Veon VN3291MS, VN3292MS Instruction Manual

Model: VN3291MS
Important Safety Instructions ................................................. ................. ................. ................3 -5
Introduction ...................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .....6
..... ................. ................. .....................................................................................7
Remote Overview .. .. ................. .. .. ................. .. .. ................. .. .. ................. .. .. .. ............... .. .. .. ...8
-Genaeral operation ......................... ................. ................. ................. ................. .............10
-CD operation ..... .............. ......................... ....................................... ...........................11-12
-USB op eration ............. ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... 13
-FM T uner operat ion ........... ................. ................. ................. ................. ...........................14
-LINE In /AUX operation ... ................. ................. ................. ................. ...............................15
-Bl uet oot h ope rat ion ... ... .. ... ... . ... ... .... ... .... ... ... .. ... ... .... ... .... ... ... .. ... ... . ... ... .... ... ...1 6
Troubleshooting ... ................... ........................... ................... ................... ................... .............17
Product Specification ................... ..... ....................... ..... ............................ ..... ....................... ...18
Guarante e Card ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...............................................................................19
Pan el Overview
Basic MINI System Ope ration
For Techni cal Assistance
Please call
0800 422 274
When using any electrical ap paratus always observe safet y regulations and use basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury, incl uding the following.
Rea d, Kee p and Fo llow thes e instruc tions, he eding all Wa rnings. Kee p out of reach of you ng children. Th is apparatus is n ot suitable for use by yo ung children or i nfirm persons w ithout superv ision. Young chi ldre n must be sup ervised to ensure that they do not p lay wi th the appa ratu s. This app liance is n ot int ended for use by pe rson s (includ ing yo ung child ren) with reduc ed phy sica l, sensor y or me ntal cap abiliti es, or lack o f expe rience an d knowled ge, unles s they h ave be en given su pervisi on or instr uction concer ning use of the appl iance by a person respo nsible for thei r safety. WARNING. Do not insert any o bjects into any openi ngs of an ele ctrical a pparatus . WARNING. Do not touch any moving p arts of any elect rical app aratus. WARNING! Wher e the mains p lug or an app liance couple r is used as th e disconn ect devic e, the disconne ct device s hall rem ain re adily ope rabl e WARNING. Do not use this apparat us near water. To avo id the risk o f fire o r electri c shock, do n ot expose t his apparatus to rai n or moisture. Th e apparatu s shall not b e exposed to drip ping or spl ashes. WARNING. No obj ects fill ed with liq uid, such a s vases, sh all be plac ed on any electri cal ap para tus. Do not imm erse i n any li quid whil st in us e or in clean ing. Clea n only with a d amp cloth , dry with a dr y towel. Do n ot use harsh abrasives as these m ay dam age plastic par ts. DO NOT bloc k any ve ntilation ope nings. Keep away from curtains, n ewspape rs and restr icte d areas. In stal l in accordance with any speci fic manufactu rer' s instruc tions. Al ways allow a s uffi cient gap around the ap para tus to avoid o verheating. DO NOT install ne ar any h eat sources suc h as radiators, ga s heaters, s tove s or other ap paratus (i ncludin g amplifi ers) that pro duce heat. Do not l eave i n direct su nlight. WARNING. Do not place any na ked flame so urce, such as lig hted candles on a ny ele ctrical a pparatus. WARNING! Connect to a suit able 220-240 ~ 50 /60 Hz powe r supply on ly. If a cl ass 1 product it mu st be co nnected to a suitably ear thed main s socket. Always un plug from the pow er source when any elec trical ap paratus is n ot in use. Do not abu se or damage a powe r cord . If any p ower c ord is d amaged, i t must b e replace d by the manufact urer, it s ser vice age nt or a simil arly qual ified person in o rder t o avoi d a haza rd. A re placeab le cor d must b e replaced with a n authorised rep lacement from a n authori sed servi ce agent only. Only use attachmen ts/a ccessor ies speci fied by the manuf acturer.
When using any e lectrical app arat us always ob serve safety regulation s and use bas ic safety precautio ns to re duce the ri sk of fire, electr ic shock an d pers onal inju ry, including th e followi ng.
Unp lug thi s appar atus d urin g lighteni ng storms or wh en unu sed for l ong pe riod s of time . Atte ntio n is drawn to the enviro nmental as pects o f dispo sing of a ny batte ry. Refe r all se rvicing to quali fied p erso nnel . Servicing is required when t he app aratus has b een da maged i n any way, such as w hen the p ower su pply c ord or p lug is d amage d, liq uid has b een spi lled or o bject s have fal len int o the ap paratus, t he app aratus has bee n expos ed to rain or mo istu re, do es not o perate normall y, or has been droppe d. Do no t attempt to servic e any do uble i nsul ated ap paratus. Doubl e insu lated a pparatus requires specia list s ervi cing an d kno wledg e to reta in the sa fety of the app aratus. WARN ING. Do n ot use an y elec tric al apparat us out door s. If an y elec tric al app aratus is to be used ou tdoo rs, us e a suit able Iso latin g tran sformer or Elect rica l Safety Switch (RC D). For h ouse hold us e only, this app aratus is no t intended for commercial use. Thi s appli ance is i ntend ed to be u sed in h ousehold and si mila r appli cati ons su ch as
- staff kitchen areas in shop s, off ices a nd other working environments;
- far m hous es
- by cl ient s in hote ls, mo tels an d othe r resid enti al typ e environments
- bed a nd brea kfast type e nviro nment s If th e appar atus i s provided w ith a re plac eable or non replacea ble Li thium batt ery, the following appl ies
- CAU TION : Dange r of exp losi on if the batt ery is i ncorr ectl y repl aced . Repla ce onl y with t he same o r equiv alen t type . Warning ! Disp ose of b atteries ac cording to the man ufacturers inst ructi ons. If th is appa ratus is to be used by a th ird pa rty, please suppl y thes e instr ucti ons wit h it. No li abili ty will b e accepted f or any personal in jury o r damag e caus ed by fa ilur e to follow these in stru ctio ns.
Compatible with C D,MP3,CD-R and CD-RW.
USB inp ut fo r media playback.
Full fu nction rem ote control.
FM stereo radio tuner.
Pac kage Contents:
Thank you for purchasi ng thi s VEON audio product. Please read through this manual in full before makin g any connections and/or op erating this product. Please reta in this manual for future reference.
User manual
FM antenna
Remote control
+ 14 hidden pages