Verifone FI-01670 User Manual

Verifone general terms of agreement
Valid as of January 1, 2021
Verifone Finland Oy | Vantaankoskentie 14 | FI-01670 VANTAA | FINLAND |
Terms of Delivery and Service for Verifone Payment Terminal products and services (Settlement Agreement Terms and Conditions given separately
beginning on page 10)
1 Scope of application.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Creation and assignment of Agreement .................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Delivery of the Service or Product ............................................................................................................................................. 2
4 Providing and using the Service ................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Information security and standards ........................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Error in the Service; Service maintenance and troubleshooting................................................................................................. 3
7 Infringement of intellectual property rights ................................................................................................................................. 4
8 Identifiers .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
9 Client Details and their use ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
10 Compensation for costs and damages .................................................................................................................................... 5
11 Payments and invoicing .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
12 Suspending the Service .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
13 Termination of the Agreement ................................................................................................................................................. 6
14 Special Terms concerning Payment Terminals owned by Client ............................................................................................. 7
15 Special Terms concerning Payment Terminals included in the Service ................................................................................... 7
16 Special Terms of the Premium plus service ............................................................................................................................ 8
17 Special terms and conditions concerning the need for a substitute device .............................................................................. 8
18 Special Terms concerning short term Payment Terminal Service ............................................................................................ 8
19 Special Terms of the Verifone Reporting Service .................................................................................................................... 8
20 Point of sale interface and its Special Terms ........................................................................................................................... 9
21 Special Terms of Verifone Economic Administration Integration (EAI) ..................................................................................... 9
22 Other terms ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
23 Validity of Terms of Delivery ................................................................................................................................................... 9
General Terms of the Verifone Settlement Agreement
1. Signing the Service Agreement and applying the Vendor Terms ............................................................................................ 10
2. Definitions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
3. Functional principle of Payment Service................................................................................................................................. 11
4. Methods of payment offered by Means of Payment Providers ................................................................................................ 11
5. Vendor details ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
6. Details on payments transmitted ............................................................................................................................................ 12
7. Agreement between Vendor and Consumer .......................................................................................................................... 12
8. Vendor’s obligations............................................................................................................................................................... 14
9. Invoicing, payments and costs ............................................................................................................................................... 14
10. Providing and using the Service ........................................................................................................................................... 15
11. Vendor’s integrations ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
12. Information security .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
13. Availability of the Payment Service ...................................................................................................................................... 16
14. Impact of Means of Payment Providers ................................................................................................................................ 17
15. Complaints and liability for compensation for damages ........................................................................................................ 17
16. Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
17. Copyright and trademarks .................................................................................................................................................... 18
18. Infringement of intellectual property rights ............................................................................................................................ 18
19. Amending the Vendor Terms and assigning the Agreement ................................................................................................. 19
20. Validity of the Service Agreement, suspending the Payment Service, and ........................................................................... 19
termination and cancellation of the Service Agreement .............................................................................................................. 19
21. Applicable law and forum ................................................................ ..................................................................................... 20
ADDENDUM 1: Addendum concerning data protection .............................................................................................................. 20
Verifone Finland Oy January 1
, 2021
Verifone Finland Oy | Vantaankoskentie 14 | FI-01670 VANTAA | FINLAND |
1 Scope of application
1.1 Application of Terms of Delivery These Terms of Delivery shall apply to products and
services delivered by Verifone Finland Oy or a company in the same group of companies (hereinafter Verifone) to Client. These Terms shall be applied to all companies belonging to the same group of companies as Client to which Verifone delivers products and services. These Terms of Delivery shall apply in all cases unless otherwise agreed in writing by Client and Verifone.
2 Creation and assignment of Agreement
2.1 Creation of Agreement The Parties shall execute a written Agreement
concerning the Service. The Agreement shall be created when the Parties have signed it or when Verifone has a c c epted Clien t ’ s order.
2.2 Agreements executed by a Verifone reseller. If Verifone discovers that errors have been made in executing the Agreement, Verifone shall be entitled to rectify same. Client shall be notified immediately of any such changes. If such changes are detrimental to the status of Client, Client shall have the right to cancel the Agreement.
2.3 Assignment of Agreement Neither Party shall have the right to assign the
Agreement to a third party without the advance written consent of the other Party. From a party transferring a contract to another or third party, Verifone may charge a trade-off fee according to the price list. However, either Party shall have the right to assign the Agreement without the consent of the other Party, in full or in part, to an entity belonging to the same group of companies as the assigning Party or to a third party to which the Business Operations referred to in the Agreement are being transferred.
The assigning Party shall notify the other Party of such an assignment in advance. Moreover, Verifone shall have the right to assign any receivables pursuant to the Agreement to a third party. Following notification of such an assignment of receivables, valid payments in respect of said receivables may only be made to the assignee.
3 Delivery of the Service or Product
3.1 Time of delivery Verifone shall be obliged to deliver the Service or
Product at the time agreed or, if the delivery time has not been specifically agreed, within a reasonable time of the execution of the Agreement or the placing of the order.
3.2 Acceptance of delivery Client shall inspect the Product or Service and any
devices delivered to Client in respect of same immediately after delivery. A Delivery shall be
considered to have been accepted when Client pays the invoice submitted for said Delivery, or in any case two (2) weeks after it is delivered. Any complaints regarding a Delivery shall be submitted in writing. Complaints notwithstanding, a Delivery shall be considered to have been accepted as long as it does not contain errors as specified in section 6.1. Client shall be liable for the costs of the aforementioned inspection and of the testing of any devices and user environments not forming part of the Service, and for the costs of any actions thereby required.
3.3 Client’s d u t y to contribut e Client shall provide to Verifone the pre-installation
details needed for the delivery of each Service or Product according to the timetable agreed, in any case no later than two (2) weeks before the installation date, and shall also notify Verifone well in advance of any changes to details previously provided or to any other circumstances relevant for the providing of the Service. Such details shall be provided in a manner specified by Verifone. Client shall be responsible for the details provided to Verifone and for their correctness.
3.4 Delay due to Client Verifone shall have the right to charge the fees
defined for the Service for any period during which it has not been possible to deliver the Service for reasons due to Client. If the Service is to be delivered later than on the agreed delivery date for reasons due to Client, Verifone shall have the right to determine a suitable delivery date.
4 Providing and using the Service
4.1 Providing of the Service and changes Verifone shall deliver the Service pursuant to the
Agreement using Ve r i f o n e ’ s own m e t h ods an d i n any way that Verifone considers best and may use subcontractors in delivering the Service. Each Party
shall be liabl e for their su b c o n t r a c tors’ performanc e
as for their own. Verifone shall have the right to make changes affecting the technology and usage of the Service. If such changes require changes to be made
to Client’s equipment or software, Client shall make such c h a n g e s at Client’s o w n ex p e n s e . Verif o n e shal l
notify Client of any changes to the Service impacting Client within a reasonable time in advance, no later than two (2) months before said changes. Any changes to the content of the Service requested by Client shall be subject to a fee to be determined by Verifone.
4.2 Content of the Service and special terms applying to the Service
The content of the Service and the special terms applying to same shall be determined in the Service Agreement and its Appendices, including currently valid Verifone Service Descriptions. Any details given in product brochures or other marketing materials shall not constitute service specifications and shall not be binding upon Verifone.
Verifone Finland Oy January 1
, 2021
Verifone Finland Oy | Vantaankoskentie 14 | FI-01670 VANTAA | FINLAND |
4.3 Right of use to software and documents Ownership and IPR in any software, documents,
testing materials and information and in any amended versions thereof shall be retained by Verifone or a
third p a rty (such as V erifone’s principal or a V e r i f o ne
subcontractor), and Client shall not, except by the advance written consent of Verifone, have the right to copy, translate or modify such materials, documents or software or to allow a third party to use them, or to use the software to provide services to any third parties, unless mandatory legislation provides otherwise. Verifone hereby grants Client the right to use the software Service and Service materials delivered by Verifone pursuant to the
Agreement in Cl i e n t ’s business operations for the
duration of the validity of the Agreement. However, Client and any third parties acting on behalf of Client shall have the right to continue to use material obtained from the software Service that contains
Client’s ma t erial, and m aterial created for Cl i e nt
(such as reporting data), beyond the expiry of the Agreement. When the right of use expires, Client shall at his cost either return or, if Verifone so requests, destroy any originals and copies of material
in C l i e n t ’s p o s session, incl u d i n g st o r a g e dev i c e s a n d
4.4 Client’s devices , s o f t w a r e a n d
telecommunications connections Client shall be responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of any software and equipment not included in the Service pursuant to the Agreement. Client shall establish any telecommunications connections required for the Service and shall be liable for the costs and risks thereof in full.
4.5 Using the Payment Terminal Client shall be responsible for ensuring that only
cards issued by those card providers with which Client has signed an agreement are used in the Payment Terminal.
5 Information security and standards
5.1 Card data processing services Verifone shall commit to ensuring that the services in
which payment card data are processed (Verifone Services) comply with the mandatory information security provisions and standards valid for those payment card services at any given time.
5.2 Integrating the Payment Terminal into a POS system
If the Payment Terminal is integrated into a point of sale system (POS System) using the existing Verifone POS interface, Verifone shall commit to ensuring that the Payment Terminal does not transmit unencrypted card numbers or other sensitive card data to Clie n t ’ s POS Syst e m o r L A N .
5.3 Payment Terminals forming part of the Service Verifone shall commit to ensuring that the Payment
Terminals forming part of the Service comply with all
mandatory information security provisions and standards valid for card payment terminals throughout the Agreement Period. In case of an error or malfunction in a Payment Terminal, Verifone shall be liable as provided for in section 15.1.
5.4 Payment Terminals sold to Client Verifone shall commit to ensuring that Payment
Terminals to be sold to Client comply with all mandatory information security provisions and standards valid for card payment terminals as at the time of sale. In case of an error or malfunction in a Payment Terminal, Verifone shall be liable as provided for in section 14.3.
6 Error in the Service; Service maintenance and troubleshooting
6.1 Error in the Service The Service shall be considered to have an error if it
deviates to a material extent from the specifications determined in the Service Agreement and said deviation substantially compromises the use of the Service. Verifone does not guarantee that the Service will be available without interruption and does not guarantee that any error or interruption will be remedied within any particular period of time.
6.2 Service maintenance and troubleshooting Supplier shall maintain the Service in working order
as per the Agreement and shall remedy any errors in the Service as soon as possible. Supplier shall have the right to interrupt the providing of the Service on a temporary basis without advance notification if necessary because of an acute error impacting information security. Supplier shall notify Client of such a situation as soon as possible. Supplier shall have the right to interrupt the providing of the Service on a temporary basis by giving notice thereof at least one week in advance, if necessary for building, repairs or maintenance to same. Supplier shall endeavor to ensure that such an interruption i s brief in duration and causes as little inconvenience or damage to Client as possible.
Advance notice shall be sent through the Service user interface, on the website, or in a manner agreed separately. The liability of Verifone is limited to rectifying errors in the Service as stated above.
6.3 Limitations to maintenance Remedying an error that is beyond the control of
Verifone or that falls within the responsibility of Client shall not be covered by the Maintenance Service. Verifone shall make a separate charge for any repairs required by such an error, including but not limited to errors caused by:
6.3.1 incorrect use of the Service, negligence or carelessness in using the Service or in following maintenance instructions or environmental requirements; or
Verifone Finland Oy January 1
, 2021
Verifone Finland Oy | Vantaankoskentie 14 | FI-01670 VANTAA | FINLAND |
6.3.2 devices, data connections, software or settings not belonging to the Service, or changes or repairs made by a party other than Verifone.
6.4 Remedying an error The liability of Verifone regarding errors in the
Service shall be limited to remedying errors in the Service that fall within the responsibility of Verifone. The liability of Verifone regarding hardware errors shall be restricted to the Verifone obligations set forth in sections 14.3 and 15.1.
7 Infringement of intellectual property rights
7.1 Responsibility of Verifone for intellectual property rights
Verifone shall be responsible for ensuring that the Service it delivers does not infringe upon intellectual property rights valid in Finland during the Agreement Period.
7.2 Defense of rights If legal action is pursued against Client or claims are
presented on the basis that using the Service delivered by Verifone infringes upon an intellectual property right protected in Finland, Verifone shall undertake to defend Client against such an action or claim as it best sees fit and shall indemnify Client against any compensation ruled payable by Client. In such a matter, Client shall not have the right, except by advance written consent from Verifone, to enter into an agreement or any other arrangement to settle the matter with the party filing the legal action or claim. In order for Verifone to be held liable as described above, Client shall notify Verifone of any such claims immediately upon learning of them and at the same time shall authorize Verifone to act on Client’s behalf to saf e g u a r d Client ’ s interes t s an d shall provide Verifone with any and all information and assistance needed to manage the matter.
7.3 Rectifying an identified infringement If a claim of infringement of intellectual property
rights as described above in section 7.2 acquires legal force, or if Verifone considers it probable that it will acquire legal force, Verifone shall obtain at its own cost the right to use the relevant service or part thereof, or replace the Service with another comparable Product whose use does not infringe upon the aforementioned rights, or amend the Service so as to remove the infringement. In such a case, Verifone shall also have the right to terminate delivery of the Service without notice. The liability of Verifone for infringement of intellectual property rights shall be limited to the measures described in this chapter 7.
7.4. Limitation of liability Verifone shall not be held liable to Client for any
infringements of intellectual property rights caused by the Service having been altered or used for a purpose for which it was not designed or approved, or by the Service being used in conjunction with a
product or service delivered by another supplier or by Client himself, or by the Service being used contrary to instructions issued by Verifone.
8 Identifiers
8.1 Client’s i d e n t ifiers Verifone shall have the right, after consulting Client,
to determine the user IDs, numbers, addresses and other si m i l a r ident i f i e rs t o be a s s i gned to C l i ent’s u s e (hereinafter Identifiers).
8.2 Identifier administration Verifone shall only create one set of Identifiers for
Client for using the Service; Client shall use these to administer the identifiers of other end users.
8.3 Cha n g i n g Ident i f i e r s at Client’s re quest Client ’ s Identifiers may be c h a n g e d at C l i ent’s r e q u e s t, f or a
fee, provided that the requested change is technically possible and will not cause unreasonable inconvenience to Verifone or to any third party.
8.4 Right of Verifone to change Identifiers Verifone shall have the right to change Identifiers if:
8.4.1 so required by official orders, reasons related to delivering the Service, or other technical reasons (Verifone shall notify Client of such a change no later than two (2) months of the change coming into effect); or
8.4.2 Verifone has justifiable cause to assume that such a change is required for the information security of the Service or of Client. Verifone shall notify Client of changes made for security reasons as soon as possible. The principal notification channel shall be the e-mail address given by Client.
9 Client Details and their use
9.1 Disclosure of details Client shall supply Verifone with the details requested
by Verifone for the Service before the Service is launched (hereinafter Client Details) and verify that the details as entered are correct. Client shall notify Verifone without delay concerning any change in Client Details. Client shall be responsible for ensuring that end users of the Service declared by Client to Verifone are aware that Client Details concerning them have been disclosed to Verifone.
9.2 Disclosure of Client Details and Identifiers Verifone shall have the right to disclose Client Details
and Identifiers to such an extent as required by currently valid legislation.
Verifone Finland Oy January 1
, 2021
Verifone Finland Oy | Vantaankoskentie 14 | FI-01670 VANTAA | FINLAND |
10 Compensation for costs and damages
10.1 Negligent damages Either Party shall be liable to compensate the other
Party for any direct damage shown by the injured Party to have been caused by negligence of the offending Party. However, such liability of a Party shall be limited for each month to the portion of the monthly invoiced amount related to the part of the Service that said negligence concerns, calculated on the basis of the average over six months preceding the damage event. If the Agreement has been valid for less than six months prior to the damage event, the maximum liability for compensation shall be calculated on the basis of the average of monthly invoicing during the validity of the Agreement. If either Party should be liable to pay the other Party, pursuant to the Agreement or otherwise, a contractual penalty, refund or standard compensation the basis of whose calculation is defined in the Agreement, then the liability of the offending Party for compensation shall be limited to the amount of such a penalty or compensation. The total liability for compensation of either Party for damage caused in any one calendar year shall be limited to an amount that is six (6) times the average monthly invoicing in the year or shorter period in question, ex VAT.
10.2 Limitation of indemnity Neither Party shall be liable to compensate the other
Party for indirect damage or damage that the Party could not have reasonably anticipated. Also, neither Party shall be liable to compensate the other Party for damage caused by circumstances within the responsibility of the other Party or a third party (including but not limited to damage caused by actions of Client, a user of the Service, another telecommunications company or another service provider, or caused by any equipment, data connections or software within the responsibility of same), nor for damage caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Party (including but not limited to power fluctuations, thunderstorms, electricity supply failure, fire, water damage or other accident) If a Payment Terminal is damaged and the payment card transactions stored in its memory are lost, neither Party shall not be liable to compensate the other Party for damages thereby caused. Neither Party shall be liable to compensate the other Party for the exercising of rights pursuant to the present Agreement, including but not limited to problems caused by temporary interruptions to the Service as
referred to in sect i o n 6. 2 . Bot h Parties ’ liabi l i t y fo r
compensation shall be limited in its entirety to compensating for the damage specified in this chapter 10.
10.3 Liability for compensation concerning payment card data
Supplier’s l iability f o r in correct o r un d e l i v ered
payment card data shall cease when the company receiving payment card data that is used by Client refuses to accept outdated payment card data pursuant to its agreement with Client.
10.4 Claiming compensation Compensation for damages shall be claimed within a
reasonable period of time from when the grounds for compensation were discovered or should have been discovered, but no later than one (1) year after the alleged damage event occurred. With respect to compensation claimed for a device, the claim shall be filed within one (1) year of the device being delivered.
10.5 Errors in devices controlled by Client If Client connects faulty or disruptive devices to the
Service, in violation of section 4.4, or if a malfunction reported by Client is caused by devices, data
connections, s p e c ifications o r s o f t ware under Cli e n t ’ s
control, Client shall be liable to compensate Verifone for any damage caused and for the costs of locating such malfunctions.
11 Payments and invoicing
11.1 Fees payable for the Service Client shall pay Verifone the fees for the Service and
its use that are specified in the Tariff or the Agreement, in accordance with the Invoicing Periods specified in the Tariff or the Agreement. Service connection fees and the first Invoicing Period shall be invoiced at the time of delivery.
11.2 Fees payable for the Products Client shall pay Verifone the prices for the Products
that are specified in the Agreement or Tariff valid at any given time. Products shall be invoiced at the time of delivery. Current service charges are in the separate price list. Other charges outside of the service can be found in the same list.
11.3 Terms of payment The terms of payment shall be 14 days net. Payments
shall be made on the invoice due date at the latest. Client shall be considered to have accepted these terms by paying the invoice. If the credit limit agreed separately with Client is exceeded, or if an exceptional quantity of payments due are accumulated in any Invoicing Period, Verifone may send an extraordinary invoice to Client, deviating from the normal invoicing timetable. Verifone shall have the right to charge recovery costs and handling fees for payments in arrears, and also penalty interest at an annual rate pursuant to the Intere st Act valid at any given time, as of the due date of the invoice. If Client has not paid overdue invoices despite a notice of overdue payment and suspending of the Service, other payments for the Service that are not yet due shall also fall due.
11.4 Advance payment or collateral
Verifone shall have the ri ght to check Client’s credit
report and to demand that Client pay a mutually agreed advance payment or pledge collateral if Verifone considers it necessary for safeguarding its receivables due to Client’s cr e d i t record, pa y m ent history or other justified reason. Verifone shall not
Verifone Finland Oy January 1
, 2021
Verifone Finland Oy | Vantaankoskentie 14 | FI-01670 VANTAA | FINLAND |
pay interest on any such advance payment or collateral. Verifone shall have the right to offset any overdue receivables against such an advance payment or collateral, inclusive of penalty interest and recovery costs.
11.5 Remarks on invoices The deadline for remarks on invoices shall be eight
(8) days. Any remarks concerning an invoice shall be made in writing before the due date. Notwithstanding any remarks made, Client shall pay any undisputed portion of an invoice by the due date. If a remark is found upon inspection to be baseless, Client shall pay the invoice inclusive of penalty interest within two weeks of being informed of the outcome of the inspection.
11.6 Basic Fee Verifone shall have the right to collect a fixed, time-
based Basic Fee as per the Tariff or Agreement independently from the date of delivery of each Payment Terminal or Service component. Basic Fees shall be invoiced by Invoicing Period in advance. Basic Fees shall be payable also for any period in which the Service is suspended or in which the Payment Terminal has not been used. If the Service Agreement expires in the middle of an Invoicing Period, the Basic Fee shall be collected for the entire Invoicing Period; the Basic Fee shall not be refundable.
11.7 Invoice itemization Verifone shall, if Client so requests, provide
information on how an invoice is made up, insofar as this is possible technically and under law. If Client requests itemization that calls for repeated manual work, Verifone shall have the right to charge a fee as per the Tariff for said itemization.
11.8 Tariff amendments Verifone shall have the right to amend its Tariff and
to update the fees charged for the use of the Service. Client shall be notified in writing of any increases to the fees charged for the use of the Service, such notification being sent to the invoicing address or e­mail address most recently provided by Client. Client shall have the right to give notice to terminate the Agreement immediately when the increased fees charged for the use of the Service enter into force. If Client has a fixed-term Service Agreement, any increase in the fees charged for the use of the Service shall not enter into force until the current Agreement Period expires.
12 Suspending the Service
12.1 Client’s r i g h t to reques t s uspending of t h e
Service If the Client has an indefinite contract, Verifone may
suspend the Service for a fixed pe r i o d at Client ’ s request. A fee as per the Tariff shall be charged for the suspension and re-activation of the Service. If the Service includes any Payment Terminals or other
devices, it shall be separately agreed whether such devices should be returned temporarily to Verifone.
12.2 Verifo n e ’ s r i ght to sus p e n d t he Service Verifone shall have the right to suspend any and all
Services provided to Client if: – Client has not, despite a notice of overdue payment,
paid the overdue receivables due to Verifone, – Client is discovered to have provided false
information in connection with activating the Service, – Client exceeds a mutually separately agreed credit
limit, – Client fails to deposit an advance payment or
collateral as referred to in section 11.4 within one week of Verifone demanding such deposit,
– Client has been placed in receivership or corporate structuring or has sued or been sued for bankruptcy,
or Cli e n t has a p p l i ed f o r a p u blic s u m m o n s to C l ient’s
creditors, or Client has otherwise been found to be insolvent,
– Client has caused disruption to Verifone services or other end users and, despite being given a notice of same, continues to use malfunctioning devices or software,
– Client fails to comply with his Agreement obligations despite being given a notice of same, or commits a material breach of his Agreement obligations,
– Client has ceased to exist according to a Trade Register entry or similar official register entry, or
– Client cannot be contacted for the purpose of investigating a matter pursuant to the present Agreement.
If Client submits a written complaint about an invoice to Verifone and pays the undisputed portion of the amount invoiced, Verifone shall not suspend the Service because of non-payment of the disputed amount while the complaint is being investigated.
13 Termination of the Agreement
13.1 Agreements valid until further notice An Agreement valid until further notice may be
terminated wi t h t h r ee (3) mo n t h s ’ notice.
13.2 Client’ s r i g h t to cancel t he Agr eement
Client shall have the right to cancel the Agreement if the Service deviates substantially from that which was agreed and Verifone does not correct the error or replace the delivery within a reasonable time of Client’s written notice to that effect , or if delivery of the Service is unreasonably delayed for reasons due
to V erifone’s negligence. Client’ s right to c ancel the
Agreement shall only apply to the erroneous or delayed portion of the Service.
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, 2021
Verifone Finland Oy | Vantaankoskentie 14 | FI-01670 VANTAA | FINLAND |
13.3 Verifo n e ’ s r i ght to canc e l the Agreement Verifone shall have the right to cancel the Service
Agreement in full or in part if: – t h e Servic e has b e e n s u s p ended a t Client’ s reques t
for more than one year, – the Service has been suspended for the reas on
referred to in section 12.2 for more than one month, or
– Client has committed a material breach of his contractual obligations and has not rectified said breach within fourteen (14) days of Verifone presenting a written demand for same.
13.4 Notifications to terminate and cancel Notifications to terminate or cancel the Agreement
shall be made in writing.
13.5. Discontinuing the providing of the Service Verifone shall have the right to discontinue the
providing of the Service or an aspect of the Service for justified reasons. In such a case, Verifone shall have the right to terminate the Agreement in respect of the discontinued Service or aspect thereof by notifying Client of same within a reasonable time in a
13.6 It is not possible to break the fixed-term agreement.
Verifone is entitled to charge the remaining fixed contractual term from the merchant if the merchant terminates the fixed-term contract before the end of the fixed contract period.
14 Special Terms concerning Payment Terminals owned by Client
Sections 14.1 to 14.3 shall apply to Payment Terminals sold by Verifone to Client and to the Services provided for said devices.
14.1 Services linked to Payment Terminals When Client purchases a Payment Terminal, he shall
also order a Software License and the Verifone Routing Service.
The Software License covers the following:
software updates for the Payment Terminal client service helpline for a fee – st ora g e a n d a v ailability of Client’s pre i n s t a l lation
data at the Verifone download center – Verifone shall invoice the Software License in
advance as of the month in which the Payment Terminal is taken into use (see section 11.6).
14.2 Ownership Ownership in a Payment Terminal or other device
shall transfer to Client when the purchase price has been paid in full. If the Payment Terminal contains
software produced by Verifone, only the right of use to that software shall be granted to Client. The right of use shall remain in force as long as Client has a valid Software License
14.3 Payment Terminal warranty A Payment Terminal shall have a materials and
workmanship warranty for twelve (12) months as of the date of delivery. Verifone shall repair or replace a malfunctioning Payment Terminal or component thereof within fifteen (15) days of said Payment
Terminal be i n g delivere d to Ve r i f one’s dev i c e maintenance service. If Veri f o n e ’ s devic e
maintenance service discovers that the malfunction of the Payment Terminal is due to circumstances including (but not limited to) an accident, an outside person, a fault or disruption caused by air conditioning, electricity or lighting strike, water damage or other similar cause, or is due to changes in the circumstances of use or to the device being used in an inappropriate way, then the costs of device maintenance shall be charged from Client. Client shall be liable for the costs of transporting the
Payment Terminal. Verifon e ’ s liability for errors and
malfunctions in the Payment Terminal shall be limited
to the ‘r e p a i r and re p l a c e ’ obligati o n specified he r e
in section 14.3.
15 Special Terms concerning Payment Terminals included in the Service
Sections 15.1 to 15.3 shall apply to Payment Terminals supplied by Verifone to Client as a service subject to a monthly fee.
15.1 Malfunction of Payment Terminal If the Payment Terminal malfunctions, Client shall
deliver the malfunctioning device to the Verifone device maintenance service. Client shall be liable for the transport costs for the device. Verifone shall repair the device or provide Client with an equivalent replacement device within three (3) working days
(Mon to F r i ) . If Veri f o n e ’ s devic e m aintenance s e rv i c e
discovers that the malfunction of the Payment Terminal is due to circumstances including (but not limited to) an accident, an outside person, a fault or disruption caused by air conditioning, electricity or lighting strike, water damage or other similar cause, or is due to changes in the circumstances of use or to the device being used in an inappropriate way, then the costs of device maintenance shall be
charged f r o m Client . Verifone’s liability for er r o r s and
malfunctions in the Payment Terminal shall be limited to the ‘r e p a i r and re p l a c e ’ obligati o n specif ied here in section 15.1.
15.2 Maintenance costs After 36 months, Client shall be liable for the
maintenance costs of Payment Terminals included in the Service.
15.3 Replacing Payment Terminals If, at the time of expiry of a fixed-term Agreement, the
Payment Terminal model selected for the Service
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