Vemmio DS-100 Owner's Manual

double switch
MODEL: DS-100 V1.0
Thank you for c hoosing Vemmio. We welcome yo u in our cus­tomer society. Vemmio Doubl e Switch is a dual relay in- wall module. T he prod­uct works a s a transceiver and is a Z-Wave Plus en abled device. Mini size design l ets the module be easily h idden into the w all box to do not inter fere with ho use decorat ion. One of ma ny uses of the Doubl e Switch is to turn on or off th e connected fit tings and monitor p ower consump tion in real time. T he new smart re ­lay calibratio n technology can wo rk perfectly wit h many kinds of lights like: incandescent, fluorescent and LED lights.
• user manual
• Double Swi tch.
Remotely cont rol your equip ment and fitti ngs ( On/Of f ) Two channels use d separately ( 2 x 1500 W ) Monitor pow er consumpti on in real time If an overload (>1600 -1700 W) is detecte d, the modul e auto­matically cu ts off the po wered circuit Mini size desig n lets the module be ea sily hidden into the wall box
Wireless standard Z-Wa ve Plu s Frequency 868.4 0 MHz Network range 40 m indoo r/ 100 m line
of sight Operating temperature 0°C ~ 40 °C Maximum Load 6.5 A (230 VAC/120 VAC)
(Resistive load) Operating Voltage 100 to 240 VAC Control circuits Two channels 2 x 150 0 W
All work on the d evice shoul d only be carr ied out by trai ned and skilled electricians. Observe the country-specific regula­tions.
The device ha s no basic insu lation and mu st therefore be in­stalled in a way t hat protects a gainst accid ental contac t.
When insta lling a wall plate, t he distance be tween the cover ’s fixing brac kets or screw s and the con nections o f the flush­mounted Do uble Switch must be a t least 4 mm once inst alled. If the dista nce is less than 4 m m, a deeper in stallation b ox must be used. Th e fixing brackets or scre ws of the cover must not press agai nst the hous ing. Only ins ulated tools ma y be used for operation o n the device, e. g. an insulated p hase tester.
The Z-Wave button, lo cated in the front c asing, can tog gle Dou­ble Switch on an d off, add, rem ove, reset or ass ociate the sens or to Z-Wave network.
Follow the ins tructions for your Z-Wave certi fied controller to enter the desi red mode an d then follow t he instruc tions from the table be low. When power is app lied for the first time , LED flashes on an d off at 0. 5 second int ervals. It i mplies that th e Double Swi tch has not been assig ned a node ID and st arts auto inclusion . Auto inclusion wil l be executed.
Please note: f irst inclusion may va ry depending on yo ur gate­way - please se e gateway manual fo r details. Please note: Au to inclusion timeout i s 2 minute during which the node inf ormation of ex plorer fram e will be emitted once every severa l seconds . Unlike “inclu sion” func tion as show n in the table b elow, the execution of a uto inclusion is fre e from pressing th e Z-Wave button.
Function Description Annotation No node IDThe Z-Wave Controller do es
not allocat e a node ID to the Switch.
LED 2-second on, 2-second off
Inclusion*1. Put your Z-Wave control -
ler into inclus ion mode by following the instructions provided by t he controller manufacturer.
One press o ne flash LED
2. Pressing Z-Wave but ton three times within 2 seconds
will enter incl usion mode. Exclu­sion
1. Put your Z-Wave control -
ler into exclusi on mode by
following the instructions
provided by t he controller
One press o ne flash LED
1. Pressing Z-Wave but ton
three times within 2 seconds
will enter exclu sion mode.
3. Node ID h as been exclude d. LED 0.5s On , 0.5s Off (Enter a uto inclusion)
Facto ry Reset
1. Pressing Z-Wave but ton
three times within 2 seconds will enter incl usion mode.
Use this proc edure only in the even t that the prima ry controller is l ost or otherwise inoper­able.
2. Within 1 se cond, press O n/
Off button again for 5 seconds.
3. IDs are excl uded. LED 0.5s On, 0 .5s Off (Enter a uto inclusion)
1. The Dou ble Switch is an
always listen ing Z-Wave de­vice, so ass ociations can be added or r emoved by a controller at a ny time. Or If your controller requires to have the Doub le Switch send a ‘node in formation frame’ or NIF f or association s, pressing th e Z-Wave button three times within 2 seconds will cause th e Double Switch to send
LED one pres s one flash
2. There ar e 3 groups for the
Including a n ode ID allocate d by Z-Wave Controller means inclusion . Excluding a no de ID allocated by Z-Wave Contr oller means exclusion.
If the first a ttempt of exclusio n is unsuccessf ul, please repeat the proces s following all s teps carefull y.
*Please note : Always exclude a Z-wave produc t before trying to add it to a Z-Wave network .
Group ID Maximum
1 1 For group 1, th e Switch will repo rt (1)
ON/OFF st atus of Relay1 and Relay 2 (2) Instant Power Consumption (Watt) of Relay 1 and Relay2 (3) Accu­mulated Power C onsumption (K Wh) of Relay1 and Relay 2 to Group1 node.
2 1 For group 2, t he Switch will repo rt (1)
ON/OFF st atus of Relay1 (2) Inst ant Power Consu mption (Watt) of R elay1 (3) Accumulated Power Consumption (KWh) of Relay1 t o Group2 node.
3 1 For group 3, t he Switch will repo rt (1)
ON/OFF st atus of Relay2 (2) Ins tant Power Consu mption (Watt) of R elay2 (3) Accumulated Power Consumption (KWh) of Relay 2 to Group3 nod e.
Choosing a Suitable Location
1. D o not locate th e Double Switch f acing direct s unlight, humi d
or dusty pl ace.
2. T he suitable a mbient temp erature for th e Double Sw itch is
3. D o not locate the D ouble Switch near c ombustible sub stanc-
es or any sourc e of heat, e.g . fires, radiato rs, boiler etc .
4. A fter putting it into use , the body of D ouble Switch will be-
come a little b it hot.
Assembly drawings
1. P ut the Doubl e Switch into a wall b ox and conne ct the wires L ,
N to the Doubl e Switch connec tor L, N.
2. C onnect th e wall switch to t he Double Sw itch accordin g to
the above assembly drawings.
3. To manu ally turn on the Do uble Switch, pre ss and release th e
Z-Wave button. The LED w ill flash for 1 second , and the load plugged in to the Double Swi tch will become a ctive.
4. To manu ally turn off the Do uble Switch, simply p ress and re-
lease the Z-Wave button . The LED will flash fo r 1 second and the load plu gged into the D ouble Switch wil l become inac tive.
Double Swi tch support s Firmware Upda te Command
Class, it can r eceive the up dated firmwa re image sent by c on­troller via the Z-wave RF m edia.
Supported Command Classes
The Switch wil l respond to BA SIC and BINARY SWITC H com­mands that ar e part of the Z Wave sys tem.
Since the sw itch has two re lays, the Switc h will report its On/ Off stat e to the Controlle r by setting Conf iguration pa rameter 3.
Configuration parameter 3=1
Report ON w hen relay 1 ON Report OF F when relay 1 OFF
Configuration parameter 3=2
Report ON w hen relay 2 ON Report OF F when relay 2 OFF
Configura tion parameter 3 =3 (default)
Report ON w hen either relay 1 O N or relay 2 ON Report OF F when both relay 1 an d relay 2 OFF
Basic Get Com mand: [Comman d Class Basic, Ba sic Get] Basic Repor t Command:
Report O FF: [Command Clas s Basic, Basic Re port, Value =
0(0x00)] Report ON : [Command Clas s Basic, Basic Re port, Value = 255(0 xFF)]
Binary Swi tch Get Comman d: [Command Class S witch Bi­nary, Switch Bin ary Get]
Binary Swi tch Report Com mand: Report OF F: [Command Class S witch Binary, Switc h Binary
Report, Value = 0(0x00)] Report ON : [Command Clas s Switch Binary, Swit ch Binary Report, Valu e = 255(0xFF)]
Since the sw itch has two relays, the lo ad attached to the Do u­ble Switch will t urn on or off up on receipt of t he followin g commands f rom a Z-Wave Co ntroller by setting Conf iguration parameter 3.
Configuration parameter 3=1
switch ON an d OFF of relay 1
Configuration parameter 3=2
switch ON an d OFF of relay 2
Configuration parameter 3=3(default)
switch ON an d OFF both relay 1 an d relay 2
[Command Cla ss Basic, Basi c Set, Value = 1~99, 255(0xFF)]:
the load at tached to the Sw itch turns on. [Command Cla ss Basic, Basi c Set, Value = 0(0x 00)]: the load attache d to the Switch turns o ff.
[Command Cla ss Switch Binar y, Switch Binary Se t, Value = 1~99, 255(0xFF)]: the loa d attached to th e Switch turns on . [Command Cla ss Switch Binar y, Switch Binary Se t, Value = 0(0x00)]: the loa d attached to th e Switch turns of f.
2. Z-Wave’s Groups (As sociation Comm and Class Version 2)
The Switch ca n be set to send r eports t o control asso ci­ated Z-Wave devices. It sup ports 3 a ssociation g roups which every grou p has one nod e support . Group1~Grou p3 suppor t SWITCH_BINARY_REPORT,
For group 1, th e Double Switch will repo rt (1) ON/OFF st atus of Relay1 and Relay 2 (2) Instant Power Con sumption (Watt) of Relay1 and Relay2 (3 ) Accumulated Pow er Consumptio n (KWh) of Relay1 and Relay 2 to Z-Wave Controller.
For group 2, t he Double Sw itch will report (1) ON/OFF st atus of Relay1 (2) Inst ant Power Con sumption ( Watt) of Relay1 (3) Accumulate d Power Consumption (K Wh) of Relay1 to Z-Wave Controller.
For group 3, t he Double Sw itch will report (1) ON/OFF st atus of Relay2 (2) Ins tant Power Con sumption (Watt) of Relay2 (3 ) Accumulate d Power Consumption (K Wh) of Relay2 to Z-Wave Controller.
2-1 Auto report to Gro uping 1 ~3 (Maximum N ode 1)
2-1-1 O n/Off Event Repo rt
When “on” or “off” s tate has been changed, i t will send Bina ry Switch Repor t to the nodes o f Group1~3.
Binary Swi tch Report
ON:[Command Cla ss Switch Bina ry, Switch Binar y Report ,
Value =255 (0xFF)] OFF:[Comma nd Class Switc h Binary, Switch B inary Rep ort, Value =0 (0x 00)]
2-1-2 Instant Power Consum ption vary over 5% re port
When the po wer consumption o f load vary over 5% , it will send Meter repo rt to the nodes o f Group Meter Repor t Command:
[Command Cla ss Meter, Meter Report , Rate Type = 0x01, Me­ter Type = 0x01, Precision = 1 , Scale = 0x02 , Size = 4, Meter Value (W) ]
2-1-3 overload alarm report command
When DOU BLE SWITCH d etects th e overload, i t will send Alarm Repor t to the corresp ond Group.
The content of A larm Report
Alarm report command: [Command_Class_Ala rm, Alarm_Re-
port, Ala rm Type = 0x08, Alarm Level = 0x FF]
2-2 Response to Mete r Get Command
The Doubl e Switch will rep ort its (1) instant Power Con sump­tion (Watt) o r (2) accumula ted power con sumption( KWH) or (3) AC load Voltage ( V) or (4) AC load cur rent ( I ) (5) load power factor (PF ) to Z-Wave Controller aft er receive the M eter Get Command fr om Z-Wave Controller.
2-2-1 Instant Power Consum ption (Watt) of Sw itch
When recei ving Meter Get Comman d, it will report Meter Re ­port Com mand to the node a sked.
Meter Get Co mmand: [Com mand Class Me ter, Meter Get,
Scale =0x02(W)]
Meter Repor t Command:
[Command Cla ss Meter, Meter Report , Rate Type = 0x01, Me­ter Type = 0x01, Precision = 1 , Scale = 0x02 , Size = 4, Meter Value (W) ]
2-2-2 Accumulated Power Co nsumption (K W/h)
When recei ving Meter Get Comman d, it will report Meter Re ­port Com mand to the node a sked.
Meter Get Co mmand:
[Command Cla ss Meter, Meter Get, S cale = 0x00 K W/h)]
Meter Repor t Command:
[Command Cla ss Meter, Meter Repor t, Rate Type = 0x01, Me ­ter Type =0x01 , Precision = 2 , Scale = 0x 00, Size = 4, M eter Value (KWh)]
Accumulate d power consu mption (K W/h) = (Meter Value 2*65536) + (Meter Value 3 *256) + (Meter Val ue 4) = 800 .35 (KW/h )
2-2-3 Clearing accum ulated power con sumption
Whenever re-start counting the accumulated power consump­tion is need ed, you can use M eter Reset Comma nd to clear it.
Meter Reset C ommand: [Command Class Meter, Meter Reset]
2-2-4 AC load Voltage (V )
When recei ving Meter Get Comman d, it will report Meter Re ­port Com mand to the node a sked.
Meter Get Co mmand: [Comm and Class Me ter, Meter Get,
Scale =0x04(V)]
Meter Repor t Command:
[Command Cla ss Meter, Meter Report , Rate Type = 0x01, Me­ter Type = 0x01, Pre cision = 1, Sc ale = 0x04, Size = 2, Mete r Value(V)]
2-2-5 AC load current ( I )
When recei ving Meter Get Comman d, it will report Meter Re ­port Com mand to the node a sked.
Meter Get Co mmand: [Comm and Class Me ter, Meter Get,
Scale =0 x05(I)]
Meter Repor t Command:
[Command Cla ss Meter, Meter Report , Rate Type = 0x01, Me­ter Type = 0x01, Precision = 2 , Scale = 0x05 , Size = 2, Meter Value (I)]
2-2-6 load power fa ctor (PF)
When recei ving Meter Get Comman d, it will report Meter Re ­port Com mand to the node a sked.
Meter Get Co mmand: [Comm and Class Me ter, Meter Get,
Scale =0x06 (PF)]
Meter Repor t Command:
[Command Cla ss Meter, Meter Rep ort, Rate Type = 0x 01, Meter Type = 0x01 , Precision = 2, Sc ale = 0x06, Size = 1 By tes, Meter Value(PF)]
2-3 Multi Channe l Command Class Ver sion 3
DOUBLE S WITCH also suppo rts Multi Chann el command class (version 3), whi ch include BINARY_SWITCH_GET, BINARY_SWITCH_SET, BASIC_GET, BAS IC_ SE T, METER_SUPPORTED_GET, METER_RESET, METER_GET You may control or get r eport fro m 3 endpoint s of DOUBL E SWITCH.
You may get the ON/O FF state from ev ery endp oint, when endpoint s et to 1, DOUBLE SWI TCH will reply state of Relay1 . If endpoint s et to 2, DOUB LE SWITCH will re ply state of Relay 2. If endpoint s et to 3, DOU BLE SWITCH w ill reply ON (0 xFF) when eithe r Relay 1 or Relay2 is ON, repor t OFF (0x00) wh en both Relay 1 and Re lay2 are OFF. Below is a n example sh ow­ing a source en dpoint 5 sen ding a Get comm and to DOUB LE SWITCH endp oint 3.
Please note: t he below tab les prese nt informati on for the foll owing:
Source End Po int = 0x05 (this is the endp oint of
command inquirer here we assume end point is 5, if the inquirer doesn’t suport multi Channel this v alue will be 0)
(Bit Address+Destination End Point = 0x03 )
(Bit Address =0; Destinati on End Point rang e from 1~3)
Command Cla ss = 0x25 (Command_Class_Switch_Bi-
nary = 0x 25)
Command =0x02 (Switch_ Binary_Get = 0 x02)
Below is the ex ample show D OUBLE SW ITCH repor t to last command
Source End Po int = 0x03 Since the en dpoint is 3 so
DOUBLE S WITCH will reply ON(0xFF ) when either R elay 1 or Relay2 is ON , report OFF (0x0 0) when both Relay 1 a nd
Relay2 are OFF (Bit Address+Destination End Point = 0x05 )
(Bit Address = 0; Destination
End Point Command Cla ss = 0x25 (Command_Class_Switch_
Binary=0x25) Parameter 1 = 0 xFF (ON=0xFF, OFF=0x00 )
By using BINA RY_SWITCH _SE T Command o f Multi Channe l Command Cla ss Encapsul ation Comman d, you can s witch Re­lay1 ON/OFF by s etting end point to 1, or s witch Relay2 ON / OFF by settin g endpoint to 2, or s witch both Relay1 and R elay2 ON/OFF by set ting endpoin t to 3 The exampl e of the comman d shows that s witch off re lay1 of DOUBLE SWITCH
Source End Po int = 0x01 (this is the endp oit of com-
mand inquirer here
we assume edn point is 1, if the
inquirer doesn’t
suport mu lti channel, th is
value will be 0) (Bit Address+Destination End Point=0x01)
(Bit Address = 0; Destination
End Point rang e 1-3 Command Cla ss = 0x25 (Command_Class_Switch_
Binary=0x25) Command =0x01 (Switch_ Binary_S et = 0x01) Parameter 1 = 0 x00 (ON=0xF F , OFF=0x0 0)
This comman d is to ask the endpo int of DOUBLE S WITCH what kind of meter da ta can be repor ted. The exampl e shows how to get th e meter repor t type
Source End Po int = 0x01 (this is the endp oint of
command inquirer here we
assume end point is 1, if the
inquirer doesn’t support Multi
Channel this v alue will be 0) (Bit Address+Destination End
Point = 0x03 )
(Bit Address =0; Destinati on
End Point range1~3) Command Cla ss = 0x32 (Command_Cla ss_Meter_V3
= 0x32) Command =0x03 (Meter_Supp orted_Get =
Below is the ex ample show D OUBLE SW ITCH repor t to last command
Source End Po int = 0x03 (Bit Address+Destination End Point = 0x01) Command Cla ss = 0x32 Command Cla ss = 0x32
(Command_Cla ss_Meter_V3
= 0x32) Command =0x04 (Meter_Supp orted_Repo rt
= 0x04) Parameter 1 = 0 x81 (Meter Reset =1, Me ter
Typ e=0 x0 1)
Parameter 2 = 0 x75 (Scale Supp orted =
KWh +W+V+A+Powe r Facto r = 0x75)
This comman d is to reset the Acc umulated Power Co nsumption (KWh) to 0 The exampl e shows how to rese t the KWh
Source End Po int = 0x03 (this is the endp oint of com-
mand inquirer, here we assume endpoint is 3, if the inquirer doesn’t sup port multi
Channel this v alue will be 0) (Bit Address+Destination End Point = 0x01)
(Bit Address = 0; Destination
End Point = rang e 1-3 Command Cla ss = 0x32 (Command_Cla ss_Meter_V3
= 0x32) Command =0x05 (Meter Reset = 0 x05)
2-3-5 METER _GET:
Using meter get c ommand to get the K WH, W, V, I, PF from en d­point of DOU BLE SWITCH 2-3-5 -1 Get KWH from endp oint Meter_GET example:
Source End Po int = 0x05 (this is the endp oint of
command inquirer, here we
assume end point is 5, if the
inquirer doesn’t support multi
Channel this v alue will be 0) (Bit Address+Destination End
Point = 0x03 )
(Bit Address =0 ; Destination
End Point range1~3) Command Cla ss = 0x32 (Command_Cla ss_Meter_V3
= 0x32) Command =0x01 (Meter_Get = 0x 01) Parameter 1 = 0 x00 (Scale = KW H = 0X00)
Accumulated power consumption (KWH) Report example:
Source End Po int = 0x03 (Meter repo rt = Endpoint3) (Bit Address+Destination End Point = 0x05 )
(Bit Address =0; Destinati on
End Point = comm and in-
quirer’s Endpoint value) Command Cla ss = 0x32 (Command_Cla ss_Meter_V3
= 0x32) Command =0x02 (Meter_Report = 0x02) Parameter 1 = 0 x21 (Scale Bit2 = 0 , Rate Type =
0x01, Meter Type=0x01) Parameter 2 = 0 x44 (Precision = 2, S cale Bit1Bit0
= 0, Size = 4)
Accumulated Power Con-
sumption =0x000005FD =
15.33 KWh
Parameter 3 = 0 x00 Parameter 4 = 0 x00 Parameter 5 = 0 x05 Parameter 6 = 0 xFD
2-3-5-2 Get Insta nt Power Consum ption (Watt) fro m endpoint
METER_GET example:
Source End Po int = 0x05 (this is the endp oint of
command inquirer, here we
assume end point is 5, if the
inquirer doesn’t support multi
Channel this v alue will be 0) (Bit Address+Destination End Point =0x03)
(Bit Address =0:Des tination
End Point rang e 1~3) Command Cla ss = 0x32 ( Command_Class_Meter_V3
= 0x32) Command = 0 x01 (Meter_Get = 0x01) Parameter 1 = 0 x10 (Scale = W = 0x0 2)
DOUBLE S WITCH Insta nt Power Cons umption ( W) Repor t example:
Source End Po int = 0x03 (Meter repo rt = Endpoint 3) (Bit Address+Destination End Point = 0x05 )
(Bit Address =0 ; Destination
End Point = comm and in-
quirer’s Endpoint value)
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