Thank you for selecting the Vello Snap -on LCD Scree n Prote ctor. The
Snap -on LCD Scree n Prote ctor protects against abrasions, scratc hes and
mild impacts. The multi-layered optical glass is engineered with the
highest sta ndards in mult i-reective coat ing to op timize full cl arit y. No
more permane nt residue or im age ghosting , always a high-denition image .
The Vello S nap-on LCD S creen P rotec tor ha s been speci cally designed to
funct ion and t the camera m odel listed.
1. Remove t he camera’s eye pie ce
by pushing it up, aw ay from the
LCD screen.
2. Remove all protective lms and
foreig n matt ers fro m the ca mera
and the LC D screen protector.
Use a non abra sive, lint-free cloth
to wipe off any dust or smudges.
3. Separate the vi ewnder
protector and LCD screen
protector from each other.