Vello FD-500, FD-300, FD-610, FD-200, FD-700 User manual

Thank you for cho osing a co mponent of the Vello Universal Di user Serie s. Our di user s and acce ssori es ext end the function alit y of your ca mera fl ash or port able fl ash uni t by sof tening, enhancing and focu sing you r flash i n various ligh ting situations.
This gu ide will p rovide d etai led descriptions and instructions for the Vello prod ucts l isted o n the following page. P leas e refer to the info rmati on for your s pecifi c item and follow t he instr uctions car efull y for opti mal use .
The Vello U niver sal Diuser S eries allows p hotog raph ers to u tilize a v arie ty of por table flash ac cesso ries wi th their camera equipment.
Adhesive-backed f abric faste ners a re included wit h all Vello p ortable fla sh access ories a nd shou ld be app lied to fl ash and/or c amer a equip ment only if a Vello Cinch Strap (so ld sepa rately as CAT# FD-
800) will not be utilized.
The Vello Cinch Strap (sold separ ately as CAT# FD-8 00 ) is highl y recom mende d for attaching Vell o portable fl ash accessor ies
and eliminati ng the ne ed to a x adhes ive­backed f abri c fasteners t o flash es and camera equipment.
FD -10 0 Universal Pop-up diuser
FD-200 & 210 Light Bouncer for portable flashes
FD-300, 310 & 320 Uni versal S oft box for portable flashes (Lar ge, medium & small)
FD- 400 & 410 Snoot/Reflec tor for portable flashes (Sizes: 5” and 8”)
FD-500 Fabric Softbox
FD- 600 & 610 Honeycomb grid for por table flashes
FD-700 Light Shapers
FD- 800 Vello Cinch Strap
Soft ens th e light ou tput f rom the pop-up flash on S LR cam eras
Softens harsh shadows, reduces hot spo ts and pr oduces s oft , even illumination
Compa tible w ith all c amer a mode s (Auto, Aperture Priority, etc.)
Fits mos t camer as with pop-up flashes
1. With came ra len s facin g away fro m
your bod y, slide to ngue in to hot sh oe of came ra wit h white side of to ngue facing upward.
2. Bend dius ion scre en over t o creat e a
tent- like cove ring atop the fla sh head.
3. Tu ck rec tangu lar cu tout fou nd on fro nt
diusion screen around the namepl ate area of c amer a and fa sten fir mly; yo u may need t o utiliz e enclo sed fab ric fasteners f or a secu re fit.
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