Vello RFW-NRP, RFW-NP, RFW-CP, RFW-CRP User manual

Thank you for cho osing t he Vello FreeWave Fus ion Pro W irele ss Shu tter/ Flash /Grou ping Re mote. This dev ice trig gers o -camer a light s remot ely fro m up to 60 0 feet (183m) aw ay.
With it s multiple groups fe ature , you can easil y configure up to three d iere nt ligh t groups, whic h can be t rig gered i ndividuall y or simultane ousl y, for a total of seven dier ent com binat ions. (Simultaneous trig gering of multiple li ght gro ups requires additi onal FreeWave Fusi on Pro Re ceivers, availa ble for pu rcha se separatel y.)
Additi onall y, the FreeWave F usion P ro incorp orat es the co nveniences of a wirel ess shu tter r elea se, allowing y ou to trip th e shut ter wit hout distur bing th e camer a. It ’s ideal for tak ing pic tures o f subjects th at are di cult to appr oach, s uch as wild life. I t also e limin ates vi brat ions caused by pressing your c amer a’s shutte r relea se but ton dur ing mac ro, clos e-up, and long-exposure photography.
The FreeWave F usion P ro Transmi tter features a hot shoe mount that s uppor ts through-the-lens (TTL) data pass-through. With th e Transmi tter m ounted onto yo ur
camer a, yo u can mou nt your c ompat ible flash direct ly onto the Trans mitter, allowi ng your ca mera t o set the appropriate flash level automatically
The FreeWave Fusion P ro doe s not require line -of- sight a lignm ent , as its r adio waves pa ss through an d around o bjec ts such as w alls , windo ws, and floors .
2.4GHz Radio Frequency: Reduced
inter fere nce and im proved w irele ss signal quality.
Extended Range: up to 600 f eet (183m)
Multi-Purpose: Use as an ind ividu al or
group w ireles s flash t rigg er, and/or a s a shutt er rele ase rem ote tr igge r.
Multiple Groups: Configure u p to thre e
dier ent ligh t group s and up to s even dierent group combinations.
Flash S ync Sp eed of up t o 1/200s: Tak e
advan tage of s ync sp eeds th at matc h the ratin g of your ca mera a ll the wa y up to 1/200 s (on compa tible c amer as only) .
Flash Wake-Up: Wake -up fu nctio n in TTL-
compatible flash units.
Ver sati le: One Re ceiver w orks w ith mul tiple
camer a and lig ht mode ls. Ju st swa p out the conn ecti ng cabl es.
Dual -Fun ction S hut ter Rel ease B utto n:
Press h alfw ay to focu s; pres s fully t o trigger shutter.
LED Ind icato rs: Co nfirm pr e-fo cus, sh utte r
relea se, fla sh wake -up, a nd flas h trig ger in wirel ess mod e.
TTL Pas s-Throug h: The Tran smitt er let s
TTL da ta tra nsfer f rom your c amer a to your co mpatib le flas h, allo wing you r camer a to set t he appr opria te flash l evel autom atica lly, in conj uncti on wit h its TTL me terin g syste m.
Your Vello FreeWave Fus ion Pro Wireless Shutter/Flash/Grouping Remote Kit contains:
Wireless Transmitter Wireless Receiver Shutt er Release Ca ble
3.5 mm M ini to 3 .5 mm Mini Studio Tri gger Cable (3.5 mm Mi ni to ¼ Phono) 4 AA A Batt erie s 2 Hot Shoe Protector s Receiver Holder
The FreeWave Fusion P ro Transm itte r features a hot shoe mount that s uppor ts TTL da ta pas s-th rough , allow ing you r camer a to set t he app ropri ate fla sh level autom atica lly, in con junc tion wi th its TTL me tering syst em. In o rder to t ake advan tage o f the TT L featu re, you w ill need fu ll TTL s uppor t via your cam era , and a compatible flash.
When transmitting dat a to the fl ash or stud io light in any way o ther than the Transmitter’s hot sh oe moun t, we recom mend us ing a ful ly manually -
contro lled fl ash. B ecau se thes e metho ds do not tr ansm it TTL setti ngs, you will need to set the power out put ma nuall y.
The FreeWave Fusion P ro is com patib le with mo st cam eras, flas h units, and st udio light s. However, for TTL p ass- throu gh via the Transmit ter, flash w ake- up funct ional ity, and /or high s hutt er spe eds, you will n eed ful l TTL su ppor t via yo ur camer a, fl ash, a nd FreeWave Fu sion P ro trigger.
For ins tance, if you h ave a Cano n came ra and you’d like to t ake adv anta ge of the
flash w ake-up featu re, you w ill nee d a Canon c amer a with T TL me tering, a compatible C anon fla sh whi ch supp ort s TTL , and a de dicat ed Can on-c ompat ible FreeWave Fus ion Pro fl ash tr igger.
Simil arly, if yo u have a Niko n came ra and you’d like to take advan tage of the flash wake- up feature, yo u will ne ed a Nikon camer a wit h TTL me teri ng, a com patible Nikon fla sh whi ch supp ort s TTL , and a dedic ated Ni kon-c ompat ible Fre eWave Fusion Pro flash trig ger.
• Ther e are no user-se rviceabl e parts inside t he devi ces. Do not att empt t o disas semb le or per form any unauthorized modification.
• Do not o pera te the FreeWave Fusion Pro in the prese nce of fla mmab le gas o r vapors.
• Do not h andle w ith wet h ands o r immer se in or expose t o water o r rain . Failu re to obse rve this precauti on could result in fire or e lect ric sho ck.
• Keep ou t of the re ach of c hildren. Thi s device c ontains sma ll par ts whi ch may pose a cho king h aza rd.
• Obse rve ca ution w hen ha ndlin g
batte ries . Bat terie s may leak or exp lode
if improperl y hand led. Use only the
batte ries l isted i n this ma nual . Make
cert ain to align ba tter ies with corr ect
• Bat teries are prone to le akag e when
fully di scharged. To avoid d amage t o the
produ ct, b e sure t o remove the bat ter ies
when le aving th e produ ct unattend ed for
prolon ged periods o r when no charg e
• Do not u se or leave t he devi ces in condit ions of e xtre me heat, seve re cold , or high humidity.
• Turn o the c amer a’s power be fore inser ting o r remov ing the re mote cord.
• Disp ose of used batt erie s, pac kagi ng, and old devices i n accord ance w ith appropriate local environmental regulations.
Hot Sho e Moun t
Shut ter Rel ease B utto n
Group I ndica tor
Tra n smi t te r
Power /
(Group) Switch
Confir matio n LED
Channel Switch
3.5 mm
Output Jack
Power /
Setting Button
Set the c hann el swi tch loc ated on t he side of the Transmitter and Re ceive r.
The cha nnel switch es set a diere nt rad io frequency fo r each Transmit ter/R eceiver set, s o that mu ltipl e sets of t he FreeWave Fusion Pro and /or additiona l Fusio n Pro Receivers ca n be used s imult aneo usly. You can set th e chann el swi tche s to your desired code; A ny comb inati on will w ork so long a s the swi tche s are set identi cally for both the Trans mitter and Receiver (s) of a singl e FreeWave Fu sion Pr o set.
Inser t 2 AA A batteries i n the Rec eiver a nd in the Transmitter.
Identical Channel
ReceiverTra n smi t te r
Turn ON the Re ceive r:
Slide t he Grou p Switc h to eit her A , B, or C and the unit wil l power up . The LE D will flash re d at 2 seco nd inte rva ls to ind icate that th e Receiver is wor king.
To power down after u se, slide the G roup Switc h back to t he O po sitio n.
Turn ON the Transmit ter:
Press a nd hold t he power b utton for 2 second s to powe r up the Tran smit ter. The Gro up Indi cator l ight will turn on and show the c urrently se lected group. The Group i ndica tor lig ht will t urn o af ter 2 second s and the Transmi tter w ill ent er Stand by mode .
To power down after u se, press and h old the powe r butt on for 2 se conds . The LE D at the top of the unit will fl ash 4 ti mes at half- secon d inter val s to indi cate th at it is powering down.
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