Part 2: Configuration
© 2020 Velbus
Velbus Installation Guide
© 2020 Velbus – v07 1
Table of contents
1 VELBUSLINK .................................................................................................................................................................3
Downloading and installing .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Connecting, scanning and synchronizing ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2 GETTING STARTED WITH A NEW PROJECT .....................................................................................................5
Creating a new VelbusLink project .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Changing electronic addresses ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Operating channels from within VelbusLink ................................................................................................................................. 9
Renaming the modules and channels .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Optional: Layers ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Using the detector tab .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Recap ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3 ACTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
How the system works .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Creating actions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Visualizing and modifying actions .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Explanation of the actions ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Copying actions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
The mAcro wizard .................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4 CHANGING FEEDBACK CHARACTERISTICS OF INPUT MODULES ..................................................... 18
5 FORCING AND INHIBITING ................................................................................................................................. 20
Inhibiting .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Forcing ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Priorities ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
6 CONFIGURING MODULES .................................................................................................................................... 21
7 DUAL MODE BUTTONS ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Step 1: Set up dual mode ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Step 2: Create the actions ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Ready! .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
8 MULTI BUTTON MODE ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Step 1: Configuring multi mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Step 2: Creating the actions................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Ready! .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
9 HEATING/COOLING CONTROL ......................................................................................................................... 26
1. Activate the temperature sensors ................................................................................................................................................ 26
2. Configure the thermostats ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
3. Showing the sensors on the OLED display ............................................................................................................................. 27
4. Create connections ...........................................................................................................................................................................28
5. Automatic heating and cooling .................................................................................................................................................... 29
6. Using input channels to set the heating/cooling mode (optional) ............................................................................... 30
10 CREATING AND MODIFYING PROGRAM STEPS......................................................................................... 32
a practical example ................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Heating/cooling program steps ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Part 2: configuration
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Programs versus program steps ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Wake-up and bedtimes (optional) .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Actions related to program steps and programs ....................................................................................................................... 37
Modifying the sunset and sunrise times ........................................................................................................................................ 37
11 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS............................................................................................................................................. 39
Replacing a (faulty) module ............................................................................................................................................................... 39
Firmware updates ................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Set the installation in a certain state during start-up .............................................................................................................. 40
12 TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................................. 41
General step-by-step guide ................................................................................................................................................................ 41
My relay switches off ............................................................................................................................................................................. 42
A module is not reacting as desired ................................................................................................................................................ 42
My program steps are not executed or executed at the wrong moment ....................................................................... 42
VelbusLink shows the error message ‘communication error with your installation’, does not find all modules
when syncing, shows error messages when syncing… ....................................................................................................... 43
The scan worked perfectly but now I cannot find my installation any more ................................................................ 43
The scan is over but some modules are missing ....................................................................................................................... 43
The scan is over but some modules have a red X mark on the module name ......................................................... 43
My VMB8PBU modules give a different address than the one I set ................................................................................. 43
The addresses of my modules have suddenly changed ......................................................................................................... 43
Some input channels provide a wrong “pressed” status ....................................................................................................... 44
The LEDs on some modules blink or do not respond ............................................................................................................ 44
An input module stops responding ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Automatic detection selects the wrong module; the address of the module you are expecting is probably also
attributed to another module ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
Velbus Installation Guide
© 2020 Velbus – v07 3
In this guide you will find instructions on how to configure the modules in a Velbus home automation system. For more information on Velbus hardware (installing the modules and wiring), please refer to Velbus Installation Guide, Part 1: Hardware and Cabling”.
VelbusLink is the free configuration software for Velbus. It can be downloaded from the website. To install VelbusLink on your PC (Windows only), double click the setup file and follow the standard installation procedure.
A message will appear in the upper right corner in VelbusLink when a new version is available. You will need a working internet connection.
It is important to understand the following three basic concepts in VelbusLink: connecting, scanning and synchronizing.
In VelbusLink Connecting means: making a connection between the VelbusLink software and the Velbus system (the modules) through an USB or RS232 interface module1, through the VMBHIS Home Center server, through the Signum server, the VMBUSBIP IP gateway, or through a TCP/IP server.
When choosing the Quick connecting option, a connection is automatically selected as follows:
if connection data is saved in the project file, this data will be used
if not, a USB connection is searched and automatically used if detected
if no USB connection is detected, a window will pop up with a manual connection selection option
VelbusLink can also be used without being connected to the modules. In that case, changes made can be saved to the VelbusLink project file (which is stored on your PC), and later written to the modules once a connection has been established.
To work on a VelbusLink project without being connected to the installation, the modules need to have been scanned at least once in advance (because VelbusLink identifies the modules by their serial numbers which are unique for every module). Once the installation scanned and the project saved for the first time, the project can be completed offline and later synced to the modules.
When VelbusLink scans your physical installation, it creates on your PC a set of virtual copies of the modules.
You can then configure these virtual modules and create actions between them using VelbusLink’s graphical interface. For
instance, to make a certain push button switch a relay channel, you will create a “toggle” action in VelbusLink between the button and the relay channel.
By then writing your VelbusLink project (or certain parts of it) to the physical modules (synchronizing ) these actions and other settings will then be written into the memory maps of the modules.
Synchronizing can be done in two directions: reading and writing (see below).
Part 2: configuration
© 2020 Velbus – v07 4
In VelbusLink reading means: copying the physical module’s contents to the PC. Writing means: copying the VelbusLink project from your PC to the memory maps of the modules.
Always first connect – scan – synchronize
Whenever you start VelbusLink, it is good practice to always (in this order)
1. open the project file (or start a new project)
2. connect ,
3. scan and
4. synchronize (read if you have not made changes offline, write if you have made changes offline and want to
copy those to the modules)
before doing anything else. This way you are sure that what you see on your PC coincides perfectly with what’s written into
the modules.
Velbus Installation Guide
© 2020 Velbus – v07 5
We will assume from this step on that VelbusLink is connected to a live Velbus installation with a USB cable. Make sure none of your Velbus modules are in error mode (LEDs blinking several times, pause, then blinking again). In case of errors, please refer to “Troubleshooting” on p.41 and solve the problems before continuing.
After having installed and started VelbusLink, click New or New project to start a wizard that will guide you through the process of creating a new project.
Choose a file name and folder, and click Next.
Select Connect to my existing installation and press Next.
Part 2: configuration
© 2020 Velbus – v07 6
In the following window, select Direct cable connection (RS232, USB) and press Next.
The software will automatically choose the port on which the Velbus USB module is connected. (If the USB connection is not found, try to connect the USB cable in another USB port of your PC.) The PC will now connect to the modules.
In the next window, click Next. This will make VelbusLink scan for modules and the addresses will be automatically attributed to the modules.
Velbus Installation Guide
© 2020 Velbus – v07 7
Once the scan has completed, VelbusLink will ask if you want to retrieve the module memories, or start with empty modules. We recommend (Read settings from my existing installation), as this is the only way to be sure that your project configuration in VelbusLink matches the actual configuration in the physical modules.
A window may pop up showing the progress of the memory read, after which you will be notified that your new project has been created. Press Finish to start configuring your Velbus installation.
About hexadecimal and decimal notation
In VelbusLink addresses can be represented hexadecimally (00-FF) or decimally (0-255). In this manual we will use hexadecimal representation.
The hexadecimal address FF is the same as the decimal address 255, they are only represented in a different way. The same goes for hexadecimal 1A and decimal 11, and so on. VelbusLink can be
configured to display addresses decimally or hexadecimally, according to the user’s preference (icon
- ).
All Velbus modules need to have a unique address between 01 and FE (hexadecimally) or 1 and 254 (decimally). Addresses
00 and FF (hexadecimally), or 0 and 255 (decimally) are reserved by the system. They are not to be used as addresses for active Velbus modules.
Part 2: configuration
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Auto-assigning addresses
The wizard “New project” will automatically address the modules. If you checked this option, you will not have to do
anything concerning addressing. Continue with Operating channels from within VelbusLink” on p.9.
Manually assigning addresses
If you chose to uncheck the option “Auto-assign” in the “New project” wizard, you will have to address the modules now. You can do this by selecting a random module and by pressing the Address Management icon .
In the address management window, the “automatic addressing” can also be applied. This is the easiest option as VelbusLink
will attribute a free address to every module. To do so, press Auto-assign.
If you want to auto-assign your modules individually, use button Auto next to the “address” field. A free address will be entered in the field. Accept by pressing Change.
To select the addresses yourself, enter them directly in the “address” field, and press Change.
New addresses are immediately written into the module, even without synchronizing. The addresses can be modified afterwards without affecting the system.
This way, attribute valid, unique address (01-FE hexadecimal or 01-254 decimal) to every module in the installation.
Click “Auto-assign” to assign a free
address to all unaddressed modules in the installation
Enter a free address for the
selected module with the “Auto”
Press “Change” to make the
Enter an address here if
so desired
Velbus Installation Guide
© 2020 Velbus – v07 9
You can operate a channel from within VelbusLink by right-clicking on the channel (for instance a relay channel) and choosing operate from the dropdown list. A window will pop up allowing you to operate the channel, e.g. switch a relay channel on or off.
In the example above we operate a relay channel. Not only relay channels can be operated, but also push buttons, input channels, dimmer channels, blind channels, and so on.
In a new VelbusLink project the module names are identical to the type-code (e.g. VMBGPOD or VMB4RYNO). Modules can be renamed (e.g. “VMBGPOD kitchen”). Names can be 64 characters long and may contain any alphanumerical character.
Most module names are stored only in VelbusLink and not in the modules. Newer modules now store their name too (after synchronizing).
You can rename a module in different ways:
by double-clicking on the name
by selecting the module and pressing the F2-key on your keyboard
by selecting the module and clicking on the rename icon above
by right-clicking on it and selecting Rename
Channels can be renamed in the same way. Channels names can be 16 or 64 characters long (depending of the module type and firmware version) and are always stored in the modules.
We advise to give modules and output channels meaningful names (based on their location and/or function for instance). This will make it easy to find the right modules and channels in VelbusLink when creating actions. It will also facilitate understanding the VelbusLink project if modifications need to be made later.
If you have many modules, you may want to organise them in layers, which you can hide or show in VelbusLink. You can for instance put all input modules on the ground floor in one layer, and all input modules on the first floor in another layer. You can then make these layers visible or invisible in the navigator window.
To create, manage and toggle the visibility of layers, click Layer Manager icon . This will open the Layer Manager window.
Part 2: configuration
© 2020 Velbus – v07 10
Adding a layer is done by clicking on the building block with the green “+” symbol . To delete a layer, highlight the unwanted layer and click on the building block with the red “-“ symbol . Likewise, layers can be renamed by clicking on the
building block with the pencil .
Once the layers have been created, go back to the navigator window. Modules can now be assigned (select multiple modules by holding Ctrl or Shift pressed when clicking) to a layer by selecting the module and clicking on the Assign to a layer icon
Once the modules have been assigned to layers, their visibility in VelbusLink can be toggled unchecking the checkboxes below the eye symbol.
Adding, naming or deleting a layer has no effect on the project, apart from making certain modules temporarily visible or invisible in the navigator window.
After scanning the installation, the modules will appear with their typecode in VelbusLink. A useful feature for finding modules and channels is the Detector. You can also use it for renaming channels.
Only to be used once all modules have received a valid, unique address.
Velbus Installation Guide
© 2020 Velbus – v07 11
First, check the modules you want to detect under Filter on type. Here you can filter out modules by unchecking the groups they belong to. This can be useful to ignore modules that periodically put data on the bus (like temperature or movement sensors) and that would otherwise appear without being activated by you.
When you press on a button (a button on the input module, or a local button on the relay module), the module will appear in the detector window. Both the module and the channel are detected. In the example above, button 1 on the command module with glass panel Edge Lit (VMBELO) is pressed, and then 2 buttons connected to the VMB8PBU interface .
Changing names of modules and channels here is similar as explained above under “Renaming the modules and channels on p.9.
The Detector tab is a great feature to use if you have an assistant to press buttons in the installation. If you are alone, you can walk around the house yourself and operate modules/channels in a certain order. When you return to VelbusLink, the channels will have appeared in the order you activated them and you can rename them accordingly.
In short, to get started with a new Velbus project, follow the next steps:
1. connect your Velbus installation to your PC (for instance with a USB cable to a VMBRSUSB configuration module)
2. start VelbusLink
3. click on New project and follow the wizard
4. give all modules a unique, valid address
Don’t forget to save your VelbusLink project file from time to time.
If you lose your VelbusLink project file, there’s nothing to be worried about. All actions, configurations and even channel
names will appear in your VelbusLink project, since they were saved in the modules themselves. You can simply start a new project in VelbusLink and to Synchronize > Read to recall all data. Only the module names will be lost (for all but the most recent modules).
Part 2: configuration
© 2020 Velbus – v07 12
In VelbusLink, all connections between various channels are created following the same basic pattern: initiator – action – subject.
For instance, to make a push button switch a light relay on and off (connected to a relay channel), you would create the following connection:
In the above example, the push button is the initiator and the relay channel is the subject. But any kind of channel can be an initiator or a subject. For instance, to make a relay channel lock a push button, we will create the following action between the relay channel (this time acting as initiator) and the push button (this time acting as subject):
One initiator can have more subjects, and one subject can have more initiators.
One channel can simultaneously be the initiator of an action, and subject of another action.
There are many ways of creating an action. Whichever way you choose to create actions within VelbusLink, the results that will be written to the modules are the same.
As an example, we will demonstrate the connection of an input channel (a push button) to an output channel (a relay) through an action “on/off”.
(Note that each relay channel can have a maximum of 36 actions assigned to it.)
1. Drag and drop
For a smaller installation, a simple way to create an action is to “Drag and Drop”. In the example below, push button 1 is “clicked” (click on the channel Push button 1 and keep the mouse button pressed), dragged on top of the relay channel
Hallway light, and dropped.
Doing this will cause the Action properties window to appear, and be pre-populated with the combination selected by this “drag and drop” process.
Push button
Relay channel
Relay channel
Push button
Push button
Relay channel
Relay channel
Relay channel
Push button
Relay channel
Push button
Push button
Push button
Relay channel
Relay channel
+ 32 hidden pages