Thank you for cho osing the Vello
FreeWave Plus Wirel ess Rem ote Shu tter
Relea se. Thi s device t riggers you r
camer a in eit her wired or wir eless m ode,
allowi ng you to tr ip the shutte r with out
distu rbing t he came ra. I t’s ideal f or tak ing
pictu res of subject s that ar e dicu lt
to appr oach, s uch as wildlife. It als o
eliminates vibrations caused by pressing
your camera’s shu tter r elea se butt on
durin g macro, close -up, an d long- expo sure
photography. The four- secon d delay
funct ion is great for se lf-p ortr aits .
The FreeWave Plus does
not require line-of-sight
alignment , as its r adio
waves pa ss thro ugh and
around o bjects such a s
walls, windows, and floors.
You can even tr igge r your
camera around corners.
The FreeWave Plus use s the 2 .4GHz
wirel ess fre quenc y for ext ended
range and reduced interference.
Your Vello FreeWave Pl us
Wireless Remote Shutter Release
Kit contains:
Wireless Transmitter
Wireless Receiver
Camera Release Cable
4 AA A Batt eries
2.4GHz Radio Frequency: Reduced
inter feren ce and imp roved wi reless
signal quality.
Extended Range: up to 00m ( 320 ft .)
16 Possible Channels: One transmitter
can tri gger m ultipl e receiv ers.
Built-in Antenna: Destruction-proof
internal antenna.
Dual-function Release: Press ha lfwa y to
focus; p ress ful ly to tri gger s hutte r.
Delayed Release: Four-seco nd delay
funct ion give s you extr a time to g et
in position.
Multi-exposure: Take multipl e shots w ith
one pres s of the tr igge r.
Long Exposure: Control th e leng th of the
exposure remotely.
Multi-function: Trigger yo ur came ra
wirele ssly or w ired. W ired tr igger ing
works e ven if the b atter y is dead or
Ver sa ti le: One rec eiver wo rks wi th dozen s
of came ra mode ls. Ju st swap o ut the
camera release cable.
LED indicators: Confirm pr e-foc us and
expos ure duri ng wire less mod e.
Set the D IP swi tch loc ated in th e batte ry
compartment of the Transmitter and
Receive r. The DIP sw itche s set a di erent
radio f requen cy for ea ch Transm itter/
Receive r pair, so tha t multip le sets o f the
FreeWave Plu s can be us ed simul tane ously.
You can use a pe n to set the D IP swi tches
to your de sired co de. Any co mbina tion
will wor k so long a s the swi tches a re set
identi cally i n both th e Transmit ter and
Receive r of a sing le FreeWave Pl us set. A
total o f 6 diere nt comb inatio ns can be
Inser t 2 AA b atter ies int o both the
Transmit ter an d Receive r.
• There a re no use r-ser vice able pa rts
inside t he devi ces. Do n ot atte mpt to
disassemble or perform any
unauthorized modification.
• Do not op erate the FreeWave P lus in
the pre sence of fl amma ble ga s or vapo rs.
• Do not ha ndle wi th wet ha nds or
immer se in or ex pose to w ater or r ain.
Failu re to obse rve th is prec aution could
result in fire or el ectr ic shoc k.
• Keep out of the reach of chi ldren . This
device c ontai ns smal l parts whic h may
pose a cho king h azar d.
• Obser ve caution when handli ng
batte ries . Batt eries may leak o r expl ode
if improperl y handl ed. Use o nly the
batte ries listed in this ma nual. M ake
cert ain to al ign bat teri es with c orrec t
• Batt erie s are pron e to leak age wh en full y
disch arged . To avoid damage to the
produc t, be s ure to remove the ba tter ies
when le aving the produ ct unattend ed for
prolon ged per iods or w hen no c harge
• Do not use or leave the devices in
condit ions of e xtreme heat , severe c old,
or high humidity.
• Turn o the ca mera’s power befo re
inser ting or removi ng the re mote cor d.
• Dispose used batteries, packaging,
and old devices i n accord ance wi th
appropriate local environmental