The VX25 Series Static Ventilator provides 144 square inches of Net Free Area, which will
ventilate a 500 sq ft attic. For larger attics, use two or more ventilators. Attic ventilators
operate most efficiently when air intakes are located around the eaves. At least 600 square
inches of air intake ventilation is required per unit.
1. Position unit on top of shingles, as close to the center of the roof (between the ends of
the house) and about 8" down from the ridgeline. The "low profile" housing should be
visible on only one side of the roof (Figure 1). Measure the distance from the
ridgeline to the center of the unit (this measurement will be used in Step 2).
2. From the attic side of the roof, place a mark on the roof that is a) the same distance
from the ridgeline to the center of the unit established in Step 1 and b) located halfway
between two roof rafters. Drill a hole on this mark, drilling from the attic through the
roof. This hole will be used as a “center” for the following steps.
3. Draw a reference square 25
3/8” x 25 3/8” on the roof using the drilled hole as a center.
4. Within the reference square draw a circle with a 17 3/8” diameter. Remove shingles,
nails and felt from this circle.
5. Draw another circle that is 14
7/8” in diameter, using the same centerpoint that you
used to draw the larger circle in Step 4. Cut a hole through the roof decking on this
smaller circle.
6. With the unit parallel to the ridgeline, slide the top flange of the unit up under the
shingles (some roofing nails may need to be removed). Position the unit on the
reference square. With the unit so located, apply a generous amount of roofing
compound between the flange and the shingles, approximately 1” in from the
perimeter of the flange. Secure the flange to the roof using galvanized roofing nails
following the nailing pattern in Figure 2. Nail through the shingles and flange to the
roof decking. Apply a small amount of roof cement over nails.
7. Check the installation for any water leakage by pouring water on the roof (or by using a
garden hose) around the flange. DO NOT POUR/SPRAY WATER DIRECTLY INTO
1. Position unit on the roof about 8" down from ridgeline. If using only one unit, position
the unit in the center of the roof (between the ends of the house). For two or more
units, space evenly. Be sure that the ventilator(s) are located between the roof rafters.
The "low profile" housing should be visible on only one side of the roof (Figure 1).
2. Drill a hole to mark the center of the unit(s).
3. Using the drilled hole as a centerpoint, draw a circle that is 14
7/8” in diameter. Cut a
hole through the roof decking on this circle.
4. Mount the unit in the circular hole and secure the flange into place with galvanized
roofing nails using the nailing pattern in Figure 2.
5 Install roofing felt and shingles. Leave the bottom part of the flange exposed as shown
in Figure 3.