU equipment for the proper tim e peri­od. Then a test pattern is sent to verify the looped channel’s integrity. If the transmitted
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1. General
Specifications ................................................................................ 5
FCC Requirements ........................................................................ 6
Warranty ....................................................................................... 7
Ordering Numbers ........................................................................ 8
2. Installation ..............................................................8
Supplied Materials ........................................................................ 9
Unit Configuration ........................................................................ 9
Configuration Switch S1 ....................................................... 9
Configuration Switch S2 ....................................................... 11
Connections .................................................................................. 12
V.35 Port Connection ............................................................ 12
Network Connection .............................................................. 13
3. Operation ..............................................................13
Testing .......................................................................................... 13
4. Customer Service...................................................16
World Wide Web....................... ...... ...... ........................................16
+ 6 hidden pages