2.4GHz Radio Frequency: Reduced
inter fere nce and im proved w irele ss
signal quality.
Extended Range: up to 600 f eet (183m)
Multi-Purpose: Use as an ind ividu al or
group w ireles s flash t rigg er, and/or a s a
shutt er rele ase rem ote tr igge r.
Multiple Groups: Configure u p to thre e
dier ent ligh t group s and up to s even
dierent group combinations.
Flash S ync Sp eed of up t o 1/200s: Tak e
advan tage of s ync sp eeds th at matc h the
ratin g of your ca mera a ll the wa y up to
1/200 s (on compa tible c amer as only) .
Flash Wake-Up: Wake -up fu nctio n in TTL-
compatible flash units.
Ver sati le: One Re ceiver w orks w ith mul tiple
camer a and lig ht mode ls. Ju st swa p out
the conn ecti ng cabl es.
Dual -Fun ction S hut ter Rel ease B utto n:
Press h alfw ay to focu s; pres s fully t o
trigger shutter.
LED Ind icato rs: Co nfirm pr e-fo cus, sh utte r
relea se, fla sh wake -up, a nd flas h trig ger
in wirel ess mod e.
TTL Pas s-Throug h: The Tran smitt er let s
TTL da ta tra nsfer f rom your c amer a
to your co mpatib le flas h, allo wing you r
camer a to set t he appr opria te flash l evel
autom atica lly, in conj uncti on wit h its
TTL me terin g syste m.
Your Vello FreeWave Fus ion Pro Wireless
Shutter/Flash/Grouping Remote Kit
Wireless Transmitter
Wireless Receiver
Shutt er Release Ca ble
3.5 mm M ini to 3 .5 mm Mini
Studio Tri gger Cable (3.5 mm Mi ni to ¼″ Phono)
4 AA A Batt erie s
2 Hot Shoe Protector s
Receiver Holder