Home Audio System
Please retain this manual for all future use and referenc e
Important Safety Instructions .......... ................. ................. ................. ................. .....................3-5
Introduction ...................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ..............................6
P r o d u c t O v e r v i ew . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . .7 -8
Genae ral Operation....... ............. ..................... ............. ..................... ............. ..................... ..9-14
Product Specification................... ..... ....................... ..... ....................... ..... ....................... ..... ...15
Guarantee Card .......... ......................... .................................... ......................... .......................16
For Technical Assistance
Please call
0800 422 274
When using any electrical ap paratus always observe safet y regulations and use basic safety
precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury, incl uding the following.
Rea d, Kee p and Fo llow thes e instruc tions, he eding all Wa rnings.
Kee p out of reach of you ng children. Th is apparatus is n ot suitable for use by young children or i nfirm persons w ithout
superv ision. Young chi ldre n must be sup ervised to ensu re that they do not p lay wi th the appa ratu s.
This app liance is n ot int ended for use by person s (includ ing yo ung child ren) with reduc ed phy sica l, sensor y or mental
cap abiliti es, or lack o f expe rience an d knowled ge, unles s they h ave be en given su pervisi on or instr uction concer ning use of
the appl iance by a person respo nsible for thei r safety.
WARNING. Do not insert any o bjects into any openi ngs of an ele ctrical apparatus .
WARNING. Do not touch any moving p arts of any elect rical app aratus.
WARNING! Wher e the mains p lug or an app liance couple r is used as th e disconn ect devic e, the disconne ct device s hall
rem ain re adily ope rabl e
WARNING. Do not use this apparat us near water. To avoid the r isk of fire o r electri c shock, do n ot exp ose this ap para tus to
rai n or moisture. Th e apparatu s shall not b e exposed to drip ping or spl ashes.
WARNING. No obj ects fill ed with liq uid, such a s vases, sh all be plac ed on any electri cal ap para tus.
Do not imm erse i n any li quid whil st in us e or in clean ing. Clea n only with a d amp cloth , dry with a dr y towel. Do n ot use harsh
abrasives as these m ay dam age plastic par ts.
DO NOT bloc k any ve ntilation ope nings. Keep away from curtains, n ewspape rs and restr icte d areas. In stal l in accordance
with any speci fic manufactu rer' s instruc tions. Al ways allow a s uffi cient gap around the ap para tus to avoid o verheating.
DO NOT install ne ar any h eat sources suc h as radiators, ga s heaters, s tove s or other ap paratus (i ncludin g amplifi ers) that
pro duce heat. Do not l eave i n direct su nlight.
WARNING. Do not place any na ked flame so urce, such as lig hted candles on a ny ele ctrical a pparatus.
WARNING! Connect to a suitable 100-240V ~ 5 0/60 Hz pow er supply o nly. If a c lass 1 product it m ust be connecte d to a
suitably ear thed main s socket.
Always un plug from the pow er source when any elec trical apparatus is n ot in use.
Do not abu se or damage a powe r cord . If any p ower c ord is d amaged, i t must b e replace d by the m anufact urer, it s ser vice
age nt or a simil arly qual ified person in o rder t o avoi d a haza rd. A re placeab le cor d must b e repl aced with a n authori sed
rep lacement from a n authori sed servi ce agent only.
Only use attachmen ts/a ccessor ies speci fied by the manuf acturer.
When using any e lectrical app arat us always ob serve safety regulation s and use bas ic safety precautio ns to re duce the ri sk of
fire, electr ic shock an d pers onal inju ry, including th e following.
Unp lug thi s appar atus d urin g lighteni ng storms or wh en unu sed for l ong pe riod s of time .
Atte ntio n is drawn to the enviro nmental as pects o f dispo sing of a ny batte ry.
Refe r all se rvicing to quali fied p erso nnel . Servicing is required when t he app aratus has b een da maged i n any way, such as w hen
the p ower su pply c ord or p lug is d amage d, liq uid has b een spi lled or o bject s have fal len int o the ap paratus, t he app aratus has
bee n expos ed to rain or mo istu re, do es not o perate normall y, or has been droppe d.
Do no t attempt to servic e any do uble i nsul ated ap paratus. Doubl e insu lated a pparatus requires specia list s ervi cing an d
kno wledg e to reta in the sa fety of the app aratus.
WARN ING. Do n ot use an y elec tric al apparat us out door s. If an y elec tric al app aratus is to be used ou tdoo rs, us e a suit able
Iso latin g tran sformer or Elect rica l Safety Switch (RC D).
For h ouse hold us e only, this app aratus is no t intended for commercial use.
Thi s appli ance is i ntend ed to be u sed in h ousehold and si mila r appli cati ons su ch as
- staff kitchen areas in shop s, off ices a nd other working environments;
- far m hous es
- by cl ient s in hote ls, mo tels an d othe r resid enti al typ e environments
- bed a nd brea kfast type e nviro nment s
If th e appar atus i s provided w ith a re plac eable or non replacea ble Li thium batt ery, the following appl ies
- CAU TION : Dange r of exp losi on if the batt ery is i ncorr ectl y repl aced . Repla ce onl y with t he same o r equiv alen t type .
Warning ! Disp ose of b atteries ac cording to the man ufacturers inst ructi ons.
If th is appa ratus is to be used by a th ird pa rty, please suppl y thes e instr ucti ons wit h it.
No li abili ty will b e accepted f or any personal in jury o r damag e caus ed by fa ilur e to follow these in stru ctio ns.